/usr/lib/ocaml/raw_spacetime_lib.mli is in ocaml-nox 4.05.0-10ubuntu1.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
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(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Mark Shinwell and Leo White, Jane Street Europe *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2015--2016 Jane Street Group LLC *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(** Access to the information recorded by the [Spacetime]
module. (It is intended that this module will be used by
post-processors rather than users wishing to understand their
For 64-bit targets only.
This module may be used from any program, not just one compiled
with a compiler configured for Spacetime. *)
module Gc_stats : sig
type t
val minor_words : t -> int
val promoted_words : t -> int
val major_words : t -> int
val minor_collections : t -> int
val major_collections : t -> int
val heap_words : t -> int
val heap_chunks : t -> int
val compactions : t -> int
val top_heap_words : t -> int
module Annotation : sig
(** An annotation written into a value's header. These may be looked up
in a [Trace.t] (see below). *)
type t
(* CR-someday mshinwell: consider using tag and size to increase the
available space of annotations. Need to be careful of [Obj.truncate].
Could also randomise the tags on records.
val to_int : t -> int
module Program_counter : sig
module OCaml : sig
type t
val to_int64 : t -> Int64.t
module Foreign : sig
type t
val to_int64 : t -> Int64.t
module Frame_table : sig
(* CR-someday mshinwell: move to [Gc] if dependencies permit? *)
(** A value of type [t] corresponds to the frame table of a running
OCaml program. The table is indexed by program counter address
(typically, but not always when using Spacetime, return addresses). *)
type t
(** Find the location, including any inlined frames, corresponding to the
given program counter address. Raises [Not_found] if the location
could not be resolved. *)
val find_exn : Program_counter.OCaml.t -> t -> Printexc.Slot.t list
module Function_entry_point : sig
type t
val to_int64 : t -> Int64.t
module Function_identifier : sig
type t
(* CR-soon mshinwell: same as [Function_entry_point] now *)
val to_int64 : t -> Int64.t
module Shape_table : sig
type t
module Trace : sig
(** A value of type [t] holds the dynamic call structure of the program
(i.e. which functions have called which other functions) together with
information required to decode profiling annotations written into
values' headers. *)
type t
type node
type ocaml_node
type foreign_node
type uninstrumented_node
module OCaml : sig
module Allocation_point : sig
(** A value of type [t] corresponds to an allocation point in OCaml
code. *)
type t
(** The program counter at (or close to) the allocation site. *)
val program_counter : t -> Program_counter.OCaml.t
(** The annotation written into the headers of boxed values allocated
at the given allocation site. *)
val annotation : t -> Annotation.t
(** The total number of words allocated at this point. *)
val num_words_including_headers : t -> int
module Direct_call_point : sig
(** A value of type ['target t] corresponds to a direct (i.e. known
at compile time) call point in OCaml code. ['target] is the type
of the node corresponding to the callee. *)
type 'target t
(** The program counter at (or close to) the call site. *)
val call_site : _ t -> Program_counter.OCaml.t
(** The address of the first instruction of the callee. *)
val callee : _ t -> Function_entry_point.t
(** The node corresponding to the callee. *)
val callee_node : 'target t -> 'target
module Indirect_call_point : sig
(** A value of type [t] corresponds to an indirect call point in OCaml
code. Each such value contains a list of callees to which the
call point has branched. *)
type t
(** The program counter at (or close to) the call site. *)
val call_site : t -> Program_counter.OCaml.t
module Callee : sig
type t
(** The address of the first instruction of the callee. *)
val callee : t -> Function_entry_point.t
(** The node corresponding to the callee. *)
val callee_node : t -> node
(** Move to the next callee to which this call point has branched.
