/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/lib/ocaml/arg.ml is in ocaml-mingw-w64-i686 4.01.0~20140328-1build6.
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(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Damien Doligez, projet Para, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with *)
(* the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE. *)
(* *)
type key = string
type doc = string
type usage_msg = string
type anon_fun = (string -> unit)
type spec =
| Unit of (unit -> unit) (* Call the function with unit argument *)
| Bool of (bool -> unit) (* Call the function with a bool argument *)
| Set of bool ref (* Set the reference to true *)
| Clear of bool ref (* Set the reference to false *)
| String of (string -> unit) (* Call the function with a string argument *)
| Set_string of string ref (* Set the reference to the string argument *)
| Int of (int -> unit) (* Call the function with an int argument *)
| Set_int of int ref (* Set the reference to the int argument *)
| Float of (float -> unit) (* Call the function with a float argument *)
| Set_float of float ref (* Set the reference to the float argument *)
| Tuple of spec list (* Take several arguments according to the
spec list *)
| Symbol of string list * (string -> unit)
(* Take one of the symbols as argument and
call the function with the symbol. *)
| Rest of (string -> unit) (* Stop interpreting keywords and call the
function with each remaining argument *)
exception Bad of string
exception Help of string
type error =
| Unknown of string
| Wrong of string * string * string (* option, actual, expected *)
| Missing of string
| Message of string
exception Stop of error;; (* used internally *)
open Printf
let rec assoc3 x l =
match l with
| [] -> raise Not_found
| (y1, y2, y3) :: t when y1 = x -> y2
| _ :: t -> assoc3 x t
let make_symlist prefix sep suffix l =
match l with
| [] -> "<none>"
| h::t -> (List.fold_left (fun x y -> x ^ sep ^ y) (prefix ^ h) t) ^ suffix
let print_spec buf (key, spec, doc) =
if String.length doc > 0 then
match spec with
| Symbol (l, _) ->
bprintf buf " %s %s%s\n" key (make_symlist "{" "|" "}" l) doc
| _ ->
bprintf buf " %s %s\n" key doc
let help_action () = raise (Stop (Unknown "-help"));;
let add_help speclist =
let add1 =
try ignore (assoc3 "-help" speclist); []
with Not_found ->
["-help", Unit help_action, " Display this list of options"]
and add2 =
try ignore (assoc3 "--help" speclist); []
with Not_found ->
["--help", Unit help_action, " Display this list of options"]
speclist @ (add1 @ add2)
let usage_b buf speclist errmsg =
bprintf buf "%s\n" errmsg;
List.iter (print_spec buf) (add_help speclist);
let usage_string speclist errmsg =
let b = Buffer.create 200 in
usage_b b speclist errmsg;
Buffer.contents b;
let usage speclist errmsg =
eprintf "%s" (usage_string speclist errmsg);
let current = ref 0;;
let parse_argv_dynamic ?(current=current) argv speclist anonfun errmsg =
let l = Array.length argv in
let b = Buffer.create 200 in
let initpos = !current in
let stop error =
let progname = if initpos < l then argv.(initpos) else "(?)" in
begin match error with
| Unknown "-help" -> ()
| Unknown "--help" -> ()
| Unknown s ->
bprintf b "%s: unknown option `%s'.\n" progname s
| Missing s ->
bprintf b "%s: option `%s' needs an argument.\n" progname s
| Wrong (opt, arg, expected) ->
bprintf b "%s: wrong argument `%s'; option `%s' expects %s.\n"
progname arg opt expected
| Message s ->
bprintf b "%s: %s.\n" progname s
usage_b b !speclist errmsg;
if error = Unknown "-help" || error = Unknown "--help"
