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Bio::Search::BlastUtils - Utility functions for Bio::Search:: BLAST objects
# This module is just a collection of subroutines, not an object.
See L<Bio::Search::Hit::BlastHit>.
The BlastUtils.pm module is a collection of subroutines used primarily by
Bio::Search::Hit::BlastHit objects for some of the additional
functionality, such as HSP tiling. Right now, the BlastUtils is just a
collection of methods, not an object, and it's tightly coupled to
Bio::Search::Hit::BlastHit. A goal for the future is to generalize it
to work based on the Bio::Search interfaces, then it can work with any
objects that implements them.
=head1 AUTHOR
Steve Chervitz E<lt>sac@bioperl.orgE<gt>
package Bio::Search::BlastUtils;
use Bio::Root::Version;
=head2 tile_hsps
Usage : tile_hsps( $sbjct );
: This is called automatically by Bio::Search::Hit::BlastHit
: during object construction or
: as needed by methods that rely on having tiled data.
Purpose : Collect statistics about the aligned sequences in a set of HSPs.
: Calculates the following data across all HSPs:
: -- total alignment length
: -- total identical residues
: -- total conserved residues
Returns : n/a
Argument : A Bio::Search::Hit::BlastHit object
Throws : n/a
Comments :
: This method is *strongly* coupled to Bio::Search::Hit::BlastHit
: (it accesses BlastHit data members directly).
: TODO: Re-write this to the Bio::Search::Hit::HitI interface.
: This method performs more careful summing of data across
: all HSPs in the Sbjct object. Only HSPs that are in the same strand
: and frame are tiled. Simply summing the data from all HSPs
: in the same strand and frame will overestimate the actual
: length of the alignment if there is overlap between different HSPs
: (often the case).
: The strategy is to tile the HSPs and sum over the
: contigs, collecting data separately from overlapping and
: non-overlapping regions of each HSP. To facilitate this, the
: HSP.pm object now permits extraction of data from sub-sections
: of an HSP.
: Additional useful information is collected from the results
: of the tiling. It is possible that sub-sequences in
: different HSPs will overlap significantly. In this case, it
: is impossible to create a single unambiguous alignment by
: concatenating the HSPs. The ambiguity may indicate the
: presence of multiple, similar domains in one or both of the
: aligned sequences. This ambiguity is recorded using the
: ambiguous_aln() method.
: This method does not attempt to discern biologically
: significant vs. insignificant overlaps. The allowable amount of
: overlap can be set with the overlap() method or with the -OVERLAP
: parameter used when constructing the Blast & Sbjct objects.
: For a given hit, both the query and the sbjct sequences are
: tiled independently.
: -- If only query sequence HSPs overlap,
: this may suggest multiple domains in the sbjct.
: -- If only sbjct sequence HSPs overlap,
: this may suggest multiple domains in the query.
: -- If both query & sbjct sequence HSPs overlap,
: this suggests multiple domains in both.
: -- If neither query & sbjct sequence HSPs overlap,
: this suggests either no multiple domains in either
: sequence OR that both sequences have the same
: distribution of multiple similar domains.
: This method can deal with the special case of when multiple
: HSPs exactly overlap.
: Efficiency concerns:
: Speed will be an issue for sequences with numerous HSPs.
Bugs : Currently, tile_hsps() does not properly account for
: the number of non-tiled but overlapping HSPs, which becomes a problem
: as overlap() grows. Large values overlap() may thus lead to
: incorrect statistics for some hits. For best results, keep overlap()
: below 5 (DEFAULT IS 2). For more about this, see the "HSP Tiling and
: Ambiguous Alignments" section in L<Bio::Search::Hit::BlastHit>.
