/usr/share/javascript/dijit/TitlePane.js.uncompressed.js is in libjs-dojo-dijit 1.7.2+dfsg-1.
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'url:dijit/templates/TitlePane.html':"<div>\n\t<div data-dojo-attach-event=\"onclick:_onTitleClick, onkeypress:_onTitleKey\"\n\t\t\tclass=\"dijitTitlePaneTitle\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"titleBarNode\">\n\t\t<div class=\"dijitTitlePaneTitleFocus\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"focusNode\">\n\t\t\t<img src=\"${_blankGif}\" alt=\"\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"arrowNode\" class=\"dijitArrowNode\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t\t\t/><span data-dojo-attach-point=\"arrowNodeInner\" class=\"dijitArrowNodeInner\"></span\n\t\t\t><span data-dojo-attach-point=\"titleNode\" class=\"dijitTitlePaneTextNode\"></span>\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>\n\t<div class=\"dijitTitlePaneContentOuter\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"hideNode\" role=\"presentation\">\n\t\t<div class=\"dijitReset\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"wipeNode\" role=\"presentation\">\n\t\t\t<div class=\"dijitTitlePaneContentInner\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"containerNode\" role=\"region\" id=\"${id}_pane\">\n\t\t\t\t<!-- nested divs because wipeIn()/wipeOut() doesn't work right on node w/padding etc. Put padding on inner div. -->\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>\n</div>\n"}});
define("dijit/TitlePane", [
"dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
"dojo/_base/declare", // declare
"dojo/dom", // dom.setSelectable
"dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set or get domAttr.remove
"dojo/dom-class", // domClass.replace
"dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.setMarginBox domGeometry.getMarginBox
"dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
"dojo/fx", // fxUtils.wipeIn fxUtils.wipeOut
"dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
"dojo/keys", // keys.DOWN_ARROW keys.ENTER
"./_base/manager" // defaultDuration
], function(array, declare, dom, domAttr, domClass, domGeometry, event, fxUtils, kernel, keys,
_CssStateMixin, _TemplatedMixin, ContentPane, template, manager){
var _Widget = dijit._Widget;
var _TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
var _CssStateMixin = dijit._CssStateMixin;
var ContentPane = dijit.layout.ContentPane;
// module:
// dijit/TitlePane
// summary:
// A pane with a title on top, that can be expanded or collapsed.
return declare("dijit.TitlePane", [ContentPane, _TemplatedMixin, _CssStateMixin], {
// summary:
// A pane with a title on top, that can be expanded or collapsed.
// description:
// An accessible container with a title Heading, and a content
// section that slides open and closed. TitlePane is an extension to
// `dijit.layout.ContentPane`, providing all the useful content-control aspects from it.
// example:
// | // load a TitlePane from remote file:
// | var foo = new dijit.TitlePane({ href: "foobar.html", title:"Title" });
// | foo.startup();
// example:
// | <!-- markup href example: -->
// | <div data-dojo-type="dijit.TitlePane" data-dojo-props="href: 'foobar.html', title: 'Title'"></div>
// example:
// | <!-- markup with inline data -->
// | <div data-dojo-type="dijit.TitlePane" title="Title">
// | <p>I am content</p>
// | </div>
// title: String
// Title of the pane
title: "",
_setTitleAttr: { node: "titleNode", type: "innerHTML" }, // override default where title becomes a hover tooltip
// open: Boolean
// Whether pane is opened or closed.
open: true,
// toggleable: Boolean
// Whether pane can be opened or closed by clicking the title bar.
toggleable: true,
// tabIndex: String
// Tabindex setting for the title (so users can tab to the title then
// use space/enter to open/close the title pane)
tabIndex: "0",
// duration: Integer
// Time in milliseconds to fade in/fade out
duration: manager.defaultDuration,
// baseClass: [protected] String
// The root className to be placed on this widget's domNode.
baseClass: "dijitTitlePane",
templateString: template,
// doLayout: [protected] Boolean
// Don't change this parameter from the default value.
