/usr/bin/rsem-prepare-reference is in rsem 1.2.31+dfsg-1.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o755.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 | #!/usr/bin/env perl
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_auto_abbrev);
use Pod::Usage;
use File::Basename;
use FindBin;
use lib $FindBin::RealBin;
use rsem_perl_utils;
use Env qw(@PATH);
@PATH = ($FindBin::RealBin, @PATH);
use strict;
use warnings;
my $status;
my $gtfF = "";
my $gff3F = "";
my $gff3_RNA_patterns = "";
my $gtf_sources = "None";
my $mappingF = "";
my $polyAChoice = 1; # 0, --polyA, add polyA tails for all isoforms; 1, default, no polyA tails; 2, --no-polyA-subset
my $polyA = 0; # for option --polyA, default off
my $polyALen = 125;
my $subsetFile = "";
my $bowtie = 0;
my $bowtie_path = "";
my $bowtie2 = 0;
my $bowtie2_path = "";
my $quiet = 0;
my $help = 0;
my $alleleMappingF = "";
my $star = 0;
my $star_path = '';
my $star_nthreads = 1;
my $star_sjdboverhang = 100;
GetOptions("gtf=s" => \$gtfF,
"gff3=s" => \$gff3F,
"gff3-RNA-patterns=s" => \$gff3_RNA_patterns,
"trusted-sources=s" => \$gtf_sources,
"transcript-to-gene-map=s" => \$mappingF,
"allele-to-gene-map=s" => \$alleleMappingF,
"polyA" => \$polyA,
"polyA-length=i" => \$polyALen,
"no-polyA-subset=s" => \$subsetFile,
"bowtie" => \$bowtie,
"bowtie-path=s" => \$bowtie_path,
"bowtie2" => \$bowtie2,
"bowtie2-path=s" => \$bowtie2_path,
'star' => \$star,
'star-path=s' => \$star_path,
'star-sjdboverhang=i' => \$star_sjdboverhang,
'p|num-threads=i' => \$star_nthreads,
"q|quiet" => \$quiet,
"h|help" => \$help) or pod2usage(-exitval => 2, -verbose => 2);
pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if ($help == 1);
pod2usage(-msg => "--transcript-to-gene-map and --allele-to-gene-map are mutually exclusive!", -exitval => 2, -verbose => 2) if (($mappingF ne "") && ($alleleMappingF ne ""));
pod2usage(-msg => "--gtf and --gff3 are mutually exclusive!", -exitval => 2, -verbose => 2) if (($gtfF ne "") && ($gff3F ne ""));
pod2usage(-msg => "--gtf/--gff3 and --allele-to-gene-map are mutually exclusive!", -exitval => 2, -verbose => 2) if ((($gtfF ne "") || ($gff3F ne "")) && ($alleleMappingF ne ""));
pod2usage(-msg => "Invalid number of arguments!", -exitval => 2, -verbose => 2) if (scalar(@ARGV) != 2);
pod2usage(-msg => "No poly(A) tail should be added if --star is set!", -exitval => 2, -verbose => 2) if ($star && $polyA);
if (!$bowtie && ($bowtie_path ne "")) { print "Warning: If Bowtie is not used, no need to set --bowtie-path option!\n"; }
if (!$bowtie2 && ($bowtie2_path ne "")) { print "Warning: If Bowtie 2 is not used, no need to set --bowtie2-path option!\n"; }
if (!$star && ($star_path ne "")) { print "Warning: If STAR is not used, no need to set --star-path option!\n"; }
my @list = split(/,/, $ARGV[0]);
my $size = scalar(@list);
if ($size == 1 && (-d $list[0])) {
my $dir = $list[0];
@list = (<$dir/*.fa>, <$dir/*.fasta>);
$size = scalar(@list);
pod2usage(-msg => "reference_fasta_file(s) is empty! Please check if you provide the correct folder name or file suffixes!", -exitval => 2, -verbose => 2) if ($size <= 0);
if ($polyA) {
$polyAChoice = ($subsetFile ne "") ? 2 : 0;
