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* @file Array_Map.h
* $Id: Array_Map.h 92386 2010-10-28 07:44:37Z johnnyw $
* Light weight array-based map with fast iteration but linear
* (i.e. O(n)) search times. STL-style interface is exposed.
* @note This class requires the STL generic algorithms and
* reverse_iterator adapter.
* @author Ossama Othman
#include /**/ "ace/pre.h"
#include "ace/config-lite.h"
#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
# pragma once
#include <utility>
#include <iterator>
#include <functional>
* @class ACE_Array_Map
* @brief Light weight array-based map with fast iteration, but linear
* (i.e. O(n)) search times.
* Map implementation that focuses on small footprint and fast
* iteration. Search times are, however, linear (O(n)) meaning that
* this map isn't suitable for large data sets that will be searched
* in performance critical areas of code. Iteration over large data
* sets, however, is faster than linked list-based maps, for example,
* since spatial locality is maximized through the use of contiguous
* arrays as the underlying storage.
* @par
* An @c ACE_Array_Map is a unique associative container, meaning that
* duplicate values may not be added to the map. It is also pair
* associative (value_type is a std::pair<>). It is not a sorted
* container.
* @par
* An STL @c std::map -like interface is exposed by this class
* portability. Furthermore, this map's iterators are compatible with
* STL algorithms.
* @par
* <b> Requirements and Performance Characteristics</b>
* - Internal Structure
* Array
* - Duplicates allowed?
* No
* - Random access allowed?
* Yes
* - Search speed
* O(n)
* - Insert/replace speed
* O(n), can be longer if the map has to resize
* - Iterator still valid after change to container?
* No
* - Frees memory for removed elements?
* Yes
* - Items inserted by
* Value
* - Requirements for key type
* -# Default constructor
* -# Copy constructor
* -# operator=
* -# operator==
* - Requirements for object type
* -# Default constructor
* -# Copy constructor
* -# operator=
template<typename Key, typename Value, class EqualTo = std::equal_to<Key> >
class ACE_Array_Map
// STL-style typedefs/traits.
typedef Key key_type;
typedef Value data_type;
typedef std::pair<key_type, data_type> value_type;
typedef value_type * iterator;
typedef value_type const * const_iterator;
typedef value_type & reference;
typedef value_type const & const_reference;
typedef value_type * pointer;
typedef value_type const * const_pointer;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef size_t size_type;
/// Default Constructor.
* Create an empty map with a preallocated buffer of size @a s.
ACE_Array_Map (size_type s = 0);
template<typename InputIterator>
ACE_Array_Map (InputIterator f, InputIterator l);
ACE_Array_Map (ACE_Array_Map const & map);
ACE_Array_Map & operator= (ACE_Array_Map const & map);
/// Destructor.
~ACE_Array_Map (void);
* @name Forward Iterator Accessors
* Forward iterator accessors.
iterator begin (void);
iterator end (void);
const_iterator begin (void) const;
const_iterator end (void) const;
* @name Reverse Iterator Accessors
* Reverse iterator accessors.
reverse_iterator rbegin (void);
reverse_iterator rend (void);
const_reverse_iterator rbegin (void) const;
const_reverse_iterator rend (void) const;
/// Return current size of map.
* @return The number of elements in the map.
size_type size (void) const;
/// Maximum number of elements the map can hold.
size_type max_size (void) const;
/// Return @c true if the map is empty, else @c false.
bool is_empty (void) const; // ACE style
* Return @c true if the map is empty, else @c false. We recommend
* using @c is_empty() instead since it's more consistent with the
* ACE container naming conventions.
bool empty (void) const; // STL style
/// Swap the contents of this map with the given @a map in an
/// exception-safe manner.
void swap (ACE_Array_Map & map);
/// Insert the value @a x into the map.
* STL-style map insertion method.
* @param x @c std::pair containing key and datum.
* @return @c std::pair::second will be @c false if the map already
* contains a value with the same key as @a x.
std::pair<iterator, bool> insert (value_type const & x);
/// Insert range of elements into map.
template<typename InputIterator>
void insert (InputIterator f, InputIterator l);
/// Remove element at position @a pos from the map.
void erase (iterator pos);
/// Remove element corresponding to key @a k from the map.
* @return Number of elements that were erased.
size_type erase (key_type const & k);
/// Remove range of elements [@a first, @a last) from the map.
* @note [@a first, @a last) must be valid range within the map.
void erase (iterator first, iterator last);
/// Clear contents of map.
* @note This a constant time (O(1)) operation.
void clear (void);
* @name Search Operations
* Search the map for data corresponding to key @a k.
* @return @c end() if data corresponding to key @a k is not in the
* map.
iterator find (key_type const & k);
* @return @c end() if data corresponding to key @a k is not in the
* map.
const_iterator find (key_type const & k) const;
/// Count the number of elements corresponding to key @a k.
* @return In the case of this map, the count will always be one if
* such exists in the map.
size_type count (key_type const & k);
/// Convenience array index operator.
* Array index operator that allows insertion and retrieval of
* elements using an array index syntax, such as:
* @par
* map["Foo"] = 12;
data_type & operator[] (key_type const & k);
/// Increase size of underlying buffer by @a s.
void grow (size_type s);
/// Number of elements in the map.
size_type size_;
/// Current size of underlying array.
* @note @c capacity_ is always greater than or equal to @c size_;
size_type capacity_;
/// Underlying array containing keys and data.
value_type * nodes_;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
/// @c ACE_Array_Map equality operator.
template <typename Key, typename Value, class EqualTo>
bool operator== (ACE_Array_Map<Key, Value, EqualTo> const & lhs,
ACE_Array_Map<Key, Value, EqualTo> const & rhs);
/// @c ACE_Array_Map lexicographical comparison operator.
template <typename Key, typename Value, class EqualTo>
bool operator< (ACE_Array_Map<Key, Value, EqualTo> const & lhs,
ACE_Array_Map<Key, Value, EqualTo> const & rhs);
// --------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef __ACE_INLINE__
# include "ace/Array_Map.inl"
#endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */
# include "ace/Array_Map.cpp"
#pragma implementation ("Array_Map.cpp")
#include /**/ "ace/post.h"
#endif /* ACE_ARRAY_MAP_H */