/usr/share/pyshared/MoinMoin/action/info.py is in python-moinmoin 1.9.3-1ubuntu2.
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MoinMoin - info action
Displays page history, some general page infos and statistics.
@copyright: 2000-2004 Juergen Hermann <jh@web.de>,
2006-2008 MoinMoin:ThomasWaldmann
@license: GNU GPL, see COPYING for details.
from MoinMoin import config, wikiutil, action
from MoinMoin.Page import Page
from MoinMoin.logfile import editlog
from MoinMoin.widget import html
from MoinMoin.action import AttachFile
def execute(pagename, request):
""" show misc. infos about a page """
if not request.user.may.read(pagename):
Page(request, pagename).send_page()
def general(page, pagename, request):
_ = request.getText
f = request.formatter
request.write(f.heading(1, 1),
f.text(_('General Information')),
f.heading(0, 1))
f.text(_("Page size: %d") % page.size()),
from MoinMoin.support.python_compatibility import hash_new
digest = hash_new('sha1', page.get_raw_body().encode(config.charset)).hexdigest().upper()
f.rawHTML('%(label)s <tt>%(value)s</tt>' % {
'label': _("SHA digest of this page's content is:"),
'value': digest, }),
# show attachments (if allowed)
attachment_info = action.getHandler(request, 'AttachFile', 'info')
if attachment_info:
request.write(attachment_info(pagename, request))
# show subscribers
subscribers = page.getSubscribers(request, include_self=1, return_users=1)
if subscribers:
request.write(f.text(_('The following users subscribed to this page:')))
for lang in subscribers:
request.write(f.linebreak(), f.text('[%s] ' % lang))
for user in subscribers[lang]:
# do NOT disclose email addr, only WikiName
userhomepage = Page(request, user.name)
if userhomepage.exists():
request.write(f.rawHTML(userhomepage.link_to(request) + ' '))
request.write(f.text(user.name + ' '))
# show links
links = page.getPageLinks(request)
if links:
request.write(f.text(_('This page links to the following pages:')))
for linkedpage in links:
request.write(f.rawHTML("%s%s " % (Page(request, linkedpage).link_to(request), ",."[linkedpage == links[-1]])))
def history(page, pagename, request):
# show history as default
_ = request.getText
default_count, limit_max_count = request.cfg.history_count[0:2]
paging = request.cfg.history_paging
max_count = int(request.values.get('max_count', default_count))
except ValueError:
max_count = default_count
max_count = max(1, min(max_count, limit_max_count))
# read in the complete log of this page
log = editlog.EditLog(request, rootpagename=pagename)
offset = 0
paging_info_html = ""
paging_nav_html = ""
count_select_html = ""
f = request.formatter
if paging:
log_size = log.lines()
offset = int(request.values.get('offset', 0))
except ValueError:
offset = 0
offset = max(min(offset, log_size - 1), 0)
paging_info_html += f.paragraph(1, css_class="searchstats info-paging-info") + _("Showing page edit history entries from '''%(start_offset)d''' to '''%(end_offset)d''' out of '''%(total_count)d''' entries total.", wiki=True) % {
'start_offset': log_size - min(log_size, offset + max_count) + 1,
'end_offset': log_size - offset,
'total_count': log_size,
} + f.paragraph(0)
# generating offset navigating links
if max_count < log_size or offset != 0:
offset_links = []
cur_offset = max_count
near_count = 5 # request.cfg.pagination_size
min_offset = max(0, (offset + max_count - 1) / max_count - near_count)
max_offset = min((log_size - 1) / max_count, offset / max_count + near_count)
offset_added = False
def add_offset_link(offset, caption=None):
offset_links.append(f.table_cell(1, css_class="info-offset-item") +
page.link_to(request, on=1, querystr={
'action': 'info',
'offset': str(offset),
'max_count': str(max_count),
}, css_class="info-offset-nav-link", rel="nofollow") + f.text(caption or str(log_size - offset)) + page.link_to(request, on=0) +
# link to previous page - only if not at start
if offset > 0:
add_offset_link(((offset - 1) / max_count) * max_count, _("Newer"))
# link to beggining of event log - if min_offset is not minimal
if min_offset > 0:
# adding gap only if min_offset not explicitly following beginning
if min_offset > 1:
offset_links.append(f.table_cell(1, css_class="info-offset-gap") + f.text(u'\u2026') + f.table_cell(0))
# generating near pages links
for cur_offset in range(min_offset, max_offset + 1):
# note that current offset may be not multiple of max_count,
# so we check whether we should add current offset marker like this
if not offset_added and offset <= cur_offset * max_count:
# current info history view offset
offset_links.append(f.table_cell(1, css_class="info-offset-item info-cur-offset") + f.text(str(log_size - offset)) + f.table_cell(0))
offset_added = True
# add link, if not at this offset
if offset != cur_offset * max_count:
add_offset_link(cur_offset * max_count)
# link to the last page of event log
if max_offset < (log_size - 1) / max_count:
if max_offset < (log_size - 1) / max_count - 1:
offset_links.append(f.table_cell(1, css_class="info-offset-gap") + f.text(u'\u2026') + f.table_cell(0))
add_offset_link(((log_size - 1) / max_count) * max_count)
# special case - if offset is greater than max_offset * max_count
if offset > max_offset * max_count:
offset_links.append(f.table_cell(1, css_class="info-offset-item info-cur-offset") + f.text(str(log_size - offset)) + f.table_cell(0))
# link to next page
if offset < (log_size - max_count):
add_offset_link(((offset + max_count) / max_count) * max_count, _("Older"))
# generating html
paging_nav_html += "".join([
