/usr/share/javascript/dijit/place.js.uncompressed.js is in libjs-dojo-dijit 1.7.2+dfsg-1.
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define("dijit/place", [
"dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach array.map array.some
"dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.getMarginBox domGeometry.position
"dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.getComputedStyle
"dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
"dojo/_base/window", // win.body
"dojo/window", // winUtils.getBox
"." // dijit (defining dijit.place to match API doc)
], function(array, domGeometry, domStyle, kernel, win, winUtils, dijit){
// module:
// dijit/place
// summary:
// Code to place a popup relative to another node
function _place(/*DomNode*/ node, choices, layoutNode, aroundNodeCoords){
// summary:
// Given a list of spots to put node, put it at the first spot where it fits,
// of if it doesn't fit anywhere then the place with the least overflow
// choices: Array
// Array of elements like: {corner: 'TL', pos: {x: 10, y: 20} }
// Above example says to put the top-left corner of the node at (10,20)
// layoutNode: Function(node, aroundNodeCorner, nodeCorner, size)
// for things like tooltip, they are displayed differently (and have different dimensions)
// based on their orientation relative to the parent. This adjusts the popup based on orientation.
// It also passes in the available size for the popup, which is useful for tooltips to
// tell them that their width is limited to a certain amount. layoutNode() may return a value expressing
// how much the popup had to be modified to fit into the available space. This is used to determine
// what the best placement is.
// aroundNodeCoords: Object
// Size of aroundNode, ex: {w: 200, h: 50}
// get {x: 10, y: 10, w: 100, h:100} type obj representing position of
// viewport over document
var view = winUtils.getBox();
// This won't work if the node is inside a <div style="position: relative">,
// so reattach it to win.doc.body. (Otherwise, the positioning will be wrong
// and also it might get cutoff)
if(!node.parentNode || String(node.parentNode.tagName).toLowerCase() != "body"){
var best = null;
array.some(choices, function(choice){
var corner = choice.corner;
var pos = choice.pos;
var overflow = 0;
// calculate amount of space available given specified position of node
var spaceAvailable = {
w: {
'L': view.l + view.w - pos.x,
'R': pos.x - view.l,
'M': view.w
h: {
'T': view.t + view.h - pos.y,
'B': pos.y - view.t,
'M': view.h
// configure node to be displayed in given position relative to button
// (need to do this in order to get an accurate size for the node, because
// a tooltip's size changes based on position, due to triangle)
var res = layoutNode(node, choice.aroundCorner, corner, spaceAvailable, aroundNodeCoords);
overflow = typeof res == "undefined" ? 0 : res;
// get node's size
var style = node.style;
var oldDisplay = style.display;
var oldVis = style.visibility;
if(style.display == "none"){
style.visibility = "hidden";
style.display = "";
var mb = domGeometry. getMarginBox(node);
style.display = oldDisplay;
style.visibility = oldVis;
// coordinates and size of node with specified corner placed at pos,
// and clipped by viewport
startXpos = {
'L': pos.x,
'R': pos.x - mb.w,
'M': Math.max(view.l, Math.min(view.l + view.w, pos.x + (mb.w >> 1)) - mb.w) // M orientation is more flexible
startYpos = {
'T': pos.y,
'B': pos.y - mb.h,
'M': Math.max(view.t, Math.min(view.t + view.h, pos.y + (mb.h >> 1)) - mb.h)
startX = Math.max(view.l, startXpos),
startY = Math.max(view.t, startYpos),
endX = Math.min(view.l + view.w, startXpos + mb.w),
endY = Math.min(view.t + view.h, startYpos + mb.h),
width = endX - startX,
height = endY - startY;
overflow += (mb.w - width) + (mb.h - height);
if(best == null || overflow < best.overflow){
best = {
corner: corner,
aroundCorner: choice.aroundCorner,
x: startX,
y: startY,
w: width,
h: height,
overflow: overflow,
spaceAvailable: spaceAvailable
return !overflow;
// In case the best position is not the last one we checked, need to call
// layoutNode() again.
if(best.overflow && layoutNode){
layoutNode(node, best.aroundCorner, best.corner, best.spaceAvailable, aroundNodeCoords);
// And then position the node. Do this last, after the layoutNode() above
// has sized the node, due to browser quirks when the viewport is scrolled
// (specifically that a Tooltip will shrink to fit as though the window was
// scrolled to the left).
