/usr/share/doc/redeclipse/examples/servinit.cfg is in redeclipse-server 1.5.8-2.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 | // This file controls server side variables which control the operation of the server.
// To change a setting, remove the "// " in front of it and change the value.
// serverpass "p4ssw0rd" // server password required to successfully connect, used for private servers
// There are two ways of setting local privileged access:
// [1]
// adminpass "4dm1np4ss" // server password for administrators (change the password to your own, of course)
// to gain access this way, go in game, connect to your server, and use /setmaster 4dm1np4ss
// [2]
// addlocalop qreeves a
// to set access this way, change "qreeves" to the auth name of the player you want to give access to
// and possibly change the last letter "a" depending on the access level:
// a - administrator - can change security settings and anything else
// o - operator - can change game variables
// m - moderator - can kick and ban
// s - supporter - no special privileges, but gets a special icon to identify them as friends, teammates, etc.
// addban ip.address // adds to the ban list
// addallow ip.address // adds to the allow list
// addmute ip.address // adds to the chat mute list
// addlimit ip.address // adds to the limited list (can't change teams, etc)
if (= $rehashing 0) [
// servertype 3 // type of server, 1 = private (does not register with masterserver), 2 = public, 3 = dedicated
// serveruprate 0 // maximum upload speed; cmdline: -suN
// serverip "" // host which server binds to; cmdline: -siN
// servermaster "play.redeclipse.net" // host server tries to use as master by default; cmdline: -smS
// serverport 28801 // port which server binds to (you must open this port [UDP] and this plus one, default 28801 and 28802); cmdline: -spN
// servermasterport 28800 // master server port which server *connects* to; cmdline: -saN
// You can use these if you'd like to setup IRC relaying too
// ircfilter 1 // defines the way the colour-to-irc filter works; 0 = off, 1 = convert, 2 = strip
// ircaddrelay name server.irc.net 6667 nickname
// ircident name ident // set the ident field, defaults to $systemuser
// ircbind name // use this only if you need to bind to a specific address, eg. multihomed machines
// ircpass name password // some networks can use the PASS field to identify to nickserv
// ircauthcommand name "VHOST username password" // other networks can use a custom command
// ircaddchan name "#channel"
// ircrelaychan name "#channel" -1 // don't relay, just idle there
// ircfriendlychan name "#channel" CHAN // set a friendly name for the relay on this channel
// ircaddchan name "#lobby"
// ircrelaychan name "#lobby" 3 // relay everything but verbose messages
// ircfriendlychan name "#lobby" IRC // another friendly name for the relay on this channel
// ircconnect name // and tell it to connect!
// masterserver 0 // determines if the builtin master server is enabled or not; cmdline: -msN
// masterip "" // host which master server binds to; cmdline: -miN
// masterport 28800 // port which master server binds to; cmdline: -mpN
// addauth handle flags pubkey email //add a user auth
// addserverauth handle flags pubkey email //add a server auth
//Server Auth Handling
//serverauthconnect 1 //determines if the server should attempt to auth
//serveraccountname handle //server's auth handle
//serveraccountpass privkey //server's private key
//serverauthkey handle privkey //combines accountname and accountpass
// These are server side variables which influence gameplay (which must be prefixed with 'sv_')
// Vars set here acts as defaults which are applied on start, and whenever 'resetvarsonend' tells it to
// sv_serverclients 16 // maximum number of allowed clients
// sv_serverdesc "My server" // server description
// sv_servermotd "Welcome to my server!" // server message of the day
// sv_serveropen 3 // determines server openness for public use; 0 = allow "setpriv 1" and locked/private, 1 = allow "setpriv 1" but no privileged mode, no locked/private, 2 = allow "setpriv 1" but disallows private privileged mode (for public coop-editing), 3 = privilege only by moderator or above
// sv_autoadmin 0 // determines if authorities claim status by default
// sv_airefreshdelay 1000 // delay imposed before the AI manager reorganises their setup
// sv_mutslockfilter 131071 // determines the mutators which are allowed to be used
// sv_mutslockforce 0 // determines the mutators which must be added to all games
// sv_defaultmuts 0 // determines the default mutators to use when server is idle
// sv_rotatemutsfilter 258 // determines the mutators which are allowed to be generated when there are no votes and the server creates a random game
