/usr/include/ace/NT_Service.h is in libace-dev 6.0.1-3.
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* @file NT_Service.h
* $Id: NT_Service.h 93117 2011-01-20 12:11:28Z mcorino $
* @author Steve Huston <shuston@riverace.com>
#include /**/ "ace/pre.h"
#include /**/ "ace/config-all.h"
#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
# pragma once
#if defined (ACE_WIN32) && !defined (ACE_LACKS_WIN32_SERVICES)
#include "ace/ACE.h"
#include "ace/OS_Log_Msg_Attributes.h"
#include "ace/Service_Object.h"
#include "ace/Task.h"
#include "ace/OS_NS_errno.h" // needed for those using our macros
// ACE_NT_SERVICE_START_TIMEOUT is an estimate of the number of
// milliseconds your service will take to start. Default is 5
// seconds; you can pass a different value (or set one) when you
// create the ACE_NT_Service object for your service.
* @class ACE_NT_Service
* @brief Provide the base class which defines the interface for controlling
* an NT service.
* NT Services can be implemented using the framework defined by
* the ACE_NT_Service class, and the macros defined in this file.
* Some quick refresher notes on NT Services:
* - The main program defines an array of entries describing the
* services offered. The ACE_NT_SERVICE_ENTRY macro can help with
* this.
* - For each service, a separate ServiceMain and Handler function
* need to be defined. These are taken care of by the
* - When the main program/thread calls
* StartServiceCtrlDispatcher, NT creates a thread for each
* service, and runs the ServiceMain function for the service in
* that new thread. When that thread exits, the service is gone.
* To use this facility, you could derive a class from
* ACE_Service_Object (if you want to start via ACE's service
* configurator), or use any other class to run when the image
* starts (assuming that NT runs the image). You must set up an
* NT SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY array to define your service(s). You
* can use the ACE_NT_SERVICE_... macros defined below for this.
* A SERVICE_TABLE might look like this:
* ACE_NT_SERVICE_REFERENCE(Svc1); // If service is in another file
* SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY myServices[] = {
* ACE_NT_SERVICE_ENTRY ("MyNeatService", Svc1),
* { 0, 0 } };
* In the file where your service(s) are implemented, use the
* ACE_NT_SERVICE_DEFINE macro to set up the following:
* 1. A pointer to the service's implementation object (must be derived
* from ACE_NT_Service).
* 2. The service's Handler function (forwards all requests to the
* ACE_NT_Service-derived object's handle_control function).
* 3. The service's ServiceMain function. Creates a new instance
* of the ACE_NT_Service-derived class SVCCLASS, unless one has
* been created already.
* If you are using all the default constructor values, you can
* let the generated ServiceMain function create the object, else
* you need to create it by hand before calling
* StartServiceCtrlDispatcher. Set the pointer so ServiceMain
* won't create another one. Another reason you may want to do
* the object creation yourself is if you want to also implement
* suspend and resume functions (the ones inherited from
* ACE_Service_Object) to do something intelligent to the services
* which are running, like call their handle_control functions to
* request suspend and resume actions, similar to what NT would do
* if a Services control panel applet would do if the user clicks
* on Suspend.
class ACE_Export ACE_NT_Service : public ACE_Task<ACE_MT_SYNCH>
// = Initialization and termination methods.
/// Constructor primarily for use when running the service.
/// Constructor primarily for use when inserting/removing/controlling
/// the service.
ACE_NT_Service (const ACE_TCHAR *name,
const ACE_TCHAR *desc = 0,
virtual ~ACE_NT_Service (void);
// = Functions to operate the service
* Hook called to open the service. By default, sets the service
* status to SERVICE_START_PENDING, calls the @c svc() method,
* interprets and sets the service status, and returns.
virtual int open (void *args = 0);
* Hook called when terminating the service. Inherited from
* ACE_Shared_Object. Default implementation sets the service status
virtual int fini (void);
* The actual service implementation. This function need not be overridden
* by applications that are just using SCM capabilities, but must be
* by subclasses when actually running the service. It is expected that
* this function will set the status to RUNNING.
virtual int svc (void);
* This function is called in response to a request from the Service
* Dispatcher. It must interact with the <svc> function to effect the
* requested control operation. The default implementation handles
* all requests as follows:
* SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP: set stop pending, set cancel flag
* SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE: set pause pending, <suspend>, set paused
* SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE: set continue pending, <resume>, set running
* SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE: reports current status
virtual void handle_control (DWORD control_code);
/// Set the svc_handle_ member. This is only a public function because
/// the macro-generated service function calls it.
void svc_handle (const SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE new_svc_handle);
// = Methods which can be used to do SCP-like functions. The first group
// are used to register/insert and remove the service's definition in the
// SCM registry.
/// Sets the name and description for the service.