if ($bowtie_path ne "") { $bowtie_path .= "/"; }
if ($bowtie2_path ne "") { $bowtie2_path .= "/"; }
if ($star_path ne "") { $star_path .= "/"; }
my $command = "";
if ($gff3F ne "") {
$gtfF = "$ARGV[1].gtf";
pod2usage(-msg => "A file with the name $gtfF alreay exists! GFF3-to-GTF conversion failed!", -exitval => 2, -verbose => 2) if (-e $gtfF);
$command = "rsem-gff3-to-gtf";
if ($gff3_RNA_patterns ne "") {
$command .= " --RNA-patterns $gff3_RNA_patterns";
$command .= " $gff3F $gtfF";
if ($gtfF ne "") {
$"=" ";
$gtf_sources =~ s/ /\\ /g;
$command = "rsem-extract-reference-transcripts $ARGV[1] $quiet $gtfF $gtf_sources";
if ($mappingF ne "") { $command .= " 1 $mappingF"; }
else { $command .= " 0"; }
$command .= " @list";
else {
$"=" ";
$command = "rsem-synthesis-reference-transcripts $ARGV[1] $quiet";
if ($mappingF ne "") { $command .= " 1 $mappingF"; }
elsif ($alleleMappingF ne "") { $command .= " 2 $alleleMappingF"; }
else { $command .= " 0"; }
$command .= " @list";
$command = "rsem-preref $ARGV[1].transcripts.fa $polyAChoice $ARGV[1]";
if ($polyAChoice != 1) { $command .= " -l $polyALen"; }
if ($polyAChoice == 2) { $command .= " -f $subsetFile"; }
if ($quiet) { $command .= " -q"; }
if ($bowtie) {
$command = $bowtie_path."bowtie-build -f";
if ($quiet) { $command .= " -q"; }
$command .= " $ARGV[1].n2g.idx.fa $ARGV[1]";
if ($bowtie2) {
$command = $bowtie2_path."bowtie2-build -f";
if ($quiet) { $command .= " -q"; }
$command .= " $ARGV[1].idx.fa $ARGV[1]";
if ($star) {
pod2usage(-msg => "Sorry, if you want RSEM run STAR for you, you must provide the genome sequence and associated GTF annotation.", -exitval => 2, -verbose => 2) if ($gtfF eq "");
my $out_star_genome_path = dirname($ARGV[1]);
$command = $star_path . "STAR " .
" --runThreadN $star_nthreads " .
" --runMode genomeGenerate " .
" --genomeDir $out_star_genome_path " .
" --genomeFastaFiles @list " .
" --sjdbGTFfile $gtfF " .
" --sjdbOverhang $star_sjdboverhang " .
" --outFileNamePrefix $ARGV[1]";
=head1 NAME
=head1 PURPOSE
Prepare transcript references for RSEM and optionally build BOWTIE/BOWTIE2/STAR indices.
rsem-prepare-reference [options] reference_fasta_file(s) reference_name
=item B<reference_fasta_file(s)>
Either a comma-separated list of Multi-FASTA formatted files OR a directory name. If a directory name is specified, RSEM will read all files with suffix ".fa" or ".fasta" in this directory. The files should contain either the sequences of transcripts or an entire genome, depending on whether the '--gtf' option is used.
=item B<reference name>
The name of the reference used. RSEM will generate several reference-related files that are prefixed by this name. This name can contain path information (e.g. '/ref/mm9').
=head1 OPTIONS
=item B<--gtf> <file>
If this option is on, RSEM assumes that 'reference_fasta_file(s)' contains the sequence of a genome, and will extract transcript reference sequences using the gene annotations specified in <file>, which should be in GTF format.
If this and '--gff3' options are off, RSEM will assume 'reference_fasta_file(s)' contains the reference transcripts. In this case, RSEM assumes that name of each sequence in the Multi-FASTA files is its transcript_id.