See Also : L<_adjust_contigs>(), L<Bio::Search::Hit::BlastHit|Bio::Search::Hit::BlastHit>
sub tile_hsps {
my $sbjct = shift;
$sbjct->{'_tile_hsps'} = 1;
$sbjct->{'_gaps_query'} = 0;
$sbjct->{'_gaps_sbjct'} = 0;
## Simple summation scheme. Valid if there is only one HSP.
if((defined($sbjct->{'_n'}) and $sbjct->{'_n'} == 1) or $sbjct->num_hsps == 1) {
my $hsp = $sbjct->hsp;
$sbjct->{'_length_aln_query'} = $hsp->length('query');
$sbjct->{'_length_aln_sbjct'} = $hsp->length('sbjct');
$sbjct->{'_length_aln_total'} = $hsp->length('total');
($sbjct->{'_totalIdentical'},$sbjct->{'_totalConserved'}) = $hsp->matches();
$sbjct->{'_gaps_query'} = $hsp->gaps('query');
$sbjct->{'_gaps_sbjct'} = $hsp->gaps('sbjct');
# print "_tile_hsps(): single HSP, easy stats.\n";
} else {
# print STDERR "Sbjct: _tile_hsps: summing multiple HSPs\n";
$sbjct->{'_length_aln_query'} = 0;
$sbjct->{'_length_aln_sbjct'} = 0;
$sbjct->{'_length_aln_total'} = 0;
$sbjct->{'_totalIdentical'} = 0;
$sbjct->{'_totalConserved'} = 0;
## More than one HSP. Must tile HSPs.
# print "\nTiling HSPs for $sbjct\n";
my($hsp, $qstart, $qstop, $sstart, $sstop);
my($frame, $strand, $qstrand, $sstrand);
my(@qcontigs, @scontigs);
my $qoverlap = 0;
my $soverlap = 0;
my $max_overlap = $sbjct->{'_overlap'};
foreach $hsp ($sbjct->hsps()) {
# printf " HSP: %s\n%s\n",$hsp->name, $hsp->str('query');
# printf " Length = %d; Identical = %d; Conserved = %d; Conserved(1-10): %d",$hsp->length, $hsp->length(-TYPE=>'iden'), $hsp->length(-TYPE=>'cons'), $hsp->length(-TYPE=>'cons',-START=>0,-STOP=>10);
($qstart, $qstop) = $hsp->range('query');
($sstart, $sstop) = $hsp->range('sbjct');
$frame = $hsp->frame('hit');
$frame = -1 unless defined $frame;
($qstrand, $sstrand) = $hsp->strand;
my ($qgaps, $sgaps) = $hsp->gaps();
$sbjct->{'_gaps_query'} += $qgaps;
$sbjct->{'_gaps_sbjct'} += $sgaps;
$sbjct->{'_length_aln_total'} += $hsp->length;
## Collect contigs in the query sequence.
$qoverlap = &_adjust_contigs('query', $hsp, $qstart, $qstop, \@qcontigs, $max_overlap, $frame, $qstrand);
## Collect contigs in the sbjct sequence (needed for domain data and gapped Blast).
$soverlap = &_adjust_contigs('sbjct', $hsp, $sstart, $sstop, \@scontigs, $max_overlap, $frame, $sstrand);
## Collect overall start and stop data for query and sbjct over all HSPs.
if(not defined $sbjct->{'_queryStart'}) {
$sbjct->{'_queryStart'} = $qstart;
$sbjct->{'_queryStop'} = $qstop;
$sbjct->{'_sbjctStart'} = $sstart;
$sbjct->{'_sbjctStop'} = $sstop;
} else {
$sbjct->{'_queryStart'} = ($qstart < $sbjct->{'_queryStart'} ? $qstart : $sbjct->{'_queryStart'});
$sbjct->{'_queryStop'} = ($qstop > $sbjct->{'_queryStop'} ? $qstop : $sbjct->{'_queryStop'});
$sbjct->{'_sbjctStart'} = ($sstart < $sbjct->{'_sbjctStart'} ? $sstart : $sbjct->{'_sbjctStart'});
$sbjct->{'_sbjctStop'} = ($sstop > $sbjct->{'_sbjctStop'} ? $sstop : $sbjct->{'_sbjctStop'});
