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** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the QtGui module of the Qt Toolkit.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
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** GNU General Public License Usage
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#include <QtCore/qnamespace.h>
#include <QtCore/qobjectdefs.h>
#include <QtCore/qscopedpointer.h>
#include <QtGui/qpainter.h>
class QFontEngine;
class QLineF;
class QPaintDevice;
class QPaintEnginePrivate;
class QPainterPath;
class QPointF;
class QPolygonF;
class QRectF;
struct QGlyphLayout;
class QTextItemInt;
class QPaintEngineState;
class Q_GUI_EXPORT QTextItem {
enum RenderFlag {
RightToLeft = 0x1,
Overline = 0x10,
Underline = 0x20,
StrikeOut = 0x40,
Dummy = 0xffffffff
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(RenderFlags, RenderFlag)
qreal descent() const;
qreal ascent() const;
qreal width() const;
RenderFlags renderFlags() const;
QString text() const;
QFont font() const;
class Q_GUI_EXPORT QPaintEngine
enum PaintEngineFeature {
PrimitiveTransform = 0x00000001, // Can transform primitives brushes
PatternTransform = 0x00000002, // Can transform pattern brushes
PixmapTransform = 0x00000004, // Can transform pixmaps
PatternBrush = 0x00000008, // Can fill with pixmaps and standard patterns
LinearGradientFill = 0x00000010, // Can fill gradient areas
RadialGradientFill = 0x00000020, // Can render radial gradients
ConicalGradientFill = 0x00000040, // Can render conical gradients
AlphaBlend = 0x00000080, // Can do source over alpha blend
PorterDuff = 0x00000100, // Can do general porter duff compositions
PainterPaths = 0x00000200, // Can fill, outline and clip paths
Antialiasing = 0x00000400, // Can antialias lines
BrushStroke = 0x00000800, // Can render brush based pens
ConstantOpacity = 0x00001000, // Can render at constant opacity
MaskedBrush = 0x00002000, // Can fill with textures that has an alpha channel or mask
PerspectiveTransform = 0x00004000, // Can do perspective transformations
BlendModes = 0x00008000, // Can do extended Porter&Duff composition
ObjectBoundingModeGradients = 0x00010000, // Can do object bounding mode gradients
RasterOpModes = 0x00020000, // Can do logical raster operations
PaintOutsidePaintEvent = 0x20000000, // Engine is capable of painting outside paint events
/* 0x10000000, // Used for emulating
defined in qpainter.cpp
0x40000000, // Used internally for emulating opaque backgrounds
AllFeatures = 0xffffffff // For convenience
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(PaintEngineFeatures, PaintEngineFeature)
enum DirtyFlag {
DirtyPen = 0x0001,
DirtyBrush = 0x0002,
DirtyBrushOrigin = 0x0004,
DirtyFont = 0x0008,
DirtyBackground = 0x0010,
DirtyBackgroundMode = 0x0020,
DirtyTransform = 0x0040,
DirtyClipRegion = 0x0080,
DirtyClipPath = 0x0100,
DirtyHints = 0x0200,
DirtyCompositionMode = 0x0400,
DirtyClipEnabled = 0x0800,
DirtyOpacity = 0x1000,
AllDirty = 0xffff
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(DirtyFlags, DirtyFlag)
enum PolygonDrawMode {
explicit QPaintEngine(PaintEngineFeatures features=0);
virtual ~QPaintEngine();
bool isActive() const { return active; }
void setActive(bool newState) { active = newState; }
virtual bool begin(QPaintDevice *pdev) = 0;
virtual bool end() = 0;
virtual void updateState(const QPaintEngineState &state) = 0;
virtual void drawRects(const QRect *rects, int rectCount);
virtual void drawRects(const QRectF *rects, int rectCount);
virtual void drawLines(const QLine *lines, int lineCount);
virtual void drawLines(const QLineF *lines, int lineCount);
virtual void drawEllipse(const QRectF &r);
virtual void drawEllipse(const QRect &r);
virtual void drawPath(const QPainterPath &path);
virtual void drawPoints(const QPointF *points, int pointCount);
virtual void drawPoints(const QPoint *points, int pointCount);
