/usr/share/pyshared/mumble/MumbleCtlDbus.py is in python-django-mumble 2.10-2.
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* Copyright © 2009, withgod <withgod@sourceforge.net>
* 2009-2010, Michael "Svedrin" Ziegler <diese-addy@funzt-halt.net>
* Mumble-Django is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
from PIL import Image
from struct import pack, unpack
from zlib import compress, decompress
from mctl import MumbleCtlBase
from utils import ObjectInfo
import dbus
from dbus.exceptions import DBusException
def MumbleCtlDbus( connstring ):
""" Choose the correct DBus handler (1.1.8 or legacy) to use. """
meta = dbus.Interface( dbus.SystemBus().get_object( connstring, '/' ), 'net.sourceforge.mumble.Meta' )
except DBusException:
return MumbleCtlDbus_Legacy( connstring, meta )
return MumbleCtlDbus_118( connstring, meta )
class MumbleCtlDbus_118(MumbleCtlBase):
method = "DBus"
def __init__( self, connstring, meta ):
self.dbus_base = connstring
self.meta = meta
def _getDbusMeta( self ):
return self.meta
def _getDbusServerObject( self, srvid):
if srvid not in self.getBootedServers():
raise SystemError, 'No murmur process with the given server ID (%d) is running and attached to system dbus under %s.' % ( srvid, self.meta )
return dbus.Interface( dbus.SystemBus().get_object( self.dbus_base, '/%d' % srvid ), 'net.sourceforge.mumble.Murmur' )
def getVersion( self ):
return MumbleCtlDbus_118.convertDbusTypeToNative( self.meta.getVersion() )
def getAllConf(self, srvid):
conf = self.meta.getAllConf(dbus.Int32(srvid))
info = {}
for key in conf:
if key == "playername":
info['username'] = conf[key]
info[str(key)] = conf[key]
return info
def getConf(self, srvid, key):
if key == "username":
key = "playername"
return self.meta.getConf(dbus.Int32( srvid ), key)
def setConf(self, srvid, key, value):
if key == "username":
key = "playername"
self.meta.setConf(dbus.Int32( srvid ), key, value)
def getDefaultConf(self):
conf = self.meta.getDefaultConf()
info = {}
for key in conf:
if key == "playername":
info['username'] = conf[key]
info[str(key)] = conf[key]
return info
def start( self, srvid ):
self.meta.start( srvid )
def stop( self, srvid ):
self.meta.stop( srvid )
def isBooted( self, srvid ):
return bool( self.meta.isBooted( srvid ) )
def deleteServer( self, srvid ):
srvid = dbus.Int32( srvid )
if self.meta.isBooted( srvid ):
self.meta.stop( srvid )
self.meta.deleteServer( srvid )
def newServer(self):
return self.meta.newServer()
def registerPlayer(self, srvid, name, email, password):
mumbleid = int( self._getDbusServerObject(srvid).registerPlayer(name) )
self.setRegistration( srvid, mumbleid, name, email, password )
return mumbleid
def unregisterPlayer(self, srvid, mumbleid):
self._getDbusServerObject(srvid).unregisterPlayer(dbus.Int32( mumbleid ))
def getChannels(self, srvid):
chans = self._getDbusServerObject(srvid).getChannels()
ret = {}
for channel in chans:
ret[ channel[0] ] = ObjectInfo(
id = int(channel[0]),
name = unicode(channel[1]),
parent = int(channel[2]),
links = [ int(lnk) for lnk in channel[3] ],
return ret
def getPlayers(self, srvid):
players = self._getDbusServerObject(srvid).getPlayers()
ret = {}
for playerObj in players:
ret[ int(playerObj[0]) ] = ObjectInfo(
session = int( playerObj[0] ),
mute = bool( playerObj[1] ),
deaf = bool( playerObj[2] ),
suppress = bool( playerObj[3] ),
selfMute = bool( playerObj[4] ),
selfDeaf = bool( playerObj[5] ),
channel = int( playerObj[6] ),
userid = int( playerObj[7] ),
name = unicode( playerObj[8] ),
onlinesecs = int( playerObj[9] ),
bytespersec = int( playerObj[10] )
return ret