then raise (Help (Buffer.contents b))
else raise (Bad (Buffer.contents b))
incr current;
while !current < l do
let s = argv.(!current) in
if String.length s >= 1 && String.get s 0 = '-' then begin
let action =
try assoc3 s !speclist
with Not_found -> stop (Unknown s)
begin try
let rec treat_action = function
| Unit f -> f ();
| Bool f when !current + 1 < l ->
let arg = argv.(!current + 1) in
begin try f (bool_of_string arg)
with Invalid_argument "bool_of_string" ->
raise (Stop (Wrong (s, arg, "a boolean")))
incr current;
| Set r -> r := true;
| Clear r -> r := false;
| String f when !current + 1 < l ->
f argv.(!current + 1);
incr current;
| Symbol (symb, f) when !current + 1 < l ->
let arg = argv.(!current + 1) in
if List.mem arg symb then begin
f argv.(!current + 1);
incr current;
end else begin
raise (Stop (Wrong (s, arg, "one of: "
^ (make_symlist "" " " "" symb))))
| Set_string r when !current + 1 < l ->
r := argv.(!current + 1);
incr current;
| Int f when !current + 1 < l ->
let arg = argv.(!current + 1) in
begin try f (int_of_string arg)
with Failure "int_of_string" ->
raise (Stop (Wrong (s, arg, "an integer")))
incr current;
| Set_int r when !current + 1 < l ->
let arg = argv.(!current + 1) in
begin try r := (int_of_string arg)
with Failure "int_of_string" ->
raise (Stop (Wrong (s, arg, "an integer")))
incr current;
| Float f when !current + 1 < l ->
let arg = argv.(!current + 1) in
begin try f (float_of_string arg);
with Failure "float_of_string" ->
raise (Stop (Wrong (s, arg, "a float")))
incr current;
| Set_float r when !current + 1 < l ->
let arg = argv.(!current + 1) in
begin try r := (float_of_string arg);
with Failure "float_of_string" ->
raise (Stop (Wrong (s, arg, "a float")))
incr current;
| Tuple specs ->
List.iter treat_action specs;
| Rest f ->
while !current < l - 1 do
f argv.(!current + 1);
incr current;
| _ -> raise (Stop (Missing s))
treat_action action
with Bad m -> stop (Message m);
| Stop e -> stop e;
incr current;
end else begin
(try anonfun s with Bad m -> stop (Message m));
incr current;
let parse_argv ?(current=current) argv speclist anonfun errmsg =
parse_argv_dynamic ~current:current argv (ref speclist) anonfun errmsg;
let parse l f msg =
parse_argv Sys.argv l f msg;
| Bad msg -> eprintf "%s" msg; exit 2;
| Help msg -> printf "%s" msg; exit 0;
let parse_dynamic l f msg =
parse_argv_dynamic Sys.argv l f msg;
| Bad msg -> eprintf "%s" msg; exit 2;
| Help msg -> printf "%s" msg; exit 0;
let second_word s =
let len = String.length s in
let rec loop n =
if n >= len then len
else if s.[n] = ' ' then loop (n+1)
else n
try loop (String.index s ' ')
with Not_found -> len
let max_arg_len cur (kwd, spec, doc) =
match spec with
| Symbol _ -> max cur (String.length kwd)
| _ -> max cur (String.length kwd + second_word doc)
let add_padding len ksd =
match ksd with
| (_, _, "") ->
(* Do not pad undocumented options, so that they still don't show up when
* run through [usage] or [parse]. *)
| (kwd, (Symbol (l, _) as spec), msg) ->
let cutcol = second_word msg in
let spaces = String.make (len - cutcol + 3) ' ' in
(kwd, spec, "\n" ^ spaces ^ msg)
| (kwd, spec, msg) ->
let cutcol = second_word msg in
let spaces = String.make (len - String.length kwd - cutcol) ' ' in
let prefix = String.sub msg 0 cutcol in
let suffix = String.sub msg cutcol (String.length msg - cutcol) in
(kwd, spec, prefix ^ spaces ^ suffix)
let align speclist =
let completed = add_help speclist in
let len = List.fold_left max_arg_len 0 completed in
List.map (add_padding len) completed