/usr/share/tdiary/misc/plugin/weather.rb is in tdiary-plugin 3.2.2-3.
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= その日の天気プラグイン / Weather-of-today plugin((-$Id: weather.rb,v 1.16 2008-03-02 09:01:45 kazuhiko Exp $-))
Records the weather when the diary is first updated for the date and
displays it.
== Acknowledgements
The author appreciates National Weather Service
((<URL:http://weather.noaa.gov/>)) making such valuable data available
in public domain as described in ((<URL:http://www.noaa.gov/wx.html>)).
== Copyright
Copyright 2003 zunda <zunda at freeshell.org>
Permission is granted for use, copying, modification, distribution,
and distribution of modified versions of this work under the terms
of GPL version 2 or later.
=begin ChangeLog
* Mon Jan 14, 2008 SHIBATA Hiroshi <h-sbt@nifty.com>
- Hide output string in RSS feed.
* Mon Sep 29, 2003 zunda <zunda at freeshell.org>
- Japanese resources divided into a separate file, English resource
* Thu Jul 24, 2003 zunda <zunda at freeshell.org>
- Syntax error in drizzle fixed
* Mon Jul 21, 2003 zunda <zunda at freeshell.org>
- changed regexp literals from %r|..| to %r[..] for Ruby 1.8.x.
* Fri Jul 17, 2003 zunda <zunda at freeshell.org>
- WWW configuration interface
* Thu Jun 5, 2003 zunda <zunda at freeshell.org>
- checks the age of data
* Tue Jun 3, 2003 zunda <zunda at freeshell.org>
- ignores `... in the vicinity', thank you kosaka-san.
- now tests translations if executed as a stand alone script.
* Mon May 26, 2003 zunda <zunda at freeshell.org>
- fix typo on weaHTer.show_mobile and weHTer.show_error, thank you halchan.
* Thu May 8, 2003 zunda <zunda at freeshell.org>
- A with B, observed,
* Mon May 5, 2003 zunda <zunda at freeshell.org>
- mobile agent
* Fri Mar 28, 2003 zunda <zunda at freeshell.org>
- overcast, Thanks kotak san.
* Fri Mar 21, 2003 zunda <zunda at freeshell.org>
- mist: kiri -> kasumi, Thanks kotak san.
* Sun Mar 16, 2003 zunda <zunda at freeshell.org>
- option weather.tz, appropriate handling of timezone
* Tue Mar 11, 2003 zunda <zunda at freeshell.org>
- records: windchill, winddir with 'direction variable', gusting wind
* Mon Mar 10, 2003 zunda <zunda at freeshell.org>
- WeatherTranslator module
* Sat Mar 8, 2003 zunda <zunda at freeshell.org>
- values with units
* Fri Mar 7, 2003 zunda <zunda at freeshell.org>
- edited to work with NOAA/NWS
* Fri Feb 28, 2003 zunda <zunda at freeshell.org>
- first draft
require 'net/http'
require 'cgi'
require 'timeout'
== Classes and methods
=== WeatherTranslator module
We want Japanese displayed in a diary written in Japanese.
--- WeatherTranslator::S < String
Extension of String class. It translates itself.
--- WeatherTranslator::S.translate( table )
Translates self according to ((|table|)).
module WeatherTranslator
class S < String
def translate( table )
return '' if not self or self.empty?
table.each do |x|
if x[0] =~ self then
return S.new( S.new( $` ).translate( table ) + eval( x[1] ) + S.new( $' ).translate( table ) )
def compact
S.new( self.split( /\/+/ ).uniq.join( '/' ) )
=== Weather class
Weather of a date.
--- Weather( date )
A Weather is a weather datum for a ((|date|)) (a Time object).
--- Weather.get( url, header, items )
Gets a WWW page from the ((|url|)) providing HTTP header in the
((|header|)) hash. The page is parsed calling Weahter.parse_html.