def getRegisteredPlayers(self, srvid, filter = ''):
users = self._getDbusServerObject(srvid).getRegisteredPlayers( filter )
ret = {}
for user in users:
ret[int(user[0])] = ObjectInfo(
userid = int( user[0] ),
name = unicode( user[1] ),
email = unicode( user[2] ),
pw = unicode( user[3] )
return ret
def getACL(self, srvid, channelid):
raw_acls, raw_groups, raw_inherit = self._getDbusServerObject(srvid).getACL(channelid)
acls = [ ObjectInfo(
applyHere = bool(rule[0]),
applySubs = bool(rule[1]),
inherited = bool(rule[2]),
userid = int(rule[3]),
group = unicode(rule[4]),
allow = int(rule[5]),
deny = int(rule[6]),
for rule in raw_acls
groups = [ ObjectInfo(
name = unicode(group[0]),
inherited = bool(group[1]),
inherit = bool(group[2]),
inheritable = bool(group[3]),
add = [ int(usrid) for usrid in group[4] ],
remove = [ int(usrid) for usrid in group[5] ],
members = [ int(usrid) for usrid in group[6] ],
for group in raw_groups
return acls, groups, bool(raw_inherit)
def setACL(self, srvid, channelid, acls, groups, inherit):
# Pack acl ObjectInfo into a tuple and send that over dbus
dbus_acls = [
( rule.applyHere, rule.applySubs, rule.inherited, rule.userid, rule.group, rule.allow, rule.deny )
for rule in acls
dbus_groups = [
( group.name, group.inherited, group.inherit, group.inheritable, group.add, group.remove, group.members )
for group in groups
return self._getDbusServerObject(srvid).setACL( channelid, dbus_acls, dbus_groups, inherit )
def getBootedServers(self):
return MumbleCtlDbus_118.convertDbusTypeToNative(self.meta.getBootedServers())
def getAllServers(self):
return MumbleCtlDbus_118.convertDbusTypeToNative(self.meta.getAllServers())
def setSuperUserPassword(self, srvid, value):
self.meta.setSuperUserPassword(dbus.Int32(srvid), value)
def getRegistration(self, srvid, mumbleid):
user = self._getDbusServerObject(srvid).getRegistration(dbus.Int32(mumbleid))
return ObjectInfo(
userid = mumbleid,
name = unicode(user[1]),
email = unicode(user[2]),
pw = '',
def setRegistration(self, srvid, mumbleid, name, email, password):
return MumbleCtlDbus_118.convertDbusTypeToNative(
self._getDbusServerObject(srvid).setRegistration(dbus.Int32(mumbleid), name, email, password)
def getTexture(self, srvid, mumbleid):
texture = self._getDbusServerObject(srvid).getTexture(dbus.Int32(mumbleid))
if len(texture) == 0:
raise ValueError( "No Texture has been set." )
# this returns a list of bytes.
# first 4 bytes: Length of uncompressed string, rest: compressed data
orig_len = ( texture[0] << 24 ) | ( texture[1] << 16 ) | ( texture[2] << 8 ) | ( texture[3] )
# convert rest to string and run decompress
bytestr = ""
for byte in texture[4:]:
bytestr += pack( "B", int(byte) )
decompressed = decompress( bytestr )
# iterate over 4 byte chunks of the string
imgdata = ""
for idx in range( 0, orig_len, 4 ):
# read 4 bytes = BGRA and convert to RGBA
bgra = unpack( "4B", decompressed[idx:idx+4] )
imgdata += pack( "4B", bgra[2], bgra[1], bgra[0], bgra[3] )
# return an 600x60 RGBA image object created from the data
return Image.fromstring( "RGBA", ( 600, 60 ), imgdata)
def setTexture(self, srvid, mumbleid, infile):
# open image, convert to RGBA, and resize to 600x60
img = infile.convert( "RGBA" ).transform( ( 600, 60 ), Image.EXTENT, ( 0, 0, 600, 60 ) )
# iterate over the list and pack everything into a string
bgrastring = ""
for ent in list( img.getdata() ):
# ent is in RGBA format, but Murmur wants BGRA (ARGB inverse), so stuff needs
# to be reordered when passed to pack()
bgrastring += pack( "4B", ent[2], ent[1], ent[0], ent[3] )
# compress using zlib
compressed = compress( bgrastring )
