/usr/share/idl/thunderbird/nsIDOMDOMRequest.idl is in thunderbird-dev 1:24.4.0+build1-0ubuntu1.
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#include "nsIDOMEventTarget.idl"
interface nsIDOMWindow;
interface nsIDOMDOMCursor;
interface nsICursorContinueCallback;
[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(d4c7372a-661c-4798-9a13-af48128609e9)]
interface nsIDOMDOMRequest : nsIDOMEventTarget
readonly attribute DOMString readyState; // "pending" or "done"
readonly attribute jsval result;
// DOMError
readonly attribute nsISupports error;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onsuccess;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onerror;
[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(060df968-fd71-47ca-91a8-6b64dadceb2c)]
interface nsIDOMRequestService : nsISupports
nsIDOMDOMRequest createRequest(in nsIDOMWindow window);
* @param aCallback
* Called when `continue()' is called in the cursor, should be used to
* notify the data provider that content wants the next result.
nsIDOMDOMCursor createCursor(in nsIDOMWindow window,
in nsICursorContinueCallback aCallback);
void fireSuccess(in nsIDOMDOMRequest request, in jsval result);
void fireError(in nsIDOMDOMRequest request, in DOMString error);
void fireSuccessAsync(in nsIDOMDOMRequest request, in jsval result);
void fireErrorAsync(in nsIDOMDOMRequest request, in DOMString error);
void fireDone(in nsIDOMDOMCursor cursor);