/usr/include/ace/Arg_Shifter.h is in libace-dev 6.0.1-3.
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* @file Arg_Shifter.h
* $Id: Arg_Shifter.h 91459 2010-08-25 09:51:01Z mcorino $
* @author Seth Widoff
#include /**/ "ace/pre.h"
#include /**/ "ace/ACE_export.h"
#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
# pragma once
#include "ace/Global_Macros.h"
* @class ACE_Arg_Shifter_T
* @brief This ADT operates on a specified set of arguments (@a argv).
* As known arguments are scanned, they are shifted to the back of the
* @a argv vector, so deeper levels of argument parsing can locate the yet
* unprocessed arguments at the beginning of the vector.
* Nomenclature:
* argument - a member of the argv array
* option - an argument starting with '-'
* flag - synonym for "option"
* parameter value - an argument not starting with '-'
* parameter - synonym for "parameter value"
* The @c ACE_Arg_Shifter copies the pointers of the @a argv vector
* into a temporary array, emptying the original. As the @c ACE_Arg_Shifter
* iterates over the temporary array, it places known arguments in the rear
* of the original array and places the unknown ones in the beginning of the
* original array. It modifies argc to be the number of unknown arguments,
* so it looks to the caller as if the original array contains only unknown
* arguments. So, after @c ACE_Arg_Shifter has visited all the arguments
* in the temporary array, the original @a argv array appears to contain
* only the unknown arguments in their original order (but it actually has
* all the known arguments, too, beyond argc).
template <typename CHAR_TYPE>
class ACE_Arg_Shifter_T
// = Initialization and termination methods.
* Initialize the ACE_Arg_Shifter to the vector over which to
* iterate. Optionally, also provide the temporary array for
* use in shifting the arguments. If ACE_Arg_Shifter must allocate
* the temporary vector internally and dynamic allocation fails, the
* ACE_Arg_Shifter will set all indicators to end of the vector,
* forbidding iteration. Following iteration over @a argv, the
* @a argc value will be updated to contain the number of
* unconsumed arguments.
* @param argc The number of strings in @a argv. @a argc will be
* updated to reflect the number of unconsumed arguments.
* @param argv The argument vector to shift. The string pointers in
* the vector will be reordered to place the @a argc unconsumed
* arguments at the front of the vector.
* @param temp A vector of @c CHAR_TYPE pointers at least @a argc
* elements long. The vector will be used for argument shifting as
* the specified @a argv vector is consumed. The vector must not
* be modified while this object exists. If this argument is 0
* (the default) the object will allocate and free the temporary
* vector transparently.
ACE_Arg_Shifter_T (int& argc,
const CHAR_TYPE **argv,
const CHAR_TYPE **temp = 0);
/// Same behavior as the preceding constructor, but without the
/// "const" qualifier.
ACE_Arg_Shifter_T (int& argc,
CHAR_TYPE **argv,
CHAR_TYPE **temp = 0);
/// Destructor.
~ACE_Arg_Shifter_T (void);
/// Get the current head of the vector.
const CHAR_TYPE *get_current (void) const;
* If the @a flag matches the current_arg of arg shifter
* this method will attempt to return the associated
* parameter value
* Safe to call without checking that a current arg exists
* In the following examples, a pointer to the char* "value" is ret
* eg: main -foobar value, main -FooBar value
* main -FOOBARvalue
* all of the above will all match the @a flag == -FooBar
* and will return a char* to "value"
* main -foobar 4 would succeed and return a char* to "4"
* main -foobar -4 does not succeed (-4 is not a parameter)
* but instead, would return 0
* 0 is returned:
* If the current argument does not match flag
* If there is no parameter found after a 'matched' flag
* If the flag is matched and the flag and parameter DO NOT RUN
* together, the flag is consumed, the parameter is returned,
* and the new current argument is the parameter value.
* ie '-foobarflag VALUE' leaves the new cur arg == "VALUE"
* If the flag is matched and the flag and parameter RUN
* together '-foobarflagVALUE', the flag is NOT consumed
* and the cur arg is left pointing to the entire flag/value pair
const CHAR_TYPE *get_the_parameter (const CHAR_TYPE* flag);
* Check if the current argument matches (case insensitive) @a flag
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Case A: Perfect Match (case insensitive)
* 0 is returned.
* ie: when current_arg = "-foobar" or "-FOOBAR" or "-fooBAR"
* this->cur_arg_strncasecmp ("-FooBar);
* will return 0
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Case B: Perfect Match (case insensitive) but the current_arg
* is longer than the flag. Returns a number equal to the index
* in the char* indicating the start of the extra characters
* ie: when current_arg = "-foobar98023"
* this->cur_arg_strncasecmp ("-FooBar);
* will return 7
* Notice: this number will always be > 0
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Case C: If neither of Case A or B is met (no match)
* then -1 is returned
int cur_arg_strncasecmp (const CHAR_TYPE *flag);
/// Consume @a number argument(s) by sticking them/it on the end of
/// the vector.
int consume_arg (int number = 1);
/// Place @a number arguments in the same relative order ahead of the
/// known arguments in the vector.
int ignore_arg (int number = 1);
/// Returns the number of args left to see in the vector.
int is_anything_left (void) const;
/// Returns 1 if there's a next item in the vector and it begins with
/// '-'.
int is_option_next (void) const;
/// Returns 1 if there's a next item in the vector and it doesn't
/// begin with '-'.
int is_parameter_next (void) const;
/// Returns the number of irrelevant args seen.
int num_ignored_args (void) const;
/// Copy Constructor should not be used.
ACE_UNIMPLEMENTED_FUNC (ACE_Arg_Shifter_T (const ACE_Arg_Shifter_T<CHAR_TYPE>&))
/// Assignment '=' operator should not be used.
ACE_UNIMPLEMENTED_FUNC (ACE_Arg_Shifter_T operator= (const ACE_Arg_Shifter_T<CHAR_TYPE>&))
/// Refactor the constructor logic.
void init (void);
/// The size of the argument vector.
int& argc_;
/// The size of argv_.
int total_size_;
/// The temporary array over which we traverse.
const CHAR_TYPE **temp_;
/// The array in which the arguments are reordered.
const CHAR_TYPE **argv_;
/// The element in <temp_> we're currently examining.
int current_index_;
/// The index of <argv_> in which we'll stick the next unknown
/// argument.
int back_;
/// The index of <argv_> in which we'll stick the next known
/// argument.
int front_;
/* This is not really the "front" at all. It's the point after
* which the unknown arguments end and at which the known arguments begin.
typedef ACE_Arg_Shifter_T<ACE_TCHAR> ACE_Arg_Shifter;
#include "ace/Arg_Shifter.cpp"
#pragma implementation ("Arg_Shifter.cpp")
#include /**/ "ace/post.h"
#endif /* ACE_ARG_SHIFTER_H */