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** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the QtGui module of the Qt Toolkit.
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** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
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** GNU General Public License Usage
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#include <QtCore/qnamespace.h>
#include <QtCore/qpoint.h>
#include <QtCore/qstringlist.h>
#include <QtGui/qrgb.h>
#include <QtCore/qrect.h>
#include <QtGui/qimage.h>
#include <QtGui/qregion.h>
struct fb_cmap;
class QScreenCursor;
class QBrush;
class QWSWindow;
class QWSWindowSurface;
class QGraphicsSystem;
class QPixmapData;
#ifndef QT_QWS_DEPTH16_RGB
#define QT_QWS_DEPTH16_RGB 565
static const int qt_rbits = (QT_QWS_DEPTH16_RGB/100);
static const int qt_gbits = (QT_QWS_DEPTH16_RGB/10%10);
static const int qt_bbits = (QT_QWS_DEPTH16_RGB%10);
static const int qt_red_shift = qt_bbits+qt_gbits-(8-qt_rbits);
static const int qt_green_shift = qt_bbits-(8-qt_gbits);
static const int qt_neg_blue_shift = 8-qt_bbits;
static const int qt_blue_mask = (1<<qt_bbits)-1;
static const int qt_green_mask = (1<<(qt_gbits+qt_bbits))-(1<<qt_bbits);
static const int qt_red_mask = (1<<(qt_rbits+qt_gbits+qt_bbits))-(1<<(qt_gbits+qt_bbits));
static const int qt_red_rounding_shift = qt_red_shift + qt_rbits;
static const int qt_green_rounding_shift = qt_green_shift + qt_gbits;
static const int qt_blue_rounding_shift = qt_bbits - qt_neg_blue_shift;
inline ushort qt_convRgbTo16(const int r, const int g, const int b)
const int tr = r << qt_red_shift;
const int tg = g << qt_green_shift;
const int tb = b >> qt_neg_blue_shift;
return (tb & qt_blue_mask) | (tg & qt_green_mask) | (tr & qt_red_mask);
inline ushort qt_convRgbTo16(QRgb c)
const int tr = qRed(c) << qt_red_shift;
const int tg = qGreen(c) << qt_green_shift;
const int tb = qBlue(c) >> qt_neg_blue_shift;
return (tb & qt_blue_mask) | (tg & qt_green_mask) | (tr & qt_red_mask);
inline QRgb qt_conv16ToRgb(ushort c)
const int r=(c & qt_red_mask);
const int g=(c & qt_green_mask);
const int b=(c & qt_blue_mask);
const int tr = r >> qt_red_shift | r >> qt_red_rounding_shift;
const int tg = g >> qt_green_shift | g >> qt_green_rounding_shift;
const int tb = b << qt_neg_blue_shift | b >> qt_blue_rounding_shift;
return qRgb(tr,tg,tb);
inline void qt_conv16ToRgb(ushort c, int& r, int& g, int& b)
const int tr=(c & qt_red_mask);
const int tg=(c & qt_green_mask);
const int tb=(c & qt_blue_mask);
r = tr >> qt_red_shift | tr >> qt_red_rounding_shift;
g = tg >> qt_green_shift | tg >> qt_green_rounding_shift;
b = tb << qt_neg_blue_shift | tb >> qt_blue_rounding_shift;
const int SourceSolid=0;
const int SourcePixmap=1;
class QScreenCursor;
extern QScreenCursor *qt_screencursor;
extern bool qws_sw_cursor;
class Q_GUI_EXPORT QScreenCursor
virtual ~QScreenCursor();
virtual void set(const QImage &image, int hotx, int hoty);
virtual void move(int x, int y);
virtual void show();
virtual void hide();
bool supportsAlphaCursor() const { return supportsAlpha; }
static bool enabled() { return qws_sw_cursor; }
QRect boundingRect() const { return QRect(pos - hotspot, size); }
QImage image() const { return cursor; }
bool isVisible() const { return enable; }
bool isAccelerated() const { return hwaccel; }
static void initSoftwareCursor();
static QScreenCursor* instance() { return qt_screencursor; }
QImage cursor;
QSize size;
QPoint pos;
QPoint hotspot;
uint enable : 1;
uint hwaccel : 1;
uint supportsAlpha : 1;
friend class QProxyScreenCursor;
#endif // QT_NO_QWS_CURSOR
// A (used) chunk of offscreen memory
class QPoolEntry
unsigned int start;
unsigned int end;
int clientId;
class QScreen;
class QScreenPrivate;
class QPixmapDataFactory;
extern Q_GUI_EXPORT QScreen *qt_screen;
typedef void(*ClearCacheFunc)(QScreen *obj, int);
class Q_GUI_EXPORT QScreen {
enum ClassId { LinuxFBClass, TransformedClass, VNCClass, MultiClass,
VFbClass, DirectFBClass, SvgalibClass, ProxyClass,
GLClass, IntfbClass, CustomClass = 1024 };
QScreen(int display_id, ClassId classId);
explicit QScreen(int display_id);
virtual ~QScreen();
static QScreen* instance() { return qt_screen; }
virtual bool initDevice() = 0;
virtual bool connect(const QString &displaySpec) = 0;
virtual void disconnect() = 0;
virtual void shutdownDevice();
virtual void setMode(int,int,int) = 0;
virtual bool supportsDepth(int) const;
virtual void save();
virtual void restore();
virtual void blank(bool on);
virtual int pixmapOffsetAlignment() { return 64; }
virtual int pixmapLinestepAlignment() { return 64; }
virtual int sharedRamSize(void *) { return 0; }
virtual bool onCard(const unsigned char *) const;
virtual bool onCard(const unsigned char *, ulong& out_offset) const;
enum PixelType { NormalPixel, BGRPixel };
// sets a single color in the colormap
