/usr/lib/R/library/Matrix/test-tools-1.R is in r-cran-matrix 1.0-2-1.
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#### -------------------------
## to be used as, e.g.,
## source(system.file("test-tools-1.R", package="Matrix"), keep.source=FALSE)
### ------- Part I -- unrelated to "Matrix" classes ---------------
paste0 <- function(...) paste(..., sep = '')
identical3 <- function(x,y,z) identical(x,y) && identical (y,z)
identical4 <- function(a,b,c,d) identical(a,b) && identical3(b,c,d)
identical5 <- function(a,b,c,d,e) identical(a,b) && identical4(b,c,d,e)
## Make sure errors are signaled
assertError <- function(expr) {
d.expr <- deparse(substitute(expr))
t.res <- tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) e)
if(!inherits(t.res, "error"))
stop(d.expr, "\n\t did not give an error", call. = FALSE)
assertWarningAtLeast <- function(expr) {
d.expr <- deparse(substitute(expr))
t.res <- tryCatch(expr, error = function(e)e, warning = function(w)w)
if(!inherits(t.res, "error") && !inherits(t.res, "warning"))
stop(d.expr, "\n\t did not give an error or warning", call. = FALSE)
assertWarning <- function(expr) {
d.expr <- deparse(substitute(expr))
t.res <- tryCatch(expr, warning = function(w)w)
if(!inherits(t.res, "warning"))
stop(d.expr, "\n\t did not give a warning", call. = FALSE)
isValid <- function(x, class) validObject(x, test=TRUE) && is(x, class)
is.all.equal3 <- function(x,y,z, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)
isTRUE(all.equal(x,y, tol=tol)) && isTRUE(all.equal(y,z, tol=tol))
is.all.equal4 <- function(x,y,z,u, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)
is.all.equal3(x,y,z, tol=tol) && isTRUE(all.equal(z,u, tol=tol))
## A version of all.equal() for the slots
all.slot.equal <- function(x,y, ...) {
slts <- slotNames(x)
for(sl in slts) {
aeq <- all.equal(slot(x,sl), slot(y,sl), ...)
if(!identical(TRUE, aeq))
return(paste("slot '",sl,"': ", aeq, sep=''))
## all.equal() for list-coercible objects -- apart from *some* components
all.equal.X <- function(x,y, except, ...)
.trunc <- function(x) {
ll <- as.list(x)
ll[ - match(except, names(ll), nomatch = 0L)]
all.equal(.trunc(x), .trunc(y), ...)
## e.g. in lme4:
## all.equal.X(env(m1), env(m2), except = c("call", "frame"))
## The relative error typically returned by all.equal:
relErr <- function(target, current) { ## make this work for 'Matrix'
## ==> no mean() ..
n <- length(current)
if(length(target) < n)
target <- rep(target, length.out = n)
sum(abs(target - current)) / sum(abs(target))
## is.R22 <- (paste(R.version$major, R.version$minor, sep=".") >= "2.2")
pkgRversion <- function(pkgname)
sub("^R ([0-9.]+).*", "\\1", packageDescription(pkgname)[["Built"]])
showProc.time <- local({ ## function + 'pct' variable
pct <- proc.time()
function(final="\n") { ## CPU elapsed __since last called__
ot <- pct ; pct <<- proc.time()
## 'Time ..' *not* to be translated: tools::Rdiff() skips its lines!
cat('Time elapsed: ', (pct - ot)[1:3], final)
##' @title turn an S4 object (with slots) into a list with corresponding components
##' @param obj an R object with a formal class (aka "S4")
##' @return a list with named components where \code{obj} had slots
##' @author Martin Maechler
S4_2list <- function(obj) {
sn <- slotNames(obj)
structure(lapply(sn, slot, object = obj), .Names = sn)
### ------- Part II -- related to matrices, but *not* "Matrix" -----------
add.simpleDimnames <- function(m) {
stopifnot(length(d <- dim(m)) == 2)
dimnames(m) <- list(if(d[1]) paste0("r", seq_len(d[1])),
if(d[2]) paste0("c", seq_len(d[2])))
as.mat <- function(m) {
## as(., "matrix") but with no extraneous empty dimnames
m <- as(m, "matrix")
if(identical(dimnames(m), list(NULL,NULL)))
dimnames(m) <- NULL
assert.EQ.mat <- function(M, m, tol = if(show) 0 else 1e-15, show=FALSE) {
## Purpose: check equality of 'Matrix' M with 'matrix' m
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: M: is(., "Matrix") typically {but just needs working as(., "matrix")}
## m: is(., "matrix")
## show: if TRUE, return (and hence typically print) all.equal(...)
MM <- as.mat(M) # as(M, "matrix")
if(is.logical(MM) && is.numeric(m))
storage.mode(MM) <- "integer"
attr(MM, "dimnames") <- attr(m, "dimnames") <- NULL
if(show) all.equal(MM, m, tol = tol)
else if(!isTRUE(r <- all.equal(MM, m, tol = tol)))
stop("all.equal() |-> ", r)
## a short cut
assert.EQ.Mat <- function(M, M2, tol = if(show) 0 else 1e-15, show=FALSE)
assert.EQ.mat(M, as.mat(M2), tol=tol, show=show)
chk.matrix <- function(M) {
## check object; including coercion to "matrix" :
cl <- class(M)
cat("class ", dQuote(cl), " [",nrow(M)," x ",ncol(M),"]; slots (",
paste(slotNames(M), collapse=","), ")\n", sep='')
dim(M) == c(nrow(M), ncol(M)),
identical(dim(m <- as(M, "matrix")), dim(M))
isOrthogonal <- function(x, tol = 1e-15) {
all.equal(diag(as(zapsmall(crossprod(x)), "diagonalMatrix")),
rep(1, ncol(x)), tol = tol)