/usr/share/SuperCollider/HelpSource/Classes/TabletView.schelp is in supercollider-common 1:3.6.3~repack-5.
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redirect:: implClass
summary:: A view responding to Wacom tablet
categories:: GUI>Views
related:: Classes/TabletSlider2D
An otherwise featureless view that receives extended wacom tablet data. It can also be used with a normal mouse but with less resolution.
TabletView is not implemented in Qt GUI, and is only available in other GUI kits on Mac OS X.
To use it in SwingOSC, install the JNI library:
code:: $ cp JNITablet/build/libJNITablet.jnilib /Library/Java/Extensions/ ::
or make a symbolic link:
code:: $ ln -s <absolutePathToSwingOSC>/JNITablet/build/libJNITablet.jnilib /Library/Java/Extensions/ ::
strong::Drag-and-drop:: returns and accepts a Point, describing the current x and y value.
The default link::Classes/View#-action#action:: is triggered when dragging the mouse inside the view.
All the strong::mouse actions:: ( link::Classes/View#-action#action::, link::Classes/View#-mouseDownAction#mouseDownAction::, and link::Classes/View#-mouseUpAction#mouseUpAction:: ) receive the following arguments:
## view || the view
## x || subpixel location in view
## y || subpixel location in view
## pressure || 0..1
## tiltX || -1 (max. left) ... +1 (max. right)
## tiltY || -1 (max. down) ... +1 (max. up)
## deviceID || All tablet-pointer events generated in the period between the device entering and leaving tablet proximity have the same device ID. Therefore, when working with multiple tablets / mice, you can match actions by looking at the deviceID.
## buttonNumber || 0 left, 1 right, 2 middle wheel click. see also buttonMask below.
## clickCount || double click, triple click ... most relevant for the mouseDown, but still valid for the dragged and mouseUp
## absoluteZ || the wheel on the side of some mice
## rotation || in degrees. Used for example on the "4d mouse", and the "art marker". Note: on Mac OS X 10.4.11 using an Intuos3 tablet with Art Marker, the returned value must be multiplied by 1024 to actually obtain degrees (bug?).
These additional arguments are only delivered in SwingOSC:
## absoluteX || the absolute horizontal pen position on tablet (in tablet-native high-resolution)
## absoluteY || the absolute vertical pen position on tablet (in tablet-native high-resolution)
## buttonMask || a flag mask of all buttons on the pen / tablet. you can extract each button's state using a bitAnd: buttonMask.bitAnd( 1 << n ) where n = 0, 1, 2, ...
## tanPressure || Tangential pressure is also known as barrel pressure.
If using a mouse (even a wacom) rather than a pen, the x and y will be integer pixel values, rather than subpixel floats. Wacom stylus devices have higher resolution than the screen. Pressure will be 1 for mouse down, 0 for mouse up.
METHOD:: proximityAction
note:: Only in SwingOSC GUI ::
The action will be called with the following arguments:
## view || true to indicate that a pointing device is entering the proximity of its tablet and false when it is leaving it.
## entering || true to indicate that a pointing device is entering the proximity of its tablet and false when it is leaving it.
## deviceID || All tablet-pointer events generated in the period between the device entering and leaving tablet proximity have the same device ID. Therefore, when working with multiple tablets / mice, you can match actions by looking at the deviceID.
## pointingDeviceTypes ||
0 NSUnknownPointingDevice
1 NSPenPointingDevice
2 NSCursorPointingDevice
3 NSEraserPointingDevice
## systemTabletID || If multiple tablets are connected to the system, the system-tablet ID is incremented for each subsequent one. If there is only one tablet device, its system-tablet ID is zero.
## pointingDeviceID || This index is significant for multimode (or Dual Tracking) tablets that support multiple concurrent pointing devices; the index is incremented for each pointing device that comes into proximity. Otherwise, zero is always returned.
## tabletID || Returns the USB model identifier of the tablet device associated with the receiver.
## uniqueID || Also known as tool ID, this is a unique number recorded in the chip inside every pointing device. The unique ID makes it possible to assign a specific pointing device to a specific tablet.