(Default: off)
=item B<--gff3> <file>
The annotation file is in GFF3 format instead of GTF format. RSEM will first convert it to GTF format with the file name 'reference_name.gtf'. Please make sure that 'reference_name.gtf' does not exist. (Default: off)
=item B<--gff3-RNA-patterns> <pattern>
<pattern> is a comma-separated list of transcript categories, e.g. "mRNA,rRNA". Only transcripts that match the <pattern> will be extracted. (Default: "mRNA")
=item B<--trusted-sources> <sources>
<sources> is a comma-separated list of trusted sources, e.g. "ENSEMBL,HAVANA". Only transcripts coming from these sources will be extracted. If this option is off, all sources are accepted. (Default: off)
=item B<--transcript-to-gene-map> <file>
Use information from <file> to map from transcript (isoform) ids to gene ids.
Each line of <file> should be of the form:
gene_id transcript_id
with the two fields separated by a tab character.
If you are using a GTF file for the "UCSC Genes" gene set from the UCSC Genome Browser, then the "knownIsoforms.txt" file (obtained from the "Downloads" section of the UCSC Genome Browser site) is of this format.
If this option is off, then the mapping of isoforms to genes depends on whether the '--gtf' option is specified. If '--gtf' is specified, then RSEM uses the "gene_id" and "transcript_id" attributes in the GTF file. Otherwise, RSEM assumes that each sequence in the reference sequence files is a separate gene.
(Default: off)
=item B<--allele-to-gene-map> <file>
Use information from <file> to provide gene_id and transcript_id information for each allele-specific transcript.
Each line of <file> should be of the form:
gene_id transcript_id allele_id
with the fields separated by a tab character.
This option is designed for quantifying allele-specific expression. It is only valid if '--gtf' option is not specified. allele_id should be the sequence names presented in the Multi-FASTA-formatted files.
(Default: off)
=item B<--polyA>
Add poly(A) tails to the end of all reference isoforms. The length of poly(A) tail added is specified by '--polyA-length' option. STAR aligner users may not want to use this option. (Default: do not add poly(A) tail to any of the isoforms)
=item B<--polyA-length> <int>
The length of the poly(A) tails to be added. (Default: 125)
=item B<--no-polyA-subset> <file>
Only meaningful if '--polyA' is specified. Do not add poly(A) tails to those transcripts listed in <file>. <file> is a file containing a list of transcript_ids. (Default: off)
=item B<--bowtie>
Build Bowtie indices. (Default: off)
=item B<--bowtie-path> <path>
The path to the Bowtie executables. (Default: the path to Bowtie executables is assumed to be in the user's PATH environment variable)
=item B<--bowtie2>
Build Bowtie 2 indices. (Default: off)
=item B<--bowtie2-path>
The path to the Bowtie 2 executables. (Default: the path to Bowtie 2 executables is assumed to be in the user's PATH environment variable)
=item B<--star>
Build STAR indices. (Default: off)
=item B<--star-path> <path>
The path to STAR's executable. (Default: the path to STAR executable is assumed to be in user's PATH environment varaible)
=item B<--star-sjdboverhang> <int>
Length of the genomic sequence around annotated junction. It is only used for STAT to build splice junctions database and not needed for Bowtie or Bowtie2. It will be passed as the --sjdbOverhang option to STAR. According to STAR's manual, its ideal value is max(ReadLength)-1, e.g. for 2x101 paired-end reads, the ideal value is 101-1=100. In most cases, the default value of 100 will work as well as the ideal value. (Default: 100)
=item B<-p/--num-threads> <int>
Number of threads to use for building STAR's genome indices. (Default: 1)
=item B<-q/--quiet>
Suppress the output of logging information. (Default: off)
=item B<-h/--help>
Show help information.
This program extracts/preprocesses the reference sequences for RSEM. It can optionally build Bowtie indices (with '--bowtie' option) and/or Bowtie 2 indices (with '--bowtie2' option) using their default parameters. It can also optionally build STAR indices (with '--star' option) using parameters from ENCODE3's STAR-RSEM pipeline. If an alternative aligner is to be used, indices for that particular aligner can be built from either 'reference_name.idx.fa' or 'reference_name.n2g.idx.fa' (see OUTPUT for details). This program is used in conjunction with the 'rsem-calculate-expression' program.
=head1 OUTPUT
This program will generate 'reference_name.grp', 'reference_name.ti', 'reference_name.transcripts.fa', 'reference_name.seq', 'reference_name.chrlist' (if '--gtf' is on), 'reference_name.idx.fa', 'reference_name.n2g.idx.fa', optional Bowtie/Bowtie 2 index files, and optional STAR index files.