/// If desc is 0, it takes the same value as name.
void name (const ACE_TCHAR *name, const ACE_TCHAR *desc = 0);
/// Get the service name.
const ACE_TCHAR *name (void) const;
/// Get the service description.
const ACE_TCHAR *desc (void) const;
/// Sets the host machine
void host (const ACE_TCHAR *host);
/// Get the host machine.
const ACE_TCHAR *host (void) const;
* Insert (create) the service in the NT Service Control Manager,
* with the given creation values. exe_path defaults to the path name
* of the program that calls the function. All other 0-defaulted arguments
* pass 0 into the service creation, taking NT_specified defaults.
* Returns -1 on error, 0 on success.
int insert (DWORD start_type = SERVICE_DEMAND_START,
const ACE_TCHAR *exe_path = 0,
const ACE_TCHAR *group_name = 0,
LPDWORD tag_id = 0,
const ACE_TCHAR *dependencies = 0,
const ACE_TCHAR *account_name = 0,
const ACE_TCHAR *password = 0,
DWORD desired_access = SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);
* Remove the service from the NT Service Control Manager. Returns -1 on
* error, 0 on success. This just affects the SCM and registry - the
* can and will keep running fine if it is already running.
int remove (void);
/// Sets the startup type for the service. Returns -1 on error, 0 on success.
int startup (DWORD startup);
/// Returns the current startup type.
DWORD startup (void);
// = Methods to control ACE_Log_Msg behavior in the service.
* Set the ACE_Log_Msg attributes that the service thread will use to
* initialize its ACE_Log_Msg instance. This is how the initiating
* thread's logging ostream, etc. get into the service thread. The
* logging attributes in effect when this function is called are what
* the service thread will have at its disposal when it starts; therefore,
* the main thread should set up logging options for the process, and
* call this function just before calling the StartServiceCtrlDispatcher
* function.
void capture_log_msg_attributes (void);
* Set the ACE_Log_Msg attributes in the current thread to those saved
* in the most recent call to @c capture_log_msg_attributes(). This function
* should be called from the service's service thread. Ideally, it is the
* first method called to be sure that any logging done is incorporated
* correctly into the process's established logging setup.
void inherit_log_msg_attributes (void);
// = Methods which control the service's execution.
// These methods to start/pause/resume/stop/check the service all
// have the following common behavior with respect to @a wait_time
// and return value. @a wait_time is a pointer to an ACE_Time_Value
// object. If not supplied (a zero pointer) the function will wait
// indefinitely for the action to be finalized (service reach
// running state, completely shut down, etc.) or get "stuck" before
// returning. If the time is supplied, it specifies how long to
// wait for the service to reach a steady state, and on return, it
// is updated to the service's last reported wait hint. So, if you
// want to control the waiting yourself (for example, you want to
// react to UI events during the wait) specify a @a wait_time of (0,
// 0) and use the updated time to know when to check the service's
// state again. NOTE!!!! The wait_time things don't work yet. The
// calls always check status once, and do not wait for it to change.
// The return value from start_svc, stop_svc, pause_svc,
// continue_svc is 0 if the request to NT to effect the change was
// made successfully. The service may refuse to change, or not do
// what you wanted; so if you need to know, supply a <svc_state>
// pointer to receive the service's reported last state on return
// and check it to see if it's what you want. The functions only
// return -1 when the actual request to the service is refused -
// this would include privilege restrictions and if the service is
// not configured to receive the request (this is most likely to
// happen in the case of pause and continue).
* Start the service (must have been inserted before). wait_time is
* the time to wait for the service to reach a steady state before
* returning. If it is 0, the function waits as long as it takes
* for the service to reach the 'running' state, or gets stuck in
* some other state, or exits. If @a wait_time is supplied, it is
* updated on return to hold the service's last reported wait hint.
* svc_state can be used to receive the state which the service
* settled in. If the value is 0, the service never ran. argc/argv
* are passed to the service's ServiceMain function when it starts.
* Returns 0 for success, -1 for error.
int start_svc (ACE_Time_Value *wait_time = 0,
DWORD *svc_state = 0,
DWORD argc = 0, const ACE_TCHAR **argv = 0);
* Requests the service to stop. Will wait up to @a wait_time for
* the service to actually stop. If not specified, the function
* waits until the service either stops or gets stuck in some other
* state before it stops. If <svc_state> is specified, it receives
* the last reported state of the service. Returns 0 if the request
* was made successfully, -1 if not.
int stop_svc (ACE_Time_Value *wait_time = 0, DWORD *svc_state = 0);
/// Pause the service.
int pause_svc (ACE_Time_Value *wait_time = 0, DWORD *svc_state = 0);
/// Continue the service.
int continue_svc (ACE_Time_Value *wait_time = 0, DWORD *svc_state = 0);
* Get the current state for the service. If <wait_hint> is not 0,
* it receives the service's reported wait hint. Note that this
* function returns 0 on failure (not -1 as is usual in ACE). A
* zero return would (probably) only be returned if there is either
* no service with the given name in the SCM database, or the caller
* does not have sufficient rights to access the service state. The
* set of valid service state values are all greater than 0.