virtual void set(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int);
// allocates a color
virtual int alloc(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int);
int width() const { return w; }
int height() const { return h; }
int depth() const { return d; }
virtual int pixmapDepth() const;
PixelType pixelType() const { return pixeltype; }
int linestep() const { return lstep; }
int deviceWidth() const { return dw; }
int deviceHeight() const { return dh; }
uchar * base() const { return data; }
// Ask for memory from card cache with alignment
virtual uchar * cache(int) { return 0; }
virtual void uncache(uchar *) {}
QImage::Format pixelFormat() const;
int screenSize() const { return size; }
int totalSize() const { return mapsize; }
QRgb * clut() { return screenclut; }
QT_DEPRECATED int numCols() { return screencols; }
int colorCount() { return screencols; }
virtual QSize mapToDevice(const QSize &) const;
virtual QSize mapFromDevice(const QSize &) const;
virtual QPoint mapToDevice(const QPoint &, const QSize &) const;
virtual QPoint mapFromDevice(const QPoint &, const QSize &) const;
virtual QRect mapToDevice(const QRect &, const QSize &) const;
virtual QRect mapFromDevice(const QRect &, const QSize &) const;
virtual QImage mapToDevice(const QImage &) const;
virtual QImage mapFromDevice(const QImage &) const;
virtual QRegion mapToDevice(const QRegion &, const QSize &) const;
virtual QRegion mapFromDevice(const QRegion &, const QSize &) const;
virtual int transformOrientation() const;
virtual bool isTransformed() const;
virtual bool isInterlaced() const;
virtual void setDirty(const QRect&);
virtual int memoryNeeded(const QString&);
virtual void haltUpdates();
virtual void resumeUpdates();
// composition manager methods
virtual void exposeRegion(QRegion r, int changing);
// these work directly on the screen
virtual void blit(const QImage &img, const QPoint &topLeft, const QRegion ®ion);
virtual void solidFill(const QColor &color, const QRegion ®ion);
void blit(QWSWindow *bs, const QRegion &clip);
virtual QWSWindowSurface* createSurface(QWidget *widget) const;
virtual QWSWindowSurface* createSurface(const QString &key) const;
virtual QList<QScreen*> subScreens() const { return QList<QScreen*>(); }
virtual QRegion region() const { return QRect(offset(), QSize(w, h)); }
int subScreenIndexAt(const QPoint &p) const;
void setOffset(const QPoint &p);
QPoint offset() const;
int physicalWidth() const { return physWidth; } // physical display size in mm
int physicalHeight() const { return physHeight; } // physical display size in mm
QPixmapDataFactory* pixmapDataFactory() const; // Deprecated, will be removed in 4.6
QGraphicsSystem* graphicsSystem() const;
bool supportsBlitInClients() const;
void setSupportsBlitInClients(bool);
ClassId classId() const;
void setPixelFormat(QImage::Format format);
void setPixmapDataFactory(QPixmapDataFactory *factory); // Deprecated, will be removed in 4.6
void setGraphicsSystem(QGraphicsSystem* system);
QRgb screenclut[256];
int screencols;
uchar * data;
// Table of allocated lumps, kept in sorted highest-to-lowest order
// The table itself is allocated at the bottom of offscreen memory
// i.e. it's similar to having a stack (the table) and a heap
// (the allocated blocks). Freed space is implicitly described
// by the gaps between the allocated lumps (this saves entries and
// means we don't need to worry about coalescing freed lumps)
QPoolEntry * entries;
int * entryp;
unsigned int * lowest;
int w;
int lstep;
int h;
int d;
PixelType pixeltype;
bool grayscale;
int dw;
int dh;
int size; // Screen size
int mapsize; // Total mapped memory
int displayId;
int physWidth;
int physHeight;
friend class QWSServer;
friend class QWSServerPrivate;
static ClearCacheFunc clearCacheFunc;
void compose(int level, const QRegion &exposed, QRegion &blend,
QImage **blendbuffer, int changing_level);
void paintBackground(const QRegion &);
friend class QWSOnScreenSurface;
static bool isWidgetPaintOnScreen(const QWidget *w);
void setFrameBufferLittleEndian(bool littleEndian);
bool frameBufferLittleEndian() const;
friend class QVNCScreen;
friend class QLinuxFbScreen;
friend class QVFbScreen;
friend class QQnxScreen;
friend class QProxyScreen;
friend class QIntfbScreen;
friend void qt_solidFill_setup(QScreen*, const QColor&, const QRegion&);
friend void qt_blit_setup(QScreen *screen, const QImage &image,
const QPoint &topLeft, const QRegion ®ion);
friend void qt_set_generic_blit(QScreen *screen, int bpp,
int len_red, int len_green, int len_blue,
int len_alpha, int off_red, int off_green,
int off_blue, int off_alpha);
QScreenPrivate *d_ptr;
// This lives in loadable modules
extern "C" QScreen * qt_get_screen(int display_id, const char* spec);
// This is in main lib, loads the right module, calls qt_get_screen
// In non-loadable cases just aliases to qt_get_screen
const unsigned char * qt_probe_bus();
#endif // QSCREEN_QWS_H