/usr/share/help/C/empathy/create-account.page is in empathy-common 3.8.6-0ubuntu9.
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type="topic" style="task"
<link type="guide" xref="index#accounts"/>
<link type="seealso" xref="add-account"/>
<desc>Register for an account with one of the supported messaging services.</desc>
<revision pkgversion="2.28" version="0.1" date="2009-06-21" status="draft"/>
<revision pkgversion="2.28" version="0.2" date="2009-08-07" status="review">
<e:review by="shaunm@gnome.org" date="2009-09-02" status="done"/>
<revision pkgversion="2.30" version="0.3" date="2010-04-19" status="review"/>
<revision pkgversion="2.30" version="0.4" date="2010-10-01" status="review"/>
<credit type="author">
<name>Milo Casagrande</name>
<p>Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0</p>
<name>GNOME Documentation Project</name>
<include href="legal.xml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>
<title>Register for a new account</title>
<p>Most account types require you to create an account with a account provider
before you can connect using instant messaging applications like <app>Empathy</app>.
With some account providers, you can use <app>Empathy</app> to register for a new
account, using the same steps as you would to <link xref="add-account">add an
<p>This page provides information on creating a new account for various types of
accounts. Your account provider should give you a login ID and a password, as well
as any additional information you need to connect using <app>Empathy</app>.</p>
<section id="facebook">
Facebook is one of the most-used social networks. It allows users to
create their own profile and to communicate with their friends.
To use Facebook to communicate with your friends, you will need
to create a new account from the website:
<link href="http://www.facebook.com">www.facebook.com</link>.
<section id="jabber">
<p>Jabber is an open instant messaging system. Like email, Jabber allows
you to choose your account provider and communicate with all other Jabber
users, regardless of their account provider.</p>
<p>You will need to create a new account with a Jabber provider. There are
many free providers; one popular provider is
<link href="http://register.jabber.org/">Jabber.org</link>.</p>
<p>If you use Google Mail or Google Talk, you already have a Jabber account.
Google Talk is a Jabber service. Simply use your Google Mail address and
password in <app>Empathy</app> to connect.</p>
<section id="salut">
<title>People Nearby</title>
<p>You do not need to create an account with a service provider to use this
feature. This service works whenever you are connected to a local network,
such as a wireless hotspot. It automatically finds all other users on the
network who are also using this service.</p>
<p>For more information, see <link xref="salut-protocol" />.</p>
<section id ="sip-services">
<p>SIP is an open system which allows users to have audio and video
conversations over the Internet. You need to create an account with
a SIP provider. You can communicate with all other SIP users,
regardless of which SIP provider they use.</p>
<note style="warning">
<p>Due to technical differences, the free <link
service does not currently work with <app>Empathy</app>.</p>
<p>Some SIP providers allow you to call normal phones from your computer.
Generally, you will need to subscribe to a paid service for this feature.</p>
<section id="irc">
<p>You do not need to register for an account to use IRC. Although you specify
a nickname when you add an IRC account to <app>Empathy</app>, this nickname is
only established each time you connect. If another user is using the nickname,
you will need to choose a new nickname.</p>
<p>Some IRC networks use a service called NickServ to allow users to protect
their nicknames. See <link xref="irc-nick-password"/> for more information.</p>
<p>Some IRC servers are password protected. You will need to know the password
to connect to these servers. Generally, these are private IRC networks.</p>
<section id="proprietary-services">
<title>Proprietary Services</title>
<p>There are many proprietary instant messaging services that have been
developed by different companies or organizations. <app>Empathy</app>
allows you to connect to an existing account for most popular services.
To create a new account with one of these services, you will need to
visit the service’s web site and agree to its terms of use.</p>
<link href="http://dashboard.aim.com/aim">AIM</link>
<link href="https://www.icq.com/register/">ICQ</link>
<link href="https://accountservices.passport.net">MSN</link>
<link href="https://login.yahoo.com/config/login">Yahoo!</link>