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<h1>XBEL Bookmarks</h1>
<p>This test page demonstrates how to incorporate XBEL
bookmarks into your web pages. Use an xlink as
<pre class="programlisting">
<olink targetdocent="bookmark-entity" type="embed"/>
<li><a href="http://www.perl.com/" target=
<li><a href="http://www.activestate.com/" target=
"_top">ActiveState Tool Corp. (Perl for
<li><a href=""
target="_top">dada meets Perl!</a></li>
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"Site Navigation Layout Setup"><img src=
"graphics/navicons/triangle/other/leaf.gif" alt=
" " border="0"></a><span class="otherpage"><a
href="layout.html" title=
"Site Navigation Layout Setup">Site
</span><span class="toplevel"><img src=
"graphics/blank.gif" alt="   "><a href=
"linking.html" title="Linking across Pages"><img src=
"graphics/navicons/triangle/other/leaf.gif" alt=
" " border="0"></a><span class="otherpage"><a
href="linking.html" title=
"Linking across Pages">Linking</a></span><br>
</span><span class="toplevel"><img src=
"graphics/blank.gif" alt="   "><a href=
"custom.html" title=
"Stylesheet customization instructions"><img src=
"graphics/navicons/triangle/other/leaf.gif" alt=
" " border="0"></a><span class="otherpage"><a
href="custom.html" title=
"Stylesheet customization instructions">Customization</a></span><br>
</span><span class="toplevel"><img src=
"graphics/blank.gif" alt="   "><a href=
"buildmake.html" title="Building strategies"><img src=
"graphics/navicons/triangle/other/closed.gif" alt=
" " border="0"></a><span class="otherpage"><a
href="buildmake.html" title=
"Building strategies">Building</a></span><br>
</span><span class="toplevel"><img src=
"graphics/blank.gif" alt="   "><a href=
"formtest.html" title="Form Test Page"><img src=
"graphics/navicons/triangle/other/leaf.gif" alt=
" " border="0"></a><span class="otherpage"><a
href="formtest.html" title="Form Test Page">Form
</span><span class="toplevel"><img src=
"graphics/blank.gif" alt="   "><a href=
"test3.html" title="XBEL Bookmark test"><img src=
"graphics/navicons/triangle/current/leaf.gif" alt="+"
border="0"></a><span class="curpage">XBEL
Bookmarks <img src=
"graphics/navicons/triangle/current/pointer.gif" alt=
</span><span class="toplevel"><img src=
"graphics/blank.gif" alt="   "><a href=
"rddl.html" title="RDDL"><img src=
"graphics/navicons/triangle/other/leaf.gif" alt=
" " border="0"></a><span class="otherpage"><a
href="rddl.html" title="RDDL">RDDL</a></span><br>
</span><span class="toplevel"><img src=
"graphics/blank.gif" alt="   "><a href=
"php.html" title="PHP"><img src=
"graphics/navicons/triangle/other/leaf.gif" alt=
" " border="0"></a><span class="otherpage"><a
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"Full Website">Website-Full</a> <img src=
"graphics/navicons/triangle/added.gif" alt=
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"graphics/blank.gif" alt="   "><a href=
"revflag.html" title="Revision Flags"><img src=
"graphics/navicons/triangle/other/leaf.gif" alt=
" " border="0"></a><span class="otherpage"><a
href="revflag.html" title="Revision Flags">Revision
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