/usr/share/idl/thunderbird/nsIMsgCopyService.idl is in thunderbird-dev 1:24.4.0+build1-0ubuntu1.
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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#include "nsrootidl.idl"
#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "nsIMsgFolder.idl"
#include "nsIMsgCopyServiceListener.idl"
interface nsIMsgDBHdr;
#include "nsITransactionManager.h"
interface nsITransactionManager;
interface nsIMsgWindow;
interface nsIFile;
interface nsIArray;
[scriptable, uuid(f21e428b-73c5-4607-993b-d37325b33722)]
interface nsIMsgCopyService : nsISupports {
* Copies or moves existing messages from source folder to destination folder.
* @param srcFolder Source folder of an operation.
* @param messages The array of nsIMsgHdrs in source folder which will be moved/copied.
* @param dstFolder Destination folder of operation.
* @param isMove false for copy operation, true for move operation.
* @param listener Listener which receive operation notifications
* @param msgWindow Window for notification callbacks, can be null.
* @param allowUndo Specifies if this operation will be done as an transaction
* that can be undone.
void CopyMessages(in nsIMsgFolder srcFolder,
in nsIArray messages,
in nsIMsgFolder dstFolder,
in boolean isMove,
in nsIMsgCopyServiceListener listener,
in nsIMsgWindow msgWindow,
in boolean allowUndo);
* Copies or moves existing folders do destination folder.
* @param folders The array of nsIMsgFolders which will be moved/copied.
* @param dstFolder The destination folder of operation.
* @param isMove false for copy operation, true for move operation.
* @param listener Listener which receive operation notifications.
* @param msgWindow Window for notification callbacks, can be null.
void CopyFolders(in nsIArray folders,
in nsIMsgFolder dstFolder,
in boolean isMove,
in nsIMsgCopyServiceListener listener,
in nsIMsgWindow msgWindow);
* Copies message in rfc format from file to folder.
* @param aFile A file which contains message in rfc format which
* will copied to destFolder.
* @param dstFolder Destination folder where a message will be copied.
* @param msgToReplace Header which identifies a message to use as a source
* of message properties, or null. For example, when
* deleting an attachment, the processed message is
* stored in a file, but the metadata should be copied
* from the original message. This method will NOT delete
* the original message.
* @param isDraftOrTemplate Specifies whether a message is a stored in draft
* folder or not. If is true listener should
* implement GetMessageId and return unique id for
* message in destination folder. This is important
* for IMAP servers which doesn't support uidplus.
* If destination folder contains message with the
* same message-id then it is possible that listener
* get wrong message key in callback
* nsIMsgCopyServiceListener::SetMessageKey.
* @param aMsgFlags Message flags which will be set after message is
* copied
* @param aMsgKeywords Keywords which will be set for newly copied
* message.
* @param listener Listener which receive copy notifications.
* @param msgWindow Window for notification callbacks, can be null.
void CopyFileMessage(in nsIFile aFile,
in nsIMsgFolder dstFolder,
in nsIMsgDBHdr msgToReplace,
in boolean isDraftOrTemplate,
in unsigned long aMsgFlags,
in ACString aMsgKeywords,
in nsIMsgCopyServiceListener listener,
in nsIMsgWindow msgWindow);
* Notify the message copy service that the destination folder has finished
* it's messages copying operation so that the copy service can continue
* copying the rest of the messages if there are more to copy with.
* aSupport and dstFolder uniquely identify a copy service request.
* @param aSupport The originator of CopyMessages or CopyFileMessage; it can
* be either a nsIMsgFolder or a nsIFile
* @param dstFolder The destination folder which performs the copy operation
* @param result The result of the copy operation
void NotifyCompletion(in nsISupports aSupport,
in nsIMsgFolder dstFolder,
in nsresult result);