// In RTL mode, set style.right rather than style.left so in the common case,
// window resizes move the popup along with the aroundNode.
var l = domGeometry.isBodyLtr(),
s = node.style;
s.top = best.y + "px";
s[l ? "left" : "right"] = (l ? best.x : view.w - best.x - best.w) + "px";
s[l ? "right" : "left"] = "auto"; // needed for FF or else tooltip goes to far left
return best;
dijit.place.__Position = function(){
// x: Integer
// horizontal coordinate in pixels, relative to document body
// y: Integer
// vertical coordinate in pixels, relative to document body
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
dijit.place.__Rectangle = function(){
// x: Integer
// horizontal offset in pixels, relative to document body
// y: Integer
// vertical offset in pixels, relative to document body
// w: Integer
// width in pixels. Can also be specified as "width" for backwards-compatibility.
// h: Integer
// height in pixels. Can also be specified as "height" from backwards-compatibility.
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
return (dijit.place = {
// summary:
// Code to place a DOMNode relative to another DOMNode.
// Load using require(["dijit/place"], function(place){ ... }).
at: function(node, pos, corners, padding){
// summary:
// Positions one of the node's corners at specified position
// such that node is fully visible in viewport.
// description:
// NOTE: node is assumed to be absolutely or relatively positioned.
// node: DOMNode
// The node to position
// pos: dijit.place.__Position
// Object like {x: 10, y: 20}
// corners: String[]
// Array of Strings representing order to try corners in, like ["TR", "BL"].
// Possible values are:
// * "BL" - bottom left
// * "BR" - bottom right
// * "TL" - top left
// * "TR" - top right
// padding: dijit.place.__Position?
// optional param to set padding, to put some buffer around the element you want to position.
// example:
// Try to place node's top right corner at (10,20).
// If that makes node go (partially) off screen, then try placing
// bottom left corner at (10,20).
// | place(node, {x: 10, y: 20}, ["TR", "BL"])
var choices = array.map(corners, function(corner){
var c = { corner: corner, pos: {x:pos.x,y:pos.y} };
c.pos.x += corner.charAt(1) == 'L' ? padding.x : -padding.x;
c.pos.y += corner.charAt(0) == 'T' ? padding.y : -padding.y;
return c;
return _place(node, choices);
around: function(
/*DomNode*/ node,
/*DomNode || dijit.place.__Rectangle*/ anchor,
/*String[]*/ positions,
/*Boolean*/ leftToRight,
/*Function?*/ layoutNode){
// summary:
// Position node adjacent or kitty-corner to anchor
// such that it's fully visible in viewport.
// description:
// Place node such that corner of node touches a corner of
// aroundNode, and that node is fully visible.
// anchor:
// Either a DOMNode or a __Rectangle (object with x, y, width, height).
// positions:
// Ordered list of positions to try matching up.
// * before: places drop down to the left of the anchor node/widget, or to the right in the case
// of RTL scripts like Hebrew and Arabic; aligns either the top of the drop down
// with the top of the anchor, or the bottom of the drop down with bottom of the anchor.
// * after: places drop down to the right of the anchor node/widget, or to the left in the case
// of RTL scripts like Hebrew and Arabic; aligns either the top of the drop down
// with the top of the anchor, or the bottom of the drop down with bottom of the anchor.
// * before-centered: centers drop down to the left of the anchor node/widget, or to the right
// in the case of RTL scripts like Hebrew and Arabic
// * after-centered: centers drop down to the right of the anchor node/widget, or to the left
// in the case of RTL scripts like Hebrew and Arabic
// * above-centered: drop down is centered above anchor node
// * above: drop down goes above anchor node, left sides aligned
// * above-alt: drop down goes above anchor node, right sides aligned
// * below-centered: drop down is centered above anchor node
// * below: drop down goes below anchor node
// * below-alt: drop down goes below anchor node, right sides aligned
// layoutNode: Function(node, aroundNodeCorner, nodeCorner)
// For things like tooltip, they are displayed differently (and have different dimensions)
// based on their orientation relative to the parent. This adjusts the popup based on orientation.
