This package is 2.2 KB.
It is available at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/l/lxde-common/lxde_0.5.0-4ubuntu4_all.deb
View its full control file here:
Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment
This package depends on:
lxde-core (>= 0.5.0-4ubuntu4), lxappearance (>= 0.4.0), lxinput (>= 0.1.1), lxsession-edit, lxshortcut, gpicview (>= 0.1.9), lxterminal, leafpad, xarchiver, lxrandr, obconf, lxde-icon-theme
This package recommends:
lxdm | x-display-manager, chromium-browser | iceweasel | www-browser, lxmusic, menu-xdg, xserver-xorg, policykit-1-gnome, galculator, amixer, scrot
This package suggests:
lxlauncher, lxtask
This package does not conflict with any other package.
lxde 0.5.0-4ubuntu4 is in ubuntu - trusty / universe. This package's architecture is: architectureless.
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