/usr/include/qt4/Qt/qnetworkaccessmanager.h is in libqt4-dev 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.
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** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the QtNetwork module of the Qt Toolkit.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
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** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
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** Other Usage
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#include <QtCore/QObject>
class QIODevice;
class QAbstractNetworkCache;
class QAuthenticator;
class QByteArray;
template<typename T> class QList;
class QNetworkCookie;
class QNetworkCookieJar;
class QNetworkRequest;
class QNetworkReply;
class QNetworkProxy;
class QNetworkProxyFactory;
class QSslError;
class QNetworkConfiguration;
class QHttpMultiPart;
class QNetworkReplyImplPrivate;
class QNetworkAccessManagerPrivate;
class Q_NETWORK_EXPORT QNetworkAccessManager: public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(NetworkAccessibility networkAccessible READ networkAccessible WRITE setNetworkAccessible NOTIFY networkAccessibleChanged)
enum Operation {
HeadOperation = 1,
UnknownOperation = 0
enum NetworkAccessibility {
UnknownAccessibility = -1,
NotAccessible = 0,
Accessible = 1
explicit QNetworkAccessManager(QObject *parent = 0);
QNetworkProxy proxy() const;
void setProxy(const QNetworkProxy &proxy);
QNetworkProxyFactory *proxyFactory() const;
void setProxyFactory(QNetworkProxyFactory *factory);
QAbstractNetworkCache *cache() const;
void setCache(QAbstractNetworkCache *cache);
QNetworkCookieJar *cookieJar() const;
void setCookieJar(QNetworkCookieJar *cookieJar);
QNetworkReply *head(const QNetworkRequest &request);
QNetworkReply *get(const QNetworkRequest &request);
QNetworkReply *post(const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice *data);
QNetworkReply *post(const QNetworkRequest &request, const QByteArray &data);
QNetworkReply *post(const QNetworkRequest &request, QHttpMultiPart *multiPart);
QNetworkReply *put(const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice *data);
QNetworkReply *put(const QNetworkRequest &request, const QByteArray &data);
QNetworkReply *put(const QNetworkRequest &request, QHttpMultiPart *multiPart);
QNetworkReply *deleteResource(const QNetworkRequest &request);
QNetworkReply *sendCustomRequest(const QNetworkRequest &request, const QByteArray &verb, QIODevice *data = 0);
void setConfiguration(const QNetworkConfiguration &config);
QNetworkConfiguration configuration() const;
QNetworkConfiguration activeConfiguration() const;
void setNetworkAccessible(NetworkAccessibility accessible);
NetworkAccessibility networkAccessible() const;
void proxyAuthenticationRequired(const QNetworkProxy &proxy, QAuthenticator *authenticator);
void authenticationRequired(QNetworkReply *reply, QAuthenticator *authenticator);
void finished(QNetworkReply *reply);
void sslErrors(QNetworkReply *reply, const QList<QSslError> &errors);
void networkSessionConnected();
void networkAccessibleChanged(QNetworkAccessManager::NetworkAccessibility accessible);
virtual QNetworkReply *createRequest(Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request,
QIODevice *outgoingData = 0);
friend class QNetworkReplyImplPrivate;
friend class QNetworkAccessHttpBackend;
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_replyFinished())
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_replySslErrors(QList<QSslError>))
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_networkSessionClosed())
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_networkSessionStateChanged(QNetworkSession::State))