/usr/include/polybori/CCuddZDD.h is in libpolybori-dev 0.5~rc1-2.1build2.
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/** @file CCuddZDD.h
* @author Alexander Dreyer
* @date 2007-07-16
* This files defines a replacement for the decision diagrams of CUDD's
* C++ interface.
* @par Copyright:
* (c) 2007 by The PolyBoRi Team
* @internal
* @version \$Id: CCuddZDD.h,v 1.9 2008/07/08 21:41:58 alexanderdreyer Exp $
* @par History:
* @verbatim
* $Log: CCuddZDD.h,v $
* Revision 1.9 2008/07/08 21:41:58 alexanderdreyer
* Merge: from developer's repository
* Revision 1.7 2007/11/06 15:03:33 dreyer
* CHANGE: More generic copyright
* Revision 1.6 2007/07/19 11:41:47 dreyer
* CHANGE: clean-up
* Revision 1.5 2007/07/18 18:57:00 dreyer
* Fix: Another mysterious performance issue
* Revision 1.4 2007/07/18 15:46:14 dreyer
* CHANGE: added documentation
* Revision 1.3 2007/07/18 15:11:00 dreyer
* CHANGE: simplified handle_error
* Revision 1.2 2007/07/18 07:17:26 dreyer
* CHANGE: some clean-ups
* Revision 1.1 2007/07/17 15:56:59 dreyer
* ADD: header file for CCuddZDD; clean-up
* @endverbatim
#ifndef CCuddZDD_h
#define CCuddZDD_h
// include basic definitions
#include "pbori_defs.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/scoped_array.hpp>
#include <boost/weak_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/cat.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/seq/for_each.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/facilities/expand.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/stringize.hpp>
#include "pbori_func.h"
#include "pbori_traits.h"
#include "CCuddCore.h"
/// Define code for verbosity
#define PB_DD_VERBOSE(text) if (ddMgr->verbose) \
std::cout << text << " for node " << node << \
" ref = " << refCount() << std::endl;
/** @class CCuddDDBase
* @brief This template class defines a C++ interface to @c CUDD's decision
* diagram structure.
* The purpose of this wrapper is just to provide an efficient and save way of
* handling the decision diagrams. It corrects some short-comings of
* CUDD's built-in interface.
* @attention This template class is intented for internal use only, e.g. as
* base class for CCuddZDD.
template <class DiagramType>
class CCuddDDBase {
/// Name type of *this
typedef DiagramType diagram_type;
typedef CCuddDDBase self;
/// Define shared pointer type for handling the decision diagram manager
typedef typename CCuddCore::mgrcore_ptr mgrcore_ptr;
/// Construct diagram from raw CUDD elements
CCuddDDBase(mgrcore_ptr ddManager, node_type ddNode):
ddMgr(ddManager), node(ddNode) {
if (node) Cudd_Ref(node);
PB_DD_VERBOSE("Standard DD constructor");
/// Copy constructor
CCuddDDBase(const self& from):
ddMgr(from.ddMgr), node(from.node) {
if (node) {
PB_DD_VERBOSE("Copy DD constructor");
/// Default constructor
CCuddDDBase(): ddMgr(mgrcore_ptr()), node(NULL) {}
/// Get (shared) pointer to decision diagram manager
mgrcore_ptr manager() const { return ddMgr; }
/// Get raw decision diagram manager
mgrcore_type getManager() const { return ddMgr->manager; }
/// Get raw node structure
node_type getNode() const{ return node; }
/// Get index of curent node
size_type NodeReadIndex() const { return Cudd_NodeReadIndex(node); }
/// Number of nodes in the current decision diagram
size_type nodeCount() const { return (size_type)(Cudd_DagSize(node)); }
/// Number of references pointing here
size_type refCount() const {
assert(node != NULL);
return Cudd_Regular(node)->ref;
/// Test whether diagram represents the empty set
bool isZero() const { return node == Cudd_ReadZero(getManager()); }
/// Test, whether both operands
void checkSameManager(const diagram_type& other) const {
if (getManager() != other.getManager())
ddMgr->errorHandler("Operands come from different manager.");
/// Check whether decision diagram operation in computing result was valid
void checkReturnValue(const node_type result) const {
checkReturnValue(result != NULL);
/// Check whether previous decision diagram operation for validity
void checkReturnValue(const int result, const int expected = 1) const {
if UNLIKELY(result != expected)
handle_error<>(ddMgr->errorHandler)(Cudd_ReadErrorCode( getManager() ));
/// @name Apply CUDD procedures to nodes
diagram_type apply(binary_function func, const diagram_type& rhs) const {
return checkedResult(func(getManager(), getNode(), rhs.getNode()));
diagram_type apply(binary_int_function func, idx_type idx) const {
return checkedResult(func(getManager(), getNode(), idx) );
