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/* See the file COPYRIGHT for a complete copyright notice, contact */
/* person and disclaimer. */
/* ******************************************************************** */
/* ******************************************************************** */
/* Declaration of the ML_Operator structure */
/* ******************************************************************** */
/* Author : Charles Tong (LLNL) and Raymond Tuminaro (SNL) */
/* Date : March, 1999 */
/* ******************************************************************** */
#ifndef __MLOPERATOR__
#define __MLOPERATOR__
/* ******************************************************************** */
/* data structure type definition */
/* ******************************************************************** */
typedef struct ML_Operator_Subspace_Struct ML_Operator_Subspace;
typedef struct ML_Operator_Struct ML_Operator;
typedef struct ML_Function_Struct ML_Function;
typedef struct ML_GetrowFunc_Struct ML_GetrowFunc;
/* ******************************************************************** */
/* local include files */
/* ******************************************************************** */
#include "ml_common.h"
#include "ml_defs.h"
#include "ml_memory.h"
#include "ml_bdrypts.h"
#include "ml_1level.h"
#include "ml_operatoragx.h"
#include "ml_vec.h"
#include "ml_gridagx.h"
#include "ml_mls.h"
#include "ml_utils.h"
#include "ml_op_utils.h"
#ifdef WKC
#include <Epetra_Comm.h>
#include <Epetra_MultiVector.h>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* data structure used to store pointers to functions such as matvec
used by the operator class. */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct ML_Function_Struct {
int ML_id;
int Nrows;
int (*func_ptr)(ML_Operator *, int, double *, int, double *);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* This data structure stores all information pertaining to performing
the Getrow function on an operator object. */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct ML_GetrowFunc_Struct {
int ML_id;
int Nrows; /*used for all point rows even VBR point getrows*/
int N_block_rows; /*used to store number of block rows for VBR matrices*/
ML_CommInfoOP *pre_comm; /*This is for all normal cases*/
ML_CommInfoOP *post_comm; /*This is only used for the weird matvec/transpose*/
int (*func_ptr)(ML_Operator *,int,int*,int,int*,double*,int*);
void *data;
int use_loc_glob_map; /*If global when a point getrow is performed local indices are returned*/
int columns_loc_glob; /*Set to ML_LOCAL_INDICES if local or ML_GLOBAL_INDICES if global*/
int *loc_glob_map;
int *row_map;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* This data structure stores all information necessary to be able to
project out a subspace (e.g., a known nullspace). */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct ML_Operator_Subspace_Struct {
double **basis_vectors;
int dimension; /** number of basis vectors */
int vecleng; /** length of basis vectors */
void (*data_destroy)(void *);
double *VAV; /** dimension by dimension system to solve */
int *pivots; /** pivots for VAV factorization */
int VAVdone; /** true if VAV is calculated already */
double *res1,*res2,*vec1,*vec2; /* work vectors */
typedef struct {
double threshold;
int (*aux_func_ptr)(ML_Operator *,int,int*,int,int*,double*,int*);
int enable;
int max_level;
int** filter;
int filter_size;
} ML_Aux_Data;
void ML_Aux_Data_Create(ML_Aux_Data** ptr);
void ML_Aux_Data_Destroy(ML_Aux_Data** ptr);
ML_Aux_Data* ML_Aux_Data_Clone(ML_Aux_Data* original);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** This data structure defines an enriched operator class for the
specification of the discretization matrix, the restriction and the
prolongation operator. */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct ML_Operator_Struct {
int ML_id; /*this and the getrow are not the pid that lives in comm
ML_id is used as the pid for communication in the
neighbor list however*/
ML_Comm *comm;
ML_1Level *to, *from;
int invec_leng, outvec_leng;
void *data;
void (*data_destroy)(void *);
ML_Function *matvec;
ML_GetrowFunc *getrow;
ML_DVector *diagonal; /** diagonal of matrix. */
int N_nonzeros;
int max_nz_per_row;
