/usr/share/idl/thunderbird/nsIAutoSyncState.idl is in thunderbird-dev 1:24.4.0+build1-0ubuntu1.
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#include "nsISupports.idl"
interface nsIMsgFolder;
interface nsIMsgWindow;
interface nsIArray;
interface nsIMutableArray;
[scriptable, uuid(7512f927-b8f0-48c4-b101-03e859e61281)]
interface nsIAutoSyncState : nsISupports {
* Auto-Sync states.
* ***WARNING***: If you change these, be sure to update stateStrings in
* nsAutoSyncState.cpp. If you do not, out-of-bounds memory accesses may
* happen.
/** sync'd and no pending messages */
const long stCompletedIdle = 0;
/** STATUS issued. Will check to see if any counts changed since last STATUS */
const long stStatusIssued = 1;
* Status found new messages. Update should be issued next. Status most
* likely was issued by non-autosync code (e.g., check other folders for
* new messages).
const long stUpdateNeeded = 2;
/** Update issued. Will figure out if there are any bodies to download */
const long stUpdateIssued = 3;
/** Message body download in progress */
const long stDownloadInProgress = 4;
/** ready to download the next group of messages */
const long stReadyToDownload = 5;
* Puts the download queue offset to its previous position.
void rollback();
* Clears the download queue. Resets the offsets.
void resetDownloadQ();
* Rollbacks the offset to the previous position and
* changes the state to ready-to-download.
void tryCurrentGroupAgain(in unsigned long aRetryCount);
* Resets the retry counter.
void resetRetryCounter();
* Tests whether the given folder has the same imap server.
boolean isSibling(in nsIAutoSyncState aAnotherStateObj);
* Update the folder to find new message headers to download
void updateFolder();
* Downloads the bodies of the given messages from the server.
void downloadMessagesForOffline(in nsIArray aMessageList);
* Populates the given array with the keys of the messages that will
* be downloaded next.
* @param aSuggestedGroupSizeLimit suggested size per group in bytes
* @param aActualGroupSize total size of the messages in bytes in the group
nsIMutableArray getNextGroupOfMessages(in unsigned long aSuggestedGroupSizeLimit,
out unsigned long aActualGroupSize);
* Iterates through the existing headers of the folder to find
* the messages not downloaded yet.
* @param aNumberOfHeadersToProcess number of headers to be processed
* at this pass
* @return the number of headers left to process
unsigned long processExistingHeaders(in unsigned long aNumberOfHeadersToProcess);
* Last time the existing headers are completely processed.
[noscript]readonly attribute PRTime lastSyncTime;
* Last time the owner folder is updated.
[noscript]attribute PRTime lastUpdateTime;
* Download operation state.
attribute long state;
* Number of messages waiting to be downloaded.
readonly attribute long pendingMessageCount;
* Total number of messages in the download queue.
readonly attribute long totalMessageCount;
* The folder this auto-sync object is related to.
readonly attribute nsIMsgFolder ownerFolder;