[None] is returned when the end of the list is reached. *)
val next : t -> t option
(** The list of callees to which this indirect call point has
branched. *)
val callees : t -> Callee.t option
module Field : sig
(** A value of type [t] enables iteration through the contents
("fields") of an OCaml node. *)
type t
type direct_call_point =
| To_ocaml of ocaml_node Direct_call_point.t
| To_foreign of foreign_node Direct_call_point.t
(* CR-soon mshinwell: once everything's finished, "uninstrumented"
should be able to go away. Let's try to do this after the
first release. *)
| To_uninstrumented of
uninstrumented_node Direct_call_point.t
type classification =
| Allocation of Allocation_point.t
| Direct_call of direct_call_point
| Indirect_call of Indirect_call_point.t
val classify : t -> classification
val next : t -> t option
module Node : sig
(** A node corresponding to an invocation of a function written in
OCaml. *)
type t = ocaml_node
val compare : t -> t -> int
(** A unique identifier for the function corresponding to this node. *)
val function_identifier : t -> Function_identifier.t
(** This function traverses a circular list. *)
val next_in_tail_call_chain : t -> t
val fields : t -> shape_table:Shape_table.t -> Field.t option
module Foreign : sig
module Allocation_point : sig
(** A value of type [t] corresponds to an allocation point in non-OCaml
code. *)
type t
val program_counter : t -> Program_counter.Foreign.t
val annotation : t -> Annotation.t
val num_words_including_headers : t -> int
module Call_point : sig
(** A value of type [t] corresponds to a call point from non-OCaml
code (to either non-OCaml code, or OCaml code via the usual
assembly veneer). *)
type t
(** N.B. The address of the callee (of type [Function_entry_point.t]) is
not available. It must be recovered during post-processing. *)
val call_site : t -> Program_counter.Foreign.t
val callee_node : t -> node
module Field : sig
(** A value of type [t] enables iteration through the contents ("fields")
of a C node. *)
type t
type classification = private
| Allocation of Allocation_point.t
| Call of Call_point.t
val classify : t -> classification
val next : t -> t option
module Node : sig
(** A node corresponding to an invocation of a function written in C
(or any other language that is not OCaml). *)
type t = foreign_node
val compare : t -> t -> int
val fields : t -> Field.t option
module Node : sig
(** Either an OCaml or a foreign node; or an indication that this
is a branch of the graph corresponding to uninstrumented
code. *)
type t = node
val compare : t -> t -> int
type classification = private
| OCaml of OCaml.Node.t
| Foreign of Foreign.Node.t
val classify : t -> classification
val of_ocaml_node : OCaml.Node.t -> t
val of_foreign_node : Foreign.Node.t -> t
module Set : Set.S with type elt = t
module Map : Map.S with type key = t
(** Obtains the root of the graph for traversal. [None] is returned if
the graph is empty. *)
val root : t -> Node.t option
module Heap_snapshot : sig
type t
type heap_snapshot = t
module Entries : sig
(** An immutable array of the total number of blocks (= boxed
values) and the total number of words occupied by such blocks
(including their headers) for each profiling annotation in
the heap. *)
type t
val length : t -> int
val annotation : t -> int -> Annotation.t
val num_blocks : t -> int -> int
val num_words_including_headers : t -> int -> int
(** The timestamp of a snapshot. The units are as for [Sys.time]
(unless custom timestamps are being provided, cf. the [Spacetime] module
in the standard library). *)
val timestamp : t -> float
val gc_stats : t -> Gc_stats.t
val entries : t -> Entries.t
val words_scanned : t -> int
val words_scanned_with_profinfo : t -> int
module Total_allocation : sig
type t
val annotation : t -> Annotation.t
val num_words_including_headers : t -> int
val next : t -> t option
(** Total allocations across *all threads*. *)
(* CR-someday mshinwell: change the relevant variables to be thread-local *)
val total_allocations : t -> Total_allocation.t option
module Event : sig
type t
val event_name : t -> string
val timestamp : t -> float
module Series : sig
type t
(** At present, the [Trace.t] associated with a [Series.t] cannot be
garbage collected or freed. This should not be a problem, since
the intention is that a post-processor reads the trace and outputs
another format. *)
val read : path:string -> t
val time_of_writer_close : t -> float
val num_threads : t -> int
type trace_kind = Normal | Finaliser
val trace : t -> kind:trace_kind -> thread_index:int -> Trace.t option
val frame_table : t -> Frame_table.t
val shape_table : t -> Shape_table.t
val num_snapshots : t -> int
val snapshot : t -> index:int -> heap_snapshot
val events : t -> Event.t list