diagram_type apply(ternary_function func,
const diagram_type& first, const diagram_type& second) const {
return checkedResult(func(getManager(), getNode(),
first.getNode(), second.getNode()) );
idx_type apply(int_unary_function func) const {
return checkedResult(func(getManager(), getNode()) );
/// @name Test results from CUDD procedures for validity
diagram_type checkedResult(node_type result) const {
return diagram_type(manager(), result);
idx_type checkedResult(idx_type result) const {
return result;
template <class ResultType>
ResultType memApply(ResultType (*func)(DdManager *, node_type)) const {
return memChecked(func(getManager(), getNode()) );
template <class ResultType>
ResultType memChecked(ResultType result) const {
checkReturnValue(result != (ResultType) CUDD_OUT_OF_MEM);
return result;
// @}
/// (Smart) pointer to decsion diagram management
mgrcore_ptr ddMgr;
/// Raw pointer to decision diagram node
node_type node;
}; // CCuddDD
#define PB_ZDD_APPLY(count, data, funcname) \
self funcname(data rhs) const { \
return apply(BOOST_PP_CAT(Cudd_zdd, funcname), rhs); }
#define PB_ZDD_OP_ASSIGN(count, data, op) \
self& operator BOOST_PP_CAT(op, =)(const self& other) { \
return *this = (*this op other); }
#define PB_ZDD_OP(count, data, op) \
self operator op(const self& other) const { return data(other); }
/** @class CCuddZDD
* @brief This class defines a C++ interface to @c CUDD's zero-suppressed
* decision diagram structure.
* The purpose of this wrapper is just to provide an efficient and save way of
* handling the decision diagrams. It extends CCuddDD for handling ZDDs.
* @attention This class is intented for internal use only.
* Use the highlevel classes CDDInterface<CCuddZDD>, BoolePolynomial, BooleSet,
* or BooleMonomial instead.
class CCuddZDD :
public CCuddDDBase<CCuddZDD> {
friend class CCuddInterface;
/// Name type of *this
typedef CCuddZDD self;
/// Name the type, which self is inherited from
typedef CCuddDDBase<self> base;
/// Construct ZDD from manager core and node
CCuddZDD(mgrcore_ptr mgr, node_type bddNode): base(mgr, bddNode) {}
/// Default constructor
CCuddZDD(): base() {}
/// Copy constructor
CCuddZDD(const self &from): base(from) {}
/// Destructor
~CCuddZDD() { deref(); }
/// Assignment operator
self& operator=(const self& right); // inlined below
/// @name Logical operations
bool operator==(const self& other) const {
return node == other.node;
bool operator!=(const self& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool operator<=(const self& other) const {
return apply(Cudd_zddDiffConst, other).isZero();
bool operator>=(const self& other) const {
return (other <= *this);
bool operator<(const self& rhs) const {
return (*this != rhs) && (*this <= rhs);
bool operator>(const self& other) const {
return (*this != other) && (*this >= other);
/// @note Preprocessor generated members
/// @code
BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH(PB_ZDD_OP, Intersect, (*)(&))
BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH(PB_ZDD_APPLY, int, (Subset1)(Subset0)(Change))
/** @endcode */
/// If-Then-Else operation using current diagram as head
self Ite(const self& g, const self& h) const {
return apply(Cudd_zddIte, g, h);
/// @name Functions for print useful information
void print(int nvars, int verbosity = 1) const { std::cout.flush();
if UNLIKELY(!Cudd_zddPrintDebug(getManager(), node, nvars, verbosity))
ddMgr->errorHandler("print failed");
void PrintMinterm() const { apply(Cudd_zddPrintMinterm); }
void PrintCover() const { apply(Cudd_zddPrintCover); }
/// Determine the number of minterms
int Count() const { return memApply(Cudd_zddCount); }
/// Determine the number of minterms
double CountDouble() const { return memApply(Cudd_zddCountDouble); }
/// Counts minterms; takes a path specifing variables number in the support
double CountMinterm(int path) const {
return memChecked(Cudd_zddCountMinterm(getManager(), getNode(), path));
/// Derefering current diagram node, if unused
void deref() {
if (node != 0) {
Cudd_RecursiveDerefZdd(getManager(), node);
PB_DD_VERBOSE("CCuddZDD dereferencing");
}; //CCuddZDD
#undef PB_ZDD_OP
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Members of class CCuddZDD
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline CCuddZDD&
CCuddZDD::operator=(const CCuddZDD& right) {
if UNLIKELY(this == &right) return *this;
if LIKELY(right.node) Cudd_Ref(right.node);
node = right.node;
ddMgr = right.ddMgr;
if (node)
PB_DD_VERBOSE("CCuddZDD assignment");
return *this;