## Collect data across the collected contigs.
# print "\nQUERY CONTIGS:\n";
# print " gaps = $sbjct->{'_gaps_query'}\n";
# TODO: Account for strand/frame issue!
# Strategy: collect data on a per strand+frame basis and save the most significant one.
my (%qctg_dat);
foreach(@qcontigs) {
# print " query contig: $_->{'start'} - $_->{'stop'}\n";
# print " iden = $_->{'iden'}; cons = $_->{'cons'}\n";
($frame, $strand) = ($_->{'frame'}, $_->{'strand'});
$qctg_dat{ "$frame$strand" }->{'length_aln_query'} += $_->{'stop'} - $_->{'start'} + 1;
$qctg_dat{ "$frame$strand" }->{'totalIdentical'} += $_->{'iden'};
$qctg_dat{ "$frame$strand" }->{'totalConserved'} += $_->{'cons'};
$qctg_dat{ "$frame$strand" }->{'qstrand'} = $strand;
# Find longest contig.
my @sortedkeys = reverse sort { $qctg_dat{ $a }->{'length_aln_query'} <=> $qctg_dat{ $b }->{'length_aln_query'} } keys %qctg_dat;
# Save the largest to the sbjct:
my $longest = $sortedkeys[0];
$sbjct->{'_length_aln_query'} = $qctg_dat{ $longest }->{'length_aln_query'};
$sbjct->{'_totalIdentical'} = $qctg_dat{ $longest }->{'totalIdentical'};
$sbjct->{'_totalConserved'} = $qctg_dat{ $longest }->{'totalConserved'};
$sbjct->{'_qstrand'} = $qctg_dat{ $longest }->{'qstrand'};
## Collect data for sbjct contigs. Important for gapped Blast.
## The totalIdentical and totalConserved numbers will be the same
## as determined for the query contigs.
# print "\nSBJCT CONTIGS:\n";
# print " gaps = $sbjct->{'_gaps_sbjct'}\n";
my (%sctg_dat);
foreach(@scontigs) {
# print " sbjct contig: $_->{'start'} - $_->{'stop'}\n";
# print " iden = $_->{'iden'}; cons = $_->{'cons'}\n";
($frame, $strand) = ($_->{'frame'}, $_->{'strand'});
$sctg_dat{ "$frame$strand" }->{'length_aln_sbjct'} += $_->{'stop'} - $_->{'start'} + 1;
$sctg_dat{ "$frame$strand" }->{'frame'} = $frame;
$sctg_dat{ "$frame$strand" }->{'sstrand'} = $strand;
@sortedkeys = reverse sort { $sctg_dat{ $a }->{'length_aln_sbjct'} <=> $sctg_dat{ $b }->{'length_aln_sbjct'} } keys %sctg_dat;
# Save the largest to the sbjct:
$longest = $sortedkeys[0];
$sbjct->{'_length_aln_sbjct'} = $sctg_dat{ $longest }->{'length_aln_sbjct'};
$sbjct->{'_frame'} = $sctg_dat{ $longest }->{'frame'};
$sbjct->{'_sstrand'} = $sctg_dat{ $longest }->{'sstrand'};
if($qoverlap) {
if($soverlap) { $sbjct->ambiguous_aln('qs');
# print "\n*** AMBIGUOUS ALIGNMENT: Query and Sbjct\n\n";
else { $sbjct->ambiguous_aln('q');
# print "\n*** AMBIGUOUS ALIGNMENT: Query\n\n";
} elsif($soverlap) {
# print "\n*** AMBIGUOUS ALIGNMENT: Sbjct\n\n";
# Adjust length based on BLAST flavor.
my $prog = $sbjct->algorithm;
if($prog eq 'TBLASTN') {
$sbjct->{'_length_aln_sbjct'} /= 3;
} elsif($prog eq 'BLASTX' ) {
$sbjct->{'_length_aln_query'} /= 3;
} elsif($prog eq 'TBLASTX') {
$sbjct->{'_length_aln_query'} /= 3;
$sbjct->{'_length_aln_sbjct'} /= 3;
=head2 _adjust_contigs
Usage : n/a; called automatically during object construction.
Purpose : Builds HSP contigs for a given BLAST hit.
: Utility method called by _tile_hsps()
Returns :
Argument :
Throws : Exceptions propagated from Bio::Search::Hit::BlastHSP::matches()
: for invalid sub-sequence ranges.
Status : Experimental
Comments : This method does not currently support gapped alignments.
