/usr/share/arc/scan_common.sh is in nordugrid-arc-arex 5.4.2-1build1.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 | # This file contains functions that are used througout the scan-*-job scripts.
progname=$(basename "$0")
# scan-*-jobs has STDOUT redirected to /dev/null and STDERR redirected to
# job.helper..errors
log () { echo "[`date +%Y-%m-%d\ %T`] $progname: $*" 1>&2; }
perflog_common () {
d=`date +%F`
#gather performance information
loadavg=`cat /proc/loadavg`
memtotal=$(a=`grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo`; echo ${a#MemTotal:})
memfree=$(a=`grep MemFree /proc/meminfo`; echo ${a#MemFree:})
if [ -d "$jobstatus_dir" ]; then
jsd_size=`ls -l $jobstatus_dir| wc -l`
jsdP_size=`ls -l $jobstatus_dir/processing | wc -l`
#log the loadavg, stripping the last elemenmt, and the rest of the gathered info
echo "[`date +%Y-%m-%d\ %T`] LoadAVG: ${loadavg% *}" >> $perflog_fname;
echo "[`date +%Y-%m-%d\ %T`] MemStat: $memtotal $memfree" >> $perflog_fname;
echo "[`date +%Y-%m-%d\ %T`] Control dir: $jsd_size $jsdP_size" >> $perflog_fname;
# gather gridftp info
gftp_pid=`cat /var/run/gridftpd.pid`
gsiftp=`top -b -n 1 -p ${gftp_pid} | grep -w ${gftp_pid} | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//'`
echo -e "[`date +%Y-%m-%d\ %T`] Gridftpd: $gsiftp" >> $perflog_fname;
# gather slapd info
slapd_pid=`cat /var/run/arc/bdii/db/slapd.pid`
slapd=`top -b -n 1 -p ${slapd_pid} | grep -w ${slapd_pid} | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//'`
echo -e "[`date +%Y-%m-%d\ %T`] Slapd: ${slapd}" >> $perflog_fname;
# gather a-rex information
arex_pid=`cat /var/run/arched-arex.pid`
arex=`top -b -n 1 -p ${arex_pid} | grep -w ${arex_pid} | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//'`
echo -e "[`date +%Y-%m-%d\ %T`] A-Rex: ${arex}" >> $perflog_fname;
unset perflog_dname
unset perflog_fname
unset jobstatus_dir
# This function takes a time interval formatted as 789:12:34:56 (with days) or
# 12:34:56 (without days) and transforms it to seconds. It returns the result in
# the return_interval_seconds variable.
interval_to_seconds () {
_interval_size=`echo $_interval_dhms | grep -o : | wc -l`
if [ $_interval_size -eq 2 ]; then
return_interval_seconds=`echo $_interval_dhms | tr : ' ' | awk '{print $1*60*60+$2*60+$3;}'`
elif [ $_interval_size -eq 3 ]; then
return_interval_seconds=`echo $_interval_dhms | tr : ' ' | awk '{print $1*24*60*60+$2*60*60+$3*60+$4;}'`
echo "Bad formatting of time interval: $_interval_dhms" >&2
unset _interval_dhms _interval_size
# This function takes a date string in the form recognized by the date utility
# and transforms it into seconds in UTC time. It returns the result in the
# return_date_seconds variable.
date_to_utc_seconds () {
[ -z "$_date_string" ] && return
_date_seconds=`date -d "$_date_string" +%s`
[ ! $? = 0 ] && return
date_seconds_to_utc "$_date_seconds"
unset _date_string _date_seconds
# This function takes a timestamp as seconds in local time and transforms it into
# seconds in UTC time. It returns the result in the return_date_seconds variable.
date_seconds_to_utc () {
_offset_hms=`date +"%::z"`
_offset_seconds=`echo $_offset_hms | tr ':' ' ' | awk '{ print $1*60*60+$2*60+$3; }'`
return_date_seconds=$(( $_date_seconds - ($_offset_seconds) ))
unset _date_seconds _offset_hms _offset_seconds
# This function takes a timestamp as seconds and transforms it to Mds date
# format (YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ). It returns the result in the return_mds_date
# variable.
seconds_to_mds_date () {
return_mds_date=`date -d "1970-01-01 UTC $_date_seconds seconds" +"%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ"`
unset _date_seconds
# gets the numerical uid of the owner of a file
get_owner_uid () {
script='my $filename = $ARGV[0];
exit 1 unless $filename;
my @stat = stat($ARGV[0]);
exit 1 unless defined $stat[4];
print "$stat[4]\n";
/usr/bin/perl -we "$script" "$1"