// This ContentPane parameter doesn't make sense for TitlePane, since TitlePane
// is never a child of a layout container, nor should TitlePane try to control
// the size of an inner widget.
doLayout: false,
// Tooltip is defined in _WidgetBase but we need to handle the mapping to DOM here
_setTooltipAttr: {node: "focusNode", type: "attribute", attribute: "title"}, // focusNode spans the entire width, titleNode doesn't
buildRendering: function(){
dom.setSelectable(this.titleNode, false);
postCreate: function(){
// Hover and focus effect on title bar, except for non-toggleable TitlePanes
// This should really be controlled from _setToggleableAttr() but _CssStateMixin
// doesn't provide a way to disconnect a previous _trackMouseState() call
this._trackMouseState(this.titleBarNode, "dijitTitlePaneTitle");
// setup open/close animations
var hideNode = this.hideNode, wipeNode = this.wipeNode;
this._wipeIn = fxUtils.wipeIn({
node: wipeNode,
duration: this.duration,
beforeBegin: function(){
this._wipeOut = fxUtils.wipeOut({
node: wipeNode,
duration: this.duration,
onEnd: function(){
_setOpenAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ open, /*Boolean*/ animate){
// summary:
// Hook to make set("open", boolean) control the open/closed state of the pane.
// open: Boolean
// True if you want to open the pane, false if you want to close it.
array.forEach([this._wipeIn, this._wipeOut], function(animation){
if(animation && animation.status() == "playing"){
var anim = this[open ? "_wipeIn" : "_wipeOut"];
this.hideNode.style.display = this.wipeNode.style.display = open ? "" : "none";
// load content (if this is the first time we are opening the TitlePane
// and content is specified as an href, or href was set when hidden)
this.arrowNodeInner.innerHTML = open ? "-" : "+";
this.containerNode.setAttribute("aria-hidden", open ? "false" : "true");
this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-pressed", open ? "true" : "false");
this._set("open", open);
_setToggleableAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ canToggle){
// summary:
// Hook to make set("toggleable", boolean) work.
// canToggle: Boolean
// True to allow user to open/close pane by clicking title bar.
this.focusNode.setAttribute("role", canToggle ? "button" : "heading");
// TODO: if canToggle is switched from true to false shouldn't we remove this setting?
this.focusNode.setAttribute("aria-controls", this.id+"_pane");
domAttr.set(this.focusNode, "tabIndex", this.tabIndex);
domAttr.remove(this.focusNode, "tabIndex");
this._set("toggleable", canToggle);
_setContentAttr: function(/*String|DomNode|Nodelist*/ content){
// summary:
// Hook to make set("content", ...) work.
// Typically called when an href is loaded. Our job is to make the animation smooth.
if(!this.open || !this._wipeOut || this._wipeOut.status() == "playing"){
// we are currently *closing* the pane (or the pane is closed), so just let that continue
if(this._wipeIn && this._wipeIn.status() == "playing"){
// freeze container at current height so that adding new content doesn't make it jump
domGeometry.setMarginBox(this.wipeNode, { h: domGeometry.getMarginBox(this.wipeNode).h });
// add the new content (erasing the old content, if any)
// call _wipeIn.play() to animate from current height to new height
this.hideNode.style.display = "";
toggle: function(){
// summary:
// Switches between opened and closed state
// tags:
// private
this._setOpenAttr(!this.open, true);
_setCss: function(){
// summary:
// Set the open/close css state for the TitlePane
// tags:
// private
var node = this.titleBarNode || this.focusNode;
var oldCls = this._titleBarClass;
this._titleBarClass = "dijit" + (this.toggleable ? "" : "Fixed") + (this.open ? "Open" : "Closed");
domClass.replace(node, this._titleBarClass, oldCls || "");
this.arrowNodeInner.innerHTML = this.open ? "-" : "+";
_onTitleKey: function(/*Event*/ e){
// summary:
// Handler for when user hits a key
// tags:
// private
if(e.charOrCode == keys.ENTER || e.charOrCode == ' '){
}else if(e.charOrCode == keys.DOWN_ARROW && this.open){
_onTitleClick: function(){
// summary:
// Handler when user clicks the title bar
// tags:
// private
setTitle: function(/*String*/ title){
// summary:
// Deprecated. Use set('title', ...) instead.
// tags:
// deprecated
kernel.deprecated("dijit.TitlePane.setTitle() is deprecated. Use set('title', ...) instead.", "", "2.0");
this.set("title", title);