DWORD state (ACE_Time_Value *wait_hint = 0);
/// A version of <state> that returns -1 for failure, 0 for success.
/// The DWORD pointed to by pstate receives the state value.
int state (DWORD *pstate, ACE_Time_Value *wait_hint = 0);
* Test access to the object's service in the SCM. The service must
* already have been inserted in the SCM database. This function
* has no affect on the service itself. Returns 0 if the specified
* access is allowed, -1 otherwise (either the access is denied, or
* there is a problem with the service's definition - check
* ACE_OS::last_error to get the specific error indication.
int test_access (DWORD desired_access = SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);
/// Declare the dynamic allocation hooks.
int report_status (DWORD new_status, DWORD time_hint = 0);
* Return the svc_sc_handle_ member. If the member is null, it
* retrieves the handle from the Service Control Manager and caches
* it.
SC_HANDLE svc_sc_handle (void);
* Waits for the service to reach <desired_state> or get
* (apparently) stuck before it reaches that state. Will wait at
* most @a wait_time to get to the desired state. If @a wait_time is
* 0, then the function keeps waiting until the desired state is
* reached or the service doesn't update its state any further. The
* svc_status_ class member is updated upon return.
void wait_for_service_state (DWORD desired_state,
ACE_Time_Value *wait_time);
/// Called by <handle_control> when a stop/shutdown was requested.
virtual void stop_requested (DWORD control_code);
/// Called by <handle_control> when a pause was requested.
virtual void pause_requested (DWORD control_code);
/// Called by <handle_control> when a continue was requested.
virtual void continue_requested (DWORD control_code);
/// Called by <handle_control> when a interrogate was requested.
virtual void interrogate_requested (DWORD control_code);
/// Estimate of init time needed
DWORD start_time_;
/// Service handle - doesn't need close.
SERVICE_STATUS svc_status_;
/// Service's SCM handle
SC_HANDLE svc_sc_handle_;
ACE_TCHAR *name_;
ACE_TCHAR *desc_;
ACE_TCHAR *host_;
/// ACE_Log_Msg attributes to inherit from the starting thread.
ACE_OS_Log_Msg_Attributes log_msg_attributes_;
// These macros help to get things set up correctly at compile time
// and to take most of the grudge work out of creating the proper
// functions and doing the registrations.
// ACE_NT_SERVICE_DEFINE - defines the 'ServiceMain' function which NT will
// call in its own thread when the service control
// dispatcher starts.
ACE_NT_Service * _ace_nt_svc_obj_##SVCNAME = 0; \
VOID WINAPI ace_nt_svc_handler_##SVCNAME (DWORD fdwControl) { \
_ace_nt_svc_obj_##SVCNAME->handle_control(fdwControl); \
} \
VOID WINAPI ace_nt_svc_main_##SVCNAME (DWORD dwArgc, \
ACE_TCHAR **lpszArgv) { \
bool delete_svc_obj = false; \
if (_ace_nt_svc_obj_##SVCNAME == 0) { \
ACE_NEW (_ace_nt_svc_obj_##SVCNAME, SVCCLASS); \
if (_ace_nt_svc_obj_##SVCNAME == 0) \
return; \
delete_svc_obj = true; \
} \
else \
_ace_nt_svc_obj_##SVCNAME->inherit_log_msg_attributes (); \
_ace_nt_svc_obj_##SVCNAME->init(dwArgc, lpszArgv); \
_ace_nt_svc_obj_##SVCNAME->svc_handle( \
ACE_TEXT_RegisterServiceCtrlHandler(SVCDESC, \
&ace_nt_svc_handler_##SVCNAME)); \
_ace_nt_svc_obj_##SVCNAME->open(); \
_ace_nt_svc_obj_##SVCNAME->wait(); \
_ace_nt_svc_obj_##SVCNAME->fini(); \
if (delete_svc_obj) { \
delete _ace_nt_svc_obj_##SVCNAME; \
_ace_nt_svc_obj_##SVCNAME = 0; \
} \
return; \
extern ACE_NT_Service * _ace_nt_svc_obj_##SVCNAME; \
extern VOID WINAPI ace_nt_svc_main_##SVCNAME (DWORD dwArgc, \
ACE_TCHAR **lpszArgv);
{ const_cast<ACE_TCHAR*> (SVCDESC), \
&ace_nt_svc_main_##SVCNAME }
ACE_TEXT_SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY _ace_nt_svc_table[2] = \
{ \
{ 0, 0 } \
}; \
_ace_nt_svc_obj_##SVCNAME = SVCINSTANCE; \
_ace_nt_svc_obj_##SVCNAME->capture_log_msg_attributes (); \
ACE_OS::last_error (0); \
int RET = ACE_TEXT_StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(_ace_nt_svc_table);
#if defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
#include "ace/NT_Service.inl"
#endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */
#endif /* ACE_WIN32 && !ACE_LACKS_WIN32_SERVICES */
#include /**/ "ace/post.h"