virtual void drawPolygon(const QPointF *points, int pointCount, PolygonDrawMode mode);
virtual void drawPolygon(const QPoint *points, int pointCount, PolygonDrawMode mode);
virtual void drawPixmap(const QRectF &r, const QPixmap &pm, const QRectF &sr) = 0;
virtual void drawTextItem(const QPointF &p, const QTextItem &textItem);
virtual void drawTiledPixmap(const QRectF &r, const QPixmap &pixmap, const QPointF &s);
virtual void drawImage(const QRectF &r, const QImage &pm, const QRectF &sr,
Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor);
void setPaintDevice(QPaintDevice *device);
QPaintDevice *paintDevice() const;
void setSystemClip(const QRegion &baseClip);
QRegion systemClip() const;
void setSystemRect(const QRect &rect);
QRect systemRect() const;
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
virtual HDC getDC() const;
virtual void releaseDC(HDC hdc) const;
virtual QPoint coordinateOffset() const;
enum Type {
QuickDraw, CoreGraphics, MacPrinter,
User = 50, // first user type id
MaxUser = 100 // last user type id
virtual Type type() const = 0;
inline void fix_neg_rect(int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h);
inline bool testDirty(DirtyFlags df);
inline void setDirty(DirtyFlags df);
inline void clearDirty(DirtyFlags df);
bool hasFeature(PaintEngineFeatures feature) const { return (gccaps & feature) != 0; }
QPainter *painter() const;
void syncState();
inline bool isExtended() const { return extended; }
QPaintEngine(QPaintEnginePrivate &data, PaintEngineFeatures devcaps=0);
QPaintEngineState *state;
PaintEngineFeatures gccaps;
uint active : 1;
uint selfDestruct : 1;
uint extended : 1;
QScopedPointer<QPaintEnginePrivate> d_ptr;
void setAutoDestruct(bool autoDestr) { selfDestruct = autoDestr; }
bool autoDestruct() const { return selfDestruct; }
friend class QPainterReplayer;
friend class QFontEngineBox;
friend class QFontEngineMac;
friend class QFontEngineWin;
friend class QFontEngineFT;
#ifndef QT_NO_QWS_QPF
friend class QFontEngineQPF1;
#ifndef QT_NO_QWS_QPF2
friend class QFontEngineQPF;
friend class QPSPrintEngine;
friend class QMacPrintEngine;
friend class QMacPrintEnginePrivate;
#ifdef Q_WS_QWS
friend class QtopiaPrintEngine;
friend class QtopiaPrintEnginePrivate;
friend class QProxyFontEngine;
#ifdef Q_WS_QPA
friend class QFontEngineQPA;
friend class QPainter;
friend class QPainterPrivate;
friend class QWidget;
friend class QWidgetPrivate;
friend class QWin32PaintEngine;
friend class QWin32PaintEnginePrivate;
friend class QMacCGContext;
friend class QPreviewPaintEngine;
friend class QX11GLPixmapData;
class Q_GUI_EXPORT QPaintEngineState
QPaintEngine::DirtyFlags state() const { return dirtyFlags; }
QPen pen() const;
QBrush brush() const;
QPointF brushOrigin() const;
QBrush backgroundBrush() const;
Qt::BGMode backgroundMode() const;
QFont font() const;
QMatrix matrix() const;
QTransform transform() const;
Qt::ClipOperation clipOperation() const;
QRegion clipRegion() const;
QPainterPath clipPath() const;
bool isClipEnabled() const;
QPainter::RenderHints renderHints() const;
QPainter::CompositionMode compositionMode() const;
qreal opacity() const;
QPainter *painter() const;
bool brushNeedsResolving() const;
bool penNeedsResolving() const;
friend class QPaintEngine;
friend class QRasterPaintEngine;
friend class QWidget;
friend class QPainter;
friend class QPainterPrivate;
friend class QMacPrintEnginePrivate;
QPaintEngine::DirtyFlags dirtyFlags;
// inline functions
inline void QPaintEngine::fix_neg_rect(int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h)
if (*w < 0) {
*w = -*w;
*x -= *w - 1;
if (*h < 0) {
*h = -*h;
*y -= *h - 1;
inline bool QPaintEngine::testDirty(DirtyFlags df) {
return ((state->dirtyFlags & df) != 0);
inline void QPaintEngine::setDirty(DirtyFlags df) {
state->dirtyFlags |= df;
inline void QPaintEngine::clearDirty(DirtyFlags df)
state->dirtyFlags &= ~static_cast<uint>(df);