/usr/include/ace/Ping_Socket.h is in libace-dev 6.0.1-3.
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* @file Ping_Socket.h
* $Id: Ping_Socket.h 81737 2008-05-20 09:46:39Z johnnyw $
* @author Robert S. Iakobashvili <coroberti@gmail.com> <coroberti@walla.co.il>
* @author Gonzalo A. Diethelm <gonzalo.diethelm@aditiva.com>
#include /**/ "ace/pre.h"
#include /**/ "ace/ACE_export.h"
#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
# pragma once
#include "ace/ICMP_Socket.h"
class ACE_INET_Addr;
* @class ACE_Ping_Socket
* @brief This class is useful to perform ICMP echo checks (pinging)
* on the party of your interest. It may be used as well to check
* LAN-adapters against 3rd parties.
class ACE_Export ACE_Ping_Socket : public ACE_ICMP_Socket
typedef ACE_ICMP_Socket inherited;
// = Initialization and termination methods.
/// Default constructor.
ACE_Ping_Socket (void);
ACE_Ping_Socket (ACE_Addr const & local,
int protocol = IPPROTO_ICMP,
int reuse_addr = 0);
/// Destructor.
~ACE_Ping_Socket (void);
/// Wrapper around the BSD-style @c socket system call (no QoS).
int open (ACE_Addr const & local = ACE_Addr::sap_any,
int protocol = IPPROTO_ICMP,
int reuse_addr = 0);
/// @a toConnect = 1 - makes connect to remote address
int send_echo_check (ACE_INET_Addr & remote_addr,
bool to_connect = false);
/// To receive @c ICMP_ECHOREPLY. To be called after successfully
/// sending @c ICMP_ECHO.
int process_incoming_dgram (char * ptr, ssize_t len);
/// @a toConnect = 1 - makes connect to remote address
int make_echo_check (ACE_INET_Addr & remote_addr,
bool to_connect = false,
ACE_Time_Value const * timeout = &time_default_);
char * icmp_recv_buff (void);
/// Dump the state of an object.
void dump (void) const;
/// Declare the dynamic allocation hooks.
PING_BUFFER_SIZE = (1024 * 2)
static ACE_Time_Value const time_default_;
int receive_echo_reply (ACE_Time_Value const * timeout);
/// Do not allow this function to percolate up to this interface.
int get_remote_addr (ACE_INET_Addr &addr) const;
char icmp_send_buff_[PING_BUFFER_SIZE];
char icmp_recv_buff_[PING_BUFFER_SIZE];
ACE_UINT16 sequence_number_;
bool connected_socket_;
#if defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
# include "ace/Ping_Socket.inl"
#endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */
#endif /* ACE_HAS_ICMP_SUPPORT == 1 */
#include /**/ "ace/post.h"
#endif /* ACE_PING_SOCKET_H */