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// Moocho: Multi-functional Object-Oriented arCHitecture for Optimization
// Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation
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#include "ConstrainedOptPack_QPSolverStats.hpp"
#include "Teuchos_StandardMemberCompositionMacros.hpp"
namespace ConstrainedOptPack {
/** \brief Solves Quadratic Programs (QPs) of several different forms while
* allowing a relaxation of the constraints.
* The formulation for the QP being solved is:
(1.1) min g'*d + 1/2*d'*G*d + M(eta)
d <: R^n
(1.2) etaL <= eta
(1.3) dL <= d <= dU
(1.4) eL <= op(E)*d - b*eta <= eU
(1.5) op(F)*d + (1 - eta) * f = 0
* The relaxation is used to ensure that the QP will have a solution
* (<tt>eta = 1</tt>, <tt>d = 0</tt> guaranteed if <tt>dL <= 0 <= dU</tt>
* and <tt>eL <= b <= eU</tt>). If the function <tt>M(eta)</tt> in the
* objective is large enough, then the constraint <tt>etaL <= eta</tt> will be active
* if a feasible region exists. The form of the function <tt>M(eta)</tt> is not
* specified by this interface but is defined as appropriate for each individual
* QP solver method and implementation.
* The Lagrangian for the QP in (1) is:
L = g' * d + 1/2 * d' * G * d + M(eta)
+ kappa * (etaL - eta)
+ nuL' * (dL - d)
+ nuU' * (d - dU)
+ muL' * (eL - op(E)*d - b*eta)
+ muU' * (op(E)*d - b*eta - eU)
+ lambda' * (op(F)*d + (1 - eta) * f)
* The optimality conditions for this QP are:
Linear dependence of gradients:
(2) d(L)/d(d) = g + G*d - nuL + nuU + op(E)'*(- muL + muU) + op(F)'*lambda
= g + G*d + nu + op(E)'*mu + op(F)'*lambda = 0
where: nu = nuU - nuL, mu = muU - muL
(3) d(L)/d(eta) = d(M)/d(eta) - kappa - b'*mu - f'*lambda = 0
(4.1) etaL <= eta
(4.2) dL <= d <= dU
(4.3) eL <= op(E)*d - b*eta <= eU
(4.4) op(F)*d + (1 - eta) * f = 0
(5.1) nu(i) * (dL - d)(i) = 0, if nu(i) <= 0, i = 1...n
(5.2) nu(i) * (d - dU)(i) = 0, if nu(i) >= 0, i = 1...n
(5.3) mu(j) * (eL - op(E)*d + b*eta)(j) = 0, if mu(j) <= 0, j = 1...m_in
(5.4) mu(j) * (op(E)*d - b*eta - eU)(j) = 0, if mu(j) >= 0, j = 1...m_in
Nonnegativity of Lagrange Multipliers for Inequality Constraints:
(6.1) nu(i) <= 0 if (dL - d)(i) = 0, i = 1...n
(6.2) nu(i) >= 0 if (d - dU)(i) = 0, i = 1...n
(6.3) mu(j) <= 0 if (eL - op(E)*d - b*eta)(j) = 0, j = 1...m_in
(6.4) mu(j) >= 0 if (op(E)*d - b*eta - eU)(j) = 0, j = 1...m_in
* The optimal <tt>d</tt> and <tt>eta</tt> are determined as well as the lagrange multipliers
* for the constriants:
nu : dL <= d <= dU
mu : eL <= op(E)*d - b*eta <= eU
lambda : op(F)*d + (1 - eta) * f = 0
* The lagrange multiper <tt>kappa</tt> for the constraint <tt>etaL <= eta</tt> is not returned
* since if this constraint is not active, then <tt>kappa == 0</tt> and all of the multiplier
* estimates will be off because of the arbitrarily large value of <tt>d(M)/d(eta)</tt> in
* the optimality condition (3).
class QPSolverRelaxed {
/** @name Public Types */
/// Thrown if the QP is unbounded.
class Unbounded : public std::logic_error
{public: Unbounded(const std::string& what_arg) : std::logic_error(what_arg) {}};
/// Thrown if the QP is infeasible.
