/usr/bin/flickr_upload is in libflickr-upload-perl 1.32-2.
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eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0; # not running under some shell
use strict;
use warnings;
use Flickr::Upload;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
# get your own key and secret from http://www.flickr.com/services/api/key.gne
my $api_key = '8dcf37880da64acfe8e30bb1091376b7';
my $not_so_secret = '2f3695d0562cdac7';
my %args;
my @tags = ();
my $help = 0;
my $man = 0;
my $auth = 0;
my $progress = 0;
my $check = 0;
if( open CONFIG, "< $ENV{HOME}/.flickrrc" ) {
while( <CONFIG> ) {
s/#.*$//; # strip comments
next unless m/^\s*([a-z_]+)=(.+)\s*$/io;
if( $1 eq "key" ) {
$api_key = $2;
} elsif( $1 eq "secret" ) {
$not_so_secret = $2;
} else {
$args{$1} = $2;
close CONFIG;
'help|?' => \$help,
'man' => \$man,
'tag=s' => \@tags,
'uri=s' => sub { $args{$_[0]} = $_[1] },
'auth_token=s' => sub { $args{$_[0]} = $_[1] },
'public=i' => sub { $args{is_public} = $_[1] },
'friend=i' => sub { $args{is_friend} = $_[1] },
'family=i' => sub { $args{is_family} = $_[1] },
'title=s' => sub { $args{$_[0]} = $_[1] },
'description=s' => sub { $args{$_[0]} = $_[1] },
'key=s' => \$api_key,
'secret=s' => \$not_so_secret,
'auth' => \$auth,
'progress' => \$progress,
'check' => \$check,
'option=s' => \%args,
) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if $help;
pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
my $version = $Flickr::Upload::VERSION;
my $ua = Flickr::Upload->new( {'key' => $api_key, 'secret' => $not_so_secret} );
$ua->agent( "flickr_upload/$version" );
if( $progress ) {
eval {
require Term::ProgressBar;
if( $@ ) {
# Remove duplicate newline from error, and no need for two 'at line' messages
chomp(my $err = $@);
$err =~ s/\) at .*? line.*/)/;
die "Term::ProgressBar needs to be installed for `--progress' to work: (error from perl: $err)";
if( $auth ) {
# The user wants to authenticate. There's really no nice way to handle this.
# So we have to spit out a URL, then hang around or something until
# the user hits enter, then exchange the frob for a token, then tell the user what
# the token is and hope they care enough to stick it into .flickrrc so they
# only have to go through this crap once.
# 1. get a frob
my $frob = getFrob( $ua );
# 2. get a url for the frob
my $url = $ua->request_auth_url('write', $frob);
# 3. tell the user what to do with it
print "1. Enter the following URL into your browser\n\n",
"2. Follow the instructions on the web page\n",
"3. Hit <Enter> when finished.\n\n";
# 4. wait for enter.
# 5. Get the token from the frob
my $auth_token = getToken( $ua, $frob );
die "Failed to get authentication token!" unless defined $auth_token;
# 6. Tell the user what they won.
print "Your authentication token for this application is\n\t\t",
$auth_token, "\n";
exit 0;
pod2usage(1) unless exists $args{'auth_token'};
if( $check ) {
exit( checkToken( $ua, $args{api_key}, $args{auth_token} ) );
pod2usage(1) unless @ARGV;
$args{'tags'} = join( " ", @tags ) if @tags;