f.table(1, css_class="searchpages"),
# generating max_count switcher
# we do it only in case history_count has additional values
if len(request.cfg.history_count) > 2:
max_count_possibilities = list(set(request.cfg.history_count))
max_count_html = []
cur_count_added = False
for count in max_count_possibilities:
# max count value can be not in list of predefined values
if max_count <= count and not cur_count_added:
f.span(1, css_class="info-count-item info-cur-count"),
cur_count_added = True
# checking for limit_max_count to prevent showing unavailable options
if max_count != count and count <= limit_max_count:
f.span(1, css_class="info-count-item"),
page.link_to(request, on=1, querystr={
'action': 'info',
'offset': str(offset),
'max_count': str(count),
}, css_class="info-count-link", rel="nofollow"),
page.link_to(request, on=0),
count_select_html += "".join([
f.span(1, css_class="info-count-selector"),
f.text(" ("),
f.text(_("%s items per page")) % (f.span(1, css_class="info-count-selector info-count-selector-divider") + f.text(" | ") + f.span(0)).join(max_count_html),
# open log for this page
from MoinMoin.util.dataset import TupleDataset, Column
history = TupleDataset()
history.columns = [
Column('rev', label='#', align='right'),
Column('mtime', label=_('Date'), align='right'),
Column('size', label=_('Size'), align='right'),
Column('diff', label='<input type="submit" value="%s">' % (_("Diff"))),
Column('editor', label=_('Editor'), hidden=not request.cfg.show_names),
Column('comment', label=_('Comment')),
Column('action', label=_('Action')),
# generate history list
def render_action(text, query, **kw):
return page.link_to(request, text, querystr=query, **kw)
def render_file_action(text, pagename, filename, request, do):
url = AttachFile.getAttachUrl(pagename, filename, request, do=do)
if url:
f = request.formatter
link = f.url(1, url) + f.text(text) + f.url(0)
return link
may_write = request.user.may.write(pagename)
may_delete = request.user.may.delete(pagename)
count = 0
pgactioncount = 0
for line in log.reverse():
count += 1
if paging and count <= offset:
rev = int(line.rev)
actions = []
if line.action in ('SAVE', 'SAVENEW', 'SAVE/REVERT', 'SAVE/RENAME', ):
size = page.size(rev=rev)
actions.append(render_action(_('view'), {'action': 'recall', 'rev': '%d' % rev}))
if pgactioncount == 0:
rchecked = ' checked="checked"'
lchecked = ''
elif pgactioncount == 1:
lchecked = ' checked="checked"'
rchecked = ''
lchecked = rchecked = ''
diff = '<input type="radio" name="rev1" value="%d"%s><input type="radio" name="rev2" value="%d"%s>' % (rev, lchecked, rev, rchecked)
if rev > 1:
diff += render_action(' ' + _('to previous'), {'action': 'diff', 'rev1': rev-1, 'rev2': rev})
comment = line.comment
if not comment:
if '/REVERT' in line.action:
comment = _("Revert to revision %(rev)d.") % {'rev': int(line.extra)}
elif '/RENAME' in line.action:
comment = _("Renamed from '%(oldpagename)s'.") % {'oldpagename': line.extra}
pgactioncount += 1
else: # ATT*
rev = '-'
diff = '-'
filename = wikiutil.url_unquote(line.extra)
comment = "%s: %s %s" % (line.action, filename, line.comment)
if AttachFile.exists(request, pagename, filename):
size = AttachFile.size(request, pagename, filename)
actions.append(render_file_action(_('view'), pagename, filename, request, do='view'))
actions.append(render_file_action(_('get'), pagename, filename, request, do='get'))
if may_delete:
actions.append(render_file_action(_('del'), pagename, filename, request, do='del'))
if may_write:
actions.append(render_file_action(_('edit'), pagename, filename, request, do='modify'))
size = 0
line.getEditor(request) or _("N/A"),
wikiutil.escape(comment) or ' ',
" ".join(a for a in actions if a),
if (count >= max_count + offset) or (paging and count >= log_size):
# print version history
from MoinMoin.widget.browser import DataBrowserWidget
request.write(unicode(html.H2().append(_('Revision History'))))
if not count: # there was no entry in logfile
request.write(_('No log entries found.'))
history_table = DataBrowserWidget(request)
div = html.DIV(id="page-history")
div.append(html.INPUT(type="hidden", name="action", value="diff"))
form = html.FORM(method="GET", action="")
if paging:
form.append(f.div(1, css_class="info-paging-info") + paging_info_html + count_select_html + f.div(0))
f.div(1, css_class="info-paging-nav info-paging-nav-top"),
if paging:
f.div(1, css_class="info-paging-nav info-paging-nav-bottom"),
# main function
_ = request.getText
page = Page(request, pagename)
title = page.split_title()
f = request.formatter
request.theme.send_title(_('Info for "%s"') % (title, ), page=page)
menu_items = [
(_('Show "%(title)s"') % {'title': _('Revision History')},
{'action': 'info'}),
(_('Show "%(title)s"') % {'title': _('General Page Infos')},
{'action': 'info', 'general': '1'}),
(_('Show "%(title)s"') % {'title': _('Page hits and edits')},
{'action': 'info', 'hitcounts': '1'}),
request.write(f.div(1, id="content")) # start content div
for text, querystr in menu_items:
request.write("[%s] " % page.link_to(request, text=text, querystr=querystr, rel='nofollow'))
show_hitcounts = int(request.values.get('hitcounts', 0)) != 0
show_general = int(request.values.get('general', 0)) != 0
if show_hitcounts:
from MoinMoin.stats import hitcounts
request.write(hitcounts.linkto(pagename, request, 'page=' + wikiutil.url_quote(pagename)))
elif show_general:
general(page, pagename, request)
history(page, pagename, request)
request.write(f.div(0)) # end content div