class Infeasible : public std::logic_error
{public: Infeasible(const std::string& what_arg) : std::logic_error(what_arg) {}};
/// Thrown if there is invalid input
class InvalidInput : public std::logic_error
{public: InvalidInput(const std::string& what_arg) : std::logic_error(what_arg) {}};
/// Thrown if a test failed
class TestFailed : public std::logic_error
{public: TestFailed(const std::string& what_arg) : std::logic_error(what_arg) {}};
/// Enumeration for the amount of output to create from \c solve_qp().
enum EOutputLevel {
/// Enumeration for if to run internal tests or not.
enum ERunTests { RUN_TESTS, NO_TESTS };
/** @name Initializers */
/// Set the scalar that will be used to identigy infinite bounds
STANDARD_MEMBER_COMPOSITION_MEMBERS( value_type, infinite_bound );
/** \brief . */
/** \brief . */
virtual ~QPSolverRelaxed() {}
/** @name Interface methods with default implementations */
/** \brief Solve the QP.
* @param out [out] If out != NULL then output is printed to this stream
* depending on the value of <tt>olevel</tt>.
* @param olevel [in] Determines the amount of output to print to *out.
* The exact type of output is determined by the implementing
* subclass but here is the sugguested behavior:
* PRINT_NONE : Don't print anything (same as out == NULL).
* PRINT_BASIC_INFO : Only print basic information about
* the solution of the QP. Amount of output = O(1).
* PRINT_ITER_SUMMARY : Prints a summary of each iteration
* in the algorithm. Amount of output = O(num_iter).
* PRINT_ITER_STEPS : Prints output about each iteration
* in more detail than PRINT_ITER_SUMMARY but is still
* O(num_iter).
* PRINT_ITER_VECTORS : Prints out important vectors computed
* in each QP iteration. Mainly useful for debugging.
* Amount of output = O((num_iter)(n)).
* PRINT_EVERY_THING : Print out nearly every important
* quantity within each QP iteration including
* vectors and matrices. Mainly useful for debugging.
* Amount of output = O((num_iter)(n-m)^2)+O((num_iter)(n))
* @param test_what [in] Determines if internal validation tests are performed.
* The optimality conditions for the QP are not checked
* internally, this is something that client can (and should)
* do independently (see QPSolverRelaxedTester).
* RUN_TESTS : As many validation/consistency tests
* are performed internally as possible. If a test
* fails then a TestFailed execption will be thrown.
* The subclasses determine what the tests are and
* what failing a test means.
* NO_TEST : No tests are performed internally. This is
* to allow the fastest possible execution.
* @param g [in] vector (size n): objective 1st order
* @param G [in] matrix (size n x n): objective, second order Hessian
* @param etaL [in] scalar: Lower bound for relaxation variable (0 usually)
* @param dL [in] vector (size n): lower variable bounds
* @param dU [in] vector (size n): upper variable bounds
* @param E [in] matrix (op(E)) (size m_in x n): inequality constraint Jacobian matrix
* @param trans_E [in] E is transposed?
* @param b [in] vector (size m_in): relaxation vector for inequalities
* @param eL [in] vector (size m_in): lower inequality bounds
* @param eU [in] vector (size m_in): upper inequality bounds
* @param F [in] matrix (op(F) size m_eq x n): equality constraint Jacobian matrix
* @param trans_F [in] F is transposed?
* @param f [in] vector (size m_eq): equality constraint right hand side
* @param obj_d [out] If obj_d != NULL on input, then obj_d will be set with the
* value of obj_d = g'*d + 1/2*d'*G*d for the value of d
* returned.
* @param eta [out] scalar: Relaxation variable
* @param d [in/out] vector (size n): On input, it contains an intial estimate
* of the solution. On output it is the estimate of the solution
* (see the return value).
* @param nu [in/out] vector (size n): Lagrange multipilers
* for variable bounds. On input it contains the
* estimate of the active set and multiplier values. If
* nu->nz() == 0 on input then there is no estimate for the
* active-set. Note that having nu->nz() > 0 on input is not
* a commandment to perform a warm start. Ultimatly this
* decision is up to the subclass and lower level
* subclass/client interactions.