// mutators are set as a bitmask, where each numbered bit has a corresponding alias (for example, 258 can be expressed as " (+ $mutsbitffa $mutsbitclassic) "):
// 1 $mutsbitmulti 256 $mutsbitclassic
// 2 $mutsbitffa 512 $mutsbitonslaught
// 4 $mutsbitcoop 1024 $mutsbitfreestyle
// 8 $mutsbitinstagib 2048 $mutsbitvampire
// 16 $mutsbitmedieval 4096 $mutsbitresize
// 32 $mutsbitkaboom 8192 $mutsbithard
// 64 $mutsbitduel 16384 $mutsbitbasic
// 128 $mutsbitsurvivor
// 32768 $mutsbitgsp1 (quick capture the flag, quick defend and control, hold bomber ball, marathon time trial)
// 65536 $mutsbitgsp2 (defend capture the flag, king defend and control, basket bomber ball, endurance time trial)
// 131071 $mutsbitgsp3 (protect capture the flag, attack bomber ball, gauntlet time trial)
// 262143 $mutsbitall (all of the bits added together)
// sv_modelockfilter 60 // determines the game modes which are allowed to be used
// sv_rotatemodefilter 60 // determines the game modes which are allowed to be chosen when there are no votes and the server picks a random game
// modes are also set as a bitmask, with their own aliases:
// 1 $modebitdemo (impossible to use online, even if the modelock allows it)
// 2 $modebitediting
// 4 $modebitdeathmatch
// 8 $modebitcapture (capture the flag)
// 16 $modebitdefend (defend and control)
// 32 $modebitbomber (bomber ball)
// 64 $modebittrial (time trial)
// 127 $modebitall (all of the mode bits added together)
// sv_modelock 4 // determines at which privilege level modes are locked, according to modelocktype; 0 = off, 1 = player, 2 = supporter, 3 = moderator, 4 = operator, 5 = administrator, 6 = developer, 7 = founder, 8 = nobody
// sv_mapslock 4 // determines at which privilege level maps are locked, accordigng to mapslocktype; 0 = off, 1 = player, 2 = supporter, 3 = moderator, 4 = operator, 5 = administrator, 6 = developer, 7 = founder, 8 = nobody
// sv_varslock 4 // determines if vars are locked; 0 = off, 1 = player, 2 = supporter, 3 = moderator, 4 = operator, 5 = administrator, 6 = developer, 7 = founder, 8 = nobody
// sv_votelock 4 // determines at which privilege level votes are locked, according to votelocktype; 0 = off, 1 = player, 2 = supporter, 3 = moderator, 4 = operator, 5 = administrator, 6 = developer, 7 = founder, 8 = nobody
// sv_votewait 2500 // time in milliseconds before a player may cast another vote (to avoid flooding)
// sv_votestyle 2 // determines how mid-match votes are handled; 0 = votes don't pass mid-match, 1 = passes if votethreshold is met, 2 = passes if unanimous
// sv_voteinterm 2 // 0 = must wait entire time, 1 = passes if votethreshold is met, 2 = passes if unanimous
// sv_resetmmonend 2 // determines when privilege mode changes are reset; 0 = off, 1 = just when empty, 2 = when matches end
// sv_resetallowsonend 1 // determines when the allow list is reset; 0 = off, 1 = just when empty, 2 = when matches end
// sv_resetbansonend 1 // determines when the ban list is reset; 0 = off, 1 = just when empty, 2 = when matches end
// sv_resetmutesonend 1 // determines when the mute list is reset; 0 = off, 1 = just when empty, 2 = when matches end
// sv_resetlimitsonend 1 // determines when the limit list is reset; 0 = off, 1 = just when empty, 2 = when matches end
// sv_resetvarsonend 1 // determines when these game variables are reset; 0 = off, 1 = just when empty, 2 = when matches end
// sv_demolock 4 // determines who may record demos; 0 = off, 1 = player, 2 = supporter, 3 = moderator, 4 = operator, 5 = administrator, 6 = developer, 7 = founder, 8 = nobody
// sv_democount 5 // determines the maximum amount of demo files that may be saved simultaneously on the server (deletes old demos if exceeded)
// sv_demomaxsize 16 // determines the maximum size of individual demo files that may be saved on the server
// sv_demoautorec 1 // determines if demos are automatically recorded each match
// sv_demoautoserversave 0 //determines if the server automatically saves demos to disk
// sv_demoserverkeeptime 86400 //if greater than 0, only keep auto-recorded demos younger than this many seconds
// sv_editlock 4 // determines who may spawn during editing when mastermode = 2 (lock);^n0 = off, 1 = player, 2 = supporter, 3 = moderator, 4 = operator, 5 = administrator, 6 = developer, 7 = founder, 8 = nobody
// sv_spawneditlock 3 // determines who may spawn during editing when mastermode = 2 (lock), but not make changes to the map;^n0 = off, 1 = player, 2 = supporter, 3 = moderator, 4 = operator, 5 = administrator, 6 = developer, 7 = founder, 8 = nobody
// sv_speclock 3 // determines who may force players to spectate; 0 = off, 1 = player, 2 = supporter, 3 = moderator, 4 = operator, 5 = administrator, 6 = developer, 7 = founder, 8 = nobody
