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* *
* YAP Prolog *
* *
* Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto *
* *
* Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 *
* *
* *
* File: statistics.yap *
* Last rev: 8/2/88 *
* mods: *
* comments: statistics on Prolog status *
* *
%%% User interface for statistics
statistics :-
'$statistics_heap_info'(HpSpa, HpInUse),
'$statistics_trail_info'(TrlSpa, TrlInUse),
'$statistics_stacks_info'(StkSpa, GlobInU, LocInU),
'$statistics'(Runtime,CPUtime,SYStime,Walltime,HpSpa,HpInUse,HpMax,TrlSpa, TrlInUse,TrlMax,StkSpa, GlobInU, LocInU,GlobMax,LocMax,NOfHO,TotHOTime,NOfSO,TotSOTime,NOfTO,TotTOTime,NOfGC,TotGCTime,TotGCSize,NOfAGC,TotAGCTime,TotAGCSize).
'$statistics'(Runtime,CPUtime,SYStime,Walltime,HpSpa,HpInUse,HpMax,TrlSpa, TrlInUse,_TrlMax,StkSpa, GlobInU, LocInU,GlobMax,LocMax,NOfHO,TotHOTime,NOfSO,TotSOTime,NOfTO,TotTOTime,NOfGC,TotGCTime,TotGCSize,NOfAGC,TotAGCTime,TotAGCSize) :-
TotalMemory is HpSpa+StkSpa+TrlSpa,
format(user_error,'memory (total)~t~d bytes~35+~n', [TotalMemory]),
format(user_error,' program space~t~d bytes~35+', [HpSpa]),
format(user_error,':~t ~d in use~19+', [HpInUse]),
HpFree is HpSpa-HpInUse,
format(user_error,',~t ~d free~19+~n', [HpFree]),
format(user_error,'~t ~d max~73+~n', [HpMax]),
format(user_error,' stack space~t~d bytes~35+', [StkSpa]),
StackInUse is GlobInU+LocInU,
format(user_error,':~t ~d in use~19+', [StackInUse]),
StackFree is StkSpa-StackInUse,
format(user_error,',~t ~d free~19+~n', [StackFree]),
format(user_error,' global stack:~t~35+', []),
format(user_error,' ~t ~d in use~19+', [GlobInU]),
format(user_error,',~t ~d max~19+~n', [GlobMax]),
format(user_error,' local stack:~t~35+', []),
format(user_error,' ~t ~d in use~19+', [LocInU]),
format(user_error,',~t ~d max~19+~n', [LocMax]),
format(user_error,' trail stack~t~d bytes~35+', [TrlSpa]),
format(user_error,':~t ~d in use~19+', [TrlInUse]),
TrlFree is TrlSpa-TrlInUse,
format(user_error,',~t ~d free~19+~n', [TrlFree]),
OvfTime is (TotHOTime+TotSOTime+TotTOTime)/1000,
format(user_error,'~n~t~3f~12+ sec. for ~w code, ~w stack, and ~w trail space overflows~n',
TotGCTimeF is float(TotGCTime)/1000,
format(user_error,'~t~3f~12+ sec. for ~w garbage collections which collected ~d bytes~n',
TotAGCTimeF is float(TotAGCTime)/1000,
format(user_error,'~t~3f~12+ sec. for ~w atom garbage collections which collected ~d bytes~n',
RTime is float(Runtime)/1000,
format(user_error,'~t~3f~12+ sec. runtime~n', [RTime]),
CPUTime is float(CPUtime)/1000,
format(user_error,'~t~3f~12+ sec. cputime~n', [CPUTime]),
SYSTime is float(SYStime)/1000,
format(user_error,'~t~3f~12+ sec. systime~n', [SYSTime]),
WallTime is float(Walltime)/1000,
format(user_error,'~t~3f~12+ sec. elapsed time~n~n', [WallTime]),
statistics(runtime,[T,L]) :-
statistics(cputime,[T,L]) :-
statistics(walltime,[T,L]) :-
statistics(threads,NT) :-
statistics(threads_created,TC) :-
statistics(thread_cputime,TR) :-
statistics(heap,[Hp,HpF]) :-
'$statistics_heap_info'(HpM, Hp),
HpF is HpM-Hp.
statistics(program,Info) :-
statistics(global_stack,[GlobInU,GlobFree]) :-
'$statistics_stacks_info'(StkSpa, GlobInU, LocInU),
GlobFree is StkSpa-GlobInU-LocInU.
statistics(local_stack,[LocInU,LocFree]) :-
'$statistics_stacks_info'(StkSpa, GlobInU, LocInU),
LocFree is StkSpa-GlobInU-LocInU.
statistics(trail,[TrlInUse,TrlFree]) :-
'$statistics_trail_info'(TrlSpa, TrlInUse),
TrlFree is TrlSpa-TrlInUse.
statistics(garbage_collection,[NOfGC,TotGCSize,TotGCTime]) :-
statistics(stack_shifts,[NOfHO,NOfSO,NOfTO]) :-
statistics(atoms,[NOf,SizeOf]) :-
statistics(static_code,[ClauseSize, IndexSize, TreeIndexSize, ExtIndexSize, SWIndexSize]) :-
'$statistics_db_size'(ClauseSize, TreeIndexSize, ExtIndexSize, SWIndexSize),
IndexSize is TreeIndexSize+ ExtIndexSize+ SWIndexSize.
statistics(dynamic_code,[ClauseSize,IndexSize, TreeIndexSize, CPIndexSize, ExtIndexSize, SWIndexSize]) :-
'$statistics_lu_db_size'(ClauseSize, TreeIndexSize, CPIndexSize, ExtIndexSize, SWIndexSize),
IndexSize is TreeIndexSize+CPIndexSize+ ExtIndexSize+ SWIndexSize.
key_statistics(Key, NOfEntries, TotalSize) :-
key_statistics(Key, NOfEntries, ClSize, IndxSize),
TotalSize is ClSize+IndxSize.
%% time(:Goal)
% Time the execution of Goal. Possible choice-points of Goal are removed.
% Based on the SWI-Prolog definition minus reporting the number of inferences,
% which YAP does not currently supports
:- meta_predicate time(:).
time(Goal) :-
time(_:Goal) :-
time(Goal) :- \+ callable(Goal), !,
time(Goal) :-
statistics(walltime, _),
statistics(cputime, _),
( catch(Goal, E, true)
-> Result = yes
; Result = no
statistics(cputime, [_, Time]),
statistics(walltime, [_, Wall]),
( Time =:= 0
-> CPU = 'Inf'
; CPU is truncate(Time/Wall*100)
TimeSecs is Time/1000,
WallSecs is Wall/1000,
format(user_error,'% ~3f CPU in ~3f seconds (~|~t~w~3+% CPU)~n', [TimeSecs, WallSecs, CPU]),
( nonvar(E)
-> throw(E)
; Result == yes