* On output nu contains the active-set for the
* returned solution.
* @param mu [in/out] vector (size m_in): Lagrange multipilers
* for the general inequality constriants.
* On input it contains the
* estimate of the active set and multiplier values. If
* mu->nz() == 0 on input then there is no estimate for the
* active-set. Note that having mu->nz() > 0 on input is not
* a commandment to perform a warm start. Ultimatly this
* decision is up to the subclass and lower level
* subclass/client interactions.
* On output mu contains the active-set for the
* returned solution.
* @param Ed [in/out] vector (size m_in) If Ed!=NULL on input, then on output
* Ed will contain the product opt(E)*d for the value of
* d on output. This is included to save user from having
* to perform this computation again if it has already been
* done internally.
* @param lambda [out] vector (size m_eq): Lagrange multipilers for equality
* constraints.
* @param Fd [in/out] vector (size m_eq) If Fd!=NULL on input, then on output
* Fd will contain the product opt(F)*d for the value of
* d on output. This is included to save user from having
* to perform this computation again if it has already been
* done internally.
* @return
* <tt>OPTIMAL_SOLUTION</tt> : Returned point satisfies the optimality conditions
* in (2)-(6) above. This will generally be the case if the maximum
* number of QP iterations is not exceeded and none of the possible
* exeptions are thrown.
* <tt>PRIMAL_FEASIBLE_POINT</tt> : Returned point satisfies the feasibility
* and complementarity conditions in (4)-(5) above.
* For example, a primal, active-set QP algorithm may return this if
* the maxinum number of iterations has been exceeded durring the
* optimality phase (phase 2).
* <tt>DUAL_FEASIBLE_POINT</tt> : Returned point satisfies the optimality conditions
* in (2)-(4.1),(4.4),(5) and (6) but not the inequality constraints in (4.2),(4.3).
* For example, a dual, active-set QP algorithm might return this
* value if the maximum number of iterations has been exceeded.
* <tt>SUBOPTIMAL_POINT</tt> : Returned point does not accurately enough satisfy any of the
* optimality conditions in (2)-(6) above but the solution may still be
* of some use. For example, an active-set (primal, or dual) QP algorithm
* might return this if there is some serious illconditioning in the QP
* and a solution satisfying the desired tolerance could not be found.
* Also, a primal-dual interior point QP solver might return this if the
* maxinum number of iterations is exceeded. The returned solution may
* still be of some use to the client though.
* This function may throw many exceptions. If there is some problem with
* the QP definition the exceptions <tt>Unbounded</tt>, <tt>Infeasible</tt> or <tt>InvalidInput</tt>
* may be thrown. If the QP is illconditioned other exeptions may be thrown
* by this function or perhaps warning messages may be printed to <tt>*out</tt> and
* a value other than <tt>OPTIMAL_SOLUTION</tt> may be returned.
* After this function returns, <tt>this->get_qp_stats()</tt> can be called to return
* some statistics for the QP just solved (or attempted to be solved).
* Note, the variable bounds can be removed by passing in <tt>dL.nz() == dU.nz() == 0</tt>.
* By default this function calls the function <tt>this->solve_qp()</tt> which accepts
* various sets of constraints.
virtual QPSolverStats::ESolutionType solve_qp(
std::ostream* out, EOutputLevel olevel, ERunTests test_what
,const Vector& g, const MatrixSymOp& G
,value_type etaL
,const Vector& dL, const Vector& dU
,const MatrixOp& E, BLAS_Cpp::Transp trans_E, const Vector& b
,const Vector& eL, const Vector& eU
,const MatrixOp& F, BLAS_Cpp::Transp trans_F, const Vector& f
,value_type* obj_d
,value_type* eta, VectorMutable* d
,VectorMutable* nu
,VectorMutable* mu, VectorMutable* Ed
,VectorMutable* lambda, VectorMutable* Fd
/** \brief Solve the QP without general equality constrants.
