/usr/share/dia/python/diasvg.py is in dia-common 0.97.2-15ubuntu1.
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# Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Hans Breuer <hans@breuer.org>
# A full blown SVG(Z) renderer. As of this writing less bugs in the output
# than the Dia SVG renderer written in C
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
import sys, string, dia
class SvgRenderer :
def __init__ (self) :
self.f = None
self.line_width = 0.1
self.line_caps = 0
self.line_join = 0
self.line_style = 0
self.dash_length = 0
def _open(self, filename) :
self.f = open(filename, "w")
def begin_render (self, data, filename) :
self._open (filename)
r = data.extents
xofs = - r[0]
yofs = - r[1]
self.f.write('''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!-- Created by diasvg.py -->
<svg width="%.3fcm" height="%.3fcm" viewBox="%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f"
''' % (r.right - r.left, r.bottom - r.top, r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]))
#self.f.write("<!-- %s -->\n" % (str(data.extents)))
#self.f.write("<!-- %s -->\n" % (data.active_layer.name))
def end_render (self) :
def set_linewidth (self, width) :
if width < 0.001 : # zero line width is invisble ?
self.line_width = 0.001
else :
self.line_width = width
def set_linecaps (self, mode) :
self.line_caps = mode
def set_linejoin (self, mode) :
self.line_join = mode
def set_linestyle (self, style) :
self.line_style = style
def set_dashlength (self, length) :
self.dash_length = length
def set_fillstyle (self, style) :
# currently only 'solid' so not used anywhere else
self.fill_style = style
def set_font (self, font, size) :
self.font = font
self.font_size = size
def draw_line (self, start, end, color) :
self.f.write('<line x1="%.3f" y1="%.3f" x2="%.3f" y2="%.3f" stroke="%s" stroke-width="%.3f" %s/>\n' \
% (start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y, self._rgb(color), self.line_width, self._stroke_style()))
def draw_polyline (self, points, color) :
self.f.write('<polyline fill="none" stroke="%s" stroke-width="%.3f" %s points="' \
% (self._rgb(color), self.line_width, self._stroke_style()))
for pt in points :
self.f.write ('%.3f,%.3f ' % (pt.x, pt.y))
def draw_polygon (self, points, color) :
self.f.write('<polygon fill="none" stroke="%s" stroke-width="%.3f" %s points="' \
% (self._rgb(color), self.line_width, self._stroke_style()))
for pt in points :
self.f.write ('%.3f,%.3f ' % (pt.x, pt.y))
def fill_polygon (self, points, color) :
self.f.write('<polygon fill="%s" stroke="none" stroke-width="%.3f" points="' \
% (self._rgb(color), self.line_width))
for pt in points :
self.f.write ('%.3f,%.3f ' % (pt.x, pt.y))
def draw_rect (self, rect, color) :
self.f.write('<rect x="%.3f" y="%.3f" width="%.3f" height="%.3f" fill="none" stroke="%s" stroke-width="%.3f" %s/>\n' \
% ( rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top,
self._rgb(color), self.line_width, self._stroke_style()))
def fill_rect (self, rect, color) :
self.f.write('<rect x="%.3f" y="%.3f" width="%.3f" height="%.3f" fill="%s" stroke="none" stroke-width="0"/>\n' \
% ( rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top,
def _arc (self, center, width, height, angle1, angle2, color, fill=None) :
# not in the renderer interface
import math
mPi180 = math.pi / 180.0
rx = width / 2.0
ry = height / 2.0
sx = center.x + rx * math.cos(mPi180 * angle1)
sy = center.y - ry * math.sin(mPi180 * angle1)
ex = center.x + rx * math.cos(mPi180 * angle2)
ey = center.y - ry * math.sin(mPi180 * angle2)
largearc = (angle2 - angle1 >= 180)
sweep = 0 # always draw in negative direction
if not fill :
self.f.write('<path stroke="%s" fill="none" stroke-width="%.3f" %s' \
% (self._rgb(color), self.line_width, self._stroke_style()))
else :
self.f.write('<path stroke="none" fill="%s"' % (self._rgb(color)))
# moveto sx,sy arc rx,ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag,sweep-flag ex,ey
self.f.write(' d ="M %.3f,%.3f A %.3f,%.3f 0 %d,%d %.3f,%.3f ' % (sx, sy, rx, ry, largearc, sweep, ex, ey))
def draw_arc (self, center, width, height, angle1, angle2, color) :
self._arc(center, width, height, angle1, angle2, color)
def fill_arc (self, center, width, height, angle1, angle2, color) :
self._arc(center, width, height, angle1, angle2, color, 1)
def draw_ellipse (self, center, width, height, color) :
self.f.write('<ellipse cx="%.3f" cy="%.3f" rx="%.3f" ry="%.3f" fill="none" stroke="%s" stroke-width="%.3f" %s/>' \