# If running as root, attempts to switch to the uid passed as the first
# argument and then runs the command passed as the second argument in a shell.
# The remaining arguments are passed as arguments to the shell.
do_as_uid () {
test $# -ge 2 || { log "do_as_uid requires 2 arguments"; return 1; }
script='use English;
my ($uid, @args) = @ARGV;
if ( $UID == 0 ) {
my ($name, $pass, $uid, $gid, $quota, $comment, $gcos, $dir, $shell, $expire) = getpwuid($uid);
eval {
$GID = $gid;
$UID = $uid };
print STDERR "Cannot switch to uid($UID): $@\n" if $@;
exit 0 if $? eq 0;
exit ($?>>8||128+($?&127));
/usr/bin/perl -we "$script" "$@"
# Input variables:
# * sessiondir
# * uid
# Output variables:
# * diagstring -- the whole contents of .diag
# * nodename
# * WallTime
# * UserTime
# * KernelTime
# * TotalMemory
# * ResidentMemory
# * LRMSStartTime
# * LRMSEndTime
# * exitcode
job_read_diag() {
[ -n "$uid" ] && [ -n "$sessiondir" ] \
|| { log "job_read_diag requires the following to be set: uid sessiondir"; return 1; }
[ -f "$diagfile" ] || { log "diag file not found at: $sessiondir.diag"; return 1; }
diagstring=$(do_as_uid $uid "tail -n 1000 '$diagfile'")
[ $? = 0 ] || { log "cannot read diag file at: $diagfile"; return 1; }
nodename=$(echo "$diagstring" | sed -n 's/^nodename=\(..*\)/\1/p')
WallTime=$(echo "$diagstring" | sed -n 's/^WallTime=\([0-9.]*\)s/\1/p' | tail -n 1)
UserTime=$(echo "$diagstring" | sed -n 's/^UserTime=\([0-9.]*\)s/\1/p' | tail -n 1)
KernelTime=$(echo "$diagstring" | sed -n 's/^KernelTime=\([0-9.]*\)s/\1/p' | tail -n 1)
TotalMemory=$(echo "$diagstring" | sed -n 's/^AverageTotalMemory=\([0-9.]*\)kB/\1/p' | tail -n 1)
ResidentMemory=$(echo "$diagstring" | sed -n 's/^AverageResidentMemory=\([0-9.]*\)kB/\1/p' | tail -n 1)
LRMSStartTime=$(echo "$diagstring" | sed -n 's/^LRMSStartTime=\([0-9][0-9]*Z\)/\1/p' | tail -n 1)
LRMSEndTime=$(echo "$diagstring" | sed -n 's/^LRMSEndTime=\([0-9][0-9]*Z\)/\1/p' | tail -n 1)
exitcode=$(echo "$diagstring" | sed -n 's/^exitcode=\([0-9]*\)/\1/p' | tail -n 1)
for key in nodename WallTime UserTime KernelTime AverageTotalMemory AverageResidentMemory \
exitcode LRMSStartTime LRMSEndTime LRMSExitcode LRMSMessage; do
diagstring=$(echo "$diagstring" | grep -v "^$key=")
# These are set on the font-end. Not to be overwritten
diagstring=$(echo "$diagstring" | grep -v "^frontend_")
diagstring=$(echo "$diagstring" | grep -v "^Processors=")
# Input variables:
# * sessiondir
# * uid
# * LRMSExitcode
# * LRMSMessage
# + all output variables from job_read_diag
# OBS: nodename should be a multi-line string, one line per node (or is it per cpu used?)
# OBS: UserTime, KernelTime, Walltime must be given in seconds (without unit at the end)
# OBS: TotalMemory, ResidentMemory must be given in kB (without unit at the end)
# OBS: LRMSStartTime, LRMSEndTime must be of Mds form YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ (note: UTC timezone)
job_write_diag() {
[ -n "$uid" ] && [ -n "$sessiondir" ] \
|| { log "job_write_diag requires the following to be set: uid sessiondir"; return 1; }
{ echo "$diagstring" && echo
[ -n "$nodename" ] && echo "$nodename" | sed -n 's/^\(..*\)/nodename=\1/p'
[ -n "$WallTime" ] && echo "WallTime=${WallTime}s"
[ -n "$Processors" ] && echo "Processors=${Processors}"
[ -n "$UserTime" ] && echo "UserTime=${UserTime}s"
[ -n "$KernelTime" ] && echo "KernelTime=${KernelTime}s"
[ -n "$TotalMemory" ] && echo "AverageTotalMemory=${TotalMemory}kB"
[ -n "$ResidentMemory" ] && echo "AverageResidentMemory=${ResidentMemory}kB"
[ -n "$LRMSStartTime" ] && echo "LRMSStartTime=$LRMSStartTime"
[ -n "$LRMSEndTime" ] && echo "LRMSEndTime=$LRMSEndTime"
[ -n "$LRMSMessage" ] && echo "LRMSMessage=$LRMSMessage"
[ -n "$LRMSExitcode" ] && echo "LRMSExitcode=$LRMSExitcode"
[ -n "$exitcode" ] && echo "exitcode=$exitcode"
} | do_as_uid $uid "cat > '$diagfile'"
[ $? = 0 ] || { log "cannot write diag file at: $diagfile"; return 1; }
# Append .comment (containing STDOUT & STDERR of the job wrapper) to .errors
# This file can also contain a message from the LRMS (i.e. the reason for killing the job).
save_commentfile () {
{ echo '------- Contents of output stream forwarded by the LRMS ---------'
cat '$commentfile' 2> /dev/null
echo '------------------------- End of output -------------------------'
} >> '$errorsfile'
do_as_uid "$uid" "$action"