/usr/share/pyshared/bb/ui/puccho.py is in bitbake 1.12.0-1.
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# BitBake Graphical GTK User Interface
# Copyright (C) 2008 Intel Corporation
# Authored by Rob Bradford <rob@linux.intel.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import gtk
import gobject
import gtk.glade
import threading
import urllib2
import os
import contextlib
from bb.ui.crumbs.buildmanager import BuildManager, BuildConfiguration
from bb.ui.crumbs.buildmanager import BuildManagerTreeView
from bb.ui.crumbs.runningbuild import RunningBuild, RunningBuildTreeView
# The metadata loader is used by the BuildSetupDialog to download the
# available options to populate the dialog
class MetaDataLoader(gobject.GObject):
""" This class provides the mechanism for loading the metadata (the
fetching and parsing) from a given URL. The metadata encompasses details
on what machines are available. The distribution and images available for
the machine and the the uris to use for building the given machine."""
__gsignals__ = {
'success' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
'error' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
# We use these little helper functions to ensure that we take the gdk lock
# when emitting the signal. These functions are called as idles (so that
# they happen in the gtk / main thread's main loop.
def emit_error_signal (self, remark):
self.emit ("error", remark)
def emit_success_signal (self):
self.emit ("success")
def __init__ (self):
gobject.GObject.__init__ (self)
class LoaderThread(threading.Thread):
""" This class provides an asynchronous loader for the metadata (by
using threads and signals). This is useful since the metadata may be
at a remote URL."""
class LoaderImportException (Exception):
def __init__(self, loader, url):
threading.Thread.__init__ (self)
self.url = url
self.loader = loader
def run (self):
result = {}
with contextlib.closing (urllib2.urlopen (self.url)) as f:
# Parse the metadata format. The format is....
# <machine>;<default distro>|<distro>...;<default image>|<image>...;<type##url>|...
for line in f:
components = line.split(";")
if (len (components) < 4):
raise MetaDataLoader.LoaderThread.LoaderImportException
machine = components[0]
distros = components[1].split("|")
images = components[2].split("|")
urls = components[3].split("|")
result[machine] = (distros, images, urls)
# Create an object representing this *potential*
# configuration. It can become concrete if the machine, distro
# and image are all chosen in the UI
configuration = BuildConfiguration()
configuration.metadata_url = self.url
configuration.machine_options = result
self.loader.configuration = configuration
# Emit that we've actually got a configuration
gobject.idle_add (MetaDataLoader.emit_success_signal,
except MetaDataLoader.LoaderThread.LoaderImportException as e:
gobject.idle_add (MetaDataLoader.emit_error_signal, self.loader,
"Repository metadata corrupt")
except Exception as e:
gobject.idle_add (MetaDataLoader.emit_error_signal, self.loader,
"Unable to download repository metadata")
def try_fetch_from_url (self, url):
# Try and download the metadata. Firing a signal if successful
thread = MetaDataLoader.LoaderThread(self, url)
class BuildSetupDialog (gtk.Dialog):
# A little helper method that just sets the states on the widgets based on
# whether we've got good metadata or not.
def set_configurable (self, configurable):
if (self.configurable == configurable):
self.configurable = configurable
for widget in self.conf_widgets:
widget.set_sensitive (configurable)
if not configurable:
self.machine_combo.set_active (-1)
self.distribution_combo.set_active (-1)
self.image_combo.set_active (-1)
# GTK widget callbacks
def refresh_button_clicked (self, button):