SUBSECTION:: Basic use
w = Window.new;
t = TabletView(w,Rect(40,40,300,300));
t.background = Color.white;
w.acceptsMouseOver = true;
f = { arg what, x, y, pressure, tiltx, tilty, deviceID, buttonNumber, clickCount,
absoluteZ, rotation, absoluteX, absoluteY, buttonMask, tanPressure;
("%: x % y % press % tiltx % tilty % clicks % absX % absY % absZ % rota % mask %\n")
what, x.round( 0.01 ), y.round( 0.01 ), pressure.round( 0.01 ),
tiltx.round( 0.01 ), tilty.round( 0.01 ), clickCount, absoluteX, absoluteY, absoluteZ,
rotation.round( 0.01 ), buttonMask
t.mouseDownAction = { arg view ... params; f.value( "down", *params )};
t.action = { arg view ... params; f.value( "drag", *params )};
t.mouseUpAction = { arg view ... params; f.value( "up ", *params )};
t.mouseOverAction = { arg view ... params; f.value( "over", *params )};
SUBSECTION:: A sound example
SynthDef("help-2DTabletSlider", {
arg freq = 440, int1 = 5, int2 = -5, ffreqInterval = 0, rq = 0.4, gate = 0.0;
var p,c,d,f;
p=Pulse.ar([ freq * int1.midiratio + f , freq, freq * int2.midiratio - f],
[c,d,c], 0.2);
RLPF.ar(Mix.ar(p),freq * ffreqInterval.midiratio,rq)
* EnvGen.kr(Env.adsr, gate, gate)
var w, v,freq,int,synth;
synth = Synth("help-2DTabletSlider");
w = Window.new.front;
freq = ControlSpec(100,3000,\exp);
int = ControlSpec(-48,48,\linear,1);
v = TabletView(w,Rect(10,10,380,380));
v.background = Color.blue.alpha_(0.2);
v.action = { arg view,x,y,pressure,tiltx,tilty;
\int1, int.map(x),
\int2, int.map(y),
\ffreqInterval, int.map(pressure),
\gate, pressure.postln
v.mouseDownAction = { arg view,x,y,pressure;
\freq , rrand(30,80).midicps,
\gate, pressure.postln
v.mouseUpAction = { arg view,x,y,pressure;
synth.set( \gate, 0.postln )
SUBSECTION:: Detecting proximity
note:: Only in SwingOSC GUI ::
w = JSCWindow.new;
t = JSCTabletView(w,Rect(40,40,300,300));
t.background = Color.white;
w.acceptsMouseOver = true;
t.proximityAction = { arg view, entering, deviceID, pointingDeviceType,
systemTabletID, pointingDeviceID, tabletID, uniqueID;
var what = if( entering, "enter", "exit " );
("%: deviceID % pointingDeviceType % systemTabletID % pointingDeviceID % tabletID % uniqueID %\n")
what, deviceID, pointingDeviceType, systemTabletID,
pointingDeviceID, tabletID, uniqueID
SUBSECTION:: JSCTabletView is a also a user view
note:: Only in SwingOSC GUI ::
var x = 150, y = 150, pressure = 0, tiltx = 0, tilty = 0, rota = 0, colr = Color.white;
w = JSCWindow.new;
t = JSCTabletView( w,Rect( 40, 40, 300, 300 ));
t.background = Color.white;
f = { arg view, argX, argY, argPressure, argTiltX, argTiltY, deviceID, buttonNumber,
clickCount, absZ, argRota;
x = argX; y = argY; pressure = argPressure;
tiltx = argTiltX; tilty = argTiltY;
rota = argRota * 1024; // * 1024 for Art Marker...
t.drawFunc = { arg view;
JPen.fillColor = colr;
JPen.fillRect( view.bounds.moveTo( 0, 0 ));
JPen.translate( x, y );
JPen.width = pressure * 10 + 0.5;
JPen.rotate( rota * pi / 180 );
JPen.skew( tiltx, tilty );
JPen.strokeOval( Rect( -100, -100, 200, 200 ));
JPen.line( -100 @ 0, 100 @ 0 );
JPen.line( 0 @ -100, 0 @ 100 );
t.mouseDownAction = f;
t.action = f;
t.mouseUpAction = f;
t.proximityAction = { arg view, entering, deviceID, pointingDeviceType;
colr = if( entering, { Color.hsv( pointingDeviceType / 4, 0.5, 1.0 )}, Color.white );
Here's a variation: make the above example respond only to a particular pen tools. For this, you need a pen that fires proximity actions and you need to know the pen's uniqueID (see link::#-proximityAction::). For example, my Art Marker has ID 127926421:
var filterUniqueID = 127926421; // put your own ID here
var filterDeviceID = -1;
var fProx, fAction;
fProx = t.proximityAction;
t.proximityAction = { arg view, entering, deviceID, pointingDeviceType,
systemTabletID, pointingDeviceID, tabletID, uniqueID;
if( uniqueID == filterUniqueID, {
filterDeviceID = deviceID; // now t.action only reacts to events from this deviceID
fProx.value( view, entering, deviceID, pointingDeviceType );
fAction = t.action;
f = { arg view, x, y, pressure, tiltX, tiltY, deviceID, buttonNumber,
clickCount, absZ, rota;
if( deviceID == filterDeviceID, {
fAction.value( view, x, y, pressure, tiltX, tiltY, deviceID, buttonNumber,
clickCount, absZ, rota );
t.mouseDownAction = f;
t.action = f;
t.mouseUpAction = f;
SUBSECTION:: An example using 'curcial' library
Instr([\minimoog,\loose],{ arg freq=440,int1=5,int2 = -5,
var p,c,d,f;
p=Pulse.ar([ freq * int1.midiratio + f , freq, freq * int2.midiratio - f],
RLPF.ar(Mix.ar(p),freq * ffreqInterval.midiratio,rq)
* EnvGen.kr(Env.adsr, gate, Latch.kr(gate,gate))
p = Patch.new([ 'minimoog', 'loose' ],[
KrNumberEditor(0.0,\gate) // override the default control
Sheet({ arg f;
var v,freq,int;
freq = ControlSpec(100,3000,\exp);
int = [-48,48,\linear,1].asSpec;
v = TabletView(f,Rect(0,0,200,200));
v.background = Color.white;
v.action = { arg view,x,y,pressure,tiltx,tilty;
p.args.at(1).value_( int.map( x / 200 ) ).changed;
p.args.at(2).value_( int.map( y / 200 ) ).changed;
p.args.at(3).value_( int.map( pressure ) ).changed;
v.mouseDownAction = { arg view,x,y,pressure;
p.args.at(0).value_( rrand(30,80).midicps ).changed;
p.args.at(5).value_( pressure ).changed;
v.mouseUpAction = { arg view,x,y,pressure;
p.args.at(5).value_( 0.0 ).changed;