* By default this function calls <tt>solve_qp()</tt> which accepts
* various sets of constraints.
virtual QPSolverStats::ESolutionType solve_qp(
std::ostream* out, EOutputLevel olevel, ERunTests test_what
,const Vector& g, const MatrixSymOp& G
,value_type etaL
,const Vector& dL, const Vector& dU
,const MatrixOp& E, BLAS_Cpp::Transp trans_E, const Vector& b
,const Vector& eL, const Vector& eU
,value_type* obj_d
,value_type* eta, VectorMutable* d
,VectorMutable* nu
,VectorMutable* mu, VectorMutable* Ed
/** \brief Solve the QP without general inequality constrants.
* By default this function calls <tt>solve_qp()</tt> which accepts
* various sets of constraints.
virtual QPSolverStats::ESolutionType solve_qp(
std::ostream* out, EOutputLevel olevel, ERunTests test_what
,const Vector& g, const MatrixSymOp& G
,value_type etaL
,const Vector& dL, const Vector& dU
,const MatrixOp& F, BLAS_Cpp::Transp trans_F, const Vector& f
,value_type* obj_d
,value_type* eta, VectorMutable* d
,VectorMutable* nu
,VectorMutable* lambda, VectorMutable* Fd
/** \brief Solve the QP without general equality or inequality constrants (no relaxation
* needed).
* By default this function calls <tt>solve_qp()</tt> which accepts
* various sets of constraints.
virtual QPSolverStats::ESolutionType solve_qp(
std::ostream* out, EOutputLevel olevel, ERunTests test_what
,const Vector& g, const MatrixSymOp& G
,const Vector& dL, const Vector& dU
,value_type* obj_d
,VectorMutable* d
,VectorMutable* nu
/** \brief This is a more flexible function where the client can
* set different constraints to be included.
* The default implementation of this function validates the compatibily
* of the input objects and that the proper sets of constraints are set
* by calling \c validate_input() first. Refere to the method
* \c validate_input() to see how arguments are set. After input validation,
* \c print_qp_input() is called to print the QP input arguments. Then
* \c imp_solve_qp() is called which must be implemented by the subclass.
* Finally, \c print_qp_output() is called to print the QP output.
virtual QPSolverStats::ESolutionType solve_qp(
std::ostream* out, EOutputLevel olevel, ERunTests test_what
,const Vector& g, const MatrixSymOp& G
,value_type etaL
,const Vector* dL, const Vector* dU
,const MatrixOp* E, BLAS_Cpp::Transp trans_E, const Vector* b
,const Vector* eL, const Vector* eU
,const MatrixOp* F, BLAS_Cpp::Transp trans_F, const Vector* f
,value_type* obj_d
,value_type* eta, VectorMutable* d
,VectorMutable* nu
,VectorMutable* mu, VectorMutable* Ed
,VectorMutable* lambda, VectorMutable* Fd
/** \brief Get the statistics of the last QP solved.
* solution: Returns the type of solution found. See \c solve_qp()<br>
* num_iter: Gives the number of QP iterations on output.<br>
* num_adds: Gives the number of iterations where a variable
* was added to the active-set. This does not include
* variables that where part of the initial estimate in nu
* for a warm start.<br>
* num_drops: Gives the number QP iterations where a variable was
* dropped.<br>
* warm_start: Returns if a warm start was performed.<br>
* infeas_qp: Returns if eta > 0.0.
virtual QPSolverStats get_qp_stats() const = 0;
/** \brief Release any memory that is being used.
virtual void release_memory() = 0;
/** @name Static utility functions */
/** \brief This is a (static) function that is used as a utility to
* validate the input arguments to \c solve_qp().
* The input arguments are validated as follows.
* If the variable bounds are excluded then:
* <tt>void(dL) == void(dU) == void(nu) == NULL</tt>
* If the general inequality constraints are excluded then:
* <tt>void(E) == void(b) == void(eL) == void(eU) == void(mu) == NULL</tt>
* If the equality constraints are excluded then:
* <tt>void(F) == void(f) == void(lambda) == NULL</tt>
* If the equality and inequality constraints are excluded then:
* <tt>eta == NULL</tt>
* <tt>void(E) == void(b) == void(eL) == void(eU) == void(mu) == NULL</tt>
* <tt>void(F) == void(f) == void(lambda) == NULL</tt>
* If any errors are found an std::invalid_argument exception
* will be thrown.