# Refresh button clicked.
url = self.location_entry.get_chars (0, -1)
def repository_entry_editable_changed (self, entry):
if (len (entry.get_chars (0, -1)) > 0):
self.refresh_button.set_sensitive (True)
self.refresh_button.set_sensitive (False)
# If we were previously configurable we are no longer since the
# location entry has been changed
self.set_configurable (False)
def machine_combo_changed (self, combobox):
active_iter = combobox.get_active_iter()
if not active_iter:
model = combobox.get_model()
if model:
chosen_machine = model.get (active_iter, 0)[0]
(distros_model, images_model) = \
self.loader.configuration.get_distro_and_images_models (chosen_machine)
self.distribution_combo.set_model (distros_model)
self.image_combo.set_model (images_model)
# Callbacks from the loader
def loader_success_cb (self, loader):
self.status_image.set_from_icon_name ("info",
self.status_label.set_label ("Repository metadata successfully downloaded")
# Set the models on the combo boxes based on the models generated from
# the configuration that the loader has created
# We just need to set the machine here, that then determines the
# distro and image options. Cunning huh? :-)
self.configuration = self.loader.configuration
model = self.configuration.get_machines_model ()
self.machine_combo.set_model (model)
self.set_configurable (True)
def loader_error_cb (self, loader, message):
self.status_image.set_from_icon_name ("error",
self.status_label.set_text ("Error downloading repository metadata")
for widget in self.conf_widgets:
widget.set_sensitive (False)
def clear_status_message (self):
self.status_label.set_label (
"""<i>Enter the repository location and press _Refresh</i>""")
def __init__ (self):
gtk.Dialog.__init__ (self)
# Cancel
self.add_button (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL)
# Build
button = gtk.Button ("_Build", None, True)
image = gtk.Image ()
image.set_from_stock (gtk.STOCK_EXECUTE, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)
button.set_image (image)
self.add_action_widget (button, BuildSetupDialog.RESPONSE_BUILD)
button.show_all ()
# Pull in *just* the table from the Glade XML data.
gxml = gtk.glade.XML (os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/crumbs/puccho.glade",
root = "build_table")
table = gxml.get_widget ("build_table")
self.vbox.pack_start (table, True, False, 0)
# Grab all the widgets that we need to turn on/off when we refresh...
self.conf_widgets = []
self.conf_widgets += [gxml.get_widget ("machine_label")]
self.conf_widgets += [gxml.get_widget ("distribution_label")]
self.conf_widgets += [gxml.get_widget ("image_label")]
self.conf_widgets += [gxml.get_widget ("machine_combo")]
self.conf_widgets += [gxml.get_widget ("distribution_combo")]
self.conf_widgets += [gxml.get_widget ("image_combo")]
# Grab the status widgets
self.status_image = gxml.get_widget ("status_image")
self.status_label = gxml.get_widget ("status_label")
# Grab the refresh button and connect to the clicked signal
self.refresh_button = gxml.get_widget ("refresh_button")
self.refresh_button.connect ("clicked", self.refresh_button_clicked)
# Grab the location entry and connect to editable::changed
self.location_entry = gxml.get_widget ("location_entry")
self.location_entry.connect ("changed",
# Grab the machine combo and hook onto the changed signal. This then
# allows us to populate the distro and image combos
self.machine_combo = gxml.get_widget ("machine_combo")
self.machine_combo.connect ("changed", self.machine_combo_changed)
# Setup the combo
cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
self.machine_combo.pack_start(cell, True)
self.machine_combo.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 0)
# Grab the distro and image combos. We need these to populate with
# models once the machine is chosen
self.distribution_combo = gxml.get_widget ("distribution_combo")
cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
self.distribution_combo.pack_start(cell, True)
self.distribution_combo.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 0)
self.image_combo = gxml.get_widget ("image_combo")
cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
self.image_combo.pack_start(cell, True)
self.image_combo.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 0)
# Put the default descriptive text in the status box
# Mark as non-configurable, this is just greys out the widgets the
# user can't yet use
self.configurable = False
# Show the table
table.show_all ()
# The loader and some signals connected to it to update the status
# area
self.loader = MetaDataLoader()
self.loader.connect ("success", self.loader_success_cb)
self.loader.connect ("error", self.loader_error_cb)
def update_configuration (self):
""" A poorly named function but it updates the internal configuration
from the widgets. This can make that configuration concrete and can
thus be used for building """
# Extract the chosen machine from the combo
model = self.machine_combo.get_model()
active_iter = self.machine_combo.get_active_iter()
if (active_iter):
self.configuration.machine = model.get(active_iter, 0)[0]
# Extract the chosen distro from the combo
model = self.distribution_combo.get_model()
active_iter = self.distribution_combo.get_active_iter()
if (active_iter):
self.configuration.distro = model.get(active_iter, 0)[0]
# Extract the chosen image from the combo
model = self.image_combo.get_model()
active_iter = self.image_combo.get_active_iter()
if (active_iter):
self.configuration.image = model.get(active_iter, 0)[0]
