/usr/share/idl/thunderbird/nsIPrintProgress.idl is in thunderbird-dev 1:24.4.0+build1-0ubuntu1.
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "nsIWebProgressListener.idl"
interface nsIDOMWindow;
interface nsIObserver;
interface nsIPrompt;
[scriptable, uuid(594fd36d-5b1b-412f-a74e-ab72099a5bb2)]
interface nsIPrintProgress: nsIWebProgressListener {
/* Open the progress dialog
you can specify parameters through an xpcom object
void openProgressDialog(in nsIDOMWindow parent,
in string dialogURL,
in nsISupports parameters,
in nsIObserver openDialogObserver,
out boolean notifyOnOpen);
/* Close the progress dialog */
void closeProgressDialog(in boolean forceClose);
/* Register a Web Progress Listener */
void registerListener(in nsIWebProgressListener listener);
/* Unregister a Web Progress Listener */
void unregisterListener(in nsIWebProgressListener listener);
/* This method is called after the dialog that shows the progress has been shown
void doneIniting();
/* Retrieve the prompter, needed to display modal dialog on top of progress dialog */
nsIPrompt getPrompter();
/* Indicated if the user asked to cancel the current process */
attribute boolean processCanceledByUser;