Returns self.
--- Weather.parse_html( html, items )
Parses an HTML page ((|html|)) and stores the data into @data
according to ((|items|)).
--- Weather.to_s
Creates a line to be stored into the cache file which will be
parsed with Weather.parse method. Data are stored with the
following sequence and separated with a tab:
date(string), url, acquisition time(UNIX time) timezone, error (or empty string), item, value, ...
Each record is terminated with a new line.
--- Weather.parse( string )
--- Weather::parse( string )
Parses the ((|string|)) made by Weather.to_s and returns the
resulting Weather.
--- Weather::date_to_s( date )
Returns ((|date|)) formatted as a String used in to_s method. Used
to find a record for the date from a file.
--- Weather.to_html( show_error = false )
Returns an HTML fragment for the weather. When show_error is true,
returns an error message as an HTML fragment in case an error
occured when getting the weather.
--- Weather.to_i_html
Returns a CHTML fragment for the weather.
class Weather
attr_reader :date, :time, :url, :error, :data, :tz
# magic numbers
# edit this method according to the HTML we will get
def parse_html( html, items )
htmlitems = Hash.new
# weather data is in the 4th table in the HTML from weather.noaa.gov
table = html.scan( %r[<table.*?>(.*?)</table>]mi )[3][0]
table.scan( %r[<tr.*?>(.*?)</tr>]mi ).collect {|a| a[0]}.each do |row|
# <tr><td> *item* -> downcased </td><td> *value* </td></tr>
if %r[<td.*?>(.*?)</td>\s*<td.*?>(.*?)</td>]mi =~ row then
item = $1
value = $2
item = item.gsub( /<br>/i, '/' ).gsub( /<.*?>/m , '').strip.downcase
value = value.gsub( /<br>/i, '/' ).gsub( /<.*?>/m , '').strip
# unit conversion settings
units = []
case item
when 'conditions at'
# we have to convert the UTC time into UNIX time
if /(\d{4}).(\d\d).(\d\d)\s*(\d\d)(\d\d)\s*UTC$/ =~ value then
value = Time::utc( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 ).to_i.to_s
raise StandardError, 'Parse error in "Conditions at"'
when 'visibility' # we want to preserve adjective phrase if possible
if /(.*)([\d.]+)\s*mile(\(s\))?/i =~ value then
htmlitems["#{item}(km)"] = sprintf( '%s %.3f', $1.strip, $2.to_f * 1.610 )
htmlitems["#{item}(mile)"] = sprintf( '%s %s', $1.strip, $2 )
when 'wind' # we want to preserve adjective phrase if possible
speed = value.scan( /([\d.]+)\s*MPH/i ).collect { |x| x[0] }
htmlitems["#{item}(MPH)"] = speed.join(',')
htmlitems["#{item}(m/s)"] = speed.collect {|s| sprintf( '%.4f', s.to_f * 0.4472222 ) }.join(',')
if /([\d.]+)\s*degrees?/i =~ value then
htmlitems["#{item}(deg)"] = $1
if /from\s+(the\s+)?(\w+)/i =~ value then
htmlitems["#{item}dir"] = $2 + ($3 ? " #{$3}" : '')
if /(\(direction variable\))/i =~ value then
htmlitems["#{item}dir"] << " #{$1}"
# just have to parse the value with the units
when 'temperature'
units = ['C', 'F']
when 'windchill'
units = ['C', 'F']
when 'dew point'
units = ['C', 'F']
when 'relative humidity'
units = ['%']
when 'pressure (altimeter)'
units = ['hPa']
# parse the value with the units if preferred and possible
units.each do |unit|
if /(-?[\d.]+)\s*\(?#{unit}\b/i =~ value then
htmlitems["#{item}(#{unit})"] = $1
# record the value as read from the HTML
htmlitems[item] = value
end # if %r[<td.*?>(.*?)</td>\s*<td.*?>(.*?)</td>]mi =~ row
end # table.scan( %r[<tr.*?>(.*?)</tr>]mi ) ... do |row|
