/usr/share/pyshared/ZSI/ServiceProxy.py is in python-zsi 2.1~a1-3build1.
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# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.0 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
import weakref, re, os, sys
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser as ConfigParser,\
NoSectionError, NoOptionError
from urlparse import urlparse
from ZSI import TC
from ZSI.client import _Binding
from ZSI.generate import commands,containers
from ZSI.schema import GED, GTD
import wstools
#url_to_mod = re.compile(r'<([^ \t\n\r\f\v:]+:)?include\s+location\s*=\s*"(\S+)"')
def _urn_to_module(urn): return '%s_types' %re.sub(_urn_to_module.regex, '_', urn)
_urn_to_module.regex = re.compile(r'[\W]')
class ServiceProxy:
"""A ServiceProxy provides a convenient way to call a remote web
service that is described with WSDL. The proxy exposes methods
that reflect the methods of the remote web service."""
def __init__(self, wsdl, url=None, service=None, port=None,
cachedir=os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.zsi_service_proxy_dir'),
asdict=True, lazy=False, pyclass=False, force=False, **kw):
wsdl -- URL of WSDL.
url -- override WSDL SOAP address location
service -- service name or index
port -- port name or index
cachedir -- where to store generated files
asdict -- use dicts, else use generated pyclass
lazy -- use lazy typecode evaluation
pyclass -- use pyclass_type metaclass adds properties, "new_", "set_,
"get_" methods for schema element and attribute declarations.
force -- regenerate all WSDL code, write over cache.
NOTE: all other **kw will be passed to the underlying
ZSI.client._Binding constructor.
self._asdict = asdict
# client._Binding
self._url = url
self._kw = kw
self._wsdl = wstools.WSDLTools.WSDLReader().loadFromURL(wsdl)
self._service = self._wsdl.services[service or 0]
self.__doc__ = self._service.documentation
self._port = self._service.ports[port or 0]
self._name = self._service.name
self._methods = {}
self._cachedir = cachedir
self._lazy = lazy
self._pyclass = pyclass
self._force = force
# Set up rpc methods for service/port
port = self._port
binding = port.getBinding()
portType = binding.getPortType()
for port in self._service.ports:
for item in port.getPortType().operations:
callinfo = wstools.WSDLTools.callInfoFromWSDL(port, item.name)
# ignore non soap-1.1 bindings
method = MethodProxy(self, callinfo)
setattr(self, item.name, method)
self._methods.setdefault(item.name, []).append(method)
self._mod = self._load(wsdl)
def _load(self, location):
location -- URL or file location
isxsd -- is this a xsd file?
cachedir = self._cachedir
# wsdl2py: deal with XML Schema
if not os.path.isdir(cachedir): os.mkdir(cachedir)
file = os.path.join(cachedir, '.cache')
section = 'TYPES'
cp = ConfigParser()
cp.readfp(open(file, 'r'))
except IOError:
del cp; cp = None
option = location.replace(':', '-') # colons seem to screw up option
if (not self._force and cp is not None and cp.has_section(section) and
cp.has_option(section, option)):
types = cp.get(section, option)
# dont do anything to anames
if not self._pyclass:
containers.ContainerBase.func_aname = lambda instnc,n: str(n)
args = ['-o', cachedir, location]
if self._lazy: args.insert(0, '-l')
if self._pyclass: args.insert(0, '-b')
files = commands.wsdl2py(args)
if cp is None: cp = ConfigParser()
if not cp.has_section(section): cp.add_section(section)
types = filter(lambda f: f.endswith('_types.py'), files)[0]
cp.set(section, option, types)
cp.write(open(file, 'w'))
if os.path.abspath(cachedir) not in sys.path:
mod = os.path.split(types)[-1].rstrip('.py')
return __import__(mod)
def _load_schema(self, location, xml=None):
location -- location of schema, also used as a key
xml -- optional string representation of schema
cachedir = self._cachedir
# wsdl2py: deal with XML Schema
if not os.path.isdir(cachedir): os.mkdir(cachedir)
file = os.path.join(cachedir, '.cache')
section = 'TYPES'
cp = ConfigParser()
cp.readfp(open(file, 'r'))
except IOError:
del cp; cp = None
option = location.replace(':', '-') # colons seem to screw up option
if (cp is not None and cp.has_section(section) and
cp.has_option(section, option)):
types = cp.get(section, option)
# dont do anything to anames
if not self._pyclass:
containers.ContainerBase.func_aname = lambda instnc,n: str(n)
from ZSI.wstools import XMLSchema
reader = XMLSchema.SchemaReader(base_url=location)
if xml is not None and isinstance(xml, basestring):
schema = reader.loadFromString(xml)
elif xml is not None:
raise RuntimeError, 'Unsupported: XML must be string'
elif not os.path.isfile(location):
schema = reader.loadFromURL(location)
schema = reader.reader.loadFromFile(location)
# TODO: change this to keyword list
class options:
output_dir = cachedir
schema = True
simple_naming = False
address = False
lazy = self._lazy
complexType = self._pyclass
schema.location = location
files = commands._wsdl2py(options, schema)
if cp is None: cp = ConfigParser()
if not cp.has_section(section): cp.add_section(section)
types = filter(lambda f: f.endswith('_types.py'), files)[0]
cp.set(section, option, types)
cp.write(open(file, 'w'))
if os.path.abspath(cachedir) not in sys.path:
mod = os.path.split(types)[-1].rstrip('.py')
return __import__(mod)
def _call(self, name, soapheaders):
"""return the Call to the named remote web service method.
