/usr/include/ace/Timeprobe_T.h is in libace-dev 6.0.1-3.
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* @file Timeprobe_T.h
* $Id: Timeprobe_T.h 80826 2008-03-04 14:51:23Z wotte $
* @author Irfan Pyarali
#include /**/ "ace/pre.h"
#include /**/ "ace/config-all.h"
#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
# pragma once
#include "ace/Unbounded_Set.h"
* @class ACE_Timeprobe_Ex
* @brief This class is used to instrument code. This is accomplished
* by inserting time probes at different location in the code.
* ACE_Timeprobe then measures the time difference between two
* time probes.
* This class provides a lightweight implementation for
* measuring the time required to execute code between two time
* probes. When a time probe executes, it records the time, the
* id of the calling thread, and an event description. The
* event description can either be an unsigned long or a string
* (char *). If string are used, care must be taken cause only
* pointer copies are done and the string data is *not* copied.
* The recorded time probes can then be printed by calling
* <print_times>. If you have used unsigned longs as event
* descriptions in any of your time probes, you must have
* provided an event description table that maps the unsigned
* longs to readable strings. This map is a simple array of
* strings, and the event number is used as the index into the
* array when looking for the event description. If you have
* only used strings for the event description, this map is not
* necessary.
* Multiple maps can also be used to chunk up the time probes.
* Each one can be added by calling <event_descriptions>.
* Different tables are used internally by consulting the
* minimum_id for each table. It is up to the user to make sure
* that multiple tables do not share the same event id range.
template <class ACE_LOCK, class ALLOCATOR>
class ACE_Timeprobe_Ex
/// Self
typedef ACE_Timeprobe_Ex<ACE_LOCK, ALLOCATOR>
* ACE_Timeprobe
typedef ACE_Timeprobe_Ex <ACE_LOCK, ACE_Allocator> ACE_Timeprobe;
/// We can hold multiple event description tables.
typedef ACE_Unbounded_Set<ACE_Event_Descriptions>
/// Create Timeprobes with @a size slots
ACE_Timeprobe_Ex (u_long size = ACE_DEFAULT_TIMEPROBE_TABLE_SIZE);
/// Create Timeprobes with @a size slots
ACE_Timeprobe_Ex (ALLOCATOR *allocator,
/// Destructor.
~ACE_Timeprobe_Ex (void);
/// Record a time. @a event is used to describe this time probe.
void timeprobe (u_long event);
/// Record a time. @a id is used to describe this time probe.
void timeprobe (const char *id);
/// Record event descriptions.
int event_descriptions (const char **descriptions,
u_long minimum_id);
/// Print the time probes.
void print_times (void);
/// Print the time probes.
void print_absolute_times (void);
/// Reset the slots. All old time probes will be lost.
void reset (void);
void increase_size (u_long size);
/// Not implemented (stupid MSVC won't let it be protected).
ACE_Timeprobe_Ex (const ACE_Timeprobe_Ex<ACE_LOCK, ALLOCATOR> &);
// = (Somewhat private) Accessors
/// Event Descriptions
ACE_Unbounded_Set<ACE_Event_Descriptions> &event_descriptions (void);
/// Sorted Event Descriptions.
ACE_Unbounded_Set<ACE_Event_Descriptions> &sorted_event_descriptions (void);
/// Find description of event @a i
const char *find_description_i (u_long i);
/// Sort event descriptions
void sort_event_descriptions_i (void);
/// Time probe slots
ACE_timeprobe_t *timeprobes (void);
/// Synchronization variable.
ACE_LOCK &lock (void);
/// Max size of timestamp table
u_long max_size (void);
/// Current size of timestamp table
u_long current_size (void);
/// Obtain an allocator pointer. If there is no allocator stored in
/// the instance, the singleton allocator in the current process is used.
ALLOCATOR * allocator (void);
/// Event Descriptions
EVENT_DESCRIPTIONS event_descriptions_;
/// Sorted Event Descriptions.
EVENT_DESCRIPTIONS sorted_event_descriptions_;
/// Time probe slots
ACE_timeprobe_t *timeprobes_;
/// Synchronization variable.
ACE_LOCK lock_;
/// Max size of timestamp table
u_long max_size_;
/// Current size of timestamp table
u_long current_size_;
/// Flag indicating the report buffer has filled up, and is now
/// acting as a ring-buffer using modulus arithmetic: this saves the
/// max_size_ most recent time stamps and loses earlier ones until
/// drained.
u_short report_buffer_full_;
ALLOCATOR * allocator_;
// template <class ACE_LOCK>
// class ACE_Timeprobe : public ACE_Timeprobe_Ex <ACE_LOCK, ACE_Allocator>
// {
// public:
// // Initialize a ACE_Timeprobe with default size
// ACE_Timeprobe (ACE_Allocator *allocator = ACE_Allocator::instance());
// /// Create Timeprobes with @a size slots
// ACE_Timeprobe (ACE_Allocator *allocator = ACE_Allocator::instance(),
// };
* @class ACE_Function_Timeprobe
* @brief Auto pointer like time probes. It will record <event> on
* construction and <event + 1> on destruction.
template <class Timeprobe>
class ACE_Function_Timeprobe
/// Constructor.
ACE_Function_Timeprobe (Timeprobe &timeprobe, u_long event);
/// Destructor.
~ACE_Function_Timeprobe (void);
/// Reference to timeprobe.
Timeprobe &timeprobe_;
/// Event.
u_long event_;
#include "ace/Timeprobe_T.cpp"
#pragma implementation ("Timeprobe_T.cpp")
#include /**/ "ace/post.h"
#endif /* ACE_TIMEPROBE_T_H */