/usr/include/ace/Capabilities.h is in libace-dev 6.0.1-3.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
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* @file Capabilities.h
* $Id: Capabilities.h 91077 2010-07-13 14:33:08Z johnnyw $
* @author Arturo Montes <mitosys@colomsat.net.co>
#include /**/ "ace/pre.h"
#include /**/ "ace/config-all.h"
#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
# pragma once
#include "ace/Null_Mutex.h"
#include "ace/Hash_Map_Manager_T.h"
#include "ace/Containers.h"
#include "ace/SString.h"
#include "ace/Functor_String.h"
#if defined (ACE_IS_SPLITTING)
# include "ace/OS_NS_ctype.h"
#endif /* ACE_IS_SPLITTING */
* @class ACE_CapEntry
* @brief This class is the base class for all ACE Capabilities entry
* subclasses.
* This class is not instantiable and does not provide accessors
* or methods. If you want to add a new kind of attribute subclass
* this class and dynamic_cast to proper subclass.
class ACE_Export ACE_CapEntry
virtual ~ACE_CapEntry (void);
ACE_CapEntry (int captype);
int captype_;
* @class ACE_IntCapEntry
* @brief This class implement the ACE Integer Capability subclass.
* This is a container class for ACE Capabilities integer container
* values.
class ACE_Export ACE_IntCapEntry : public ACE_CapEntry
ACE_IntCapEntry (int val);
int getval (void) const;
int val_;
* @class ACE_StringCapEntry
* @brief This class implement the ACE String Capability subclass.
* This is a container class for ACE Capabilities String container
* values.
class ACE_Export ACE_StringCapEntry : public ACE_CapEntry
ACE_StringCapEntry (const ACE_TString &val);
ACE_TString getval (void) const;
ACE_TString val_;
* @class ACE_BoolCapEntry
* @brief This class implement the ACE Bool Capability subclass.
* This is a container class for ACE Capabilities bool container
* values.
class ACE_Export ACE_BoolCapEntry : public ACE_CapEntry
ACE_BoolCapEntry (int val);
int getval (void) const;
int val_;
* @class ACE_Capabilities
* @brief
* This class implement the ACE Capabilities.
* This is a container class for ACE Capabilities
* values. Currently exist three different capability values:
* ACE_IntCapEntry (integer), ACE_BoolCapEntry (bool) and
* ACE_StringCapEntry (String). An ACE_Capabilities is a
* unordered set of pair = (String, ACE_CapEntry *). Where
* the first component is the name of capability and the second
* component is a pointer to the capability value container. A
* FILE is a container for ACE_Capabilities, the
* ACE_Capabilities has a name in the file, as a termcap file.
class ACE_Export ACE_Capabilities
typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Manager_Ex<ACE_TString, ACE_CapEntry *, ACE_Hash<ACE_TString>, ACE_Equal_To<ACE_TString>, ACE_Null_Mutex> CAPABILITIES_MAP;
/// The Constructor
ACE_Capabilities (void);
/// The Destructor
/// Get a string entry.
int getval (const ACE_TCHAR *ent, ACE_TString &val);
/// Get an integer entry.
int getval (const ACE_TCHAR *ent, int &val);
/// Get the ACE_Capabilities name from FILE fname and load the
/// associated capabitily entries in map.
int getent (const ACE_TCHAR *fname, const ACE_TCHAR *name);
/// Parse an integer property
const ACE_TCHAR *parse (const ACE_TCHAR *buf, int &cap);
/// Parse a string property
const ACE_TCHAR *parse (const ACE_TCHAR *buf, ACE_TString &cap);
/// Fill the ACE_Capabilities with description in ent.
int fillent(const ACE_TCHAR *ent);
/// Parse a cap entry
int parseent (const ACE_TCHAR *name, ACE_TCHAR *line);
/// Get a line from FILE input stream
int getline (FILE* fp,
ACE_TString &line);
/// Is a valid entry
int is_entry (const ACE_TCHAR *name, const ACE_TCHAR *line);
/// Reset the set of capabilities
void resetcaps (void);
/// This is the set of ACE_CapEntry.
#if defined (ACE_IS_SPLITTING)
is_empty (const ACE_TCHAR *line)
while (*line && ACE_OS::ace_isspace (*line))
return *line == ACE_TEXT ('\0') || *line == ACE_TEXT ('#');
is_line (const ACE_TCHAR *line)
while (*line && ACE_OS::ace_isspace (*line))
return *line != ACE_TEXT ('\0');
#endif /* ACE_IS_SPLITTING */
#if defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
#include "ace/Capabilities.inl"
#endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */
#include /**/ "ace/post.h"
#endif /* __ACE_CAPABILITIES_H__ */