/usr/lib/perl5/Tk/DragDrop/SunDrop.pm is in perl-tk 1:804.029-1.1ubuntu2.
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require Tk::DragDrop::Rect;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '4.006'; # sprintf '4.%03d', q$Revision: #5 $ =~ /\D(\d+)\s*$/;
use base qw(Tk::DragDrop::Rect);
use strict;
use Tk::DragDrop::SunConst;
# Define the Rect API as members of the array
my @fields = qw(name win X Y width height flags ancestor widget);
my $i = 0;
no strict 'refs';
for ($i=0; $i < @fields; $i++)
my $j = $i;
*{"$fields[$i]"} = sub { shift->[$j] };
sub Preview
my ($site,$token,$e,$kind,$flags) = (@_);
$token->BackTrace('No flags') unless defined $flags;
my $sflags = $site->flags;
return if ($kind == _motion && !($sflags & MOTION));
return if ($kind != _motion && !($sflags & ENTERLEAVE));
my $data = pack('LLSSLL',$kind,$e->t,$e->X,$e->Y,$site->name,$flags);
sub Enter
my ($site,$token,$e) = @_;
sub Leave
my ($site,$token,$e) = @_;
sub Motion
my ($site,$token,$e) = @_;
sub HandleDone
my ($token,$seln,$offset,$max) = @_;
return '';
sub HandleAck
my ($w,$seln,$offset,$max) = @_;
return '';
sub HandleItem
my ($w,$seln,$offset,$max) = @_;
return undef;
sub HandleCount
my ($w,$seln,$offset,$max) = @_;
return 1;
sub Drop
my ($site,$token,$seln,$e) = @_;
my $w = $token->parent;
my $atom = $w->InternAtom($seln);
my $data = pack('LLSSLL',$atom,$e->t,$e->X,$e->Y,$site->name,$flags);
sub FindSite
my ($class,$token,$X,$Y) = @_;
$token->{'SunDD'} = [] unless exists $token->{'SunDD'};
my $site = $class->SUPER::FindSite($token,$X,$Y);
if (!defined $site)
my $id = $token->PointToWindow($X,$Y);
while ($id)
my @prop;
Tk::catch { @prop = $token->property('get','_SUN_DRAGDROP_INTEREST', $id) };
if (!$@ && shift(@prop) eq '_SUN_DRAGDROP_INTEREST' && shift(@prop) == 0)
# This is a "toplevel" which has some sites associated with it.
my ($bx,$by) = $token->WindowXY($id);
$token->{'SunDDSeen'} = {} unless exists $token->{'SunDDSeen'};
return $site if $token->{'SunDDSeen'}{$id};
$token->{'SunDDSeen'}{$id} = 1;
my $sites = $token->{'SunDD'};
my $count = shift(@prop);
while (@prop && $count-- > 0)
my ($xid,$sn,$flags,$kind,$n) = splice(@prop,0,5);
if ($kind != 0)
warn "Don't understand site type $kind";
while (@prop >= 4 && $n-- > 0)
my ($x,$y,$w,$h) = splice(@prop,0,4);
push(@$sites,bless [$sn,$xid,$x+$bx,$y+$by,$w,$h,$flags,$id,$token],$class);
return $class->SUPER::FindSite($token,$X,$Y);
$id = $token->PointToWindow($X,$Y,$id)
return $site;
my $busy = 0;
sub NewDrag
my ($class,$token) = @_;
delete $token->{'SunDD'} unless $busy;
delete $token->{'SunDDSeen'};
sub SiteList
my ($class,$token) = @_;
return @{$token->{'SunDD'}};
# this code is obsolete now that we look at properties ourselves
# which means we don't need dropsite manager running
# On Sun's running OpenLook the window manager or dropsite mananger
# watches for and caches site info in a special selection
# This code got sites from that
sub SiteList
my ($class,$token) = @_;
unless (1 || $busy || exists $token->{'SunDD'})
Carp::confess('Already doing it!') if ($busy++);
my @data = ();
my @sites = ();
my $mw = $token->MainWindow;
$token->{'SunDD'} = \@sites;
Tk::catch {
@data = $mw->SelectionGet( '-selection'=>'_SUN_DRAGDROP_DSDM', '_SUN_DRAGDROP_SITE_RECTS');
if ($@)
while (@data)
my $version = shift(@data);
if ($version != 0)
warn "Unexpected site version $version";
push(@sites,bless [splice(@data,0,7)],$class);
return @{$token->{'SunDD'}};