/usr/share/slony1/slon-tools.pm is in slony1-2-bin 2.2.6-1.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
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# Author: Christopher Browne
# Copyright 2004-2009 Afilias Canada
use POSIX;
use Errno;
use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;
sub add_node {
my %PARAMS = (host=> undef,
dbname => 'template1',
port => 5432,
user => 'postgres',
node => undef,
password => undef,
parent => undef,
noforward => undef,
sslmode => undef,
options => undef,
config => undef
my $K;
while ($K= shift) {
$PARAMS{$K} = shift;
die ("I need a node number") unless $PARAMS{'node'};
my $node = $PARAMS{'node'};
push @NODES, $node;
my $loginstr;
my $host = $PARAMS{'host'};
if ($host) {
$loginstr .= "host=$host";
$HOST[$node] = $host;
} else {
die("I need a host name") unless $PARAMS{'host'};
my $dbname = $PARAMS{'dbname'};
if ($dbname) {
$loginstr .= " dbname=$dbname";
$DBNAME[$node] = $dbname;
my $user=$PARAMS{'user'};
$loginstr .= " user=$user";
$USER[$node]= $user;
my $port = $PARAMS{'port'};
if ($port) {
$loginstr .= " port=$port";
$PORT[$node] = $port;
} else {
die ("I need a port number");
my $password = $PARAMS{'password'};
if ($password) {
$loginstr .= " password=$password";
$PASSWORD[$node] = $password;
my $sslmode = $PARAMS{'sslmode'};
if ($sslmode) {
$loginstr .= " sslmode=$sslmode";
$SSLMODE[$node] = $sslmode;
$DSN[$node] = $loginstr;
my $parent = $PARAMS{'parent'};
if ($parent) {
$PARENT[$node] = $parent;
my $noforward = $PARAMS{'noforward'};
if ($noforward) {
$NOFORWARD[$node] = $noforward;
my $options = $PARAMS{'options'};
if ($options) {
$OPTIONS[$node] = $options;
my $config = $PARAMS{ 'config' };
if ($config) {
$CONFIG[$node] = $config;
# This is the usual header to a slonik invocation that declares the
# cluster name and the set of nodes and how to connect to them.
sub genheader {
my $header = "cluster name = $CLUSTER_NAME;\n";
foreach my $node (@NODES) {
if ($DSN[$node]) {
my $dsn = $DSN[$node];
$header .= " node $node admin conninfo='$dsn';\n";
return $header;
# Stores copy of slonik script in log file in $LOGDIR
# then invokes it and deletes it
sub run_slonik_script {
my ($script) = @_;
# open(OUT, ">>$LOGDIR/slonik_scripts.log");
# my $now = `date`;
# chomp $now;
# print OUT "# -------------------------------------------------------------\n";
# print OUT "# Script: $script submitted at $now \n";
# print OUT "# -------------------------------------------------------------\n";
# print OUT $script;
# close OUT;
print $script;
sub ps_args {
my $sys=`uname`;
chomp $sys; # strip off edges
if ($sys eq "Linux") {
return "/bin/ps auxww";
} elsif ($sys eq "FreeBSD") {
return "/bin/ps -auxww";
} elsif ($sys eq "SunOS") {
return "/usr/ucb/ps -auxww";
} elsif ($sys eq "AIX") {
return "/usr/bin/ps auxww";
} elsif ($sys eq "Darwin") {
return "/bin/ps auxww";
return "/usr/bin/ps -auxww"; # This may be questionable for other systems; extend as needed!