: Also, it does not keep track of the number of HSPs that
: overlap within the amount specified by overlap().
: This will lead to significant tracking errors for large
: overlap values.
See Also : L<tile_hsps>(), L<Bio::Search::Hit::BlastHSP::matches|Bio::Search::Hit::BlastHSP>
sub _adjust_contigs {
my ($seqType, $hsp, $start, $stop, $contigs_ref, $max_overlap, $frame, $strand) = @_;
my $overlap = 0;
my ($numID, $numCons);
# print STDERR "Testing $seqType data: HSP (${\$hsp->name}); $start, $stop, strand=$strand, frame=$frame\n";
foreach(@$contigs_ref) {
# print STDERR " Contig: $_->{'start'} - $_->{'stop'}, strand=$_->{'strand'}, frame=$_->{'frame'}, iden= $_->{'iden'}, cons= $_->{'cons'}\n";
# Don't merge things unless they have matching strand/frame.
next unless ($_->{'frame'} == $frame and $_->{'strand'} == $strand);
## Test special case of a nested HSP. Skip it.
if($start >= $_->{'start'} and $stop <= $_->{'stop'}) {
# print STDERR "----> Nested HSP. Skipping.\n";
$overlap = 1;
## Test for overlap at beginning of contig.
if($start < $_->{'start'} and $stop > ($_->{'start'} + $max_overlap)) {
# print STDERR "----> Overlaps beg: existing beg,end: $_->{'start'},$_->{'stop'}, new beg,end: $start,$stop\n";
# Collect stats over the non-overlapping region.
eval {
($numID, $numCons) = $hsp->matches(-SEQ =>$seqType,
-START =>$start,
-STOP =>$_->{'start'}-1);
if($@) { warn "\a\n$@\n"; }
else {
$_->{'start'} = $start; # Assign a new start coordinate to the contig
$_->{'iden'} += $numID; # and add new data to #identical, #conserved.
$_->{'cons'} += $numCons;
$overlap = 1;
## Test for overlap at end of contig.
if($stop > $_->{'stop'} and $start < ($_->{'stop'} - $max_overlap)) {
# print STDERR "----> Overlaps end: existing beg,end: $_->{'start'},$_->{'stop'}, new beg,end: $start,$stop\n";
# Collect stats over the non-overlapping region.
eval {
($numID,$numCons) = $hsp->matches(-SEQ =>$seqType,
-START =>$_->{'stop'},
-STOP =>$stop);
if($@) { warn "\a\n$@\n"; }
else {
$_->{'stop'} = $stop; # Assign a new stop coordinate to the contig
$_->{'iden'} += $numID; # and add new data to #identical, #conserved.
$_->{'cons'} += $numCons;
$overlap = 1;
$overlap && do {
# print STDERR " New Contig data:\n";
# print STDERR " Contig: $_->{'start'} - $_->{'stop'}, iden= $_->{'iden'}, cons= $_->{'cons'}\n";
## If there is no overlap, add the complete HSP data.
!$overlap && do {
# print STDERR "No overlap. Adding new contig.\n";
($numID,$numCons) = $hsp->matches(-SEQ=>$seqType);
push @$contigs_ref, {'start'=>$start, 'stop'=>$stop,
'iden'=>$numID, 'cons'=>$numCons,
'strand'=>$strand, 'frame'=>$frame};
=head2 get_exponent
Usage : &get_exponent( number );
Purpose : Determines the power of 10 exponent of an integer, float,
: or scientific notation number.
Example : &get_exponent("4.0e-206");
: &get_exponent("0.00032");
: &get_exponent("10.");
: &get_exponent("1000.0");
: &get_exponent("e+83");
Argument : Float, Integer, or scientific notation number
Returns : Integer representing the exponent part of the number (+ or -).
: If argument == 0 (zero), return value is "-999".
Comments : Exponents are rounded up (less negative) if the mantissa is >= 5.
