/usr/share/help/C/empathy/audio-video.page is in empathy-common 3.8.6-0ubuntu9.
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<link type="guide" xref="index#audio-video"/>
<desc>Information on when it is possible to have an audio or video conversation.</desc>
<revision pkgversion="2.28" version="0.1" date="2009-08-02" status="draft"/>
<revision pkgversion="2.28" version="0.1" date="2009-08-14" status="review">
<e:review by="shaunm@gnome.org" date="2009-09-04" status="done"/>
<revision pkgversion="2.30" version="0.2" date="2010-02-14" status="review"/>
<credit type="author">
<name>Milo Casagrande</name>
<p>Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0</p>
<name>GNOME Documentation Project</name>
<include href="legal.xml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>
<title>Audio and video support</title>
<p>You can only have audio and video conversation with contacts who are using
an application which also supports this feature. When your contacts support
audio or video conversations, you will see the following icons next to their
names in the contact list:</p>
<table frame="all" rules="cols rowgroups" shade="rows">
<media type="image" mime="image/png" src="figures/audio-input-microphone.png">
Icon for audio conversation
<p>The contact is able to have an audio conversation.</p>
<media type="image" mime="image/png" src="figures/camera-web.png">
Icon for video conversation
<p>The contact is able to have a video conversation.</p>
In order to have an audio conversation, you need to have a sound card that is
supported by your operating system, and a working microphone.
In order to have a video conversation, you need to have a webcam that is
supported by your operating system, and a working microphone.
<section id="services">
<title>Supported Account Types</title>
<p>You can only have audio and video conversations using accounts on
certain supported services. The following table lists whether audio
and video is supported for each type of account.</p>
<p>Account types are provided by plugins. Your system may not have
all of the following types available, or it may have types not listed
here. Updated plugins may make audio or video conversations possible
on account types that are listed as unsupported here.</p>
<cite date="2009-09-04">Shaun McCance</cite>
<p>I'd like to do tables like this using nothing for No and ✔ for Yes, but
we need to look at the accessibility impact. I've
<link href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-doc-list/2009-September/msg00006.html">asked
the accessibility team</link> for input.</p>
<cite date="2009-09-04">Shaun McCance</cite>
<p>There's recent work on telepathy-butterfly and papyon to support
audio and video for MSN. It might be released in time for 2.28, but
since it doesn't follow the Gnome release schedule, I can't be sure.
If it looks like it's going to ship, let's mark it Yes.</p>
<table frame="all" rules="rowgroups colgroups" shade="rows">
<td><p>Facebook Chat</p></td>
<td><p>Google Talk</p></td>
<td><p>People Nearby</p></td>