// sv_kicklock 3 // determines who may kick players; 0 = off, 1 = player, 2 = supporter, 3 = moderator, 4 = operator, 5 = administrator, 6 = developer, 7 = founder, 8 = nobody
// sv_allowlock 4 // determines who may allow players; 0 = off, 1 = player, 2 = supporter, 3 = moderator, 4 = operator, 5 = administrator, 6 = developer, 7 = founder, 8 = nobody
// sv_banlock 4 // determines who may ban players; 0 = off, 1 = player, 2 = supporter, 3 = moderator, 4 = operator, 5 = administrator, 6 = developer, 7 = founder, 8 = nobody
// sv_mutelock 3 // determines who may mute players; 0 = off, 1 = player, 2 = supporter, 3 = moderator, 4 = operator, 5 = administrator, 6 = developer, 7 = founder, 8 = nobody
// sv_limitlock 3 // determines who may limit players; 0 = off, 1 = player, 2 = supporter, 3 = moderator, 4 = operator, 5 = administrator, 6 = developer, 7 = founder, 8 = nobody
// sv_vetolock 4 // determines who may force match votes; 0 = off, 1 = player, 2 = supporter, 3 = moderator, 4 = operator, 5 = administrator, 6 = developer, 7 = founder, 8 = nobody
// sv_floodlock 4 // enables flood protection for everyone below a specific privilege level; 0 = off, 1 = player, 2 = supporter, 3 = moderator, 4 = operator, 5 = administrator, 6 = developer, 7 = founder, 8 = nobody
// sv_floodmute 3 // automatically mute player when warned this many times
// sv_floodtime 10000 // time span to check for floody messages
// sv_floodlines 5 // number of lines in floodtime span before too many
// sv_crclock 8 // determines who may use maps with an incorrect CRC integrity check; 0 = off, 1 = player, 2 = supporter, 3 = moderator, 4 = operator, 5 = administrator, 6 = developer, 7 = founder, 8 = nobody
// sv_gamespeedlock 5 // determines if gamespeed is locked (also limited by varslock); 0 = off, 1 = player, 2 = supporter, 3 = moderator, 4 = operator, 5 = administrator, 6 = developer, 7 = founder, 8 = nobody
// sv_gamespeed 100 // override gameplay speed
// sv_gamepaused 0 // pauses the game, automatically unset by server
// sv_defaultmap "" // default map, "" = random
// sv_defaultmode 2 // default game mode; 1 = editing, 2 = deathmatch, 3 = ctf, 4 = dtf, 5 = bomber, 6 = trial
// sv_rotatemode 1 // determines if modes rotate when the server selects the next map
// sv_rotatemuts 3 // determines if mutators rotate when the server selects the next map; 0 = never rotate mutators, 1 = always rotate mutators, >1 = decrease chances the larger this value
// sv_allowmaps "absorption abuse affluence ares bath battlefield biolytic bloodlust campgrounds canals canyon cargo castle center colony conflict condensation convolution cutec cyanide darkness deadsimple deathtrap decay decomposition deli depot dropzone dutility echo enyo erosion error escape futuresport ghost hinder institute keystone2k linear livefire longestyard mist neodrive nova octavus oneiroi panic processing pumpstation purge relax rooftop spacetech steelrat stone suspended testchamber tonatiuh tower tribal ubik vault venus wardepot warp wet" // determines which maps are allowed to be chosen without elevated privileges
// sv_mainmaps "abuse affluence ares bath battlefield biolytic bloodlust campgrounds canals canyon cargo castle center colony conflict condensation convolution cutec darkness deadsimple deathtrap decay deli depot dropzone dutility echo enyo erosion error futuresport ghost institute keystone2k linear livefire longestyard mist nova octavus oneiroi panic processing pumpstation rooftop spacetech stone suspended tower tribal ubik vault venus warp wet" // deathmatch maps
// sv_capturemaps "affluence ares bath battlefield biolytic canals canyon center colony conflict condensation convolution darkness deadsimple deli depot dropzone dutility echo enyo erosion futuresport institute keystone2k linear mist nova octavus panic pumpstation stone suspended tribal vault venus warp wet" // capture-the-flag maps
// sv_defendmaps "affluence ares bath battlefield biolytic campgrounds canals canyon cargo center colony conflict condensation convolution cutec darkness deadsimple deathtrap decay deli depot dropzone dutility echo enyo erosion futuresport ghost institute keystone2k linear livefire mist nova octavus panic processing rooftop stone suspended tower tribal ubik vault venus warp wet" // defend-and-control maps
// sv_kingmaps "ares bath battlefield biolytic campgrounds canals canyon cargo center colony conflict condensation darkness depot dropzone dutility echo enyo linear livefire octavus processing pumpstation rooftop stone suspended tribal ubik vault venus" // king-of-the-hill maps