static void validate_input(
const value_type infinite_bound
,const Vector& g, const MatrixSymOp& G
,value_type etaL
,const Vector* dL, const Vector* dU
,const MatrixOp* E, BLAS_Cpp::Transp trans_E, const Vector* b
,const Vector* eL, const Vector* eU
,const MatrixOp* F, BLAS_Cpp::Transp trans_F, const Vector* f
,const value_type* obj_d
,const value_type* eta, const Vector* d
,const Vector* nu
,const Vector* mu, const Vector* Ed
,const Vector* lambda, const Vector* Fd
/** \brief Utility (static) function for printing the input input/output arguments before
* the QP solver is run. The QP solver subclasses can call this function.
* @param out [out] stream printed to if <tt>out != NULL</tt>
* @param olevel [in] Determines what is printed.
* \begin{description}
* \item[(int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ITER_STEPS] Prints O(1) information about the arguments.
* \item[(int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ITER_ACT_SET] Prints the contents of <tt>nu</tt>, <tt>mu</tt>, and <tt>lambda</tt>.
* Output is proportional to the number of active constraints O(nu->nz() + mu->nz() + lambda->dim()).
* \item[(int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ITER_VECTORS] Prints the contents of all the vectors.
* Output is proportional to O(d->dim()).
* \item[(int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_EVERY_THING] Prints the contents of all the vectors and matrices.
* Output could be as large as O(d->dim() * d->dim()) or larger.
* \end{description}
static void print_qp_input(
const value_type infinite_bound
,std::ostream* out, EOutputLevel olevel
,const Vector& g, const MatrixSymOp& G
,value_type etaL
,const Vector* dL, const Vector* dU
,const MatrixOp* E, BLAS_Cpp::Transp trans_E, const Vector* b
,const Vector* eL, const Vector* eU
,const MatrixOp* F, BLAS_Cpp::Transp trans_F, const Vector* f
,value_type* eta, VectorMutable* d
,VectorMutable* nu
,VectorMutable* mu
,VectorMutable* lambda
/** \brief Utility (static) function for printing the output input/output arguments after
* the QP solver is run. The QP solver subclasses can call this function.
* @param out [out] stream printed to if <tt>out != NULL</tt>
* @param olevel [in] Determines what is printed.
* \begin{description}
* \item[(int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ITER_STEPS] Prints O(1) information about the arguments.
* \item[(int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ITER_ACT_SET] Prints the contents of <tt>nu</tt>, <tt>mu</tt>, and <tt>lambda</tt>.
* Output is proportional to the number of active constraints O(nu->nz() + mu->nz() + lambda->dim()).
* \item[(int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ITER_VECTORS] Prints the contents of all the vectors.
* Output is proportional to O(d->dim()).
* \item[(int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_EVERY_THING] Prints the contents of all the vectors and matrices.
* Output could be as large as O(d->dim() * d->dim()) or larger.
* \end{description}
static void print_qp_output(
const value_type infinite_bound
,std::ostream* out, EOutputLevel olevel
,const value_type* obj_d
,const value_type* eta, const Vector* d
,const Vector* nu
,const Vector* mu, const Vector* Ed
,const Vector* lambda, const Vector* Fd
/** @name Pure virtual methods that must be overridden by subclass */
/** \brief Subclasses are to override this to implement the QP algorithm.
* Called by default implementations of \c solve_qp() methods.
virtual QPSolverStats::ESolutionType imp_solve_qp(
std::ostream* out, EOutputLevel olevel, ERunTests test_what
,const Vector& g, const MatrixSymOp& G
,value_type etaL
,const Vector* dL, const Vector* dU
,const MatrixOp* E, BLAS_Cpp::Transp trans_E, const Vector* b
,const Vector* eL, const Vector* eU
,const MatrixOp* F, BLAS_Cpp::Transp trans_F, const Vector* f
,value_type* obj_d
,value_type* eta, VectorMutable* d
,VectorMutable* nu
,VectorMutable* mu, VectorMutable* Ed
,VectorMutable* lambda, VectorMutable* Fd
) = 0;
}; // end class QPSovlerRelaxed
} // end namespace ConstrainedOptPack