/usr/share/lua/5.1/lgi/namespace.lua is in lua-lgi 0.9.2-1.
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-- lgi Support for repository namespace
-- Copyright (c) 2010, 2011,2016 Pavel Holejsovsky
-- Licensed under the MIT license:
-- http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
local type, rawget, next, pairs, require, pcall, setmetatable, assert
= type, rawget, next, pairs, require, pcall, setmetatable, assert
local package = require 'package'
local core = require 'lgi.core'
local enum = require 'lgi.enum'
local component = require 'lgi.component'
local record = require 'lgi.record'
local class = require 'lgi.class'
-- Table containing loaders for various GI types, indexed by
-- gi.InfoType constants.
local typeloader = {}
typeloader['function'] =
function(namespace, info)
return core.callable.new(info), '_function'
function typeloader.constant(namespace, info)
return core.constant(info), '_constant'
function typeloader.enum(namespace, info)
return enum.load(info, enum.enum_mt), '_enum'
function typeloader.flags(namespace, info)
return enum.load(info, enum.bitflags_mt), '_enum'
function typeloader.struct(namespace, info)
-- Avoid exposing internal structs created for object implementations.
if not info.is_gtype_struct then
return record.load(info), '_struct'
function typeloader.union(namespace, info)
return record.load(info), '_union'
function typeloader.interface(namespace, info)
return class.load_interface(namespace, info), '_interface'
function typeloader.object(namespace, info)
return class.load_class(namespace, info), '_class'
-- Repo namespace metatable.
local namespace = {
mt = {
_categories = { '_class', '_interface', '_struct', '_union', '_enum',
'_function', '_constant', },
_category_mt = {},
-- Gets symbol of the specified namespace, if not present yet, tries to load it
-- on-demand.
function namespace.mt:__index(symbol)
-- Check whether symbol is present in the metatable.
local val = namespace.mt[symbol]
if val then return val end
-- Check, whether there is some precondition in the lazy-loading table.
local preconditions = rawget(self, '_precondition')
local precondition = preconditions and preconditions[symbol]
if precondition then
local package = preconditions[symbol]
if not preconditions[package] then
preconditions[package] = true
require('lgi.override.' .. package)
preconditions[package] = nil
preconditions[symbol] = nil
if not next(preconditions) then self._precondition = nil end
-- Check, whether symbol is already loaded.
val = component.mt._element(self, nil, symbol, namespace.mt._categories)
if val then return val end
-- Lookup baseinfo of requested symbol in the GIRepository.
local info = core.gi[self._name][symbol]
if not info then return nil end
-- Decide according to symbol type what to do.
local loader = typeloader[info.type]
if loader then
local category
val, category = loader(self, info)
-- Cache the symbol in specified category in the namespace.
if val then
local cat = rawget(self, category)
if not cat then
local mt = namespace.mt._category_mt[category]
if not mt then
mt = {}
namespace.mt._category_mt[category] = mt
cat = setmetatable({ _namespace = self }, mt)
self[category] = cat
-- Store symbol into the repo, but only if it is not already
-- there. It could by added to repo as byproduct of loading
-- other symbol.
if not cat[symbol] then cat[symbol] = val end
elseif info.is_gtype_struct then
-- If we have XxxClass name, try to lookup class structure of
-- the Xxx object.
local class = (symbol:match('^(%w+)Class$')
or symbol:match('^(%w+)Iface$')
or symbol:match('^(%w+)Interface$'))
if class then
class = self[class]
if class then val = class._class end
val = info
return val
-- Resolves everything in the namespace by iterating through it.
function namespace.mt:_resolve(recurse)
-- Iterate through all items in the namespace and dereference them,
-- which causes them to be loaded in and cached inside the namespace
-- table.
local gi_ns = core.gi[self._name]
for i = 1, #gi_ns do
local ok, component = pcall(function() return self[gi_ns[i].name] end)
if ok and recurse and type(component) == 'table' then
local resolve = component._resolve
if resolve then resolve(component, recurse) end
return self
-- Makes sure that the namespace (optionally with requested version)
-- is properly loaded.
function namespace.require(name, version)
-- Load the namespace info for GIRepository. This also verifies
-- whether requested version can be loaded.
local ns_info = assert(core.gi.require(name, version))
-- If the repository table does not exist yet, create it.
local ns = rawget(core.repo, name)
if not ns then
ns = setmetatable({ _name = name, _version = ns_info.version,
_dependencies = ns_info.dependencies },
core.repo[name] = ns
-- Make sure that all dependent namespaces are also loaded.
for name, version in pairs(ns._dependencies or {}) do
namespace.require(name, version)
-- Try to load override, if it is present.
local override_name = 'lgi.override.' .. ns._name
local ok, msg = pcall(require, override_name)
if not ok then
-- Try parsing message; if it is something different than
-- "module xxx not found", then attempt to load again and let
-- the exception fly out.
if not msg:find("module '" .. override_name .. "' not found:",
1, true) then
package.loaded[override_name] = nil
if ok and type(msg) == "string" then
-- It's an error message for something that does not want to be
-- re-loaded, see e.g. the call to Gtk.init_check() in Gtk.lua.
return ns
return namespace