# pipeline things by uploading first, waiting for photo ids second.
$args{'async'} = 1;
my %tickets;
$| = 1;
while( my $photo = shift @ARGV ) {
my $rc;
if ($progress) {
$HTTP::Request::Common::DYNAMIC_FILE_UPLOAD = 1;
my $photo_size = (stat($photo))[7];
my $req = $ua->make_upload_request( 'photo' => $photo, %args );
my $gen = $req->content();
die unless ref($gen) eq "CODE";
my $progress = Term::ProgressBar->new({
name => $photo,
count => $photo_size,
ETA => 'linear',
my $state;
my $size;
sub {
my $chunk = &$gen();
$size += Flickr::Upload::file_length_in_encoded_chunk(\$chunk, \$state, $photo_size);
return $chunk;
$rc = $ua->upload_request( $req );
} else {
print 'Uploading ', $photo, '...';
$rc = $ua->upload( 'photo' => $photo, %args );
# let the caller know how many images weren't uploaded
exit (1+@ARGV) unless defined $rc;
# check those later
$tickets{$rc} = $photo;
print "\n";
# check
print "Waiting for upload results (ctrl-C if you don't care)...\n";
do {
sleep 1;
my @checked = $ua->check_upload( keys %tickets );
for( @checked ) {
if( $_->{complete} == 0 ) {
# not done yet, don't do anythig
} elsif( $_->{complete} == 1 ) {
# uploaded, got photoid
print "$tickets{$_->{id}} is at " .
delete $tickets{$_->{id}};
} else {
print "$tickets{$_->{id}} failed to get photoid\n";
delete $tickets{$_->{id}};
} while( %tickets );
exit 0;
sub response_tag {
my $t = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $tag = shift;
return undef unless defined $t and exists $t->{'children'};
for my $n ( @{$t->{'children'}} ) {
next unless $n->{'name'} eq $name;
next unless exists $n->{'children'};
for my $m (@{$n->{'children'}} ) {
next unless exists $m->{'name'}
and $m->{'name'} eq $tag
and exists $m->{'children'};
return $m->{'children'}->[0]->{'content'};
return undef;
sub getFrob {
my $ua = shift;
my $res = $ua->execute_method("flickr.auth.getFrob");
return undef unless defined $res and $res->{success};
# FIXME: error checking, please. At least look for the node named 'frob'.
return $res->{tree}->{children}->[1]->{children}->[0]->{content};
sub getToken {
my $ua = shift;
my $frob = shift;
my $res = $ua->execute_method("flickr.auth.getToken",
{ 'frob' => $frob } );
return undef unless defined $res and $res->{success};
# FIXME: error checking, please.
return $res->{tree}->{children}->[1]->{children}->[1]->{children}->[0]->{content};
sub checkToken {
my $ua = shift;
my $key = shift;
my $token = shift;
my $res = $ua->execute_method("flickr.auth.checkToken",
'auth_token' => $token,
'api_key' => $key,
} );
# FIXME: this could be parsed, but I'm not going to get too fancy
print $res->decoded_content();
return 0;
=head1 NAME
flickr_upload - Upload photos to C<flickr.com>
flickr_upload [--auth] --auth_token <auth_token> [--title <title>]
[--description description] [--public <0|1>] [--friend <0|1>]
[--family <0|1>] [--tag <tag>] [--option key=value] [--progress]
Batch image uploader for the L<Flickr.com> service.
L<flickr_upload> may also be useful for generating authentication tokens
against other API keys/secrets (i.e. for embedding in scripts).
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item --auth
The C<--auth> flag will cause L<flickr_upload> to generate an
authentication token against it's API key and secret (or, if you want,
your own specific key and secret). This process requires the caller
to have a browser handy so they can cut and paste a url. The resulting
token should be kept somewhere like C<~/.flickrrc> since it's necessary
for actually uploading images.
=item --auth_token <auth_token>
Authentication token. You B<must> get an authentication token using
C<--auth> before you can upload images. See the L<EXAMPLES> section.
=item --title <title>
Title to use on all the images. Optional.
=item --description <description>
Description to use on all the images. Optional.
=item --public <0|1>
Override the default C<is_public> access control. Optional.
=item --friend <0|1>
Override the default C<is_friend> access control. Optional.
=item --family <0|1>
Override the default C<is_family> access control. Optional.
=item --tag <tag>
Images are tagged with C<tag>. Multiple C<--tag> options can be given, or
you can just put them all into a single space-separated list. If you want
to define a tag with spaces, the quotes have to be part of the tag itself.