# This function operates to pull events out from the event queue and then push
# them into the RunningBuild (which then drives the RunningBuild which then
# pushes through and updates the progress tree view.)
# TODO: Should be a method on the RunningBuild class
def event_handle_timeout (eventHandler, build):
# Consume as many messages as we can ...
event = eventHandler.getEvent()
while event:
build.handle_event (event)
event = eventHandler.getEvent()
return True
class MainWindow (gtk.Window):
# Callback that gets fired when the user hits a button in the
# BuildSetupDialog.
def build_dialog_box_response_cb (self, dialog, response_id):
conf = None
if (response_id == BuildSetupDialog.RESPONSE_BUILD):
print(dialog.configuration.machine, dialog.configuration.distro, \
conf = dialog.configuration
if conf:
self.manager.do_build (conf)
def build_button_clicked_cb (self, button):
dialog = BuildSetupDialog ()
# For some unknown reason Dialog.run causes nice little deadlocks ... :-(
dialog.connect ("response", self.build_dialog_box_response_cb)
def __init__ (self):
gtk.Window.__init__ (self)
# Pull in *just* the main vbox from the Glade XML data and then pack
# that inside the window
gxml = gtk.glade.XML (os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/crumbs/puccho.glade",
root = "main_window_vbox")
vbox = gxml.get_widget ("main_window_vbox")
self.add (vbox)
# Create the tree views for the build manager view and the progress view
self.build_manager_view = BuildManagerTreeView()
self.running_build_view = RunningBuildTreeView()
# Grab the scrolled windows that we put the tree views into
self.results_scrolledwindow = gxml.get_widget ("results_scrolledwindow")
self.progress_scrolledwindow = gxml.get_widget ("progress_scrolledwindow")
# Put the tree views inside ...
self.results_scrolledwindow.add (self.build_manager_view)
self.progress_scrolledwindow.add (self.running_build_view)
# Hook up the build button...
self.build_button = gxml.get_widget ("main_toolbutton_build")
self.build_button.connect ("clicked", self.build_button_clicked_cb)
# I'm not very happy about the current ownership of the RunningBuild. I have
# my suspicions that this object should be held by the BuildManager since we
# care about the signals in the manager
def running_build_succeeded_cb (running_build, manager):
# Notify the manager that a build has succeeded. This is necessary as part
# of the 'hack' that we use for making the row in the model / view
# representing the ongoing build change into a row representing the
# completed build. Since we know only one build can be running a time then
# we can handle this.
# FIXME: Refactor all this so that the RunningBuild is owned by the
# BuildManager. It can then hook onto the signals directly and drive
# interesting things it cares about.
manager.notify_build_succeeded ()
print("build succeeded")
def running_build_failed_cb (running_build, manager):
# As above
print("build failed")
manager.notify_build_failed ()
def main (server, eventHandler):
# Initialise threading...
main_window = MainWindow ()
main_window.show_all ()
# Set up the build manager stuff in general
builds_dir = os.path.join (os.getcwd(), "results")
manager = BuildManager (server, builds_dir)
main_window.build_manager_view.set_model (manager.model)
# Do the running build setup
running_build = RunningBuild ()
main_window.running_build_view.set_model (running_build.model)
running_build.connect ("build-succeeded", running_build_succeeded_cb,
running_build.connect ("build-failed", running_build_failed_cb, manager)
# We need to save the manager into the MainWindow so that the toolbar
# button can use it.
# FIXME: Refactor ?
main_window.manager = manager
# Use a timeout function for probing the event queue to find out if we
# have a message waiting for us.
gobject.timeout_add (200,