// leftToRight:
// True if widget is LTR, false if widget is RTL. Affects the behavior of "above" and "below"
// positions slightly.
// example:
// | placeAroundNode(node, aroundNode, {'BL':'TL', 'TR':'BR'});
// This will try to position node such that node's top-left corner is at the same position
// as the bottom left corner of the aroundNode (ie, put node below
// aroundNode, with left edges aligned). If that fails it will try to put
// the bottom-right corner of node where the top right corner of aroundNode is
// (ie, put node above aroundNode, with right edges aligned)
// if around is a DOMNode (or DOMNode id), convert to coordinates
var aroundNodePos = (typeof anchor == "string" || "offsetWidth" in anchor)
? domGeometry.position(anchor, true)
: anchor;
// Adjust anchor positioning for the case that a parent node has overflw hidden, therefore cuasing the anchor not to be completely visible
var parent = anchor.parentNode;
while(parent && parent.nodeType == 1 && parent.nodeName != "BODY"){ //ignoring the body will help performance
var parentPos = domGeometry.position(parent, true);
var parentStyleOverflow = domStyle.getComputedStyle(parent).overflow;
if(parentStyleOverflow == "hidden" || parentStyleOverflow == "auto" || parentStyleOverflow == "scroll"){
var bottomYCoord = Math.min(aroundNodePos.y + aroundNodePos.h, parentPos.y + parentPos.h);
var rightXCoord = Math.min(aroundNodePos.x + aroundNodePos.w, parentPos.x + parentPos.w);
aroundNodePos.x = Math.max(aroundNodePos.x, parentPos.x);
aroundNodePos.y = Math.max(aroundNodePos.y, parentPos.y);
aroundNodePos.h = bottomYCoord - aroundNodePos.y;
aroundNodePos.w = rightXCoord - aroundNodePos.x;
parent = parent.parentNode;
var x = aroundNodePos.x,
y = aroundNodePos.y,
width = "w" in aroundNodePos ? aroundNodePos.w : (aroundNodePos.w = aroundNodePos.width),
height = "h" in aroundNodePos ? aroundNodePos.h : (kernel.deprecated("place.around: dijit.place.__Rectangle: { x:"+x+", y:"+y+", height:"+aroundNodePos.height+", width:"+width+" } has been deprecated. Please use { x:"+x+", y:"+y+", h:"+aroundNodePos.height+", w:"+width+" }", "", "2.0"), aroundNodePos.h = aroundNodePos.height);
// Convert positions arguments into choices argument for _place()
var choices = [];
function push(aroundCorner, corner){
aroundCorner: aroundCorner,
corner: corner,
pos: {
x: {
'L': x,
'R': x + width,
'M': x + (width >> 1)
y: {
'T': y,
'B': y + height,
'M': y + (height >> 1)
array.forEach(positions, function(pos){
var ltr = leftToRight;
case "above-centered":
push("TM", "BM");
case "below-centered":
push("BM", "TM");
case "after-centered":
ltr = !ltr;
// fall through
case "before-centered":
push(ltr ? "ML" : "MR", ltr ? "MR" : "ML");
case "after":
ltr = !ltr;
// fall through
case "before":
push(ltr ? "TL" : "TR", ltr ? "TR" : "TL");
push(ltr ? "BL" : "BR", ltr ? "BR" : "BL");
case "below-alt":
ltr = !ltr;
// fall through
case "below":
// first try to align left borders, next try to align right borders (or reverse for RTL mode)
push(ltr ? "BL" : "BR", ltr ? "TL" : "TR");
push(ltr ? "BR" : "BL", ltr ? "TR" : "TL");
case "above-alt":
ltr = !ltr;
// fall through
case "above":
// first try to align left borders, next try to align right borders (or reverse for RTL mode)
push(ltr ? "TL" : "TR", ltr ? "BL" : "BR");
push(ltr ? "TR" : "TL", ltr ? "BR" : "BL");
// To assist dijit/_base/place, accept arguments of type {aroundCorner: "BL", corner: "TL"}.
// Not meant to be used directly.
push(pos.aroundCorner, pos.corner);
var position = _place(node, choices, layoutNode, {w: width, h: height});
position.aroundNodePos = aroundNodePos;
return position;