The following works in L<bash>:
flickr_upload --tag='"tag one"' --tag='"tag two"' image.jpg
=item --option key=value
Flickr periodically adds new features to the uploading API, and these are
almost always implemented as new key/value pairs. Rather than waiting for
a new L<Flickr::Upload> release, you can specify any of the upload
API's optional arguments using C<--option>.
flick_upload --option content_type=1 --tag='cats' two_cats.jpg
You may also use C<--option> rather than L<flickr_upload>'s command-line
flickr_upload --option is_public=1 --option title='cats' two_cats.jpg
While Flickr may add new options at any time (see
L<http://flickr.com/services/api/upload.api.html> for the most up-to-date
list), currently known options include:
=over 4
=item --option safety_level=<1|2|3>
Override the default C<safety_level> notation.
Set to 1 for Safe, 2 for Moderate, or 3 for Restricted.
Refer to L<http://www.flickr.com/help/filters/>.
=item --option content_type=<1|2|3>
Override the default C<content_type> notation.
Set to 1 for Photo, 2 for Screenshot, or 3 for Art/Illustration.
Refer to L<http://www.flickr.com/help/filters/>.
=item --option hidden=<1|2>
Override the default C<hidden> notation.
Set to 1 to keep the photo in global search results, 2 to hide from public
Note that options unknown to Flickr will result in undefined behaviour.
=item --check
Checks the authentication token via the flickr.auth.checkToken API call.
This can be used to verify API keys and credentials without trying to
upload an image. The output is the raw results of the API call.
=item --progress
Display a progress bar for each upload with L<Term::ProgressBar>. That
optional module will have to be installed on the system.
=item --key <api_key>
=item --secret <secret>
Your own API key and secret. This is useful if you want to use
L<flickr_upload> in auth mode as a token generator. You need both C<key>
and C<secret>. Both C<key> and C<secret> can be placed in C<~/.flickrrc>,
allowing to mix L<flickr_upload> with your own scripts using the same
API key and authentication token. Getting your own API key and secret is
encouraged if you're tying L<flickr_upload> to some automated process.
Note that if you do get an authentication token against your own API key
and secret, you'll need to specify the key and secret along with the token
when uploading images. The default L<flickr_upload> API key and token won't
work in that case.
=item <photos...>
List of photos to upload. Uploading stops as soon as a failure is detected
during the upload. The script exit code will indicate the number of images
on the command line that were not uploaded. For each uploaded image, a
Flickr URL will be generated. L<flickr_upload> uses asynchronous uploading
so while the image is usually transferred fairly quickly, it might take
a while before it's actually available to users. L<flickr_upload> will
wait around for that to complete, but be aware that delays of upwards
of thirty minutes have (rarely) been know to occur.
First, you need to get an authentication token. This is a requirement
driven by how Flickr manages third-party applications:
cpb@earth:~$ flickr_upload --auth
1. Enter the following URL into your browser
2. Follow the instructions on the web page
3. Hit <Enter> when finished.
Your authentication token for this application is
Unless you like typing long numbers on the command-line, you should
keep the C<<token>> somewhere handy, like a configuration file:
echo auth_token=<token> >~/.flickrrc
Uploading a bunch of images is then as easy as:
flickr_upload --tag 'dog' 'kernel in a window.jpg' 'sad in sunbeam.jpg'
To avoid having to remember authentication tokens and such (or have them
show up in the process table listings), default values will be read from
C<$HOME/.flickrrc> if it exists. Any field defined there can, of course,
be overridden on the command line. For example:
# my config at $HOME/.flickrrc
Note, however, that these defaults override the defaults you've assigned in
your Flickr profile. You may want to do all that stuff in one place.
=head1 BUGS
Error handling could be better.
=head1 AUTHOR
Christophe Beauregard, L<cpb@cpan.org>.
=head1 SEE ALSO