sub get_pid {
my ($node) = @_;
$node =~ /^(?:node)?(\d+)$/;
my $nodenum = $1;
my $pid;
my ($dsn, $config) = ($DSN[$nodenum], $CONFIG[$nodenum]);
# print "Searching for PID for $dbname on port $dbport\n";
$PIDFILE_DIR ||= '/var/run/slony1';
my $pidfile;
$pidfile = "$PIDFILE_DIR/$PIDFILE_PREFIX" . "_node$nodenum.pid";
open my $in, '<' , $pidfile or return '';
while( <$in> ) {
$pid = $_;
#print "Command:\n$command\n";
chomp $pid;
#make sure the pid actually exists
if ($! == Errno::ESRCH) {
return 0;
return $pid;
sub start_slon {
my ($nodenum) = @_;
my ($dsn, $dbname, $opts, $config) = ($DSN[$nodenum], $DBNAME[$nodenum], $OPTIONS[$nodenum], $CONFIG[$nodenum]);
$LOG_NAME_SUFFIX ||= '%Y-%m-%d';
$PIDFILE_DIR ||= '/var/run/slony1';
# system("mkdir -p $PIDFILE_DIR" );
system("mkdir -p $LOGDIR/node$nodenum");
my $cmd,$pidfile;
$pidfile = "$PIDFILE_DIR/$PIDFILE_PREFIX" . "_node$nodenum.pid";
if ($config) {
$cmd = "/usr/bin/slon -p $pidfile -f $config ";
} else {
$cmd = "/usr/bin/slon -p $pidfile -s $SYNC_CHECK_INTERVAL -d$DEBUGLEVEL $opts $CLUSTER_NAME '$dsn' ";
my $logfilesuffix = POSIX::strftime( "$LOG_NAME_SUFFIX",localtime );
chomp $logfilesuffix;
$cmd .= "2>&1 | $APACHE_ROTATOR \"$LOGDIR/node$nodenum/" . $dbname . "-$logfilesuffix.log\" 10M &";
} else {
$cmd .= "> $LOGDIR/node$nodenum/$dbname-$logfilesuffix.log 2>&1 &";
print "Invoke slon for node $nodenum - $cmd\n";
system ($cmd);
# give time to slon daemon start and create pid file
sleep 3;
$killafter="00:20:00"; # Restart slon after this interval, if there is no activity
sub query_slony_status {
my ($nodenum) = @_;
# Old query - basically looked at how far we are behind
# my $query = qq{
# select now() - ev_timestamp > '$killafter'::interval as event_old, now() - ev_timestamp as age,
# ev_timestamp, ev_seqno, ev_origin as origin
# from _$CLUSTER_NAME.sl_event events, _$CLUSTER_NAME.sl_subscribe slony_master
# where
# events.ev_origin = slony_master.sub_provider and
# not exists (select * from _$CLUSTER_NAME.sl_subscribe providers
# where providers.sub_receiver = slony_master.sub_provider and
# providers.sub_set = slony_master.sub_set and
# slony_master.sub_active = 't' and
# providers.sub_active = 't')
# order by ev_origin desc, ev_seqno desc limit 1;
# };
# New query: Looks to see if an event has been confirmed, for the set,
# for the master node, within the interval requested
my $query = qq{
select * from
(select now() - con_timestamp < '$killafter'::interval, now() - con_timestamp as age,
from "_$CLUSTER_NAME".sl_confirm c, "_$CLUSTER_NAME".sl_subscribe slony_master
where c.con_origin = slony_master.sub_provider and
not exists (select * from "_$CLUSTER_NAME".sl_subscribe providers
where providers.sub_receiver = slony_master.sub_provider and
providers.sub_set = slony_master.sub_set and
slony_master.sub_active = 't' and
providers.sub_active = 't') and
c.con_received = "_$CLUSTER_NAME".getLocalNodeId('_$CLUSTER_NAME') and
now() - con_timestamp < '$killafter'::interval
limit 1) as slave_confirmed_events
union all (select
now() - con_timestamp < '$killafter'::interval, now() - con_timestamp as age,
from "_$CLUSTER_NAME".sl_confirm c, "_$CLUSTER_NAME".sl_subscribe slony_master
where c.con_origin = "_$CLUSTER_NAME".getLocalNodeId('_$CLUSTER_NAME') and
exists (select * from "_$CLUSTER_NAME".sl_subscribe providers
where providers.sub_provider = "_$CLUSTER_NAME".getLocalNodeId('_$CLUSTER_NAME') and
slony_master.sub_active = 't') and
now() - con_timestamp < '$killafter'::interval
limit 1)
my ($port, $host, $dbname, $dbuser, $passwd)= ($PORT[$nodenum], $HOST[$nodenum], $DBNAME[$nodenum], $USER[$nodenum], $PASSWORD[$nodenum]);
my $result;
if ($passwd) {
my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile();
chmod( 0600, $filename);
print $fh "$host:$port:$dbname:$dbuser:$passwd";
close $fh;
$result=`PGPASSFILE=$filename /usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin//psql -p $port -h $host -U $dbuser -c "$query" --tuples-only $dbname`;
unlink $filename;
} else {
$result=`/usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin//psql -p $port -h $host -U $dbuser -c "$query" --tuples-only $dbname`;
chomp $result;
#print "Query was: $query\n";
#print "Result was: $result\n";
return $result;