# translate the parsed HTML into the Weather hash with more generic key
items.each do |from, to|
if htmlitems[from] then
# as specified in items
@data[to] = htmlitems[from]
elsif f = from.dup.sub!( /\([^)]+\)$/, '' ) \
and htmlitems[f] \
and t = to.dup.sub!( /\([^)]+\)$/, '' ) then
# remove the units and try again if not found
@data[t] = htmlitems[f]
@time = Time::now
# check age of data
def check_age( oldest_sec = nil )
if oldest_sec and @time and @data['timestamp'] and @data['timestamp'].to_i + oldest_sec < @time.to_i then
@error = 'data too old'
def initialize( date = nil, tz = nil, conf = nil )
@conf = conf
@date = date or Time.now
@data = Hash.new
@error = nil
@url = nil
if tz and not tz.empty? then
@tz = tz
elsif ENV['TZ']
@tz = ENV['TZ']
@tz = nil
def fetch( url, limit, header )
raise ArgumentError, 'HTTP redirect too deep' if limit == 0
px_host, px_port = (@conf['proxy'] || '').split( /:/ )
px_port = 80 if px_host and !px_port
u = URI::parse( url )
Net::HTTP::Proxy( px_host, px_port ).start( u.host, u.port ) do |http|
case res = http.get( u.path, header )
when Net::HTTPSuccess
when Net::HTTPRedirection
fetch( res['location'].untaint, limit - 1 )
raise ArgumentError, res.error!
def get( url, header = {}, items = {} )
@url = url.gsub(/[\t\n]/, '')
@error = nil
timeout( WAITTIME ) do
d = @conf.to_native( fetch( url, MAXREDIRECT, header ) )
parse_html( d, items )
rescue TimeoutError
@error = 'Timeout'
@error = @conf.to_native( $!.message.gsub( /[\t\n]/, ' ' ) )
def to_s
tzstr = @tz ? " #{tz}" : ''
r = "#{Weather::date_to_s( @date )}\t#{@url}\t#{@time.to_i}#{tzstr}\t#{@error}"
@data.each do |item, value|
r << "\t#{item}\t#{value}" if value and not value.empty?
r << "\n"
def parse( string )
i = string.chomp.split( /\t/ )
y, m, d = i.shift.scan( /^(\d{4})(\d\d)(\d\d)$/ )[0]
@date = Time::local( y, m, d )
@url = i.shift
itime, @tz = i.shift.split( / +/, 2 )
@time = Time::at( itime.to_i )
error = i.shift
if error and not error.empty? then
@error = error
@error = nil
while not i.empty? do
@data[i.shift] = i.shift
def to_html( show_error = false )
@error ? (show_error ? error_html_string : '') : html_string
def to_i_html
@error ? '' : i_html_string
def store( path, date )
ddir = File.dirname( Weather::file_path( path, date ) )
# mkdir_p logic copied from fileutils.rb
# Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Minero Aoki <aamine@loveruby.net>
# and edited (zunda.freeshell.org does not have fileutils.rb T_T
dirstack = []
until FileTest.directory?( ddir ) do
dirstack.push( ddir )
ddir = File.dirname( ddir )
dirstack.reverse_each do |dir|
Dir.mkdir dir
# finally we can write a file
File::open( Weather::file_path( path, date ), 'a' ) do |fh|
fh.puts( to_s )
class << self
def parse( string )
new.parse( string )
def date_to_s( date )
date.strftime( '%Y%m%d' )
def file_path( path, date )
date.strftime( "#{path}/%Y/%Y%m.weather" ).gsub( /\/\/+/, '/' )
def restore( path, date )
r = nil
datestring = Weather::date_to_s( date )
File::open( file_path( path, date ), 'r' ) do |fh|
fh.each( "\n" ) do |l|
if /^#{datestring}\t/ =~ l then
r = l # will use the last/newest data found in the file
rescue Errno::ENOENT
r ? Weather::parse( r ) : nil
=== Methods as a plugin
weather method also can be used as a usual plug-in in your diary body.
