/usr/share/gimp/2.0/scripts/script-fu-compat.init is in gimp-data 2.8.10-0ubuntu1.2.
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The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
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;were originally written for use with the older SIOD based Script-Fu plug-in
;of GIMP.
;All items defined in this file except for the random number routines are
;deprecated. Existing scripts should be updated to avoid the use of the
;compability functions and define statements which follow the random number
;generator routines.
;The items marked as deprecated at the end of this file may be removed
;at some later date.
;The random number generator routines below have been slightly reformatted.
;A couple of define blocks which are not needed have been commented out.
;The original file was called rand2.scm and can be found in:
; Minimal Standard Random Number Generator
; Park & Miller, CACM 31(10), Oct 1988, 32 bit integer version.
; better constants, as proposed by Park.
; By Ozan Yigit
;(define *seed* 1)
(define (srand seed)
(set! *seed* seed)
(define (msrg-rand)
(let (
(A 48271)
(M 2147483647)
(Q 44488)
(R 3399)
(let* (
(hi (quotient *seed* Q))
(lo (modulo *seed* Q))
(test (- (* A lo) (* R hi)))
(if (> test 0)
(set! *seed* test)
(set! *seed* (+ test M))
; poker test
; seed 1
; cards 0-9 inclusive (random 10)
; five cards per hand
; 10000 hands
; Poker Hand Example Probability Calculated
; 5 of a kind (aaaaa) 0.0001 0
; 4 of a kind (aaaab) 0.0045 0.0053
; Full house (aaabb) 0.009 0.0093
; 3 of a kind (aaabc) 0.072 0.0682
; two pairs (aabbc) 0.108 0.1104
; Pair (aabcd) 0.504 0.501
; Bust (abcde) 0.3024 0.3058
(define (random n)
(let* (
(n (inexact->exact (truncate n)))
(M 2147483647)
(slop (modulo M n))
(let loop ((r (msrg-rand)))
(if (> r slop)
(modulo r n)
(loop (msrg-rand))
;(define (rngtest)
; (display "implementation ")
; (srand 1)
; (do
; ( (n 0 (+ n 1)) )
; ( (>= n 10000) )
; (msrg-rand)
; )
; (if (= *seed* 399268537)
; (display "looks correct.")
; (begin
; (display "failed.")
; (newline)
; (display " current seed ") (display *seed*)
; (newline)
; (display " correct seed 399268537")
; )
; )
; (newline)
;This macro defines a while loop which is needed by some older scripts.
;This is here since it is not defined in R5RS and could be handy to have.
;This while macro was found at:
(define-macro (while test . body)
`(let loop ()
;The following define block(s) require the tsx extension to be loaded
(define (realtime)
(car (gettimeofday))
;Items below this line are for compatability with Script-Fu but
;may be useful enough to keep around
(define (delq item lis)
(let ((l '()))
(unless (null? lis)
(while (pair? lis)
(if (<> item (car lis))
(set! l (append l (list (car lis))))
(set! lis (cdr lis))
(define (make-list count fill)
(vector->list (make-vector count fill))
(define (strbreakup str sep)
(let* (
(seplen (string-length sep))
(start 0)
(end (string-length str))
(i start)
(l '())
(if (= seplen 0)
(set! l (list str))
(while (<= i (- end seplen))
(if (substring-equal? sep str i (+ i seplen))
(if (= start 0)
(set! l (list (substring str start i)))
(set! l (append l (list (substring str start i))))
(set! start (+ i seplen))
(set! i (+ i seplen -1))
(set! i (+ i 1))
(set! l (append l (list (substring str start end))))
(define (string-downcase str)
(list->string (map char-downcase (string->list str)))
(define (string-trim str)
(string-trim-right (string-trim-left str))
(define (string-trim-left str)
(let (
(strlen (string-length str))
(i 0)
(while (and (< i strlen)
(char-whitespace? (string-ref str i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
(substring str i (string-length str))
(define (string-trim-right str)
(let ((i (- (string-length str) 1)))
(while (and (>= i 0)
(char-whitespace? (string-ref str i))
(set! i (- i 1))
(substring str 0 (+ i 1))
(define (string-upcase str)
(list->string (map char-upcase (string->list str)))
(define (substring-equal? str str2 start end)
(string=? str (substring str2 start end))
(define (unbreakupstr stringlist sep)
(let ((str (car stringlist)))
(set! stringlist (cdr stringlist))
(while (not (null? stringlist))
(set! str (string-append str sep (car stringlist)))
(set! stringlist (cdr stringlist))
;Items below this line are deprecated and should not be used in new scripts.
(define aset vector-set!)
(define aref vector-ref)
(define fopen open-input-file)
(define mapcar map)
(define nil '())
(define nreverse reverse)
(define pow expt)
(define prin1 write)
(define (print obj . port)
(apply write obj port)
(define strcat string-append)
(define string-lessp string<?)
(define symbol-bound? defined?)
(define the-environment current-environment)
(define *pi*
(* 4 (atan 1.0))
(define (butlast x)
(if (= (length x) 1)
(reverse (cdr (reverse x)))
(define (cons-array count type)
(case type
((long) (make-vector count 0))
((short) (make-vector count 0))
((byte) (make-vector count 0))
((double) (make-vector count 0.0))
((string) (vector->list (make-vector count "")))
(else type)
(define (fmod a b)
(- a (* (truncate (/ a b)) b))
(define (fread arg1 file)
(define (fread-get-chars count file)
(let (
(str "")
(c 0)
(while (> count 0)
(set! count (- count 1))
(set! c (read-char file))
(if (eof-object? c)
(set! count 0)
(set! str (string-append str (make-string 1 c)))
(if (eof-object? c)
(if (number? arg1)
(set! arg1 (inexact->exact (truncate arg1)))
(fread-get-chars arg1 file)
(set! arg1 (fread-get-chars (string-length arg1) file))
(string-length arg1)
(define (last x)
(cons (car (reverse x)) '())
(define (nth k list)
(list-ref list k)
(define (prog1 form1 . form2)
(let ((a form1))
(if (not (null? form2))
(define (rand . modulus)
(if (null? modulus)
(apply random modulus)
(define (strcmp str1 str2)
(if (string<? str1 str2)
(if (string>? str1 str2)
(define (trunc n)
(inexact->exact (truncate n))
(define verbose
(lambda n
(if (or (null? n) (not (number? (car n))))
(car n)