/usr/include/trilinos/PoissonData.hpp is in libtrilinos-dev 10.4.0.dfsg-1ubuntu2.
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#define _PoissonData_h_
/* Copyright 2005 Sandia Corporation. */
/* Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000, there is a */
/* non-exclusive license for use of this work by or on behalf */
/* of the U.S. Government. Export of this program may require */
/* a license from the United States Government. */
#include <fei_base.hpp>
//This is a class for use in exercising FEI implementations.
//This class sets up test data for the Poisson equation on a 2D square,
//and provides query functions for obtaining that data.
//The calling program (the 'user' of PoissonData) is left
//with the task of calling the FEI functions.
//Also note:
// 1. This class only provides 1 element-block per processor currently.
// 2. The function calculateBCs() must be called before the boundary
// condition data is requested.
// Alan Williams 12-20-2000
class PoissonData {
//constructor -- see PoissonData.cpp for descriptions of these
PoissonData(int L,
int numProcs, int localProc, int outputLevel);
int getElemFormat() {return(elemFormat_); };
//hardwired for only 1 field...
int getNumFields() { return(1);};
int* getFieldSizes() { return(&fieldSize_);};
int* getFieldIDs() { return(&fieldIDs_[0][0]);};
GlobalID getElemBlockID() { return(elemBlockID_); };
int getNumLocalElements() { return(numLocalElements_); };
GlobalID* getLocalElementIDs() { return(elemIDs_); };
int getNumNodesPerElement() { return(elem_->numElemNodes()); };
int* getNumFieldsPerNodeList() { return( numFields_ ); };
int** getNodalFieldIDsTable() { return( fieldIDs_ ); };
GlobalID* getElementConnectivity(GlobalID elemID);
double** getElemStiffness(GlobalID elemID);
double* getElemLoad(GlobalID elemID);
void addBCNode(GlobalID nodeID, double x, double y);
void calculateBCs();
int getNumBCNodes() { return( BCNodeIDs_.size() ); }
GlobalID* getBCNodeIDs() { return( &BCNodeIDs_[0] ); }
int getBCFieldID() { return( fieldIDs_[0][0] ); }
double* getBCValues() { return( &BCValues_[0] ); }
void getLeftSharedNodes(int& numShared, GlobalID* sharedNodeIDs,
int* numProcsPerSharedNode,
int** sharingProcs);
void getRightSharedNodes(int& numShared, GlobalID* sharedNodeIDs,
int* numProcsPerSharedNode,
int** sharingProcs);
void getTopSharedNodes(int& numShared, GlobalID* sharedNodeIDs,
int* numProcsPerSharedNode,
int** sharingProcs);
void getBottomSharedNodes(int& numShared, GlobalID* sharedNodeIDs,
int* numProcsPerSharedNode,
int** sharingProcs);
void check1();
void calculateDistribution();
void messageAbort(const char* message);
void calculateConnectivity(GlobalID* conn, int size, GlobalID elemID);
void initializeFieldStuff();
void deleteFieldArrays();
void printSharedNodes(const char* str,
int numShared,
GlobalID* nodeIDs,
int** shareProcs,
int* numShareProcs);
Poisson_Elem* elem_; //we're only going to have 1 element instance!!
int numLocalElements_;
int startElement_;
int numProcs_;
int localProc_;
int outputLevel_;
int L_;
int procX_, procY_;
int maxProcX_, maxProcY_;
int numElemBlocks_;
int solveType_;
int nodesPerElement_;
int fieldsPerNode_;
GlobalID elemBlockID_;
int elemSetID_;
int elemFormat_;
//*************** field description variables *********
int fieldSize_;
int* numFields_;
int** fieldIDs_;
bool fieldArraysAllocated_;
//************* element IDs and connectivities ********
GlobalID* elemIDs_;
bool elemIDsAllocated_;
//************* boundary condition stuff **************
std::vector<GlobalID> BCNodeIDs_;
std::vector<double> BCValues_;
int init_elem_connectivities(FEI* fei, PoissonData& poissonData);
int init_elem_connectivities(fei::MatrixGraph* matrixGraph,
PoissonData& poissonData);
int set_shared_nodes(FEI* fei, PoissonData& poissonData);
int set_shared_nodes(fei::VectorSpace* nodeSpace, PoissonData& poissonData);
int load_elem_data(FEI* fei, PoissonData& poissonData);
int load_elem_data_putrhs(FEI* fei, PoissonData& poissonData);
int load_elem_data(fei::MatrixGraph* matrixGraph,
fei::Matrix* mat, fei::Vector* rhs,
PoissonData& poissonData);
int load_BC_data(FEI* fei, PoissonData& poissonData);
int load_BC_data(fei::LinearSystem* linSys, PoissonData& poissonData);