% (center.x, center.y, width / 2, height / 2, self._rgb(color), self.line_width, self._stroke_style()))
def fill_ellipse (self, center, width, height, color) :
self.f.write('<ellipse cx="%.3f" cy="%.3f" rx="%.3f" ry="%.3f" fill="%s" stroke="none" />' \
% (center.x, center.y, width / 2, height / 2, self._rgb(color)))
def draw_bezier (self, bezpoints, color) :
self.f.write('<path stroke="%s" fill="none" stroke-width="%.3f" %s d="' \
% (self._rgb(color), self.line_width, self._stroke_style()))
for bp in bezpoints :
if bp.type == 0 : # BEZ_MOVE_TO
self.f.write('M %.3f,%.3f ' % (bp.p1.x, bp.p1.y))
elif bp.type == 1 : # BEZ_LINE_TO
self.f.write('L %.3f,%.3f ' % (bp.p1.x, bp.p1.y))
elif bp.type == 2 : # BEZ_CURVE_TO
self.f.write ('C %.3f,%.3f %.3f,%.3f %.3f,%.3f ' \
% (bp.p1.x, bp.p1.y, bp.p2.x, bp.p2.y, bp.p3.x, bp.p3.y))
else :
dia.message(2, "Invalid BezPoint type (%d)" * bp.type)
def fill_bezier (self, bezpoints, color) :
self.f.write('<path stroke="none" fill="%s" stroke-width="%.3f" d="' \
% (self._rgb(color), self.line_width))
for bp in bezpoints :
if bp.type == 0 : # BEZ_MOVE_TO
self.f.write('M %.3f,%.3f ' % (bp.p1.x, bp.p1.y))
elif bp.type == 1 : # BEZ_LINE_TO
self.f.write('L %.3f,%.3f ' % (bp.p1.x, bp.p1.y))
elif bp.type == 2 : # BEZ_CURVE_TO
self.f.write ('C %.3f,%.3f %.3f,%.3f %.3f,%.3f ' \
% (bp.p1.x, bp.p1.y, bp.p2.x, bp.p2.y, bp.p3.x, bp.p3.y))
else :
dia.message(2, "Invalid BezPoint type (%d)" * bp.type)
def draw_string (self, text, pos, alignment, color) :
if len(text) < 1 :
return # shouldn'this be done at the higher level
talign = ('start', 'middle', 'end') [alignment]
fstyle = ('normal', 'italic', 'oblique') [self.font.style & 0x03]
fweight = (400, 200, 300, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900) [(self.font.style >> 4) & 0x7]
self.f.write('<text x="%.3f" y="%.3f" fill="%s" text-anchor="%s" font-size="%.2f" font-family="%s" font-style="%s" font-weight="%d">\n' \
% (pos.x, pos.y, self._rgb(color), talign, self.font_size, self.font.family, fstyle, fweight))
# avoid writing XML special characters (ampersand must be first to not break the rest)
for rep in [('&', '&'), ('<', '<'), ('>', '>'), ('"', '"'), ("'", ''')] :
text = string.replace (text, rep[0], rep[1])
def draw_image (self, point, width, height, image) :
#FIXME : do something better than absolute pathes ?
self.f.write('<image x="%.3f" y="%.3f" width="%.3f" height="%.3f" xlink:href="%s"/>\n' \
% (point.x, point.y, width, height, image.uri))
# Helpers, not in the DiaRenderer interface
def _rgb(self, color) :
# given a dia color convert to svg color string
rgb = "#%02X%02X%02X" % (int(255 * color.red), int(color.green * 255), int(color.blue * 255))
return rgb
def _stroke_style(self) :
# return the current line style as svg string
dashlen =self.dash_length
# dashlen/style interpretation like the DiaGdkRenderer
dotlen = dashlen * 0.1
caps = self.line_caps
join = self.line_join
style = self.line_style
st = ""
if style == 0 : # LINESTYLE_SOLID
elif style == 1 : # DASHED
st = 'stroke-dasharray="%.2f,%.2f"' % (dashlen, dashlen)
elif style == 2 : # DASH_DOT,
gaplen = (dashlen - dotlen) / 2.0
st = 'stroke-dasharray="%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f"' % (dashlen, gaplen, dotlen, gaplen)
elif style == 3 : # DASH_DOT_DOT,
gaplen = (dashlen - dotlen) / 3.0
st = 'stroke-dasharray="%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f"' % (dashlen, gaplen, dotlen, gaplen, dotlen, gaplen)
elif style == 4 : # DOTTED
st = 'stroke-dasharray="%.2f,%.2f"' % (dotlen, dotlen)
if join == 0 : # MITER
pass # st = st + ' stroke-linejoin="bevel"'
elif join == 1 : # ROUND
st = st + ' stroke-linejoin="round"'
elif join == 2 : # BEVEL
st = st + ' stroke-linejoin="bevel"'
if caps == 0 : # BUTT
pass # default stroke-linecap="butt"
elif caps == 1 : # ROUND
st = st + ' stroke-linecap="round"'
elif caps == 2 : # PROJECTING
st = st + ' stroke-linecap="square"' # is this the same ?
return st
class SvgzRenderer(SvgRenderer) :
def _open(self, filename) :
# There is some (here) not wanted behaviour in gzip.open/GzipFile :
# the filename with path is not only used to adress the file but also
# completely stored in the file itself. Correct it here.
import os, os.path, gzip
path, name = os.path.split(filename)
self.f = gzip.open (name, "wb")
# dia-python keeps a reference to the renderer class and uses it on demand
dia.register_export ("SVG plain", "svg", SvgRenderer())
dia.register_export ("SVG compressed", "svgz", SvgzRenderer())