/usr/include/ace/OS_NS_signal.h is in libace-dev 6.0.1-3.
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* @file OS_NS_signal.h
* $Id: OS_NS_signal.h 87097 2009-10-14 14:42:24Z olli $
* @author Douglas C. Schmidt <schmidt@cs.wustl.edu>
* @author Jesper S. M|ller<stophph@diku.dk>
* @author and a cast of thousands...
* Originally in OS.h.
# include /**/ "ace/pre.h"
# include "ace/config-lite.h"
# if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
# pragma once
#include "ace/os_include/os_signal.h"
#include /**/ "ace/ACE_export.h"
#if defined (ACE_EXPORT_MACRO)
#if defined (__Lynx__)
// LynxOS defines pthread_sigmask() in pthread.h
# include "ace/os_include/os_pthread.h"
#endif /* __Lynx__ */
* We inline and undef some functions that may be implemented
* as macros on some platforms. This way macro definitions will
* be usable later as there is no way to save the macro definition
* using the pre-processor.
#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_SIGSET)
inline int ace_sigemptyset_helper (sigset_t *s)
# if defined (sigemptyset)
return sigemptyset (s);
# undef sigemptyset
# else
return ACE_STD_NAMESPACE::sigemptyset (s);
# endif /* defined (sigemptyset) */
inline int ace_sigfillset_helper (sigset_t *s)
# if defined (sigfillset)
return sigfillset (s);
# undef sigfillset
# else
return ACE_STD_NAMESPACE::sigfillset (s);
# endif /* defined (sigfillset) */
inline int ace_sigaddset_helper (sigset_t *s, int signum)
# if defined (sigaddset)
return sigaddset (s, signum);
# undef sigaddset
# else
return ACE_STD_NAMESPACE::sigaddset (s, signum);
# endif /* defined (sigaddset) */
inline int ace_sigdelset_helper (sigset_t *s, int signum)
# if defined (sigdelset)
return sigdelset (s, signum);
# undef sigdelset
# else
return ACE_STD_NAMESPACE::sigdelset (s, signum);
# endif /* defined (sigdelset) */
inline int ace_sigismember_helper (sigset_t *s, int signum)
# if defined (sigismember)
return sigismember (s, signum);
# undef sigismember
# else
return ACE_STD_NAMESPACE::sigismember (s, signum);
# endif /* defined (sigismember) */
#endif /* !defined (ACE_LACKS_SIGSET) */
#if defined (ACE_HAS_SIGSUSPEND)
inline int ace_sigsuspend_helper (const sigset_t *s)
# if defined (sigsuspend)
return sigsuspend (s);
# undef sigsuspend
# else
return ACE_STD_NAMESPACE::sigsuspend (s);
# endif /* defined (sigsuspen) */
# if !defined (SIG_BLOCK)
# define SIG_BLOCK 1
# endif /* SIG_BLOCK */
# if !defined (SIG_UNBLOCK)
# define SIG_UNBLOCK 2
# endif /* SIG_UNBLOCK */
# if !defined (SIG_SETMASK)
# define SIG_SETMASK 3
# endif /* SIG_SETMASK */
// Create some useful typedefs.
# if !defined (ACE_HAS_SIGINFO_T)
struct ACE_Export siginfo_t
siginfo_t (ACE_HANDLE handle);
siginfo_t (ACE_HANDLE *handles); // JCEJ 12/23/96
/// Win32 HANDLE that has become signaled.
ACE_HANDLE si_handle_;
/// Array of Win32 HANDLEs all of which have become signaled.
ACE_HANDLE *si_handles_;
# endif /* ACE_HAS_SIGINFO_T */
#if !defined (ACE_WIN32)
extern "C"
typedef void (*ACE_SIGNAL_C_FUNC)(int, siginfo_t *, void *);
#endif /* ACE_WIN32 */
// This hack is needed to get around an odd and hard-to-reproduce problem
// with HP aC++. If struct sigaction is defined extern "C" and the sigaction
// function in namespace ACE_OS, the compiler sometimes gets confused.
// If we help it with this typedef, it's fine. User code should not use
// the ACE typedef - it will be removed without warning as soon as we can
// either drop support for the broken compilers or figure out how to reproduce
// it so it can be reported to HP and fixed.
// There's a similar hack in OS_TLI.h for struct t_optmgmt.
// Also see ChangeLog entries:
// Mon Jan 23 16:35:40 UTC 2006 Steve Huston <shuston@riverace.com>
// Mon Jan 23 22:08:56 UTC 2006 Steve Huston <shuston@riverace.com>
#if defined (__HP_aCC) && (__HP_aCC <= 37300)
typedef extern "C" struct sigaction ACE_SIGACTION;
typedef struct sigaction ACE_SIGACTION;
namespace ACE_OS {
//@{ @name A set of wrappers for Signals.
int kill (pid_t pid,
int signum);
int pthread_sigmask (int how,
const sigset_t *nsp,
sigset_t *osp);
int sigaction (int signum,
const ACE_SIGACTION *nsa,
int sigaddset (sigset_t *s,
int signum);
int sigdelset (sigset_t *s,
int signum);
int sigemptyset (sigset_t *s);
int sigfillset (sigset_t *s);
int sigismember (sigset_t *s,
int signum);
ACE_SignalHandler signal (int signum,
int sigprocmask (int how,
const sigset_t *nsp,
sigset_t *osp);
int sigsuspend (const sigset_t *s);
int raise (const int signum);
} /* namespace ACE_OS */
# if defined (ACE_INLINE)
# undef ACE_INLINE
# endif /* ACE_INLINE */
# define ACE_INLINE inline
# include "ace/OS_NS_signal.inl"
# include /**/ "ace/post.h"
#endif /* ACE_OS_NS_SIGNAL_H */