# This is a horrible function name, but it really *is* what it should
# be called.
sub get_set {
my $set = shift();
my $match;
my $name;
# If the variables are already set through $ENV{SLONYSET}, just
# make sure we have an integer for $SET_ID
if ($TABLE_ID) {
return 0 unless $set =~ /^(?:set)?(\d+)$/;
return $1;
# Die if we don't have any sets defined in the configuration file.
unless (defined $SLONY_SETS
and ref($SLONY_SETS) eq "HASH"
and keys %{$SLONY_SETS}) {
die "There are no sets defined in your configuration file.";
# Is this a set name or number?
if ($SLONY_SETS->{$set}) {
$match = $SLONY_SETS->{$set};
$name = $set;
elsif ($set =~ /^(?:set)?(\d+)$/) {
$set = $1;
($name) = grep { $SLONY_SETS->{$_}->{"set_id"} == $set } keys %{$SLONY_SETS};
$match = $SLONY_SETS->{$name};
else {
return 0;
# Set the variables for this set.
$SET_NAME = $name;
$SET_ORIGIN = ($match->{"origin"} or $MASTERNODE);
$TABLE_ID = $match->{"table_id"};
$SEQUENCE_ID = $match->{"sequence_id"};
@PKEYEDTABLES = @{$match->{"pkeyedtables"}};
%KEYEDTABLES = %{$match->{"keyedtables"}};
@SEQUENCES = @{$match->{"sequences"}};
$FOLD_CASE = ($match->{"foldCase"} or 0);
if(defined($match->{"serialtables"}) &&
scalar(@{$match->{"serialtables"}}) > 0 ) {
# slony generated primary keys have
# been deprecated.
die "primary keys generated by slony (serialtables) are no longer "
. "supported by slony-I. Please remove serialtables"
. "from your config file";
return $match->{"set_id"};
# This function checks to see if there is a still-in-progress subscription
# It does so by looking to see if there is a SUBSCRIBE_SET event corresponding
# to a sl_subscribe entry that is not yet active.
sub node_is_subscribing {
my ($nodenum) = @_;
my $query = qq{
select * from "_$CLUSTER_NAME".sl_event e, "_$CLUSTER_NAME".sl_subscribe s
where ev_origin = "_$CLUSTER_NAME".getlocalnodeid('_$CLUSTER_NAME') and -- Event on local node
ev_type = 'SUBSCRIBE_SET' and -- Event is SUBSCRIBE SET
--- Then, match criteria against sl_subscribe
sub_set::text = ev_data1 and sub_provider::text = ev_data2 and sub_receiver::text = ev_data3 and
(case sub_forward when 'f' then 'f'::text when 't' then 't'::text end) = ev_data4
--- And we're looking for a subscription that is not yet active
and not sub_active
limit 1; --- One such entry is sufficient...
my ($port, $host, $dbname, $dbuser, $passwd)= ($PORT[$nodenum], $HOST[$nodenum], $DBNAME[$nodenum], $USER[$nodenum], $PASSWORD[$nodenum]);
my $result;
if ($passwd) {
my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile();
print $fh "$host:$port:$dbname:$dbuser:$passwd";
close $fh;
$result=`PGPASSFILE=$filename /usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin//psql -p $port -h $host -U $dbuser -c "$query" --tuples-only $dbname`;
unlink $filename;
} else {
$result=`/usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin//psql -p $port -h $host -c "$query" -U $dbuser --tuples-only $dbname`;
chomp $result;
#print "Query was: $query\n";
#print "Result was: $result\n";
return $result;