/usr/share/idl/thunderbird/nsIDOMFile.idl is in thunderbird-dev 1:24.4.0+build1-0ubuntu1.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#include "domstubs.idl"
#include "jsapi.h"
namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {
namespace indexedDB {
class FileInfo;
class FileManager;
[ptr] native FileInfo(mozilla::dom::indexedDB::FileInfo);
[ptr] native FileManager(mozilla::dom::indexedDB::FileManager);
interface nsIDOMFileError;
interface nsIInputStream;
interface nsIURI;
interface nsIPrincipal;
interface nsIDOMBlob;
[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(52d22585-7737-460e-9731-c658df03304a)]
interface nsIDOMBlob : nsISupports
readonly attribute unsigned long long size;
readonly attribute DOMString type;
[noscript] readonly attribute nsIInputStream internalStream;
// The caller is responsible for releasing the internalUrl from the
// blob: protocol handler
[noscript] DOMString getInternalUrl(in nsIPrincipal principal);
[optional_argc] nsIDOMBlob slice([optional] in long long start,
[optional] in long long end,
[optional] in DOMString contentType);
nsIDOMBlob mozSlice([optional] in long long start,
[optional] in long long end,
[optional] in DOMString contentType);
// Get internal id of stored file. Returns -1 if it is not a stored file.
// Intended only for testing. It can be called on any thread.
[notxpcom] long long getFileId();
// Called when the blob was successfully stored in a database or when
// the blob is initialized from a database. It can be called on any thread.
[notxpcom] void addFileInfo(in FileInfo aFileInfo);
// Called before the blob is stored in a database to decide if it can be
// shared or needs to be copied. It can be called on any thread.
[notxpcom] FileInfo getFileInfo(in FileManager aFileManager);
[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(6928584d-7d87-4d56-9ce1-1c89c24f2c6a)]
interface nsIDOMFile : nsIDOMBlob
readonly attribute DOMString name;
readonly attribute jsval lastModifiedDate;
readonly attribute DOMString mozFullPath;
// This performs no security checks!
[noscript] readonly attribute DOMString mozFullPathInternal;
[noscript] readonly attribute uint64_t mozLastModifiedDate;