# pack the original length in 4 byte big endian, and concat the compressed
# data to it to emulate qCompress().
texture = pack( ">L", len(bgrastring) ) + compressed
# finally call murmur and set the texture
self._getDbusServerObject(srvid).setTexture(dbus.Int32( mumbleid ), texture)
def verifyPassword( self, srvid, username, password ):
player = self.getRegisteredPlayers( srvid, username )
if not player:
return -2
plid = player.values()[0].userid
ok = MumbleCtlDbus_118.convertDbusTypeToNative(
self._getDbusServerObject(srvid).verifyPassword( dbus.Int32( plid ), password )
if ok:
return plid
return -1
def moveUser(self, srvid, sessionid, channelid):
srv = self._getDbusServerObject(srvid)
(session, ismute, isdeaf, suppressed, selfMute, selfDeaf, channel) = srv.getPlayerState(dbus.UInt32(sessionid))
srv.setPlayerState((session, ismute, isdeaf, suppressed, selfMute, selfDeaf, channelid))
def muteUser(self, srvid, sessionid, mute):
srv = self._getDbusServerObject(srvid)
(session, ismute, isdeaf, suppressed, selfMute, selfDeaf, channel) = srv.getPlayerState(dbus.UInt32(sessionid))
srv.setPlayerState((session, mute, isdeaf, suppressed, selfMute, selfDeaf, channel))
def deafenUser(self, srvid, sessionid, deaf):
srv = self._getDbusServerObject(srvid)
(session, ismute, isdeaf, suppressed, selfMute, selfDeaf, channel) = srv.getPlayerState(dbus.UInt32(sessionid))
srv.setPlayerState((session, ismute, deaf, suppressed, selfMute, selfDeaf, channel))
def kickUser(self, srvid, sessionid, reason):
srv = self._getDbusServerObject(srvid)
srv.kickPlayer(dbus.Int32(sessionid), reason )
def addChannel( self, srvid, name, parentid ):
return self._getDbusServerObject(srvid).addChannel( name, parentid )
def removeChannel( self, srvid, channelid ):
return self._getDbusServerObject(srvid).removeChannel( channelid )
def getLog( self, srvid, first=0, last=100 ):
return []
def getBans( self, srvid ):
return self._getDbusServerObject(srvid).getBans()
def renameChannel( self, srvid, channelid, name, description ):
srv = self._getDbusServerObject(srvid)
state = srv.getChannelState(channelid)
(chanid, oldname, parent, links) = srv.getChannelState(dbus.UInt32(channelid))
srv.setChannelState((chanid, name, parent, links))
def moveChannel(self, srvid, channelid, parentid):
srv = self._getDbusServerObject(srvid)
(chanid, name, parent, links) = srv.getChannelState(dbus.UInt32(channelid))
srv.setChannelState((chanid, name, parentid, links))
def sendMessage(self, srvid, sessionid, message):
return self._getDbusServerObject(srvid).sendMessage( dbus.UInt32(sessionid), message )
def sendMessageChannel(self, srvid, channelid, tree, message):
return self._getDbusServerObject(srvid).sendMessageChannel( dbus.UInt32(channelid), tree, message )
def getUptime( self, srvid):
return None
def convertDbusTypeToNative(data):
#i know dbus.* type is extends python native type.
#but dbus.* type is not native type. it's not good transparent for using Ice/Dbus.
ret = None
if isinstance(data, tuple) or type(data) is data.__class__ is dbus.Array or data.__class__ is dbus.Struct:
ret = []
for x in data:
elif data.__class__ is dbus.Dictionary:
ret = {}
for x in data.items():
ret[MumbleCtlDbus_118.convertDbusTypeToNative(x[0])] = MumbleCtlDbus_118.convertDbusTypeToNative(x[1])
if data.__class__ is dbus.Boolean:
ret = bool(data)
elif data.__class__ is dbus.String:
ret = unicode(data)
elif data.__class__ is dbus.Int32 or data.__class__ is dbus.UInt32:
ret = int(data)
elif data.__class__ is dbus.Byte:
ret = int(data)
return ret
def getUptime(self, srvid):
return None
class MumbleCtlDbus_Legacy( MumbleCtlDbus_118 ):
def getVersion( self ):
return ( 1, 1, 4, u"1.1.4" )
def setRegistration(self, srvid, mumbleid, name, email, password):
return MumbleCtlDbus_118.convertDbusTypeToNative(
self._getDbusServerObject(srvid).updateRegistration( ( dbus.Int32(mumbleid), name, email, password ) )