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"""Procrustean rotation mapper"""
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
import numpy as np
from mvpa2.base import externals
from mvpa2.base.param import Parameter
from mvpa2.base.types import is_datasetlike
from mvpa2.mappers.projection import ProjectionMapper
from mvpa2.base import warning
if __debug__:
from mvpa2.base import debug
class ProcrusteanMapper(ProjectionMapper):
"""Mapper to project from one space to another using Procrustean
transformation (shift + scaling + rotation).
Training this mapper requires data for both source and target space to be
present in the training dataset. The source space data is taken from the
training dataset's ``samples``, while the target space is taken from a
sample attribute corresponding to the ``space`` setting of the
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Procrustes_transformation
scaling = Parameter(True, allowedtype='bool',
doc="""Estimate a global scaling factor for the transformation
(no longer rigid body)""")
reflection = Parameter(True, allowedtype='bool',
doc="""Allow for the data to be reflected (so it might not be
a rotation. Effective only for non-oblique transformations.
reduction = Parameter(True, allowedtype='bool',
doc="""If true, it is allowed to map into lower-dimensional
space. Forward transformation might be suboptimal then and
reverse transformation might not recover all original
oblique = Parameter(False, allowedtype='bool',
doc="""Either to allow non-orthogonal transformation -- might
heavily overfit the data if there is less samples than
dimensions. Use `oblique_rcond`.""")
oblique_rcond = Parameter(-1, allowedtype='float',
doc="""Cutoff for 'small' singular values to regularize the
inverse. See :class:`~numpy.linalg.lstsq` for more
svd = Parameter('numpy', allowedtype='string (numpy, scipy, dgesvd)',
doc="""Implementation of SVD to use. dgesvd requires ctypes to
be available.""")
def __init__(self, space='targets', **kwargs):
ProjectionMapper.__init__(self, space=space, **kwargs)
self._scale = None
"""Estimated scale"""
if self.params.svd == 'dgesvd' and not externals.exists('liblapack.so'):
warning("Reverting choice of svd for ProcrusteanMapper to be default "
"'numpy' since liblapack.so seems not to be available for "
self.params.svd = 'numpy'
def _train(self, source):
params = self.params
# Since it is unsupervised, we don't care about labels
datas = ()
odatas = ()
means = ()
shapes = ()
assess_residuals = __debug__ and 'MAP_' in debug.active
target = source.sa[self.get_space()].value
for i, ds in enumerate((source, target)):
if is_datasetlike(ds):
data = np.asarray(ds.samples)
data = ds
if assess_residuals:
odatas += (data,)
if i == 0:
mean = self._offset_in
mean = data.mean(axis=0)
data = data - mean
means += (mean,)
datas += (data,)
shapes += (data.shape,)
# shortcuts for sizes
sn, sm = shapes[0]
tn, tm = shapes[1]
# Check the sizes
if sn != tn:
raise ValueError, "Data for both spaces should have the same " \
"number of samples. Got %d in source and %d in target space" \
% (sn, tn)
# Sums of squares
ssqs = [np.sum(d**2, axis=0) for d in datas]
# XXX check for being invariant?
# needs to be tuned up properly and not raise but handle
for i in xrange(2):
if np.all(ssqs[i] <= np.abs((np.finfo(datas[i].dtype).eps
* sn * means[i] )**2)):
raise ValueError, "For now do not handle invariant in time datasets"
norms = [ np.sqrt(np.sum(ssq)) for ssq in ssqs ]
normed = [ data/norm for (data, norm) in zip(datas, norms) ]
# add new blank dimensions to source space if needed
if sm < tm:
normed[0] = np.hstack( (normed[0], np.zeros((sn, tm-sm))) )
if sm > tm:
if params.reduction:
normed[1] = np.hstack( (normed[1], np.zeros((sn, sm-tm))) )
raise ValueError, "reduction=False, so mapping from " \
"higher dimensionality " \
"source space is not supported. Source space had %d " \
"while target %d dimensions (features)" % (sm, tm)
source, target = normed
if params.oblique:
# Just do silly linear system of equations ;) or naive
# inverse problem
if sn == sm and tm == 1:
T = np.linalg.solve(source, target)
T = np.linalg.lstsq(source, target, rcond=params.oblique_rcond)[0]
ss = 1.0
# Orthogonal transformation
# figure out optimal rotation
if params.svd == 'numpy':
U, s, Vh = np.linalg.svd(np.dot(target.T, source),
elif params.svd == 'scipy':
# would raise exception if not present
externals.exists('scipy', raise_=True)
import scipy
U, s, Vh = scipy.linalg.svd(np.dot(target.T, source),
elif params.svd == 'dgesvd':
from mvpa2.support.lapack_svd import svd as dgesvd
U, s, Vh = dgesvd(np.dot(target.T, source),
full_matrices=True, algo='svd')
raise ValueError('Unknown type of svd %r'%(params.svd))
T = np.dot(Vh.T, U.T)
if not params.reflection:
# then we need to assure that it is only rotation
# "recipe" from
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthogonal_Procrustes_problem
# for more and info and original references, see
# http://dx.doi.org/10.1007%2FBF02289451
nsv = len(s)
s[:-1] = 1
s[-1] = np.linalg.det(T)
T = np.dot(U[:, :nsv] * s, Vh)
# figure out scale and final translation
# XXX with reflection False -- not sure if here or there or anywhere...
ss = sum(s)
# if we were to collect standardized distance
# std_d = 1 - sD**2
# select out only relevant dimensions
if sm != tm:
T = T[:sm, :tm]
self._scale = scale = ss * norms[1] / norms[0]
# Assign projection
if self.params.scaling:
proj = scale * T
proj = T
self._proj = proj
if self._demean:
self._offset_out = means[1]
if __debug__ and 'MAP_' in debug.active:
# compute the residuals
res_f = self.forward(odatas[0])
d_f = np.linalg.norm(odatas[1] - res_f)/np.linalg.norm(odatas[1])
res_r = self.reverse(odatas[1])
d_r = np.linalg.norm(odatas[0] - res_r)/np.linalg.norm(odatas[0])
debug('MAP_', "%s, residuals are forward: %g,"
" reverse: %g" % (repr(self), d_f, d_r))