/usr/share/Yap/clpbn/bp.yap is in yap 6.2.2-6build1.
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Belief Propagation in CLP(BN)
This should connect to C-code.
:- module(clpbn_bp, [bp/3,
:- attribute all_diffs/1.
:- use_module(library(ordsets),
:- use_module(library('clpbn/matrix_cpt_utils'),
:- use_module(library('clpbn/dists'),
:- use_module(library('clpbn/utils'), [
:- use_module(library('clpbn/display'), [
:- use_module(library('clpbn/connected'),
:- use_module(library(lists),
:- use_module(library('clpbn/aggregates'),
% implementation of belief propagation
% A1=+QueryVars -> sets of independent marginalization variables
% A2=*AllVars -> list
% A3=-Output -> output probabilities
% Other important variables:
% State0 initialized graph, is used to pass data from initialization
% to query solving (eg, State might be the JT and be used to run
% different queries).
% Process
bp([[]],_,_) :- !.
bp([QueryVars],AllVars,Output) :-
init_bp_solver([QueryVars], AllVars, Output, State),
% variable elimination proper
run_bp_solver([], [LPs], State),
% bind Probs back to variables so that they can be output.
% initialise necessary data for query solver
init_bp_solver(Qs, AllVars, _, graph(LVis)) :-
% replace average, max, min and friends
% by binary nodes.
check_for_agg_vars(AllVars, UnFoldedVars),
% replace the variables reachable from G
% Tables0 will have the full data on each variable
init_influences(UnfoldedVars, G, RG),
init_bp_solver_for_questions(Qs, G, RG, _, LVis).
init_bp_solver_for_questions([], _, _, [], []).
init_bp_solver_for_questions([Vs|MVs], G, RG, [NVs|MNVs0], [NVs|LVis]) :-
% find variables connectd to Vs
% influences(Vs, _, NVs0, G, RG),
G = RG,
sort(NVs0, NVs),
%clpbn_gviz:clpbn2gviz(user_error, test, NVs, Vs),
init_bp_solver_for_questions(MVs, G, RG, MNVs0, LVis).
% use a findall to recover space without needing for GC
run_bp_solver(LVs, LPs, graph(LNVs)) :-
findall(Ps, solve_bp(LVs, LNVs, Ps), LPs).
solve_bp([LVs|_], [NVs0|_], Ps) :-
% length(NVs0, L), (L > 64 -> clpbn_gviz:clpbn2gviz(user_error,sort,NVs0,LVs) ; true ),
find_all_clpbn_vars(NVs0, LVi),
% construct the graph
process(LVi, LVs, P).
solve_bp([_|MoreLVs], [_|MoreLVis], Ps) :-
solve_bp(MoreLVs, MoreLVis, Ps).
% get a list of variables plus associated tables
find_all_clpbn_vars([], []).
find_all_clpbn_vars([V|Vs], [var(V,Id,Parents,Domain,Matrix,Ev)|LV]) :-
clpbn:get_atts(V, [dist(Id,Parents)]), !,
get_dist_domain(Id, Domain),
get_dist_params(Id, Matrix),
get_evidence(V, Ev),
find_all_clpbn_vars(Vs, LV).
find_all_clpbn_vars([_|Vs], LV) :-
find_all_clpbn_vars(Vs, LV).
get_evidence(V, Ev) :-
clpbn:get_atts(V, [evidence(Ev)]), !.
get_evidence(V, -1). % no evidence!!!
% to be defined in C
% +LVO is the list of all variables
% +InputVs are the variables to be marginalised
% -Out is some output term stating the probabilities
process(LV0, InputVs, Out) :-
length(LV0, N),
length(InputVs, NI),
writeln(process(LV0, InputVs, Out)),
bp_process(N, LV0, NI, InputVs, Out),