// sv_bombermaps "affluence ares battlefield canals canyon cargo center conflict condensation convolution darkness deathtrap deli depot dropzone dutility echo enyo erosion futuresport linear mist nova octavus pumpstation stone suspended tower tribal vault venus warp wet" // bomber-ball maps
// sv_holdmaps "affluence ares bath battlefield biolytic campgrounds canals canyon cargo center colony conflict condensation convolution cutec darkness deadsimple deathtrap decay deli depot dropzone dutility echo enyo erosion futuresport ghost keystone2k linear mist nova octavus panic pumpstation stone suspended tower tribal ubik vault venus warp wet" // hold bomber-ball maps
// sv_trialmaps "absorption cyanide decomposition escape hinder neodrive purge relax steelrat testchamber tonatiuh wardepot" // time-trial maps
// sv_multimaps "canals condensation convolution deadsimple depot keystone2k suspended warp" // maps allowed for modes which *require* multi spawns (ctf/bb)
// sv_duelmaps "abuse bath bloodlust campgrounds canyon cargo castle darkness deadsimple dutility echo error ghost livefire longestyard mist panic stone vault wet" // duel map filter (extra filter on top of mode filter)
// sv_rotatemaps 2 // determines behaviour of map rotation; 0 = off, 1 = sequence, 2 = random
// sv_rotatemapsfilter 2 // 0 = off, 1 = filter based on mutators, 2 = also filter based on players
// sv_maphistory 5 // remember this many maps that can't be voted again if votelock is set
// sv_maxcarry 2 // maximum number of weapons a player can carry, plus pistol, grenades, and mines
// sv_spawnrotate 2 // spawn point rotation; 0 = let client decide, 1 = sequence, 2 = random
// sv_spawnweapon 1 // weapon players spawn with, defaults to pistol (1)
// sv_instaweapon 8 // weapon players spawn with in instagib, defaults to rifle (8)
// sv_trialweapon 0 // weapon players spawn with in trial, defaults to melee only (0)
// sv_spawngrenades 0 // spawn with grenades; 0 = never, 1 = all but instagib/time-trial, 2 = always
// sv_spawnmines 0 // spawn with mines; 0 = never, 1 = all but instagib/time-trial, 2 = always
// sv_spawndelay 5000 // time in milliseconds before players can respawn in most modes
// sv_instadelay 3000 // time in milliseconds before players can respawn in instagib mutated modes
// sv_trialdelay 500 // time in milliseconds before players can respawn in trial mode
// sv_trialdelayex 3000 // time in milliseconds before defenders can respawn in gauntlet trial mode
// sv_spawnprotect 3000 // time in milliseconds after spawning players cannot be damaged
// sv_duelprotect 5000 // time in milliseconds after spawning players cannot be damaged in duel/survivor matches
// sv_instaprotect 3000 // time in milliseconds after spawning players cannot be damaged in instagib matches
// sv_spawnhealth 100 // how much health players spawn with
// sv_maxhealth 1.5 // spawnhealth * maxhealth defines the maximum amount of health that can be reached (e.g. standing next to your base in capture the flag)
// sv_maxhealthvampire 3.0 // spawnhealth * maxhealthvampire defines the maximum amount of health that can be reached by damaging other players in vampire
// sv_burntime 5500 // time in milliseconds fire burns for, try to allow an extra 500ms breathing room for sync
// sv_burndelay 1000 // time in milliseconds for which fire burning deals damage
// sv_burndamage 3 // amount of damage fire burning deals at each interval
// sv_bleedtime 5500 // time in milliseconds bleeding lasts for, try to allow an extra 500ms breathing room for sync
// sv_bleeddelay 1000 // time in milliseconds for which bleeding deals damage
// sv_bleeddamage 3 // amount of damage bleeding deals at each interval
// sv_shocktime 5500 // time in milliseconds shock lasts for, try to allow an extra 500ms breathing room for sync
// sv_shockdelay 1000 // time in milliseconds for which shock deals damage
// sv_shockdamage 2 // amount of damage shock deals at each interval
// sv_regendelay 3000 // time in milliseconds after being damage before normal regeneration resumes
// sv_regentime 1000 // time in milliseconds between regeneration intervals
// sv_regenhealth 5 // amount of health gained per regeneration interval
// sv_capturebuffing 9 // scenarios in which a player gets health and damage bonuses for capture the flag (bitmask):
// 1 - standing near own flag at its base
// 2 - standing near own loose flag (always on during defend mutator)
// 4 - holding own flag
// 8 - standing near teammate who is holding own flag
// 16 - holding enemy flag
// 32 - standing near teammate who is holding enemy flag
// sv_captureregenbuff 1 // 0 = off, 1 = modify regeneration when buffed
// sv_captureregendelay 1000 // regen this often when buffed
// sv_captureregenextra 2 // add this to regen when buffed
// sv_capturebuffdelay 3000 // buffed when guarding, and for this long after
// sv_capturebuffdamage 1.25 // multiply outgoing damage by this much when buffed
// sv_capturebuffshield 1.25 // divide incoming damage by this much when buffed
// sv_defendbuffing 1 // scenarios in which a player gets health and damage bonuses for defend and control (bitmask):
// 1 - standing near a controlled, undisturbed area
// 2 - standing near a neutral area your team is in the process of securing
// 4 - standing near a controlled area, even if other teams are nearby
// sv_defendregenbuff 1 // 0 = off, 1 = modify regeneration when buffed
// sv_defendregendelay 1000 // regen this often when buffed
// sv_defendregenextra 2 // add this to regen when buffed
// sv_defendbuffdelay 1000 // buffed when guarding, and for this long after
// sv_defendbuffdamage 1.25 // multiply outgoing damage by this much when buffed
// sv_defendbuffshield 1.25 // divide incoming damage by this much when buffed
// sv_bomberbuffing 1 // scenarios in which a player gets health and damage bonuses for bomber ball (bitmask):
// 1 - standing near own base
// 2 - holding the bomb
// 4 - holding the bomb (defending team only, attack mutator only, and only if bomberattackreset is 0)
// sv_bomberregenbuff 1 // 0 = off, 1 = modify regeneration when buffed
// sv_bomberregendelay 1000 // regen this often when buffed
// sv_bomberregenextra 2 // add this to regen when buffed
// sv_bomberbuffdelay 1000 // buffed when guarding, and for this long after
// sv_bomberbuffdamage 1.25 // multiply outgoing damage by this much when buffed
// sv_bomberbuffshield 1.25 // divide incoming damage by this much when buffed
// sv_itemsallowed 2 // determines if items are present in the level; 0 = never, 1 = all but instagib, 2 = always
// sv_itemspawntime 15000 // time in milliseconds before items (re)spawn after being picked up
// sv_itemspawndelay 1000 // time in milliseconds after map start items first spawn
// sv_itemthreshold 2.0 // if numitems/(players*maxcarry) is less than this, spawn one of this type
// sv_itemspawnstyle 1 // determines the timing of item spawning at map start; 0 = all at once, 1 = staggered, 2 = random, 3 = randomise between both
// sv_kamikaze 1 // determines the level of kamikaze events; 0 = never, 1 = wielding grenade, 2 = have grenade in inventory, 3 = always
// sv_timelimit 10 // time in minutes before round ends; 0 = off
// sv_overtimeallow 1 // determines if an overtime period should be played at the end of a tied game
// sv_overtimelimit 5 // maximum time in minutes before overtime ends; 0 = no time limit; overtime also ends immediately if the tie is ever broken
// sv_rotatecycle 10 // time in minutes before server randomly picks a new game type when there are no players connected; 0 = do not rotate
// sv_intermlimit 15000 // time in milliseconds intermission lasts
// sv_votelimit 45000 // time in milliseconds intermission voting lasts
// sv_duelcooloff 5000 // time in milliseconds before next round in duel/survivor
// sv_duelclear 1 // determines if items are reset at the end of each round
// sv_duelreset 1 // determines if winner of a duel round is forced to respawn (if 0, they can roam freely during the intermission between rounds)
// sv_duelcycle 2 // determines if winner of a duel round can be forced back into the respawn queue along with the loser: 0 = no, 1 = FFA only, 2 = team games only, 3 = both
// sv_duelcycles 2 // number of consecutive wins needed by the same player before duelcycle applies
// sv_damageself 1 // determines if the player can damage themselves
// sv_damageteam 1 // determines if the player can damage team members; 0 = off (and forces damageself off as well), 1 = non-bots damage team, 2 = all players damage team
// sv_teambalance 1 // determines the method of team balancing; 0 = off, 1 = by number then rank, 2 = by rank then number
// sv_coopbalance 1.5 // multiply number of human players by this much (rounded up) to get size of bot team in coop
// sv_coopmultibalance 2.0 // multiply number of human players by this much to get size of each bot team in multi-coop
// sv_pointlimit 0 // number of points required to end the round (and win) in deathmatch (0 = no limit)
// sv_capturelimit 0 // number of captures required to end the round (and win) in ctf (0 = no limit)
// sv_captureresetdelay 30000 // time in milliseconds before a dropped flag automatically resets
// sv_capturedefenddelay 15000 // time in milliseconds before a dropped flag automatically resets with the defend mutator
// sv_captureprotectdelay 15000 // time in milliseconds required to hold onto an enemy flag with the protect mutator in order to score
// sv_capturepickupdelay 2500 // minimum time in milliseconds after picking up own flag that it can be returned to base
// sv_captureresetpenalty 3500 // time in milliseconds that a team is not allowed to score or pick up their own flag after it resets
// sv_captureteampenalty 7500 // same as captureresetpenalty, but applies when the flag was last held by a member of its own team
// sv_capturecarryspeed 0.9 // multiplier of movement speed for a player who is holding any flag
// sv_defendlimit 0 // number of points required to end the round (and win) in defend and control (0 = no limit)
// sv_defendpoints 1 // number of points given for controlling an area in defend and control
// sv_defendinterval 50 // time in milliseconds between "ticks" for a player near a control area
// sv_defendoccupy 100 // number of "ticks" needed to secure or overthrow an area
// sv_defendking 100 // number of "ticks" needed to secure in king of the hill
// sv_defendhold 100 // number of "ticks" a control area needs to be undisturbed in order to score
// sv_bomberlimit 0 // number of points required to end the round (and win) in bomber ball (0 = no limit)
// sv_bomberholdlimit 0 // number of points required to end the round (and win) in hold bomber ball (0 = no limit)
// sv_bomberbasketonly 1 // determines if touchdowns are disallowed with the basket mutator
// sv_bomberbasketmindist 48 // if touchdowns are disallowed, also disallow throws from closer than this (8 units = 1 meter)
// sv_bomberattackreset 1 // if 1, defenders in attack bomber ball cannot hold the bomb, and it will reset immediately if they pick it up
// sv_bomberresetdelay 15000 // time in milliseconds before a loose bomb resets
// sv_bomberpickupdelay 5000 // time in milliseconds before a loose bomb can be picked up by the same player who dropped it
// sv_bombercarrytime 15000 // fuse length of the bomb in milliseconds
// sv_bomberholdtime 15000 // fuse length of the bomb in milliseconds for hold bomber ball
// sv_bomberholdinterval 1000 // time in milliseconds between each point in hold bomber ball
// sv_bomberholdpenalty 10 // points lost for holding onto the bomb so long that the fuse runs out
// sv_bombercarryspeed 0.9 // multiplier of movement speed for a player who is holding the bomb
// sv_botskillmin 60 // minimum randomly assigned AI skill level
// sv_botskillmax 75 // maximum randomly assigned AI skill level
// sv_coopskillmin 75 // minimum randomly assigned AI skill level in coop
// sv_coopskillmax 85 // maximum randomly assigned AI skill level in coop
// sv_enemyskillmin 65 // minimum skill level of drones and grunts in onslaught
// sv_enemyskillmax 80 // maximum skill level of drones and grunts in onslaught
// sv_botbalance -1 // determines bot balancing method; -1 = always use map's numplayers value, 0 = don't balance, 1 or more = fill only with this*numteams
// sv_botscale 1.0 // scale the 'numplayers' world variable which determines bot auto population
// sv_botlimit 32 // maximum number of bots allowed, regardless of any other variable/setting
// sv_enemybalance 1 // multiply number of enemy spawns by this much
// sv_enemyspawntime 30000 // determine length of time before enemies respawn
// sv_enemyspawndelay 1000 // determine length of time after map start enemies first spawn
// sv_enemyspawnstyle 1 // determines enemy spawning style, 0 = all at once, 1 = staggered, 2 = random, 3 = randomise between both
// sv_gravityscale 1.0 // multiply gravity by this much
// sv_liquidspeedscale 1.0 // multiply liquidspeed by this much
// sv_liquidcoastscale 1.0 // multiply liquidcoast by this much
// sv_floorcoastscale 1.0 // multiply floorcoast by this much
// sv_aircoastscale 1.0 // multiply aircoast by this much
// sv_slidecoastscale 1.0 // multiply slidecoast by this much
// sv_movespeed 125.0 // baseline movement speed
// sv_movecrawl 0.6 // multiplier of speed when crawling
// sv_moverun 1.3 // multiplier of speed when running
// sv_movestraight 1.2 // multiplier of speed when only moving forward
// sv_movestrafe 1.0 // multiplier of speed when strafing
// sv_moveinair 0.9 // multiplier of speed when in-air
// sv_movestepup 0.95 // multiplier of speed when going up a slope or stairs
// sv_movestepdown 1.15 // multiplier of speed when going down a slope or stairs
// sv_jumpspeed 110.0 // extra velocity to add when jumping
// sv_impulsespeed 90.0 // extra velocity to add when impulsing
// sv_impulselimit 0.0 // maximum impulse speed
// sv_impulseboost 1.0 // multiplier of impulse when just boosting
// sv_impulsedash 1.3 // multiplier of impulse when dashing
// sv_impulsejump 1.1 // multiplier of impulse when jumping
// sv_impulsemelee 0.75 // multiplier of impulse when using melee
// sv_impulseparkour 1.0 // multiplier of impulse when doing other parkour
// sv_impulseallowed 15 // determines which impulse actions are allowed (bitwise OR); 0 = off, 1 = dash, 2 = boost, 4 = pacing, 8 = parkour
// sv_impulsestyle 1 // impulse style; 0 = off, 1 = touch and count, 2 = count only, 3 = freestyle
// sv_impulsecount 6 // number of impulse actions per air transit
// sv_impulsedelay 250 // minimum time between boosts
// sv_impulseslide 1000 // time before powerslides end
// sv_impulseskate 1000 // length of time a run along a wall can last
// sv_impulsemeter 30000 // amount of fuel in the impulse meter
// sv_impulsecost 5000 // fuel cost to use impulse moves
// sv_impulseregen 5.0 // impulse regen multiplier
// sv_impulseregencrouch 2.5 // additional impulse regen modifier when crouching
// sv_impulseregenpacing 0.75 // additional impulse regen modifier when pacing
// sv_impulseregenmove 1.0 // additional impulse regen modifier when moving
// sv_impulseregeninair 0.75 // additional impulse regen modifier when in air
// sv_impulseregenslide 0.0 // additional impulse regen modifier when sliding
// sv_stillspread 0.0 // multiply projectile spread by this much when standing still
// sv_movespread 1.0 // multiply projectile spread by this much when moving
// sv_inairspread 2.0 // multiply projectile spread by this much when jumping/in-air
// sv_impulsespread 1.0 // multiply projectile spread by this much when impulsing/pacing
// sv_radialscale 1.0 // multiply explosion radius by this amount
// sv_radiallimited 0.75 // multiply explosion radius by this amount in limited situations (eg. instagib)
// sv_damagescale 1.0 // scale damage by this amount
// sv_hitpushscale 1.0 // scale hit pushes by this amount
// sv_hitstunscale 1.0 // multiply "stun target on hit" by this amount
// sv_deadpushscale 2.0 // scale hit pushes by this amount when it results in a frag
// sv_wavepushscale 1.0 // scale of the hitpush force used in a wavepush
// sv_kickpushscale 1.0 // multiply kick pushes from weapons by this much
// sv_kickpushcrouch 0.0 // multiply kick pushes from weapons by this much when crouching
// sv_kickpushsway 0.0125 // multiply kick push effect on hud gun sway by this much
// sv_kickpushzoom 0.125 // multiply kick pushes from weapons by this much when zoomed
// sv_multikilldelay 5000 // time in milliseconds multiple kills in a row must occur
// sv_spreecount 5 // number of consecutive frags for each spree level
// sv_dominatecount 5 // number of frags on a single player without revenge before it is considered domination
// weapon variables are in the form of sv_<weapon><attribute>[1|2], where weapon is the name of the weapon
// attribute is one of the following attributes, and 1|2 applies if the attribute differs between primary and secondary
// name: displayed name for the weapon in-game
// modes: bitmask of game modes in which this weapon is allowed (if positive), or disallowed (if negative), see $modebit list above
// muts: bitmask of mutators in which this weapon is allowed (if positive), or disallowed (if negative), see $mutsbit list above
// ammoadd: the amount added when picking up the weapon or reloading it
// ammomax: the maximum amount the clip of this weapon can hold
// ammosub[1|2]: the amount taken from the clip for each firing action, set to zero for unlimited ammo
// delayattack[1|2]: the time it takes after each firing action for the weapon to be ready again
// delayreload: the time it takes for the weapon to reload one 'add' unit
// damage[1|2]: the amount of damage a projectile from each firing action does
// speed[1|2]: the speed of a projectile from each firing action
// power[1|2]: when more than zero, determines that the weapon can be 'cooked' this long before firing
// time[1|2]: the maximum lifetime of a projectile for each firing action
// proxdelay[1|2]: when more than zero, projectiles from this weapon will be delayed this long
// guideddelay[1|2]: when more than zero, projectiles from this weapon will delay guided settings by this long
// escapedelay[1|2]: when more than zero, projectiles from this weapon will not be able to hurt its owner for this long
// explode[1|2]: if more than zero, a projectile from this firing action will explode at the end of its life or based on collision settings
// rays[1|2]: the amount of projectiles spawned from one shot of each firing action
// spread[1|2]: determines the amount a projectile from each firing action skews off-center
// spreadz[1|2]: when zero, keeps spread projectiles aligned horizontally, else divide the z axis this much
// aiskew[1|2]: determines 'added stupidity' for each weapon for AI counterparts
// fragweap[1|2]: when projectiles from this firing action are destroyed, create projectiles from this kind of weapon (+10 = alt fire for the weapon)