closure used to prevent multiple values for name and soapheaders
def call_closure(*args, **kwargs):
"""Call the named remote web service method."""
if len(args) and len(kwargs):
raise TypeError, 'Use positional or keyword argument only.'
if len(args) > 0:
raise TypeError, 'Not supporting SOAPENC:Arrays or XSD:List'
if len(kwargs):
args = kwargs
callinfo = getattr(self, name).callinfo
# go through the list of defined methods, and look for the one with
# the same number of arguments as what was passed. this is a weak
# check that should probably be improved in the future to check the
# types of the arguments to allow for polymorphism
for method in self._methods[name]:
if len(method.callinfo.inparams) == len(kwargs):
callinfo = method.callinfo
binding = _Binding(url=self._url or callinfo.location,
kw = dict(unique=True)
if callinfo.use == 'encoded':
kw['unique'] = False
if callinfo.style == 'rpc':
request = TC.Struct(None, ofwhat=[],
pname=(callinfo.namespace, name), **kw)
response = TC.Struct(None, ofwhat=[],
pname=(callinfo.namespace, name+"Response"), **kw)
if len(callinfo.getInParameters()) != len(args):
raise RuntimeError('expecting "%s" parts, got %s' %(
str(callinfo.getInParameters(), str(args))))
for msg,pms in ((request,callinfo.getInParameters()),
msg.ofwhat = []
for part in pms:
klass = GTD(*part.type)
if klass is None:
if part.type:
klass = filter(lambda gt: part.type==gt.type,TC.TYPES)
if len(klass) == 0:
klass = filter(lambda gt: part.type[1]==gt.type[1],TC.TYPES)
if not len(klass):klass = [TC.Any]
if len(klass) > 1: #Enumerations, XMLString, etc
klass = filter(lambda i: i.__dict__.has_key('type'), klass)
klass = klass[0]
klass = TC.Any
msg.ofwhat = tuple(msg.ofwhat)
if not args: args = {}
# Grab <part element> attribute
ipart,opart = callinfo.getInParameters(),callinfo.getOutParameters()
if ( len(ipart) != 1 or not ipart[0].element_type or
ipart[0].type is None ):
raise RuntimeError, 'Bad Input Message "%s"' %callinfo.name
if ( len(opart) not in (0,1) or not opart[0].element_type or
opart[0].type is None ):
raise RuntimeError, 'Bad Output Message "%s"' %callinfo.name
# if ( len(args) > 1 ):
# raise RuntimeError, 'Message has only one part: %s' %str(args)
ipart = ipart[0]
request,response = GED(*ipart.type),None
if opart: response = GED(*opart[0].type)
msg = args
if self._asdict:
if not msg: msg = dict()
elif request.pyclass is not None:
if type(args) is dict:
msg = request.pyclass()
elif type(args) is list and len(args) == 1:
msg = request.pyclass(args[0])
msg = request.pyclass()
binding.Send(None, None, msg,
if response is None:
return None
if self._asdict: self._nullpyclass(response)
return binding.Receive(replytype=response,
return call_closure
def _nullpyclass(cls, typecode):
typecode.pyclass = None
if not hasattr(typecode, 'ofwhat'): return
if type(typecode.ofwhat) not in (list,tuple): #Array
else: #Struct/ComplexType
for i in typecode.ofwhat: cls._nullpyclass(i)
_nullpyclass = classmethod(_nullpyclass)
class MethodProxy:
""" """
def __init__(self, parent, callinfo):
self.__name__ = callinfo.methodName
self.__doc__ = callinfo.documentation
self.callinfo = callinfo
self.parent = weakref.ref(parent)
self.soapheaders = []
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.parent()._call(self.__name__, self.soapheaders)(*args, **kwargs)
def add_headers(self, **headers):
"""packing dicts into typecode pyclass, may fail if typecodes are
used in the body (when asdict=True)
class _holder: pass
def _remap(pyobj, **d):
pyobj.__dict__ = d
for k,v in pyobj.__dict__.items():
if type(v) is not dict: continue
pyobj.__dict__[k] = p = _holder()
_remap(p, **v)
for k,v in headers.items():
h = filter(lambda i: k in i.type, self.callinfo.inheaders)[0]
if h.element_type != 1:
raise RuntimeError, 'not implemented'
typecode = GED(*h.type)
if typecode is None:
raise RuntimeError, 'no matching element for %s' %str(h.type)
pyclass = typecode.pyclass
if pyclass is None:
raise RuntimeError, 'no pyclass for typecode %s' %str(h.type)
if type(v) is not dict:
pyobj = pyclass(v)
pyobj = pyclass()
_remap(pyobj, **v)