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<div class="title">Automatic link generation </div> </div>
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<div class="toc"><h3>Table of Contents</h3>
<ul><li class="level1"><a href="#linkurl">Links to web pages and mail addresses</a></li>
<li class="level1"><a href="#linkclass">Links to classes</a></li>
<li class="level1"><a href="#linkfile">Links to files</a></li>
<li class="level1"><a href="#linkfunc">Links to functions</a></li>
<li class="level1"><a href="#linkother">Links to other members</a></li>
<li class="level1"><a href="#resolving">typedefs</a></li>
<div class="textblock"><p>Most documentation systems have special `see also' sections where links to other pieces of documentation can be inserted. Although doxygen also has a command to start such a section (See section <a class="el" href="commands.html#cmdsa">\sa</a>), it does allow you to put these kind of links anywhere in the documentation. For <img class="formulaInl" alt="$\mbox{\LaTeX}$" src="form_0.png"/> documentation a reference to the page number is written instead of a link. Furthermore, the index at the end of the document can be used to quickly find the documentation of a member, class, namespace or file. For man pages no reference information is generated.</p>
<p>The next sections show how to generate links to the various documented entities in a source file.</p>
<h1><a class="anchor" id="linkurl"></a>
Links to web pages and mail addresses</h1>
<p>Doxygen will automatically replace any URLs and mail addresses found in the documentation by links (in HTML). To manually specify link text, use the HTML '<code>a</code>' tag: </p>
<pre class="fragment"><a href="linkURL">link text</a> </pre><p> which will be automatically translated to other output formats by Doxygen.</p>
<h1><a class="anchor" id="linkclass"></a>
Links to classes</h1>
<p>All words in the documentation that correspond to a documented class and contain at least one non-lower case character will automatically be replaced by a link to the page containing the documentation of the class. If you want to prevent that a word that corresponds to a documented class is replaced by a link you should put a % in front of the word. To link to an all lower case symbol, use <a class="el" href="commands.html#cmdref">\ref</a>.</p>
<h1><a class="anchor" id="linkfile"></a>
Links to files</h1>
<p>All words that contain a dot (<code>.</code>) that is not the last character in the word are considered to be file names. If the word is indeed the name of a documented input file, a link will automatically be created to the documentation of that file.</p>
<h1><a class="anchor" id="linkfunc"></a>
Links to functions</h1>
<p>Links to functions are created if one of the following patterns is encountered: </p>
<code><functionName>"("<argument-list>")"</code> </li>
<code><functionName>"()"</code> </li>
<code>"::"<functionName></code> </li>
<code>(<className>"::")<sup>n</sup><functionName>"("<argument-list>")"</code> </li>
<code>(<className>"::")<sup>n</sup><functionName>"("<argument-list>")"<modifiers></code> </li>
<code>(<className>"::")<sup>n</sup><functionName>"()"</code> </li>
<code>(<className>"::")<sup>n</sup><functionName></code> </li>
<p>where n>0.</p>
<dl class="section user"><dt>Note 1: </dt><dd>Function arguments should be specified with correct types, i.e. 'fun(const std::string&,bool)' or '()' to match any prototype. </dd></dl>
<dl class="section user"><dt>Note 2:</dt><dd>Member function modifiers (like 'const' and 'volatile') are required to identify the target, i.e. 'func(int) const' and 'fun(int)' target different member functions. </dd></dl>
<dl class="section user"><dt>Note 3: </dt><dd>For JavaDoc compatibility a # may be used instead of a :: in the patterns above. </dd></dl>
<dl class="section user"><dt>Note 4:</dt><dd>In the documentation of a class containing a member foo, a reference to a global variable is made using "::foo", whereas #foo will link to the member.</dd></dl>
<p>For non overloaded members the argument list may be omitted.</p>
<p>If a function is overloaded and no matching argument list is specified (i.e. pattern 2 or 6 is used), a link will be created to the documentation of one of the overloaded members.</p>
<p>For member functions the class scope (as used in patterns 4 to 7) may be omitted, if: </p>
The pattern points to a documented member that belongs to the same class as the documentation block that contains the pattern. </li>
The class that corresponds to the documentation blocks that contains the pattern has a base class that contains a documented member that matches the pattern. </li>
<h1><a class="anchor" id="linkother"></a>
Links to other members</h1>
<p>All of these entities can be linked to in the same way as described in the previous section. For sake of clarity it is advised to only use patterns 3 and 7 in this case.</p>
<dl class="section user"><dt>Example:</dt><dd><pre class="fragment">/*! \file autolink.cpp
Testing automatic link generation.
A link to a member of the Test class: Test::member,
More specific links to the each of the overloaded members:
Test::member(int) and Test#member(int,int)
A link to a protected member variable of Test: Test#var,
A link to the global enumeration type #GlobEnum.
A link to the define #ABS(x).
A link to the destructor of the Test class: Test::~Test,
A link to the typedef ::B.
A link to the enumeration type Test::EType
A link to some enumeration values Test::Val1 and ::GVal2
Since this documentation block belongs to the class Test no link to
Test is generated.
Two ways to link to a constructor are: #Test and Test().
Links to the destructor are: #~Test and ~Test().
A link to a member in this class: member().
More specific links to the each of the overloaded members:
member(int) and member(int,int).
A link to the variable #var.
A link to the global typedef ::B.
A link to the global enumeration type #GlobEnum.
A link to the define ABS(x).
A link to a variable \link #var using another text\endlink as a link.
A link to the enumeration type #EType.
A link to some enumeration values: \link Test::Val1 Val1 \endlink and ::GVal1.
And last but not least a link to a file: autolink.cpp.
\sa Inside a see also section any word is checked, so EType,
Val1, GVal1, ~Test and member will be replaced by links in HTML.
class Test
Test(); //!< constructor
~Test(); //!< destructor
void member(int); /**< A member function. Details. */
void member(int,int); /**< An overloaded member function. Details */
/** An enum type. More details */
enum EType {
Val1, /**< enum value 1 */
Val2 /**< enum value 2 */
int var; /**< A member variable */
/*! details. */
Test::Test() { }
/*! details. */
Test::~Test() { }
/*! A global variable. */
int globVar;
/*! A global enum. */
enum GlobEnum {
GVal1, /*!< global enum value 1 */
GVal2 /*!< global enum value 2 */
* A macro definition.
#define ABS(x) (((x)>0)?(x):-(x))
typedef Test B;
/*! \fn typedef Test B
* A type definition.
Click <a href="../examples/autolink/html/index.html">here</a>
for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by Doxygen.
<h1><a class="anchor" id="resolving"></a>
<p>Typedefs that involve classes, structs and unions, like </p>
<pre class="fragment">typedef struct StructName TypeName
</pre><p> create an alias for StructName, so links will be generated to StructName, when either StructName itself or TypeName is encountered.</p>
<dl class="section user"><dt>Example:</dt><dd><pre class="fragment">/*! \file restypedef.cpp
* An example of resolving typedefs.
/*! \struct CoordStruct
* A coordinate pair.
struct CoordStruct
/*! The x coordinate */
float x;
/*! The y coordinate */
float y;
/*! Creates a type name for CoordStruct */
typedef CoordStruct Coord;
* This function returns the addition of \a c1 and \a c2, i.e:
* (c1.x+c2.x,c1.y+c2.y)
Coord add(Coord c1,Coord c2)
Click <a href="../examples/restypedef/html/restypedef_8cpp.html">here</a>
for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by Doxygen.
Go to the <a href="output.html">next</a> section or return to the
<a href="index.html">index</a>.
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