: Exponents are rounded down (more negative) if the mantissa is <= -5.
sub get_exponent {
my $data = shift;
my($num, $exp) = split /[eE]/, $data;
if( defined $exp) {
$num = 1 if not $num;
$num >= 5 and $exp++;
$num <= -5 and $exp--;
} elsif( $num == 0) {
$exp = -999;
} elsif( not $num =~ /\./) {
$exp = CORE::length($num) -1;
} else {
$exp = 0;
$num .= '0' if $num =~ /\.$/;
my ($c);
my $rev = 0;
if($num !~ /^0/) {
$num = reverse($num);
$rev = 1;
do { $c = chop($num);
$c == 0 && $exp++;
} while( $c ne '.');
$exp = -$exp if $num == 0 and not $rev;
$exp -= 1 if $rev;
return $exp;
=head2 collapse_nums
Usage : @cnums = collapse_nums( @numbers );
Purpose : Collapses a list of numbers into a set of ranges of consecutive terms:
: Useful for condensing long lists of consecutive numbers.
: 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 12 13 14 15 17 18 20 21 22 24 26 30 31 32
: 1-6 10 12-15 17 18 20-22 24 26 30-32
Argument : List of numbers sorted numerically.
Returns : List of numbers mixed with ranges of numbers (see above).
Throws : n/a
See Also : L<Bio::Search::Hit::BlastHit::seq_inds()|Bio::Search::Hit::BlastHit>
sub collapse_nums {
# This is probably not the slickest connectivity algorithm, but will do for now.
my @a = @_;
my ($from, $to, $i, @ca, $consec);
$consec = 0;
for($i=0; $i < @a; $i++) {
not $from and do{ $from = $a[$i]; next; };
if($a[$i] == $a[$i-1]+1) {
$to = $a[$i];
} else {
if($consec == 1) { $from .= ",$to"; }
else { $from .= $consec>1 ? "\-$to" : ""; }
push @ca, split(',', $from);
$from = $a[$i];
$consec = 0;
$to = undef;
if(defined $to) {
if($consec == 1) { $from .= ",$to"; }
else { $from .= $consec>1 ? "\-$to" : ""; }
push @ca, split(',', $from) if $from;
=head2 strip_blast_html
Usage : $boolean = &strip_blast_html( string_ref );
: This method is exported.
Purpose : Removes HTML formatting from a supplied string.
: Attempts to restore the Blast report to enable
: parsing by Bio::SearchIO::blast.pm
Returns : Boolean: true if string was stripped, false if not.
Argument : string_ref = reference to a string containing the whole Blast
: report containing HTML formatting.
Throws : Croaks if the argument is not a scalar reference.
Comments : Based on code originally written by Alex Dong Li
: (ali@genet.sickkids.on.ca).
: This method does some Blast-specific stripping
: (adds back a '>' character in front of each HSP
: alignment listing).
: Removal of the HTML tags and accurate reconstitution of the
: non-HTML-formatted report is highly dependent on structure of
: the HTML-formatted version. For example, it assumes that first
: line of each alignment section (HSP listing) starts with a
: <a name=..> anchor tag. This permits the reconstruction of the
: original report in which these lines begin with a ">".
: This is required for parsing.
: If the structure of the Blast report itself is not intended to
: be a standard, the structure of the HTML-formatted version
: is even less so. Therefore, the use of this method to
: reconstitute parsable Blast reports from HTML-format versions
: should be considered a temorary solution.
sub strip_blast_html {
# This may not best way to remove html tags. However, it is simple.
# it won't work under following conditions:
# 1) if quoted > appears in a tag (does this ever happen?)
# 2) if a tag is split over multiple lines and this method is
# used to process one line at a time.
my ($string_ref) = shift;
ref $string_ref eq 'SCALAR' or
croak ("Can't strip HTML: ".
"Argument is should be a SCALAR reference not a ${\ref $string_ref}\n");
my $str = $$string_ref;
my $stripped = 0;
# Removing "<a name =...>" and adding the '>' character for
# HSP alignment listings.
$str =~ s/(\A|\n)<a name ?=[^>]+> ?/>/sgi and $stripped = 1;
# Removing all "<>" tags.
$str =~ s/<[^>]+>| //sgi and $stripped = 1;
# Re-uniting any lone '>' characters.
$str =~ s/(\A|\n)>\s+/\n\n>/sgi and $stripped = 1;
$$string_ref = $str;