int blocks; /*only used for VBR matrices to say number of blocks*/
int from_an_ml_operator;
ML_Operator *sub_matrix;
ML_BdryPts *BCs;
char *DirichletRows; /* simple array of length outvec_leng
to record Dirichlet rows */
double build_time, apply_time;
double apply_without_comm_time;
int ntimes, nflop;
char *label;
int num_PDEs, num_rigid;
double lambda_max, lambda_min, lambda_max_img;
int N_total_cols_est;
int halfclone;
int spectral_radius_scheme, spectral_radius_max_iters;
ML_Operator_Subspace *subspace;
/* This is just a hook into modes that we want to project out
before (after) invoking a MG cycle. I couldn't think of
a more appropriate spot for these, especially as they need
to be available when ML is used as a preconditioner to a
Krylov method. */
ML_Aux_Data *aux_data;
/*!< General container for auxiliary matrix */
int type; /* simple ID that specifies the actual storage
used in data. It can be:
- ML_TYPE_UNKNOWN (default)
By using this, we can same some wrapping, at least
for the finest-level operator.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* This structure is used to implement both drop tolerances and matrix
amalgamation (used in ML_aggregateCoarsenMIS()). The idea is to wrap
the getrow() of the original matrix such that it handles the blocking
and the dropping. */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct amalg_drop {
void *original_data;
struct ML_GetrowFunc_Struct *original_getrow;
double *scaled_diag;
int block_size;
double drop_tolerance;
ML_Operator *Amat;
int *blk_inds;
/* used by ML_Operator_AmalgamateAndDropWeak_VBlocks */
void *vblock_data; /**< holds data structure aggr_vblock */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* This structure is used to implicitly scale a matrix. The idea is to wrap
the getrow() of the original matrix such that it handles the blocking
and the dropping. */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct ml_matscale {
ML_Operator *Amat;
double scalar;
int destroy_child;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* This structure is used to implicitly scale a matrix with a vector. *
* It extends ml_matscale. */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct ml_matvscale {
ML_Operator *Amat;
double* scale;
int destroy_child;
/* ******************************************************************** */
/* ******************************************************************** */
/* User Interface Proto-types */
/* ******************************************************************** */
/* ******************************************************************** */
#ifndef ML_CPP
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern int ML_Operator_BlockPartition(ML_Operator *matrix, int n, int *nblks,
int *pnode_part, ML_Partitioner which_partitioner,
double *x_coord, double *y_coord, double *z_coord,int num_PDE_eqns);
extern ML_Operator *ML_Operator_Create(ML_Comm *comm);
extern int ML_Operator_Destroy(ML_Operator **);
extern ML_Operator *ML_Operator_halfClone( ML_Operator *original);
extern int ML_Operator_halfClone_Init(ML_Operator *mat,
ML_Operator *original);
extern int ML_Operator_halfClone_Clean( ML_Operator *mat);
extern int ML_Operator_halfClone_Destroy( ML_Operator **mat);
extern int ML_Operator_Init(ML_Operator *, ML_Comm *comm);
extern int ML_Operator_Clean(ML_Operator *);
extern int ML_Operator_Dump(ML_Operator *Ke, double *, double *,
char *str, int);
extern int ML_Operator_Set_Label(ML_Operator *, char *str);
extern int ML_Operator_Set_1Levels(ML_Operator *, ML_1Level*, ML_1Level*);
extern int ML_Operator_Set_BdryPts(ML_Operator *, ML_BdryPts *);
extern int ML_Operator_Set_ApplyFuncData(ML_Operator *, int, int, void*,
int,int (*func)(ML_Operator *,int,double*,int,double*),int);
extern int ML_Operator_Set_ApplyFunc(ML_Operator *,
int (*func)(ML_Operator *, int, double *, int, double *));
extern int ML_Operator_Set_Diag(ML_Operator *, int, double *);
extern int ML_Operator_Set_Getrow(ML_Operator *, int,
int (*func)(ML_Operator *,int,int*,int,int*,double*,int*));
extern int ML_Operator_Getrow(ML_Operator *, int, int *, int, int *,
double *, int*);
extern int ML_Operator_Get_Diag(ML_Operator *Amat, int length, double **diag);
extern int ML_Operator_Apply(ML_Operator *, int, double *, int, double *);
#ifdef WKC