Please note that the argument is not a String but a Time object.
--- weather( date = nil )
Returns an HTML flagment of the weather for the date. This will be
provoked as a body_enter_proc. @date is used when ((|date|)) is
--- get_weather
Access the URL to get the current weather information when:
* @mode is append or replace,
* @date is today, and
* There is no cached data without an error for today
This will be provoked as an update_proc.
Weather_default_path = "#{@cache_path}/weather"
Weather_default_items = {
# UNIX time
'conditions at' => 'timestamp',
# English phrases
'sky conditions' => 'condition',
'weather' => 'weather',
# Direction (e.g. SE)
'winddir' => 'winddir',
# English phrases when unit conversion failed, otherwise, key with (unit)
'wind(m/s)' => 'wind(m/s)',
'wind(deg)' => 'wind(deg)',
'visibility(km)' => 'visibility(km)',
'temperature(C)' => 'temperature(C)',
'windchill(C)' => 'windchill(C)',
'dew point(C)' => 'dewpoint(C)',
'relative humidity(%)' => 'humidity(%)',
'pressure (altimeter)(hPa)' => 'pressure(hPa)',
# shows weather
def weather( date = nil, wrap = true )
return '' if bot? and not @options['weather.show_robot']
path = @options['weather.dir'] || Weather_default_path
w = Weather::restore( path, date || @date )
if w then
unless @cgi.mobile_agent? then
%Q|#{wrap ? '<div class="weather">' : ' '}#{w.to_html( @options['weather.show_error'] )}#{wrap ? "</div>\n" : ''}|
%Q|<P>#{w.to_i_html if @options['weather.show_mobile']}</P>\n|
# gets weather when the diary is updated
def get_weather
return unless @options['weather.url']
return unless @mode == 'append' or @mode == 'replace'
return unless @date.strftime( '%Y%m%d' ) == Time::now.strftime( '%Y%m%d' )
path = @options['weather.dir'] || Weather_default_path
w = Weather::restore( path, @date )
if not w or w.error then
items = @options['weather.items'] || Weather_default_items
w = Weather.new( @date, @options['weather.tz'], @conf )
w.get( @options['weather.url'], @options['weather.header'] || {}, items )
if @options.has_key?( 'weather.oldest' ) then
oldest = @options['weather.oldest']
oldest = 21600
w.check_age( oldest )
w.store( path, @date )
# www configuration interface
def configure_weather
if( @mode == 'saveconf' ) then
# weather.url
@conf['weather.url'] = @cgi.params['weather.url'][0]
# weather.tz
tz = @cgi.params['weather.tz'][0]
unless tz.empty? then # need more checks
@conf['weather.tz'] = tz
@conf['weather.tz'] = ''
%w(in_title show_mobile show_robot).each do |item|
case @cgi.params["weather.#{item}"][0]
when 'true'
@conf["weather.#{item}"] = true
when 'false'
@conf["weather.#{item}"] = false
weather_configure_html( @conf )
add_header_proc do
\t<style type="text/css" media="all"><!--
\t\th2 span.weather{font-size: small;}
\t\tdiv.weather{text-align: right; font-size: 75%;}
if not feed? and not @options['weather.in_title'] then
add_body_enter_proc do |date|
weather( date )
if not feed? and @options['weather.in_title'] then
add_title_proc do |date, title|
title + weather( date, false )
add_update_proc do get_weather end
add_conf_proc( 'weather', @weather_plugin_name ) do configure_weather end
# Local Variables:
# mode: ruby
# indent-tabs-mode: t
# tab-width: 3
# ruby-indent-level: 3
# End: