/usr/share/octave/packages/control-3.0.0/arx.m is in octave-control 3.0.0-5.
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## This file is part of LTI Syncope.
## LTI Syncope is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## LTI Syncope is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with LTI Syncope. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{sys}, @var{x0}] =} arx (@var{dat}, @var{n}, @dots{})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{sys}, @var{x0}] =} arx (@var{dat}, @var{n}, @var{opt}, @dots{})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{sys}, @var{x0}] =} arx (@var{dat}, @var{opt}, @dots{})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{sys}, @var{x0}] =} arx (@var{dat}, @var{'na'}, @var{na}, @var{'nb'}, @var{nb})
## Estimate ARX model using QR factorization.
## @iftex
## @tex
## $$ A(q) \\, y(t) = B(q) \\, u(t) \\, + \\, e(t) $$
## @end tex
## @end iftex
## @ifnottex
## @example
## A(q) y(t) = B(q) u(t) + e(t)
## @end example
## @end ifnottex
## @strong{Inputs}
## @table @var
## @item dat
## iddata identification dataset containing the measurements, i.e. time-domain signals.
## @item n
## The desired order of the resulting model @var{sys}.
## @item @dots{}
## Optional pairs of keys and values. @code{'key1', value1, 'key2', value2}.
## @item opt
## Optional struct with keys as field names.
## Struct @var{opt} can be created directly or
## by function @command{options}. @code{opt.key1 = value1, opt.key2 = value2}.
## @end table
## @strong{Outputs}
## @table @var
## @item sys
## Discrete-time transfer function model.
## If the second output argument @var{x0} is returned,
## @var{sys} becomes a state-space model.
## @item x0
## Initial state vector. If @var{dat} is a multi-experiment dataset,
## @var{x0} becomes a cell vector containing an initial state vector
## for each experiment.
## @end table
## @strong{Option Keys and Values}
## @table @var
## @item 'na'
## Order of the polynomial A(q) and number of poles.
## @item 'nb'
## Order of the polynomial B(q)+1 and number of zeros+1.
## @var{nb} <= @var{na}.
## @item 'nk'
## Input-output delay specified as number of sampling instants.
## Scalar positive integer. This corresponds to a call to function
## @command{nkshift}, followed by padding the B polynomial with
## @var{nk} leading zeros.
## @end table
## @strong{Algorithm}@*
## Uses the formulae given in [1] on pages 318-319,
## 'Solving for the LS Estimate by QR Factorization'.
## For the initial conditions, SLICOT IB01CD is used by courtesy of
## @uref{http://www.slicot.org, NICONET e.V.}
## @strong{References}@*
## [1] Ljung, L. (1999)
## @cite{System Identification: Theory for the User: Second Edition}.
## Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA.
## @end deftypefn
## Author: Lukas Reichlin <lukas.reichlin@gmail.com>
## Created: April 2012
## Version: 0.1
function [sys, varargout] = arx (dat, varargin)
## TODO: delays
if (nargin < 2)
print_usage ();
if (! isa (dat, "iddata") || ! dat.timedomain)
error ("arx: first argument must be a time-domain iddata dataset");
## p: outputs, m: inputs, ex: experiments
[~, p, m, ex] = size (dat); # dataset dimensions
if (is_real_scalar (varargin{1})) # arx (dat, n, ...)
varargin = horzcat (varargin(2:end), {"na"}, varargin(1), {"nb"}, varargin(1));
if (isstruct (varargin{1})) # arx (dat, opt, ...), arx (dat, n, opt, ...)
varargin = horzcat (__opt2cell__ (varargin{1}), varargin(2:end));
nkv = numel (varargin); # number of keys and values
if (rem (nkv, 2))
error ("arx: keys and values must come in pairs");
## default arguments
na = [];
nb = [];
nk = 0;
## handle keys and values
for k = 1 : 2 : nkv
key = lower (varargin{k});
val = varargin{k+1};
switch (key)
case "na"
na = __check_n__ (val, "na");
case "nb"
nb = __check_n__ (val, "nb");
case "nk"
nk = __check_n__ (val, "nk");
if (! issample (val, 0))
error ("arx: channel-wise 'nk' matrices not supported yet");
warning ("arx: invalid property name '%s' ignored", key);
if (any (nk(:) != 0))
dat = nkshift (dat, nk);
## extract data
Y = dat.y;
U = dat.u;
tsam = dat.tsam;
## multi-experiment data requires equal sampling times
if (ex > 1 && ! isequal (tsam{:}))
error ("arx: require equally sampled experiments");
tsam = tsam{1};
if (is_real_scalar (na, nb))
na = repmat (na, p, 1); # na(p-by-1)
nb = repmat (nb, p, m); # nb(p-by-m)
elseif (! (is_real_vector (na) && is_real_matrix (nb) ...
&& rows (na) == p && rows (nb) == p && columns (nb) == m))
error ("arx: require na(%dx1) instead of (%dx%d) and nb(%dx%d) instead of (%dx%d)", ...
p, rows (na), columns (na), p, m, rows (nb), columns (nb));
max_nb = max (nb, [], 2); # one maximum for each row/output, max_nb(p-by-1)
n = max (na, max_nb); # n(p-by-1)
## create empty cells for numerator and denominator polynomials
num = cell (p, m+p);
den = cell (p, m+p);
## MIMO (p-by-m) models are identified as p MISO (1-by-m) models
## For multi-experiment data, minimize the trace of the error
for i = 1 : p # for every output
Phi = cell (ex, 1); # one regression matrix per experiment
for e = 1 : ex # for every experiment
## avoid warning: toeplitz: column wins anti-diagonal conflict
## therefore set first row element equal to y(1)
PhiY = toeplitz (Y{e}(1:end-1, i), [Y{e}(1, i); zeros(na(i)-1, 1)]);
## create MISO Phi for every experiment
PhiU = arrayfun (@(x) toeplitz (U{e}(1:end-1, x), [U{e}(1, x); zeros(nb(i,x)-1, 1)]), 1:m, "uniformoutput", false);
Phi{e} = (horzcat (-PhiY, PhiU{:}))(n(i):end, :);
## compute parameter vector Theta
Theta = __theta__ (Phi, Y, i, n);
## extract polynomial matrices A and B from Theta
## A is a scalar polynomial for output i, i=1:p
## B is polynomial row vector (1-by-m) for output i
A = [1; Theta(1:na(i))]; # a0 = 1, a1 = Theta(1), an = Theta(n)
ThetaB = Theta(na(i)+1:end); # all polynomials from B are in one column vector
B = mat2cell (ThetaB, nb(i,:)); # now separate the polynomials, one for each input
B = reshape (B, 1, []); # make B a row cell (1-by-m)
B = cellfun (@(B) [zeros(1+nk, 1); B], B, "uniformoutput", false); # b0 = 0 (leading zero required by filt)
## add error inputs
Be = repmat ({0}, 1, p); # there are as many error inputs as system outputs (p)
Be(i) = [zeros(1,nk), 1]; # inputs m+1:m+p are zero, except m+i which is one
num(i, :) = [B, Be]; # numerator polynomials for output i, individual for each input
den(i, :) = repmat ({A}, 1, m+p); # in a row (output i), all inputs have the same denominator polynomial
## A(q) y(t) = B(q) u(t) + e(t)
## there is only one A per row
## B(z) and A(z) are a Matrix Fraction Description (MFD)
## y = A^-1(q) B(q) u(t) + A^-1(q) e(t)
## since A(q) is a diagonal polynomial matrix, its inverse is trivial:
## the corresponding transfer function has common row denominators.
sys = filt (num, den, tsam); # filt creates a transfer function in z^-1
## compute initial state vector x0 if requested
## this makes only sense for state-space models, therefore convert TF to SS
if (nargout > 1)
sys = prescale (ss (sys(:,1:m)));
x0 = __sl_ib01cd__ (Y, U, sys.a, sys.b, sys.c, sys.d, 0.0);
## return x0 as vector for single-experiment data
## instead of a cell containing one vector
if (numel (x0) == 1)
x0 = x0{1};
varargout{1} = x0;
function Theta = __theta__ (Phi, Y, i, n)
if (numel (Phi) == 1) # single-experiment dataset
## use "square-root algorithm"
A = horzcat (Phi{1}, Y{1}(n(i)+1:end, i)); # [Phi, Y]
R0 = triu (qr (A, 0)); # 0 for economy-size R (without zero rows)
R1 = R0(1:end-1, 1:end-1); # R1 is triangular - can we exploit this in R1\R2?
R2 = R0(1:end-1, end);
Theta = __ls_svd__ (R1, R2); # R1 \ R2
## Theta = Phi \ Y(n+1:end, :); # naive formula
## Theta = __ls_svd__ (Phi{1}, Y{1}(n(i)+1:end, i));
else # multi-experiment dataset
## TODO: find more sophisticated formula than
## Theta = (Phi1' Phi1 + Phi2' Phi2 + ...) \ (Phi1' Y1 + Phi2' Y2 + ...)
## covariance matrix C = (Phi1' Phi + Phi2' Phi2 + ...)
tmp = cellfun (@(Phi) Phi.' * Phi, Phi, "uniformoutput", false);
## rc = cellfun (@rcond, tmp); # also test C? QR or SVD?
C = plus (tmp{:});
## PhiTY = (Phi1' Y1 + Phi2' Y2 + ...)
tmp = cellfun (@(Phi, Y) Phi.' * Y(n(i)+1:end, i), Phi, Y, "uniformoutput", false);
PhiTY = plus (tmp{:});
## pseudoinverse Theta = C \ Phi'Y
Theta = __ls_svd__ (C, PhiTY);
function x = __ls_svd__ (A, b)
## solve the problem Ax=b
## x = A\b would also work,
## but this way we have better control and warnings
## solve linear least squares problem by pseudoinverse
## the pseudoinverse is computed by singular value decomposition
## M = U S V* ---> M+ = V S+ U*
## Th = Ph \ Y = Ph+ Y
## Th = V S+ U* Y, S+ = 1 ./ diag (S)
[U, S, V] = svd (A, 0); # 0 for "economy size" decomposition
S = diag (S); # extract main diagonal
r = sum (S > eps*S(1));
if (r < length (S))
warning ("arx: rank-deficient coefficient matrix");
warning ("sampling time too small");
warning ("persistence of excitation");
V = V(:, 1:r);
S = S(1:r);
U = U(:, 1:r);
x = V * (S .\ (U' * b)); # U' is the conjugate transpose
function val = __check_n__ (val, str = "n")
if (! is_real_matrix (val) || fix (val) != val)
error ("arx: argument '%s' must be a positive integer", str);