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Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Chiara Fornarola
Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 Ferdinando Ametrano
Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 StatPro Italia srl
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/*! \file assetswap.hpp
\brief Bullet bond vs Libor swap
#ifndef quantlib_asset_swap_hpp
#define quantlib_asset_swap_hpp
#include <ql/instruments/swap.hpp>
#include <ql/instruments/bond.hpp>
#include <ql/time/schedule.hpp>
#include <ql/time/daycounter.hpp>
namespace QuantLib {
class IborIndex;
class Schedule;
//! Bullet bond vs %Libor swap
/*! for mechanics of par asset swap and market asset swap, refer to
"Introduction to Asset Swap", Lehman Brothers European Fixed
Income Research - January 2000, D. O'Kane
\ingroup instruments
\warning bondCleanPrice must be the (forward) price at the
floatSchedule start date
\bug fair prices are not calculated correctly when using
indexed coupons.
class AssetSwap : public Swap {
class arguments;
class results;
AssetSwap(bool payFixedRate,
const boost::shared_ptr<Bond>& bond,
Real bondCleanPrice,
const boost::shared_ptr<IborIndex>& index,
Spread spread,
const Schedule& floatSchedule = Schedule(),
const DayCounter& floatingDayCount = DayCounter(),
bool parAssetSwap = true);
// results
Spread fairSpread() const;
Real floatingLegBPS() const;
Real fairCleanPrice() const;
// inspectors
bool parSwap() const { return parSwap_; }
Spread spread() const { return spread_; }
const boost::shared_ptr<Bond>& bond() const { return bond_; }
bool payFixedRate() const { return (payer_[0] == -1.0); }
const Leg& bondLeg() const { return legs_[0]; }
const Leg& floatingLeg() const { return legs_[1]; }
// other
void setupArguments(PricingEngine::arguments* args) const;
void fetchResults(const PricingEngine::results*) const;
void setupExpired() const;
boost::shared_ptr<Bond> bond_;
Real bondCleanPrice_;
Spread spread_;
bool parSwap_;
Date upfrontDate_;
// results
mutable Spread fairSpread_;
mutable Real fairCleanPrice_;
//! %Arguments for asset swap calculation
class AssetSwap::arguments : public Swap::arguments {
arguments() {}
std::vector<Date> fixedResetDates;
std::vector<Date> fixedPayDates;
std::vector<Real> fixedCoupons;
std::vector<Time> floatingAccrualTimes;
std::vector<Date> floatingResetDates;
std::vector<Date> floatingFixingDates;
std::vector<Date> floatingPayDates;
std::vector<Spread> floatingSpreads;
void validate() const;
//! %Results from simple swap calculation
class AssetSwap::results : public Swap::results {
Spread fairSpread;
Real fairCleanPrice;
void reset();