extern int ML_Operator_Apply(ML_Operator *, int, Epetra_MultiVector &,
int, Epetra_MultiVector & );
extern int ML_Operator_ApplyAndResetBdryPts(ML_Operator *, int, double *,
int olen, double *);
extern int ML_Operator_Add(ML_Operator *A, ML_Operator *B, ML_Operator *C,
int matrix_type, double scalar);
#ifdef WKC
extern int ML_Operator_ApplyAndResetBdryPts(ML_Operator *, int,
Epetra_MultiVector &, int olen, Epetra_MultiVector &);
extern int ML_Operator_MoveFromHierarchyAndClean(ML_Operator *newmat,
ML_Operator *hier);
extern int ML_Operator_Move2HierarchyAndDestroy(ML_Operator **newmat,
ML_Operator *hier);
extern int ML_Operator_Transpose(ML_Operator *Amat, ML_Operator *Amat_trans );
extern int ML_Operator_Check_Getrow(ML_Operator *, int, char*);
extern double ML_Operator_MaxNorm(ML_Operator *matrix, int divide_diag);
extern int ML_Operator_Print(ML_Operator *matrix, const char label[]);
extern int ML_Operator_ComputeNumNzs(ML_Operator *matrix);
/* Operator Scaling */
extern int ML_implicitscale_Getrow(ML_Operator *data, int N_requested_rows,
int requested_rows[], int allocated_space,
int columns[], double values[],
int row_lengths[]);
extern int ML_implicitscale_Matvec(ML_Operator *Amat_in, int ilen, double p[],
int olen, double ap[]);
extern ML_Operator *ML_Operator_ImplicitlyScale(ML_Operator *Amat,
double scalar,
int OnDestroy_FreeChild);
extern void ML_implicitscale_Destroy(void *data);
/* Operator Scaling with a vector */
extern int ML_implicitvscale_Getrow(ML_Operator *data, int N_requested_rows,
int requested_rows[], int allocated_space,
int columns[], double values[],
int row_lengths[]);
extern int ML_implicitvscale_Matvec(ML_Operator *Amat_in, int ilen, double p[],
int olen, double ap[]);
extern ML_Operator *ML_Operator_ImplicitlyVScale(ML_Operator *Amat,
double* scale,
int OnDestroy_FreeChild);
extern int ML_Operator_ExplicitDinvA(int BlockSize,
struct MLSthing *Dinv, ML_Operator *A);
extern ML_Operator *ML_Operator_ImplicitlyBlockDinvScale(ML_Operator *Amat);
extern void ML_implicitvscale_Destroy(void *data);
extern int ML_implicitvcscale_Getrow(ML_Operator *data, int N_requested_rows,
int requested_rows[], int allocated_space,
int columns[], double values[],
int row_lengths[]);
extern ML_Operator *ML_Operator_ImplicitlyVCScale(ML_Operator *Amat,
double* scale,
int OnDestroy_FreeChild);
extern int ML_CSR_DropSmall(ML_Operator *Pe, double AbsoluteDrop,
double RelativeRowDrop, double RelativeColDrop);
extern ML_Operator *ML_CSRmatrix_ColumnSubset(ML_Operator *Amat, int Nsubset,
int subset[]);
extern int ML_Operator_Set_SpectralNormScheme_Calc( ML_Operator *mat);
extern int ML_Operator_Set_SpectralNormScheme_Anorm( ML_Operator *mat);
extern int ML_Operator_Set_SpectralNormScheme_Anasazi( ML_Operator *mat);
extern int ML_Operator_Set_SpectralNormScheme_PowerMethod(ML_Operator *mat);
extern int ML_Operator_Set_SpectralNorm_Iterations(ML_Operator *mat, int its);
/* amalagamation routines */
extern int ML_Operator_AmalgamateAndDropWeak(ML_Operator *Amat, int block_size,
double drop_tolerance);
extern int ML_Operator_UnAmalgamateAndDropWeak(ML_Operator *Amat,
int block_size, double drop_tolerance);
extern int ML_amalg_drop_getrow(ML_Operator *data, int N_requested_rows,
int requested_rows[], int allocated_space, int columns[],
double values[], int row_lengths[]);
extern int ML_Operator_GetDistributedDiagBlocks(ML_Operator *mat, int *blkinfo,
int **new_ja, double **new_aa);
extern double ML_Operator_GetMaxEig(ML_Operator *Amat);
extern ML_Operator **ML_Operator_ArrayCreate( int length);
extern int ML_Operator_ArrayDestroy( ML_Operator **array, int length);
extern int ML_Operator_SetSubspace(ML *ml, double **vectors, int numvecs,
int vecleng);
extern int ML_Operator_Amalgamate_Vec_Trans(ML_Operator *Amat, int *blocked,
int **unblocked, int *size);
extern int AZ_get_MSR_arrays(ML_Operator *, int **bindx, double **val);
/* define this here so we don't have to include ml_aztec_utils.h */
/* in ml_struct.c and ml_smoother.c */
int ML_Operator_GetFlops(ML_Operator *mat);
void ML_Operator_GetGlobalDimensions(ML_Operator *A,int *nrows,int *ncols);
extern int ML_Operator_MisRootPts( ML_Operator *Amatrix, int num_PDE_eqns,
int **);
extern int ML_Epetra_CRSinsert(ML_Operator *, int, int *, double *, int);
#ifndef ML_CPP
#ifdef __cplusplus