// flakdamage[1|2]: flak of this type deals this much damage
// fragrays[1|2]: when creating flak, create this many projectiles for it
// fragtime[1|2]: flak projectiles from this weapon last this long
// fragspeed[1|2]: flak projectiles from this weapon start with this much speed (may be influenced by flakspread/flakskew and flakrel)
// collide[1|2]: bitwise value which determines collision properties for a projectile from each firing action
// extinguish[1|2]: determines if a projectile from each firing action is extinguished by water
// cooked[1|2]: determines what happens the longer a weapon is cooked (bitmask): 0 = cannot be cooked, 1 = projectile becomes bigger, 2 = projectile becomes smaller, 4 = projectile lasts longer, 8 = projectile disappears sooner, 16 = projectile moves faster, 32 = projectile moves slower, 64 = create extra projectiles, 128 = switch to scope view before shooting (this last one applies to secondary fire only)
// guided[1|2]: determines guided style for a projectile, 0 = off, 1 = follow crosshair, 2 = home crosshair target (+1 only first target), 4 = home projectile target (+1 only first target)
// radial[1|2]: boolean 0 or 1, sets a projectile for each firing action to do continuous radial damage inside the 'explode' radius during transit
// residual[1|2]: determines if a projectile from each firing action has one or more residual effects, 0 = off, 1 = burns, 2 = bleeds, 4 = shocks
// residualundo[1|2]: determines if a projectile can put out the residual effects above
// fullauto[1|2]: boolean 0 or 1, determines if each firing action is fully automatic (click-and-hold) or not (click-and-click)
// disabled: determines if this weapon type is allowed to be used at all
// laser: determines if this weapon has a laser pointer which is projected to the point where the player is aiming
// taperin[1|2]: determines the maximum amount a projectile from each firing action is allowed to 'taper in' to over its lifetime
// taperout[1|2]: determines the maximum amount a projectile from each firing action is allowed to 'taper out' to over its lifetime
// elasticity[1|2]: multiplier of velocity for a projectile of each firing action when doing a bounce event
// reflectivity[1|2]: guard angle for a projectile of each firing action when doing a bounce event
// relativity[1|2]: multiplier of player velocity added to a projectile of each firing action
// waterfric[1|2]: multiplier of velocity for a projectile of each firing action when in water
// weight[1|2]: relative weight for a projectile of each firing action
// radius[1|2]: determines the size for a projectile of each firing action
// kickpush[1|2]: determines the amount of pushback from shooting each firing action
// hitpush[1|2]: determines the amount of pushback from getting hit by this projectile
// slow[1|2]: slow target hit with a projectile from this by this ammount
// aidist[1|2]: determines the 'maximum distance' a weapon can be shot at, used by AI to determine weapon effectiveness ranges
// partsize[1|2]: determines the maximum particle size of a projectile from each firing action
// partlen[1|2]: determines the maximum tape particle length of a projectile from each firing action
// frequency: determines the multiplier of itemspawntime in which items of this type respawn in
// wavepush[1|2]: determines the multiplier of explode radius this weapon pushes in
// delta[1|2]: determines the amount by which each firing action is guided
// trace[1|2]: determines the multiplier of length to apply to traced weapons
// damagehead[1|2]: determines the multiplier of damage for head shots
// damagetorso[1|2]: determines the multiplier of damage for torso shots
// damagelegs[1|2]: determines the multiplier of damage for leg shots
// damageself[1|2]: determines whether this weapon can hit the player who fired it
// damageteam[1|2]: determines whether this weapon can hit teammates of the player who fired it
// damagepenalty[1|2]: determines whether team-kills caused by this weapon should result in point loss
// fragscale[1|2]: flak created by this firing action is scaled by this much
// fragspread[1|2]: flak created by this firing action spreads its direction randomly by this much if it doesn't impact a player
// fragrel[1|2]: flak created by this firing action retains this much of its parent relative momentum
// fragoffset[1|2]: flak created by this firing action is offset by this distance if it impacts a player before being created
// fragskew[1|2]: flak created by this firing action spreads its direction randomly by this much when it impacts a player
// wavepush[1|2]: flak determines the multiplier of explode radius this weapon pushes in
// EOF