'reference_name.grp', 'reference_name.ti', 'reference_name.seq', and 'reference_name.chrlist' are used by RSEM internally.
B<'reference_name.transcripts.fa'> contains the extracted reference transcripts in Multi-FASTA format. Poly(A) tails are not added and it may contain lower case bases in its sequences if the corresponding genomic regions are soft-masked.
B<'reference_name.idx.fa' and 'reference_name.n2g.idx.fa'> are used by aligners to build their own indices. In these two files, all sequence bases are converted into upper case. In addition, poly(A) tails are added if '--polyA' option is set. The only difference between 'reference_name.idx.fa' and 'reference_name.n2g.idx.fa' is that 'reference_name.n2g.idx.fa' in addition converts all 'N' characters to 'G' characters. This conversion is in particular desired for aligners (e.g. Bowtie) that do not allow reads to overlap with 'N' characters in the reference sequences. Otherwise, 'reference_name.idx.fa' should be used to build the aligner's index files. RSEM uses 'reference_name.idx.fa' to build Bowtie 2 indices and 'reference_name.n2g.idx.fa' to build Bowtie indices. For visualizing the transcript-coordinate-based BAM files generated by RSEM in IGV, 'reference_name.idx.fa' should be imported as a "genome" (see Visualization section in README.md for details).
1) Suppose we have mouse RNA-Seq data and want to use the UCSC mm9 version of the mouse genome. We have downloaded the UCSC Genes transcript annotations in GTF format (as mm9.gtf) using the Table Browser and the knownIsoforms.txt file for mm9 from the UCSC Downloads. We also have all chromosome files for mm9 in the directory '/data/mm9'. We want to put the generated reference files under '/ref' with name 'mouse_0'. We do not add any poly(A) tails. Please note that GTF files generated from UCSC's Table Browser do not contain isoform-gene relationship information. For the UCSC Genes annotation, this information can be obtained from the knownIsoforms.txt file. Suppose we want to build Bowtie indices and Bowtie executables are found in '/sw/bowtie'.
There are two ways to write the command:
rsem-prepare-reference --gtf mm9.gtf \
--transcript-to-gene-map knownIsoforms.txt \
--bowtie \
--bowtie-path /sw/bowtie \
/data/mm9/chr1.fa,/data/mm9/chr2.fa,...,/data/mm9/chrM.fa \
rsem-prepare-reference --gtf mm9.gtf \
--transcript-to-gene-map knownIsoforms.txt \
--bowtie \
--bowtie-path /sw/bowtie \
/data/mm9 \
2) Suppose we also want to build Bowtie 2 indices in the above example and Bowtie 2 executables are found in '/sw/bowtie2', the command will be:
rsem-prepare-reference --gtf mm9.gtf \
--transcript-to-gene-map knownIsoforms.txt \
--bowtie \
--bowtie-path /sw/bowtie \
--bowtie2 \
--bowtie2-path /sw/bowtie2 \
/data/mm9 \
3) Suppose we want to build STAR indices in the above example and save index files under '/ref' with name 'mouse_0'. Assuming STAR executable is '/sw/STAR', the command will be:
rsem-prepare-reference --gtf mm9.gtf \
--star \
--star-path /sw/STAR \
-p 8 \
/data/mm9/chr1.fa,/data/mm9/chr2.fa,...,/data/mm9/chrM.fa \
rsem-prepare-reference --gtf mm9.gtf \
--star \
--star-path /sw/STAR \
-p 8 \
STAR genome index files will be saved under '/ref/'.
4) Suppose we only have transcripts from EST tags stored in 'mm9.fasta' and isoform-gene information stored in 'mapping.txt'. We want to add 125bp long poly(A) tails to all transcripts. The reference_name is set as 'mouse_125'. In addition, we do not want to build Bowtie/Bowtie 2 indices, and will use an alternative aligner to align reads against either 'mouse_125.idx.fa' or 'mouse_125.idx.n2g.fa':
rsem-prepare-reference --transcript-to-gene-map mapping.txt \
mm9.fasta \